
Tang Guoqiang: The original partner hanged himself, and the magnificent child was born with a congenital disability, and he still insists on running around to make money at the age of 70

author:Leave no trace in the Hall of Knowledge
Tang Guoqiang: The original partner hanged himself, and the magnificent child was born with a congenital disability, and he still insists on running around to make money at the age of 70
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Tang Guoqiang: The original partner hanged himself, and the magnificent child was born with a congenital disability, and he still insists on running around to make money at the age of 70

From Qingdao to stardom, Tang Guoqiang's acting career seems to be glamorous. But beneath this aura lies the tragedy of the ex-wife, the challenges of reorganizing the family, and the troubles of the children's health.

These life changes are like an undercurrent, pushing the 70-year-old to still run on the set, making unremitting efforts for life and responsibility. Let's uncover the sad story behind this evergreen on the screen, and get a glimpse of his life trajectory of perseverance and struggle.

Tang Guoqiang's artistic journey began in the beautiful coastal city of Qingdao, Shandong. Having had a keen interest in the performing arts since childhood, he began his acting career by joining the local repertory troupe after completing secondary school.

With his passion and talent for acting, the young Tang Guoqiang quickly rose to prominence in the troupe and became an indispensable core force.

Tang Guoqiang: The original partner hanged himself, and the magnificent child was born with a congenital disability, and he still insists on running around to make money at the age of 70

However, Tang Guoqiang's ideals do not stop there. With bigger dreams, he actively looks for a broader stage to showcase his talents. In 1975, the opportunity finally came.

Tang Guoqiang starred in a war-themed movie called "South China Sea Storm", playing a heroic and fearless male lead. This role not only deeply touched the audience, but also won Tang Guoqiang the first loyal supporters.

In 1979, Tang Guoqiang ushered in another peak in his career. The movie "Little Flower" starring him not only won the important award of "Hundred Flowers Award", but also won unanimous praise from audiences at home and abroad.

This is not only Tang Guoqiang's first personal award-winning experience, but also marks his status in the film industry has been widely recognized.

Tang Guoqiang: The original partner hanged himself, and the magnificent child was born with a congenital disability, and he still insists on running around to make money at the age of 70

Just when his career was booming, Tang Guoqiang's personal life also ushered in an important turning point. In the same year, he tied the knot with the gentle and virtuous Ms. Sun Tao and opened a new chapter in his life together.

Four years later, in 1983, they ushered in the crystallization of love - their lovely daughter Tang Li.

The early days of Tang Guoqiang and Sun Tao's marriage were full of sweetness and hope. However, as Tang Guoqiang continued to climb in his acting career, heavy work gradually occupied most of his time.

The long-term living conditions of gathering less and leaving more have quietly buried hidden dangers between the couple.

Tang Guoqiang: The original partner hanged himself, and the magnificent child was born with a congenital disability, and he still insists on running around to make money at the age of 70

In 1979, during the filming of "Little Flower", a rumor about the ambiguous relationship between Tang Guoqiang and the female lead Chen Chong quietly circulated in the crew. Although this rumor was eventually proven to be baseless, it still left an indelible shadow in Sun Tao's heart and became one of the fuses of the marriage crisis in the future.

With the passage of time, the relationship between Tang Guoqiang and Sun Tao gradually fell to the freezing point. In the late 80s, Sun Tao's mental condition deteriorated and he had to undergo long-term hospitalization in Qingdao.

Seeing her daughter's increasingly thin face, Sun Tao's mother and sister were heartbroken, and finally decided to take her home to take care of her.

However, the psychological trauma brought to Sun Tao by this marital crisis is far deeper than imagined. On the eve of the Spring Festival in 1990, in a heartbreaking decision, Sun Tao chose to end his life in his own toilet.

Tang Guoqiang: The original partner hanged himself, and the magnificent child was born with a congenital disability, and he still insists on running around to make money at the age of 70

This bad news shocked everyone like a bolt from the blue.

Sun Tao's mother and sister were grief-stricken and pointed the finger at Tang Guoqiang. They firmly believe that Tang Guoqiang had already had an affair with his second wife, Zhuangli, two years ago.

