
also played Lin Daiyu, and put Chen Xiaoxu and Tao Huimin together, only then did they understand what the top bone phase is

author:Sissi Literature Hall

The name Lin Daiyu shines as brightly as a star in the history of Chinese literature, and her image as a key figure in "Dream of Red Mansions" has been deeply imprinted in the hearts of countless readers and audiences.

The title of "peerless beauty" seems to be tailor-made for Lin Daiyu. Her willow-like eyebrows, apricot kernel-like eyes, and cherry-like mouth constitute a beautiful picture of oriental beauty.

also played Lin Daiyu, and put Chen Xiaoxu and Tao Huimin together, only then did they understand what the top bone phase is

However, Lin Daiyu's charm is not only in her appearance, but also in her unique temperament, she is talented, but sentimental, she is the epitome of women of that era, and she is also a literary model that transcends the times.

However, perfectly presenting the image of Lin Daiyu on the screen is undoubtedly a huge challenge for the actors. It is necessary to be highly consistent with the image of Lin Daiyu in the book in terms of appearance, and at the same time, it is necessary to capture the soul of this character on the inside.

Lin Daiyu's every look and every line contains rich emotions and profound meanings, which is quite a high requirement for an actor.

It is this complexity that makes Lin Daiyu a litmus test for the actor's acting skills. She needs to show the grace of everyone's ladies, and at the same time reveal the melancholy of sadness and sorrow; It is necessary not only to show the passionate pursuit of love, but also to restrain the contradictions and struggles under the shackles of etiquette and religion.

also played Lin Daiyu, and put Chen Xiaoxu and Tao Huimin together, only then did they understand what the top bone phase is

This complexity makes Lin Daiyu the most attractive character.

Lin Daiyu is a distressing beauty, her intelligence, talent and dedication to love always make people involuntarily attracted to her. However, her fragility and sentimentality make people want to protect her.

It is this complex and contradictory emotion that makes Lin Daiyu an eternal literary image, and also makes countless actors eager to be able to play this role Lin Daiyu's life is full of helplessness and painful experiences, whether it is helplessness for feelings or helplessness about life experience, it makes people worry about her Her smile is full of melancholy and poetry, touch her heart, you can feel her endless sadness Lin Daiyu is the soul of "Dream of Red Mansions", her image is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, It has become an indispensable part of the history of mainland literature.

also played Lin Daiyu, and put Chen Xiaoxu and Tao Huimin together, only then did they understand what the top bone phase is

In the history of Chinese film and television, the two actresses known as "Natural Daiyu" are Chen Xiaoxu and Tao Huimin. With their own unique charm, they successfully interpreted the classic role of Lin Daiyu.

In 1982, 16-year-old Chen Xiaoxu was selected as Lin Daiyu in "Dream of Red Mansions". Her youthful age is just like Lin Daiyu's youth, and the aura naturally revealed between her eyebrows and eyes makes Lin Daiyu seem to have really come out of the book.

Chen Xiaoxu's in-depth understanding of the role and superb acting skills enabled her to successfully interpret Lin Daiyu's melancholy and sensitivity to the fullest, and her every look and every action showed Lin Daiyu's inner world appropriately.

also played Lin Daiyu, and put Chen Xiaoxu and Tao Huimin together, only then did they understand what the top bone phase is

Five years later, in 1987, another version of "Dream of Red Mansions" was born. Tao Huimin took over Lin Daiyu's baton. Tao Huimin won the role with the bone appearance of "peerless beauty". Although she is a year older than Chen Xiaoxu, her rich stage experience has injected a different temperament into Lin Daiyu.

Tao Huimin's Lin Daiyu has a more mature charm, and her performance is full of tension, especially in the stage performance.

Interestingly, both actors are known as "natural Daiyu". Chen Xiaoxu seems to be Lin Daiyu who came out of the book, while Tao Huimin has Lin Daiyu's beautiful bones.

also played Lin Daiyu, and put Chen Xiaoxu and Tao Huimin together, only then did they understand what the top bone phase is

They each interpreted Lin Daiyu in different ways, which left a deep impression on the audience.

When these two versions of "Dream of Red Mansions" were broadcast separately, the audience's reactions also showed a variety of reactions. Chen Xiaoxu's version of Lin Daiyu makes people sigh that it is highly compatible with the role, as if it was born for her.

And Tao Huimin's version of Lin Daiyu is touching with her unique temperament and superb acting skills, and as time goes by, more and more audiences begin to appreciate her interpretation.

also played Lin Daiyu, and put Chen Xiaoxu and Tao Huimin together, only then did they understand what the top bone phase is

The appearance of the two actors enriched the audience's understanding of the role of Lin Daiyu, and also set a benchmark for actors to study the role in the future. They used their own unique way to interpret the "peerless beauty" Lin Daiyu in different periods and styles, making the role of Lin Daiyu more three-dimensional in the hearts of the audience.

