
Why is Jackie Chan so ruthless to his illegitimate daughter Wu Zhuolin? Because he admits that there will be more trouble in the future

author:The story chatters
Why is Jackie Chan so ruthless to his illegitimate daughter Wu Zhuolin? Because he admits that there will be more trouble in the future
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Why is Jackie Chan so ruthless to his illegitimate daughter Wu Zhuolin? Because he admits that there will be more trouble in the future

In the hearts of fans around the world, Jackie Chan is the kung fu superstar with a bright smile and vigorous skills. His name is not only resounding in Hollywood, but also the pride of Chinese films.

However, behind this aura of legend, there is a little-known secret.

In addition to the well-known son Fang Zuming, Jackie Chan also has an illegitimate daughter - Wu Zhuolin. When this secret surfaced, Jackie Chan's iconic smiling face instantly froze.

Wu Zhuolin's life trajectory is like a drama of ups and downs. As the illegitimate daughter of kung fu superstar Jackie Chan, she should have had an enviable life. However, reality has dealt her one heavy blow after another.

Why is Jackie Chan so ruthless to his illegitimate daughter Wu Zhuolin? Because he admits that there will be more trouble in the future

In 2017, a news that shocked the entertainment industry was like thunder. Wu Zhuolin, who was only 17 years old, was found hovering on the edge of the rooftop of a high-rise building, his eyes hollow, as if he might jump off at any moment.

This scene can't help but be reminiscent of her father, who has never met - Jackie Chan, who flies on the screen and walks from birth to death. However, in reality, Wu Zhuolin had no one to help her from the brink of danger.

This suicide attempt was only the beginning of Wu Zhuolin's bumpy life. Subsequently, her life seemed to fall into a spiral of constant decline. She bravely opened up about her homosexuality, which was supposed to be a declaration of self-identity and liberation.

However, the lightning union she immediately followed with an internet celebrity brought her more trouble and criticism.

Why is Jackie Chan so ruthless to his illegitimate daughter Wu Zhuolin? Because he admits that there will be more trouble in the future

What was supposed to be a sweet newlywed life turned into a nightmare of domestic violence. Under the spotlight of the media, she was once called "Little Dragon Girl", but now she has become what people call a "problem girl".

Every outbreak of events is like a silent cry to the world, especially to the father I have never met: Look at me, I need help, I need love.

However, she was always met with a chilling silence. In these turmoil, Jackie Chan's absence is particularly glaring. The hero who always stands up on the screen and saves others, but in real life he turns a blind eye to his own flesh and blood.

Wu Zhuolin's every choice seems to push him deeper into the abyss. From suicide attempts to same-sex marriages to domestic violence, her life has become a tragedy that continues to play out.

Why is Jackie Chan so ruthless to his illegitimate daughter Wu Zhuolin? Because he admits that there will be more trouble in the future

This girl, who is related to a kung fu superstar, should have a starry life, but under the weight of reality, she fell into darkness step by step.

In this series of events, people can't help but ask: If there was his father's love and guidance, would Wu Zhuolin's life be different? However, the answer to this question may always remain an unsolved mystery.

At the darkest moment of Wu Zhuolin's life, the public's eyes invariably turned to the father who should have given her shelter - Jackie Chan. However, this superstar, who often plays a heroic role on the screen, seems to wear a mask of indifference when facing his own flesh and blood.

Jackie Chan's attitude towards Wu Zhuolin is too polite to describe as "tepid". He seems to have deliberately distanced himself from this daughter, neither publicly admitting it nor denying it outright.

Why is Jackie Chan so ruthless to his illegitimate daughter Wu Zhuolin? Because he admits that there will be more trouble in the future

This ambiguous attitude is undoubtedly ruthless in the eyes of outsiders. Whenever the media asked about Wu Zhuolin, Jackie Chan's iconic smiling face would instantly stiffen, and a trace of imperceptible panic flashed in his eyes, and then he returned to that calm appearance.

However, an attentive observer may find that under Jackie Chan's deliberately indifferent expression, there is a hint of complexity and contradiction. When talking about Wu Zhuolin, his fingers will unconsciously tap lightly on the tabletop, as if he is engaged in some kind of inner struggle.

Jackie Chan's attitude has sparked a lot of speculation and criticism from the public. Some people think he is ruthless and unrighteous, while others think he is calculating.

On this controversial issue, Jackie Chan chose to remain silent. Does this silence mean that he is struggling within? Is it a lack of fatherly love, or is it a wise choice in a complicated situation? This question may only be answered by Jackie Chan himself.

Why is Jackie Chan so ruthless to his illegitimate daughter Wu Zhuolin? Because he admits that there will be more trouble in the future

To some extent, Jackie Chan's apathetic attitude may be a mechanism for self-preservation. In this era of information explosion, one wrong decision can cause a storm of public opinion.

As a public figure, Jackie Chan's every move is magnified and scrutinized in the spotlight. Acknowledging Mr. Wu would mean confronting a range of potential legal, property and family issues.

Behind Jackie Chan's mask of indifference, there may be more stories we don't know. Perhaps, the kung fu superstar's heroic image in front of the camera and his contradictory choices in real life are a reflection of the dilemmas that everyone can face in this complex world.

On the balance between fatherly love and practical interests, Jackie Chan seems to have chosen the latter. But is this choice really as he wants? In the dead of night, when facing his heart alone, does the kung fu superstar also feel pain and struggle for his decision? These questions may only be answered by Jackie Chan himself.

