
Can party members and cadres use their legal income to buy luxury goods and stay in luxury hotels at their own expense during business trips?


In recent years, with the rapid development of the mainland's economy and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, it has become fashionable to buy luxury goods and stay in luxury hotels. As a special group in society, every move of party members and cadres has attracted much attention.

So, can party members and cadres use their legal income to buy luxury goods and stay in luxury hotels at their own expense during business trips?

Can party members and cadres use their legal income to buy luxury goods and stay in luxury hotels at their own expense during business trips?

1. Party members and cadres should be cautious when buying luxury goods!

  1. The consumption of luxury goods is easy to cause dissatisfaction among the masses

As servants of the people, party members and cadres should lead by example and take the lead in practicing the core values of socialism. If we blindly pursue extravagant pleasures, it will inevitably arouse the dissatisfaction and disgust of the masses. Even buying luxury goods with legal income is considered by many people to be an act of "working hard and hurting money".

  1. Excessive consumption runs counter to the party's fine traditions

The Communist Party of China has always advocated the fine tradition of diligence and thrift and hard struggle. The lavish purchase of luxury goods by party members and cadres not only violates the purpose of the party, but also violates the requirements of the party constitution that "hardship is the first and enjoyment is last".

  1. Extravagance breeds corruption

In some cases, corrupt officials often start with the pursuit of pleasure and luxury, and eventually slide into the abyss of corruption. Therefore, party members and cadres must always be vigilant, guard against microaggressions, consciously resist extravagance, and be honest and self-disciplined.

Can party members and cadres use their legal income to buy luxury goods and stay in luxury hotels at their own expense during business trips?

2. Be cautious when staying in a luxury hotel at your own expense on a business trip!

  1. Self-pay is also required to be status-compliant

Party members and leading cadres should pay attention to social influence, whether they are in official activities or in their personal lives. Although there is no financial burden to live in a luxury hotel at your own expense, it is contrary to your status and can easily cause adverse reactions.

  1. Accommodation should be modest

As the saying goes, "things are difficult and things are more expensive", business trips and accommodations should be based on the principle of moderation and frugality, and should not be pompous and arrogant. Living in a luxury hotel not only causes the suspicion of extravagance and waste, but also violates the image of party members and cadres who are diligent and thrifty.

  1. Self-discipline is self-respecting

The power in the hands of party members and cadres is given by the people, and the posts are the great trust of the organization and the people. Only by always respecting ourselves, introspective, alerting, and encouraging ourselves can we be worthy of our hearts, people, and the party. Therefore, even if it is self-financed, it is necessary to be strict with oneself, not to exceed the rules, not to deviate.

Can party members and cadres use their legal income to buy luxury goods and stay in luxury hotels at their own expense during business trips?

Although it is not illegal for party members and cadres to buy luxury goods and stay in luxury hotels at their own expense, it is very easy to cause controversy and dissatisfaction, and damage the image of party members and cadres. As leading cadres, they should be cautious about personal consumption behavior, guard against extravagance, set an example, and establish a good image for the whole party. Only in this way can we win the trust and support of the masses and promote the vigorous development of the cause of the party and the country.

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