
A programmer's eldest brother sighed: I'm almost 50 years old and still working on the front line, I'm really afraid of suddenly losing my job


In the past, everyone's idea was to retire early, and to work less for a period of time, but now with the extension of retirement time, early retirement is impossible, but I didn't expect that now even working until retirement is a luxury for many people, most people are middle-aged, if they are unemployed, it is difficult to find a suitable job, and people who can work all the time have become the object of envy!

A programmer's eldest brother sighed: I'm almost 50 years old and still working on the front line, I'm really afraid of suddenly losing my job

A friend posted a sigh: "I am almost 50 years old, as a programmer is still doing a lot of work on the front line, although there is no pressure of housing loans and car loans, but there are two children, the eldest baby has graduated and has not found a job, the second baby is still in high school, the deposit is less than 300,000, if you suddenly lose your job, I really don't know what to do, a little worried!" ”

This friend's original idea was to find some friends who were in the same situation as him and comfort each other, but what he didn't expect was that everyone thought completely differently from him.

A programmer's eldest brother sighed: I'm almost 50 years old and still working on the front line, I'm really afraid of suddenly losing my job

Most of them are netizens who express envy, they say: "I really envy this big brother, the programmer can actually work until he is 50 years old, I don't think I can even do it at the age of 40, now I am in my thirties, I am afraid of being laid off every day, if I can do it until I am 50 years old, I will wake up laughing in my dreams!" ”

Not only friends in their thirties are afraid of losing their jobs, but even friends in their twenties and eighteens are also worried about unemployment.

Another friend said that the eldest brother is in more than 90% of the situation, you will find it from a different angle: "50 years old has a job, no mortgage, no car loan, and savings, both children have grown up, there are a few people who can meet this standard, to be honest, it feels a bit Versailles!" ”

A programmer's eldest brother sighed: I'm almost 50 years old and still working on the front line, I'm really afraid of suddenly losing my job

Seeing the thoughts of these netizens, it really feels sad and funny, the big brother who shared thought that he was anxious enough, but he didn't expect that the young man who was thinking about it was more anxious than him, and the situation was worse than him, I really don't know how to thank him for seeing these comments.

But in the current environment, the programmer industry is really not so good, on the one hand, hundreds of thousands of new people enter the industry every year, and the competitive pressure is increasing day by day.

On the other hand, no matter how good and advanced your technical learning is, as long as you are not young, there is a risk of being eliminated, because most of the work is just screwing, which requires so many advanced skills, and no Internet company will refuse an employee who is physically better than you and cheaper than you.

A programmer's eldest brother sighed: I'm almost 50 years old and still working on the front line, I'm really afraid of suddenly losing my job

After working in the programmer industry for a long time, you will find that technology is very important, physical strength is more important, young people work overtime and recover quickly, but once they get old, they have to spend two or three days to recover, once the recovery is not good, there is also a danger to life.

Therefore, if you want to work in this industry for a longer time, you have to plan for yourself in advance, whether you want to develop in the leadership or in the direction of senior technicians, you have to know in your heart, otherwise once the time comes, you have to leave, and there is no chance of hesitation.

No matter what kind of situation you face, you have three choices: "change the status quo, accept the status quo, escape the status quo", how you will spend the future, depends on how you choose at the moment, may we all find the most suitable choice for yourself, no longer trapped by age, no longer afraid of unemployment! Encourage everyone.

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