Chen Xiaoxu's interpretation of Lin Daiyu can be said to be a perfect presentation in the history of film and television. Her appearance is very consistent with Lin Daiyu's description: willow eyebrows, apricot eyes, and cherry mouths, as if Lin Daiyu came out of a book.

However, Chen Xiaoxu's success lies not only in her appearance, but also in her in-depth understanding and expression of the character's inner world.

also played Lin Daiyu, and put Chen Xiaoxu and Tao Huimin together, only then did they understand what the top bone phase is

In terms of acting skills, Chen Xiaoxu achieved a breakthrough performance, showing Lin Daiyu's melancholy, sensitivity, talent and infatuation to the fullest. Every look and every subtle expression change shows Lin Daiyu's complex inner world, which has won the love of the audience and the praise of industry insiders.

However, Chen Xiaoxu quickly became popular for playing the role of Lin Daiyu, but at the same time, this role has also become a problem in her acting career. It seems difficult for people to separate her from Lin Daiyu, which makes Chen Xiaoxu fall into the confusion of identity.

At the peak of his career, Chen Xiaoxu began to re-examine the value of his life and deeply felt his love for acting, but he began to question whether this kind of life could really bring inner peace, and then struggled in his heart and began to explore a new path in life.

also played Lin Daiyu, and put Chen Xiaoxu and Tao Huimin together, only then did they understand what the top bone phase is

In the end, Chen Xiaoxu made a shocking decision: to take refuge in Buddhism. She chose a life path completely different from her once glamorous acting career. The decision caused a huge stir at the time, and the public reacted to it with mixed reactions.

Some people understand her pursuit of inner peace, and some people regret that she gave up her thriving acting career.

However, fate played a cruel joke on Chen Xiaoxu. In 2006, at the age of 41, she left us. This news shocked the entire entertainment industry and also shook the audience.

also played Lin Daiyu, and put Chen Xiaoxu and Tao Huimin together, only then did they understand what the top bone phase is

Everyone expressed their condolences to this "Lin Daiyu", and once again recalled the wonderful moments she left on the screen.

Chen Xiaoxu passed away, and people not only felt sorry for this excellent actor, but also sent a final farewell to the beautiful image of Lin Daiyu in their hearts. The trajectory of her life, after blossoming flowers, returned to the flat, and then died before people were ready, just like another confirmation of Lin Daiyu's tragic fate.

Chen Xiaoxu's acting skills and life reflect the role of Lin Daiyu, and her story has also become a classic story in the history of Chinese film and television. She is not only an excellent actress, but also a person who dares to pursue the truth of her heart.

also played Lin Daiyu, and put Chen Xiaoxu and Tao Huimin together, only then did they understand what the top bone phase is

The image of Lin Daiyu created by her will forever remain in the memory of the audience and become a classic that cannot be surpassed.

In 1987, in the TV series "Dream of Red Mansions", Tao Huimin played Lin Daiyu, presenting another version of the image of "peerless beauty" to the audience. When she made her debut, she inevitably looked a little immature and nervous, after all, it was a huge pressure to take over the image of Lin Daiyu, who was so deeply rooted in the hearts of Chen Xiaoxu.

But with the gradual progress of filming, Tao Huimin gradually entered the role state, and the image of Lin Daiyu played by her is also growing day by day.

also played Lin Daiyu, and put Chen Xiaoxu and Tao Huimin together, only then did they understand what the top bone phase is

Tao Huimin's biggest advantage is her "peerless beauty" bone appearance, which has a natural fit with Lin Daiyu's role. The audience was surprised to find that Tao Huimin's appearance and temperament were so similar to the imaginary Lin Daiyu.

This resemblance is not only reflected in her appearance, but also in the indescribable temperament that she exudes in her gestures.

However, Tao Huimin did not stop at the advantages brought by talent. She is diligent and unremitting on the road of acting, persistently improving her acting skills, and constantly breaking through herself. In addition to the role of Lin Daiyu, her outstanding performance in other works shows her versatility and strength as an actor.

also played Lin Daiyu, and put Chen Xiaoxu and Tao Huimin together, only then did they understand what the top bone phase is

Looking back on Tao Huimin's Lin Daiyu road, we can see her progress from the growth of an actor. She has developed from her initial youth to later polishing, and even her beauty advantages to her comprehensive acting skills, Tao Huimin used her professionalism to show the true face of professional actors.

Interestingly, the image of Lin Daiyu played by Tao Huimin seems to become more and more god-like over time. The innate "peerless beauty" temperament becomes more and more mellow with age, and this phenomenon can't help but make people sigh that there may really be such a thing as "natural Daiyu".

