
"Yan Chixia": Obsessed with nightclubs, married a 23-year-old wife, died of liver cancer, Sammo Hung helped the soul

author:Mr. Wen's Reading Club
"Yan Chixia": Obsessed with nightclubs, married a 23-year-old wife, died of liver cancer, Sammo Hung helped the soul
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
"Yan Chixia": Obsessed with nightclubs, married a 23-year-old wife, died of liver cancer, Sammo Hung helped the soul

In 2014, the Hong Kong film industry was shrouded in mourning. The 71-year-old Wu Ma, the "Hong Kong diamond-level supporting actor" who is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people with the role of Yan Chixia, passed away of liver cancer, forever closing his eyes that have bloomed countless wonderful moments.

Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung and other film superstars personally supported their souls, and the scene was moving.

However, Wu Ma's life is far more colorful than the characters he portrays. What few people know is that this Taoist hero on the screen was a frequent visitor to nightclubs, and in his later years, he married a wife who was 23 years younger.

From a teenager from a Tianjin drama family to a legendary supporting actor in the Hong Kong film industry, Wu Ma's life is like a movie with ups and downs, wonderful.

"Yan Chixia": Obsessed with nightclubs, married a 23-year-old wife, died of liver cancer, Sammo Hung helped the soul

In 1942, in a family full of dramatic atmosphere in Tianjin, the afternoon horse fell to the ground. His parents are both famous drama actors in Tianjin Wei, and such a family environment planted deep seeds for Wu Ma's acting career in the future.

With the change of family, the young Wu Ma moved to Hong Kong with his parents, and this city with a rich artistic atmosphere deeply attracted him, and also provided a broad stage for his acting dream.

At the age of 17, an opportunity struck. Shaw Brothers' Southland Experimental Theatre Troupe is open for admission, and Wu Ma, who loves performance, did not hesitate to sign up. With his talent and passion for acting, he successfully became one of the first students.

Two years of professional training not only laid a solid foundation for him, but also allowed him to officially step into the coveted showbiz.

"Yan Chixia": Obsessed with nightclubs, married a 23-year-old wife, died of liver cancer, Sammo Hung helped the soul

However, the noon horse, which was new to Shaw Brothers, was not immediately reused. Like all newcomers to show business, he can often only play small and inconspicuous roles in movies.

But Wu Ma was not discouraged by this, but worked harder. He knows that every role is an opportunity to hone his acting skills. He will carefully study the personality of each character, and at the same time, he will also observe the performance skills of other actors on the set, and constantly learn and improve himself.

Wu Ma's diligence and enthusiasm finally caught the attention of the famous director Zhang Che. In 1965, Wu Ma made his debut in the movie "Mulan". Although there are not many scenes, this experience allowed him to experience the charm of acting in front of the camera, and also strengthened his determination to continue his acting career.

Three years later, an unexpected opportunity completely changed Wu Ma's acting career. During one of the location shoots of director Zhang Che, the assistant director was unable to accompany due to visa issues.

"Yan Chixia": Obsessed with nightclubs, married a 23-year-old wife, died of liver cancer, Sammo Hung helped the soul

In the face of this unexpected situation, Wu Ma plucked up his courage and took the initiative to ask Ying to serve as the interim assistant director. This time he was ordered to be in danger, which not only showed Wu Ma's talent and courage, but also won him Zhang Che's appreciation and support.

Since then, Wuma's acting career has begun to be brilliant. With the strong support of director Zhang Che, Wuma got more performance opportunities and began to make a name for himself in the film industry.

This experience not only allowed Wu Ma to accumulate valuable experience, but also laid a solid foundation for him to become a "diamond-level supporting actor" in the Hong Kong film industry in the future.

With the full support of director Zhang Che, Wu Ma's acting career is like a rising star, gradually shining in the Hong Kong film industry. He has participated in a series of classic films, such as "People Scare Ghosts", "Mr. Zombie", "Uncle Zombie", "A Chinese Ghost Story", "Righteous Heroes", "Six Fingers Demon" and so on.

"Yan Chixia": Obsessed with nightclubs, married a 23-year-old wife, died of liver cancer, Sammo Hung helped the soul

For each character, Wuma has poured all his heart and soul into it, striving to make the characters vivid and leave a deep impression on the audience.