They accused Tang Guoqiang of cruelly proposing to break up in order to marry a new love as soon as possible, regardless of Sun Tao's mental condition.

However, the truth of the matter is far more complicated than it seems. From the suicide note left by Sun Tao, we see a woman who loves her husband deeply. She did not accuse Tang Guoqiang of infidelity, but expressed her loyalty to love.

Tang Guoqiang: The original partner hanged himself, and the magnificent child was born with a congenital disability, and he still insists on running around to make money at the age of 70

This casts a fog over the whole affair that is difficult to unravel.

In another suicide note, Sun Tao called on his daughter to avenge himself and cursed Tang Guoqiang for having a troubled conscience until the end of his life. These contradictory information made it difficult to understand Sun Tao's true thoughts, and also brought huge psychological pressure and social public opinion pressure to Tang Guoqiang.

Sun Tao's departure brought a huge blow to Tang Guoqiang. He fell into deep self-reproach and sorrow, and for a time could not extricate himself. For a long time, Tang Guoqiang was depressed and unable to accept this cruel reality.

Just when Tang Guoqiang fell into a low point in his life, fate gave him a turn for the better and brought new challenges to his life. This turnaround not only helped him get out of the haze of grief, but also opened a new chapter for his future.

Tang Guoqiang: The original partner hanged himself, and the magnificent child was born with a congenital disability, and he still insists on running around to make money at the age of 70

However, this turning point also pushed him to a more complex and challenging stage of his life.

At the lowest point of Tang Guoqiang's life, the magnificent appearance was like a ray of sunshine, illuminating his dark world. Magnificent was not only a colleague of Tang Guoqiang, but also his student.

The two met while working together at Bayi Film Studio and established a deep friendship.

After learning that Tang Guoqiang had suffered misfortune, Zhuangli did not hesitate to lend a hand. She ran around looking for information about Tang Guoqiang and tried to clear up false accusations for him.

Tang Guoqiang: The original partner hanged himself, and the magnificent child was born with a congenital disability, and he still insists on running around to make money at the age of 70

During this difficult period, Magnificent took care of Tang Guoqiang's daily life, gave him spiritual support and encouragement, and helped him gradually get out of the haze.

Between 1990 and 1993, Tang Guoqiang suspended his acting career. During this time, Magnificent was always by his side, healing the wounds of his soul with endless warmth.

In the process of taking care of Tang Guoqiang, Zhuangli gradually realized that he had fallen in love with this man who had just lost his beloved.

However, Tang Guoqiang did not accept magnificent feelings at the beginning. Considering the age gap and the responsibility of raising his daughter, he chose to refuse. But the magnificent sincerity and persistence finally moved Tang Guoqiang.

Tang Guoqiang: The original partner hanged himself, and the magnificent child was born with a congenital disability, and he still insists on running around to make money at the age of 70

Two years later, Zhuangli successfully persuaded Tang Guoqiang to form a new family on the grounds that Tang Li needed maternal love.

The road to regrouping families has not been smooth. Tang Li is hostile to the sudden appearance of the "new mother". Faced with the arrogant attitude of his stepdaughter, Magnificent was not discouraged.

With endless love and patience, she slowly melted Tang Li's cold heart wall.

Once, Zhuangli specially brought Tang Li a gorgeous dress, hoping to shorten the distance between them. However, Tang Li ruthlessly took off this gift and put on the clothes that her biological mother Sun Tao had bought for her.

Tang Guoqiang: The original partner hanged himself, and the magnificent child was born with a congenital disability, and he still insists on running around to make money at the age of 70

Despite this, Magnificent did not give up and continued to treat Tang Li with love.

Finally, on a thunderstormy night, a turning point came. Tang Li, who was frightened by the thunder, allowed Magnificent to comfort her for the first time. At that moment, Tang Li finally shouted out the belated "Mom", marking the true integration of the family.

In 1996, Magnificent became pregnant unexpectedly. Considering Tang Li's feelings, Zhuangli was hesitant to have this child for a while. But the mature and sensible Tang Li insisted on letting her parents give birth to their children.

In July of the following year, Tang Guoqiang and his magnificent eldest son Tang Yinghan were born, bringing new joy to the family.