Tao Huimin's story teaches us that talent is important, but perseverance and hard work are equally important. She used her career to interpret another possibility of Lin Daiyu, and also set an example for later actors.

also played Lin Daiyu, and put Chen Xiaoxu and Tao Huimin together, only then did they understand what the top bone phase is

In her body, it not only shows Lin Daiyu's beauty, but also shows the actor's tenacity and growth process.

Chen Xiaoxu and Tao Huimin's two versions of Lin Daiyu are compared together, so that we can more deeply understand the true meaning of the four words "top bone physiognomy". This is not only a simple comparison of appearance, but also a contest of temperament and charm.

In terms of appearance and temperament, Chen Xiaoxu shows an innate melancholy atmosphere, which makes her highly compatible with Lin Daiyu's image. There is always a faint sadness between her eyebrows, as if Lin Daiyu herself came out of "Dream of Red Mansions".

also played Lin Daiyu, and put Chen Xiaoxu and Tao Huimin together, only then did they understand what the top bone phase is

Tao Huimin is known for her superior bone appearance, and as she grows older, she becomes more and more like Lin Daiyu, and this resemblance is not only reflected in the delicacy of her facial features, but also in that indescribable temperament.

In terms of performance style and technique, the two have their own strengths. Chen Xiaoxu's performance style is restrained and deep, and Lin Daiyu's complex inner world can be conveyed through a look or a micro-expression.

Tao Huimin is more expressive and stage-sensitive, and her Lin Daiyu is more mature and charming, and she is even better in the scene of emotional outburst.

also played Lin Daiyu, and put Chen Xiaoxu and Tao Huimin together, only then did they understand what the top bone phase is

The audience has different evaluations of the two versions of Lin Daiyu. Chen Xiaoxu's version of Lin Daiyu is recognized by the public as the most classic image, and she almost perfectly interprets Lin Daiyu in people's hearts.

And Tao Huimin's version of Lin Daiyu has won more and more recognition over time, and people have begun to appreciate her alternative interpretation of this role.

So, what exactly is the real "top bone phase"? Through the comparison of these two actors, we can come to the conclusion that the top bone physiognomy is not only the beauty of appearance, but also the perfect combination of temperament and verve.

also played Lin Daiyu, and put Chen Xiaoxu and Tao Huimin together, only then did they understand what the top bone phase is

The actor needs to be a good fit for the character in terms of appearance, while also exuding the character's temperament from the inside out.

Chen Xiaoxu and Tao Huimin each showed Lin Daiyu's beauty on different levels. Chen Xiaoxu perfectly demonstrated Lin Daiyu's melancholy and sensitivity with her dignified acting skills, which made people feel the indescribable classical charm; Tao Huimin gave Lin Daiyu new vitality with her exquisite bone physiognomy and increasingly exquisite acting skills.

The success of the two actors tells us that top bone physiognomy is not set in stone. It may be a natural fit, or it may be an acquired carving; It may be the amazement of youth, or it may be the charm after the precipitation of the years.

also played Lin Daiyu, and put Chen Xiaoxu and Tao Huimin together, only then did they understand what the top bone phase is

No matter what it is, the real top-level bone physiognomy should be able to impress the audience and make people recognize "this is Lin Daiyu" at a glance.

Through the comparison of these two Lin Daiyu, we not only appreciate the unique beauty brought by the top bone physiognomy, but also deeply feel the deep and subtle relationship between the actor and the character.

Chen Xiaoxu and Tao Huimin's interpretation of Lin Daiyu injected new vitality and left a profound impact on future generations.

also played Lin Daiyu, and put Chen Xiaoxu and Tao Huimin together, only then did they understand what the top bone phase is

The two actors have made a great contribution to Lin Daiyu's image. They used their own ways to deepen the audience's understanding of Lin Daiyu. Chen Xiaoxu successfully portrayed a pitiful and talented Lin Daiyu, while Tao Huimin showed a mature and elegant Lin Daiyu.

These two interpretations set a benchmark for later actors, and also provided the audience with multiple angles to appreciate the role of Lin Daiyu.

Lin Daiyu's position in the hearts of the audience is irreplaceable. She is regarded as one of the criteria for measuring the beauty of ancient costumes, and has influenced the shaping of the ideal female image of many generations. Lin Daiyu's intelligence, talent, infatuation and vulnerability have formed a complex and fascinating image that has become the perfect female symbol in the minds of many.

also played Lin Daiyu, and put Chen Xiaoxu and Tao Huimin together, only then did they understand what the top bone phase is

Through the presentation of different versions of Lin Daiyu's image, the film and television industry has had a profound impact, publicizing the courage of many actors to challenge complex roles, promoting the in-depth exploration of adaptations of classic literary works, and inspiring script creators and directors to create more female characters with rich layers and distinct personalities.

In general, the inheritance and influence of Lin Daiyu's character is not only reflected in the fields of literature and film and television, but has penetrated into popular culture and has become an indispensable part of Chinese culture.

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