Among them, the role of Yan Chixia in "A Chinese Ghost Story" is undoubtedly the masterpiece of Wu Ma's acting career. This seemingly rough and fierce image of a Taoist priest who is actually soft in his heart has deeply touched countless audiences.

Wu Ma perfectly shows Yan Chixia's justice, humor and inner fragility, creating a three-dimensional and charismatic character. The classic line "Tao is the way, the very way" is still talked about by people today and has become a classic sentence in the history of film.

Wu Ma's superb acting skills have been highly recognized by the industry. With the role of Yan Chixia, he won the Golden Horse Award for Best Supporting Actor. This award is not only an affirmation of Wu Ma's acting skills, but also marks that he has officially become a recognized "diamond-level supporting actor" in the Hong Kong film industry.

"Yan Chixia": Obsessed with nightclubs, married a 23-year-old wife, died of liver cancer, Sammo Hung helped the soul

This title not only highlights his outstanding status among supporting actors, but also highlights his important contribution to the Hong Kong film industry.

However, the afternoon horse did not stop there. He continues to challenge himself in various genres, creating one impressive character after another. Whether it's a comedy or a tragedy, a martial arts or a ghost movie, Wu Ma can control it with ease.

His performances are delicate and nuanced, and he is often able to portray plump characters in limited scenes, which adds a lot to the whole movie.

Wu Ma's success lies not only in his acting skills, but also in his understanding and devotion to the role. He often delves into the characters he plays, figuring out the inner world and motivations of the characters.

"Yan Chixia": Obsessed with nightclubs, married a 23-year-old wife, died of liver cancer, Sammo Hung helped the soul

This kind of professionalism and persistent pursuit of performance have made him stand out among many supporting actors and become an irreplaceable classic in the minds of the audience.

As he gets older, his performances become more and more polished. He is no longer limited to one type of role, but is able to navigate a variety of different styles of characters.

Whether it's decent or villainous, funny or serious, Wu Ma can interpret the role just right. His performance has become a beautiful landscape of Hong Kong films, and has also set an example for future generations of actors.

Wu Ma's acting career is like a wonderful movie. From the initial small role to the later "diamond-level supporting role", he used his own efforts and talents to write his own legend in the Hong Kong film industry.

"Yan Chixia": Obsessed with nightclubs, married a 23-year-old wife, died of liver cancer, Sammo Hung helped the soul

His success is not only for him personally, but also a microcosm of the development of Hong Kong cinema as a whole, witnessing the evolution of Hong Kong cinema from the golden age to modern times. Wu Ma's performing arts will always be a shining pearl in the history of Hong Kong cinema.

Wu Ma's artistic talent is not limited to performing in front of the screen. In 1970, he boldly stepped out of his comfort zone and made his first attempt at directing the film "Furious Sword".

Although this debut film did not make huge waves in the film industry, it gave Wu Ma a taste of the unique charm and challenge of directing, and opened up a new path for his artistic career.

This attempt seems to have opened the Pandora's box of Wu Ma's creation. Since then, he has directed a number of films with different styles, covering a variety of genres. In the list of his directorial works, we can see works such as "My Cousin Arrives", "Three Treasures of Wisdom and Bravery", "Royal Senior Sister", and "Brave Double Cannon".

"Yan Chixia": Obsessed with nightclubs, married a 23-year-old wife, died of liver cancer, Sammo Hung helped the soul

Although these films may not all be commercially successful, they show the multifaceted talent and unique understanding of the art of cinema.

As an experienced actor-turned-director, Wu Ma is good at using his years of accumulated acting experience. He can accurately grasp the performance state of the actors, and is good at mobilizing the emotions of the actors, so that they can present their best state in front of the camera.

At the same time, he also pays attention to the overall atmosphere and rhythm of the film, and strives to bring a unique viewing experience to the audience with each work.

Although his directorial work is not as glamorous as his career as an actor, it has added a new dimension to his artistic career. These directorial experiences not only enriched his creative experience, but also gave him a deeper understanding of film art.

"Yan Chixia": Obsessed with nightclubs, married a 23-year-old wife, died of liver cancer, Sammo Hung helped the soul

From the front of the screen to behind the scenes, from actors to directors, Wu Ma has shown his all-round artistic talent and established the image of an all-round artist in the Hong Kong film industry.