Tang Guoqiang: The original partner hanged himself, and the magnificent child was born with a congenital disability, and he still insists on running around to make money at the age of 70

However, there are always trials hidden behind happiness. The newborn baby was diagnosed with a congenital eye disease, which undoubtedly dealt a huge blow to the newly reunited family.

Despite this, Tang Guoqiang and Zhuangli did not give up, but joined hands to face this new challenge and open a new chapter in their lives.

Tang Yinghan's birth is both a joy and a challenge. As an advanced maternal age, Magnificent faces a higher risk during pregnancy. Unfortunately, their fears came true – Tang Yinghan was born with a severe congenital eye disease and had only zero vision in both eyes. 1。

This news was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, but Tang Guoqiang and Zhuangli did not give up. They took their children to seek medical advice and traveled from hospital to hospital. After unremitting efforts and treatment, they finally improved Tang Yinghan's eyesight to 0. 5。

Tang Guoqiang: The original partner hanged himself, and the magnificent child was born with a congenital disability, and he still insists on running around to make money at the age of 70

This process not only costs a lot of money, but also consumes a lot of energy and time from the couple.

Despite all the hardships, Magnificent still has a love and hope for life and decides to give birth to a new life again. This time, they were extra cautious, with a thorough medical examination and thorough preparation.

In 2005, they welcomed their second son, Tang Yingji.

Thankfully, after a systematic and rigorous physical examination, Tang Yingji's physical condition was identified as healthy. This good news was a relief for the whole family, and it also brought new hope and joy to this family that had been through many vicissitudes.

Tang Guoqiang: The original partner hanged himself, and the magnificent child was born with a congenital disability, and he still insists on running around to make money at the age of 70

However, as the children grow, new challenges arise. The eldest son, Tang Yinghan, faced many difficulties in his study and life because of vision problems. Despite his parents' best efforts to help him, these problems still have a big impact on the child's development.

Although the youngest son Tang Yingji is healthy, the cost of education is also a large expense. Especially when considering the possibility of foreign education, this cost makes Tang Guoqiang, who is not young, feel even more pressure.

Now, Tang Guoqiang, who is past his prime, is facing unprecedented pressure. His wife, Zhuangli, lives abroad with his two young sons, while he stays at home and continues his acting career.

Even after completing his career in the Mandarin Theatre, he still frequently took on plays and participated in the filming of various film and television works.

Tang Guoqiang: The original partner hanged himself, and the magnificent child was born with a congenital disability, and he still insists on running around to make money at the age of 70

From 2017 to 2019, Tang Guoqiang's workload was amazing. He has participated in nine variety shows, with an average of three productions per year. For a 70-year-old man, such an intensity of work is undoubtedly a huge challenge.

However, Tang Guoqiang did not complain and still devoted himself to every role with full enthusiasm.

The reason why Tang Guoqiang is so hard is because he has a heavy family responsibility. Although the eldest daughter Tang Li has married a family, the eldest son Tang Yinghan has not yet found a suitable partner due to vision problems and job stability problems, which makes Tang Guoqiang and Zhuangli very worried.

At the same time, the younger son's tuition fees also need to be funded, especially in view of the possible overseas education expenses.

Tang Guoqiang: The original partner hanged himself, and the magnificent child was born with a congenital disability, and he still insists on running around to make money at the age of 70

In the face of these pressures, Tang Guoqiang chose to continue to struggle. In his own way, he interprets what is fatherly love like a mountain, and what is responsibility and responsibility. Although we feel sorry for his hard work, it is more of an admiration for this old artist.

In Tang Guoqiang, we see the tenacity of a father, the persistence of an actor, and the courage of an ordinary person in the face of life's challenges. His story teaches us that no matter how old we are, as long as we have responsibilities on our shoulders, we will never stop moving forward.

Tang Guoqiang's life experience is not only a legend of an actor, but also a true portrayal of an ordinary person facing the ups and downs of life. It allows us to see that even in the twilight of life, as long as there is concern, there will be the motivation to continue to struggle.

This spirit is undoubtedly worthy of learning and respect by each of us.

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