
The smash hit "Golden Boy" Mao Ning, who came out of the closet with drugs and ruined everything, was woken up by Zhang Guoli

author:Book Society
The smash hit "Golden Boy" Mao Ning, who came out of the closet with drugs and ruined everything, was woken up by Zhang Guoli
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The smash hit "Golden Boy" Mao Ning, who came out of the closet with drugs and ruined everything, was woken up by Zhang Guoli

In the Chinese pop music industry in the 90s, Mao Ning rose rapidly like a dazzling new star. His handsome appearance, unique voice and solid singing skills quickly made him the center of attention.

However, a dramatic twist of fate crept in. Just when Mao Ning enjoyed the reputation of being one of the "Four Heavenly Kings of the Mainland Music Industry" and his career was in full swing, a series of shocking events followed: assassinations on the street, rumors of coming out, and finally at the end of 2015, at the age of 47, he was detained for drug use.

How did this former "golden boy" go from being a darling in the music world to a marginal figure? What caused his fall? And how to reinvigorate? Let's unveil the mystery of Mao Ning's legendary life.

In 1969, Mao Ning was born in a musical family in Shenyang, Liaoning Province. However, as a teenager, he did not immediately inherit his family's musical tradition, but instead developed a soft spot for sports.

The smash hit "Golden Boy" Mao Ning, who came out of the closet with drugs and ruined everything, was woken up by Zhang Guoli

Mao Ning's athletic talent is amazing, he has been promoted from a district sports school to a provincial sports school in just four years, and has performed well in football, track and field and other sports, and even served as a sports school teacher.

This experience laid a solid foundation for his future stage presence.

However, the gears of fate always turn unexpectedly. In 1987, in order to fulfill his parents' wishes, 18-year-old Mao Ning gave up his dream of being an athlete and successfully entered the Liaoning Provincial Opera House.

In this way, he embarked on a very different life path and began his musical career.

The smash hit "Golden Boy" Mao Ning, who came out of the closet with drugs and ruined everything, was woken up by Zhang Guoli

Mao Ning's musical talent was quickly recognized by the industry. In 1992, he released his first solo music album and became famous. However, what really made him famous was an unexpected "song grabbing" incident.

Zhang Mi, who was already the eldest sister in the music industry at that time, tailor-made the song "Blue Night, Blue Dream" for herself. However, after this song was sung by rookie Mao Ning, it unexpectedly became popular.

At a large party, Zhang Mi's boyfriend violently attacked Mao Ning, causing an uproar.

This turmoil finally ended with Zhang Mi being banned, but Mao Ning was a blessing in disguise, and his popularity rose sharply. This dramatic turning point became an important turning point in Mao Ning's music career.

The smash hit "Golden Boy" Mao Ning, who came out of the closet with drugs and ruined everything, was woken up by Zhang Guoli

From athlete to singer, from obscurity to high-profile, Mao Ning's road to fame is full of drama. His experience also proves that sometimes fate is often unexpected, and opportunity always favors those who are prepared.

With his talent and hard work, Mao Ning seized the opportunity given to him by fate and started his brilliant music career.

This unusual experience not only shaped Mao Ning's unique artistic style, but also laid the foundation for his future development in the entertainment industry. However, while the road to fame is fascinating, there are also many challenges and pitfalls, which will be revealed one by one in Mao Ning's future life journey.

With the end of the "Song Snatching" incident, Mao Ning's music career is like a rocket and climbing rapidly. His handsome and chic appearance, unique voice, and solid singing skills quickly conquered the hearts of countless fans.

The smash hit "Golden Boy" Mao Ning, who came out of the closet with drugs and ruined everything, was woken up by Zhang Guoli

The young singer from Liaoning began to shine on the stage of Chinese pop music.

From 1993 to 2008, Mao Ning made a remarkable achievement - 8 consecutive times on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. In that era when there was no Internet, the Spring Festival Gala was undoubtedly the best platform for singers to show their talents.

Mao Ning's many appearances not only proved his strength, but also brought his popularity and influence to new heights.

During this glorious period, the partnership of Mao Ning and "Queen of Sweet Songs" Yang Yuying became an iconic combination of that era. Their chorus of "Heart Rain" swept the country and became a classic in the hearts of countless people, and even today, this song is still one of the songs with the highest singing rate in KTV.

The smash hit "Golden Boy" Mao Ning, who came out of the closet with drugs and ruined everything, was woken up by Zhang Guoli

The combination of Mao Ning and Yang Yuying not only brought beautiful songs, but also became a symbol of romantic love in that era.

At the same time, Mao Ning's achievements in the field of music have also been widely recognized by the industry. He has won almost all the important music awards in China and has become a well-deserved "singer".

He, together with Xie Xiaodong, Luo Zhongxu, and Lin Yilun, are known as the "Four Heavenly Kings of the Mainland Music Scene", and they are in the limelight for a while. This title is not only an affirmation of his musical talent, but also marks the pinnacle of his status in the pop music industry.

However, just when Mao Ning was standing at the peak of his career, the shadow of success began to quietly appear. The pride and complacency brought about by the fame of the teenager gradually became a hidden danger that eroded his career.

The smash hit "Golden Boy" Mao Ning, who came out of the closet with drugs and ruined everything, was woken up by Zhang Guoli

He began to show an unprofessional side: he was often late, regardless of the occasion, and could not attend almost all activities on time. This behavior not only affected work efficiency, but also began to cause dissatisfaction among peers and staff.

In a star team event, all the players were waiting for Mao Ning alone. Captain Zhang Guoli finally couldn't bear it anymore and criticized seriously: "Do you think it's appropriate to let everyone wait for you alone?" This sentence was like a slap in the face, but it failed to really wake up Mao Ning, who had fallen into self-aggrandizement.