Why is Jackie Chan so ruthless to his illegitimate daughter Wu Zhuolin? Because he admits that there will be more trouble in the future

And we, as bystanders, may only be able to think about the balance between love, responsibility and reality in this complex story.

In the dazzling entertainment industry, every decision may affect the whole body. For an international superstar like Jackie Chan, the impact of acknowledging an illegitimate daughter is far more complex than most people think.

Jackie Chan is not only faced with a simple moral choice, but also a multi-dimensional problem related to himself, family and career.

First of all, the issue of property is a practical consideration that has to be faced. The wealth that Jackie Chan has accumulated over the years is not only the result of his hard work, but also the embodiment of his brand value.

Why is Jackie Chan so ruthless to his illegitimate daughter Wu Zhuolin? Because he admits that there will be more trouble in the future

Once Wu Zhuolin is publicly recognized, it will inevitably lead to a series of legal and property disputes. Imagine Jackie Chan sitting in a luxurious office, frowning, his fingers unconsciously tapping on the table, as if calculating this account that might make him a pain in the neck.

Acknowledging Wu Zhuolin means facing the risk of property division, which is a decision that needs to be carefully considered by any shrewd businessman.

Secondly, the issue of reputation is an important factor that Jackie Chan has to weigh. In this era of information explosion, one wrong decision can cause a storm of public opinion.

Jackie Chan stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the bustling city outside the window, and a trace of worry flashed in his eyes. He knew that once he recognized Wu Zhuolin, it would be equivalent to publicly admitting his past infidelity.

Why is Jackie Chan so ruthless to his illegitimate daughter Wu Zhuolin? Because he admits that there will be more trouble in the future

This will not only affect his image in the public eye, but may also have an incalculable negative impact on his career. After all, in the eyes of many people, Jackie Chan is not only an actor, but also a symbol, representing integrity, bravery, and positive energy.

Finally, family harmony is also a factor that Jackie Chan must consider. He sighed softly, remembering the names of his wife and son, Fang Zu. Acknowledging Wu Zhuolin will undoubtedly have a huge impact on the existing family.

He could imagine his wife's disappointed eyes and his son's bewildered expression. This kind of family conflict will not only affect his private life, but also indirectly affect his career development.

In the face of this difficult choice, Jackie Chan fell into deep thought. There was a hint of helplessness in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth drooped slightly, revealing a hint of bitterness. As a public figure, his every decision is magnified and scrutinized.

Why is Jackie Chan so ruthless to his illegitimate daughter Wu Zhuolin? Because he admits that there will be more trouble in the future

And as a father, why doesn't he want to give his children love? However, practical considerations forced him to choose between emotion and reason.

Jackie Chan's situation reflects the dilemma faced by many people in the entertainment industry to some extent. In this Vanity Fair, full of temptations and pitfalls, every step needs to be walked with caution.

A seemingly simple family issue can involve many aspects such as career development, public image, and personal wealth.

This is the dilemma faced by Jackie Chan: on the one hand, there is a call for family affection that blood is thicker than water, and on the other hand, there is a cold consideration of practical interests. In this difficult choice, Jackie Chan chose to remain silent and respond with a seemingly indifferent attitude.

Why is Jackie Chan so ruthless to his illegitimate daughter Wu Zhuolin? Because he admits that there will be more trouble in the future

This choice may reflect the helplessness of this cruel reality.

In this complex story, we see not only the plight of a superstar, but also the common dilemma faced by many people in modern society. Between fame and affection, between morality and reality, each of us may face a similar choice.

Jackie Chan's story undoubtedly provides us with an opportunity to think deeply.

Despite the pessimistic status quo, has the possibility of father-daughter recognition really disappeared completely? In fact, the answer to this question may not be so absolute. Jackie Chan's attitude, to a certain extent, also depends on Wu Zhuolin's own actions and performance.

Why is Jackie Chan so ruthless to his illegitimate daughter Wu Zhuolin? Because he admits that there will be more trouble in the future

However, the reality is often more brutal than ideal. At present, Wu Zhuolin seems to be struggling with his own predicament. From suicide scandals to same-sex marriages to domestic violence, these controversial news have undoubtedly had a negative impact on the Jackie Chan family.

In this case, it seems not difficult to understand that Jackie Chan chose to keep his distance.

The road to father-daughter recognition is undoubtedly long and difficult, but hope may always be there. It takes time, effort, and more importantly, understanding and compromise on both sides. Wu Zhuolin needs to prove his worth, while Jackie Chan needs to let go of his worries and give this family a chance.

Only in this way will it be possible for the father and daughter to reconnect and bridge the gap that has been estranged for many years.

Why is Jackie Chan so ruthless to his illegitimate daughter Wu Zhuolin? Because he admits that there will be more trouble in the future

The story of Jackie Chan and Wu Zhuolin has triggered our deep thinking about fame, fortune and family affection. In this complex world, every decision has its own unavoidable suffering.

We can't simply tell what's right or wrong, but we can try to understand everyone's position.

Jackie Chan's choice reflects the dilemma faced by many people in the entertainment industry. Between fame and family, between public image and private life, there is often no perfect solution.

This story teaches us that life is not black and white. Sometimes, we have to choose what is best for us and take responsibility for it.

Why is Jackie Chan so ruthless to his illegitimate daughter Wu Zhuolin? Because he admits that there will be more trouble in the future

This case also makes us reflect: are we neglecting more important things while pursuing career success? Can the value of family affection really be measured by fame and fortune? These questions are worth pondering for everyone.

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