This diversified development not only reflects Wu Ma's love and dedication to film art, but also shows his courage to try and constantly break through his spirit. Wu Ma's directorial career has added a strong touch to his colorful artistic life.

Behind Wu Ma's brilliant acting career, his private life is also eye-catching. When he was young, he was a frequent visitor to Hong Kong nightclubs. Whenever he finishes the filming of a film, he will always go to the nightclub as soon as possible, immersed in the atmosphere of the lights.

For him, it was a haven of stress and solace, and an integral part of his youthful years.

"Yan Chixia": Obsessed with nightclubs, married a 23-year-old wife, died of liver cancer, Sammo Hung helped the soul

In terms of emotional life, Wuma can be described as suave. He was in love with Wang Yuhuan, who was 15 years younger, for 15 years. The two met while filming in Taiwan, and Wu Ma's humor quickly attracted Wang Yuhuan.

Although Wang Yuhuan initially thought that Wuma was "so ugly", as they got along, the two fell in love.

In this relationship, Wuma did his best to support Wang Yuhuan's acting career and shared his resources with her without reservation. With the help of Wu Ma, Wang Yuhuan successfully created the image of the "ghost queen" and emerged in the film industry.

However, with the development of their respective careers, the contradictions between the two are also increasing. In the end, this 15-year relationship ended in a breakup, and the once sweet lover became the most familiar stranger.

"Yan Chixia": Obsessed with nightclubs, married a 23-year-old wife, died of liver cancer, Sammo Hung helped the soul

After the breakup, Afternoon Horse returned to nightclub life. However, a twist of fate comes in a chance bar encounter. He meets a young woman who he later learns is the granddaughter of his old friend.

This experience made him realize that maybe it was time to change his lifestyle.

Not long after, Wu Ma met Ma Yan, who was 23 years younger than him, in Shenzhen. This time, Wuma decided to settle down. They chose to keep a low profile and only invited a few relatives and friends to the wedding.

Soon after marriage, the two welcomed a lovely daughter and formed a happy family of three.

"Yan Chixia": Obsessed with nightclubs, married a 23-year-old wife, died of liver cancer, Sammo Hung helped the soul

The emotional experience of Wu Ma, from the prodigal son in the nightclub to the happy family, is like a wonderful love movie. This relationship not only brought warmth to his life, but also added happiness and solace to his old age.

It shows the unknown side of Wu Ma's character: on the screen he is the majestic Yan Chixia, and in life, he also has a tender side.

Wu Ma's emotional road, from the bustling hustle and bustle to the calm and warm, reflects the change of his attitude towards life. This transformation not only enriched his life experience, but also brought new inspiration and motivation to his acting career.

The story of the afternoon horse tells us that no matter how old or young, true love is worth cherishing, and happiness will always come inadvertently.

"Yan Chixia": Obsessed with nightclubs, married a 23-year-old wife, died of liver cancer, Sammo Hung helped the soul

In 2014, 71-year-old Wu Ma passed away due to advanced liver cancer, which drew an end to his wonderful life. At his funeral, Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung, Tang Jili and many other film superstars personally supported his soul, which not only reflects Wu Ma's lofty status in the Hong Kong film industry, but also shows his extensive popularity among his peers.

The loss of Wu Ma brought great grief to his family. His wife, Ma Yan, was so grief-stricken that she nearly fainted several times; The young daughter was in tears and grief.

This scene is just like the tear-jerking screen images created by Wu Ma before his death, which is embarrassing.

However, Wu Ma's artistic life did not end with his passing. To this day, as long as we turn on the TV, we can still enjoy the classic characters he has created.

"Yan Chixia": Obsessed with nightclubs, married a 23-year-old wife, died of liver cancer, Sammo Hung helped the soul

His performance, his humor, and his unique charm are still alive on the screen, continuing to bring joy and emotion to the audience.

Wu Ma's life has witnessed the golden years of the Hong Kong film industry, and has also left a valuable cultural heritage for future generations. His story, from a teenager from a Tianjin drama family, to the "diamond-level supporting actor" in the Hong Kong film industry, and then to the last happy family, is like a wonderful movie.

Wu Ma used his life to explain what a true artist is, and his legend will forever be engraved in the history of Hong Kong films.

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