He still went his own way, as if the whole world should revolve around him.

Mao Ning's attitude not only damaged his professional reputation, but also laid hidden dangers for his future career. He seems to have forgotten that in the highly competitive industry of the entertainment industry, talent may make you famous, but only professionalism and dedication can make you prosperous.

The smash hit "Golden Boy" Mao Ning, who came out of the closet with drugs and ruined everything, was woken up by Zhang Guoli

In this way, under the shroud of the aura, Mao Ning gradually lost himself. He is so immersed in his own success that he ignores the changing surroundings and the shifting tastes of his audience.

As everyone knows, this arrogant and complacent attitude is pushing him into the abyss step by step, laying the groundwork for the trough in the future.

Just as Mao Ning was immersed in his aura, a dramatic turn of fate crept in. A flurry of negative headlines swept in like a storm, pushing the superstar to the precipice of his career.

The first is a shocking street assassination. This sudden incident not only threatened Mao Ning's personal safety, but also cast a shadow on his public image.

The smash hit "Golden Boy" Mao Ning, who came out of the closet with drugs and ruined everything, was woken up by Zhang Guoli

Immediately afterwards, there were rumors of coming out of the closet. At a time when there were still many prejudices against homosexuality, such rumors undoubtedly put great pressure on Mao Ning's career and life.

Faced with these predicaments, Mao Ning chose to remain silent. He neither explained nor did he engage in public relations, allowing all kinds of gossip to spread freely among the public. Although this approach reflects his reluctance to confront rumors, it also gives more room for those negative news to grow.

However, what really pushed Mao Ning into the abyss was the drug abuse scandal that broke out at the end of 2015. Mao Ning, who was 47 years old at the time, was reported by the masses in Chaoyang District on suspicion of drug use and was immediately sentenced to administrative detention.

Although he was later released due to poor health, the incident undoubtedly dealt a devastating blow to his career and image.

The smash hit "Golden Boy" Mao Ning, who came out of the closet with drugs and ruined everything, was woken up by Zhang Guoli

Ironically, before this, Mao Ning had repeatedly publicly criticized those in the entertainment industry who were involved in drugs, calling on them to maintain a good image and stay away from drugs. However, when he found himself in the same situation, he couldn't extricate himself.

This inconsistency in words and deeds has further increased the public's disappointment and anger against him.

This incident caused a strong response in the entertainment industry. Veteran movie star Chen Daoming sternly criticized: "Those drug addicts are just uneducated inferior people."

Even Ge You, who has always been mild-mannered, said bluntly: "Actors, they play roles on the screen, but in real life, there is no reason why they don't live like ordinary people."

The smash hit "Golden Boy" Mao Ning, who came out of the closet with drugs and ruined everything, was woken up by Zhang Guoli

These criticisms from industry peers have undoubtedly dealt a huge blow to Mao Ning's psychology.

Mao Ning's image collapsed overnight. was once a superstar in the music industry, but now he has become the object of everyone's spurning. His music works were taken off the shelves, his performance opportunities were drastically reduced, and the reputation and popularity accumulated over the years were instantly wiped out.

Mao Ning, who once stood on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala and sang affectionately with Yang Yuying, seemed to disappear overnight.

During this difficult period, Mao Ning experienced unprecedented psychological suffering. He began to reflect on what he had done, realizing that he had not only failed the expectations of his fans, but also the trust of his parents and industry peers.

The smash hit "Golden Boy" Mao Ning, who came out of the closet with drugs and ruined everything, was woken up by Zhang Guoli

The honor and applause that were once held in the palm of his hand have now turned into spikes that stung him.

However, just when Mao Ning fell into despair, an unexpected person reached out. It was Zhang Guoli, who once severely criticized him, who gave him encouragement and support in private.

Zhang Guoli told him: "Life will inevitably have ups and downs, and the key is to learn to get up after falling." You're still young and have a chance to start over.

These words were like a light that illuminated the darkness in Mao Ning's heart. He begins to realize that his life is far from over, and that as long as he has the courage to face the mistakes of the past, he has a chance to start over.

The smash hit "Golden Boy" Mao Ning, who came out of the closet with drugs and ruined everything, was woken up by Zhang Guoli

This encouragement from his peers became an opportunity for Mao Ning to regain his strength.

After a long period of precipitation and reflection, 51-year-old Mao Ning chose to make a low-key comeback. This time, what we see is no longer the sharp-edged young singer, but a middle-aged artist who has added a bit of maturity, stability and open-mindedness.

On social media, Mao Ning began to interact sincerely with fans and colleagues in the industry. He recommended the two songs "Cheers to the Past" and "Who Knows the Prodigal Heart", and wrote affectionately: "Tonight, let's raise a glass and toast to the past!" Between the lines, there is helplessness and regret for the past, and it also reveals his determination to start over.

In addition to music, Mao Ning is also actively involved in various small public welfare projects. He is passionate about teaching music to children, speaking out against the pandemic, and advocating for the protection of the marine environment.

The smash hit "Golden Boy" Mao Ning, who came out of the closet with drugs and ruined everything, was woken up by Zhang Guoli

These seemingly insignificant actions truly reflect a Mao Ning who redefines his self-worth.

In a public service announcement video with the theme of "Protecting Our Oceans Together", we saw a youthful and energetic Mao Ning. He no longer pursues sensationalism, but focuses on small bits and pieces of good.

This transformation not only reflects his new attitude towards life, but also shows his new understanding of social responsibility.

Mao Ning's comeback this time has no fanfare, no sensational works, and some are just a singer who has been reborn from the ashes, interpreting a new chapter of his life with practical actions.

Mao Ning's story is like a realistic fable about growth, failure, and redemption. From pride and complacency to humble reflection, from falling from the peak to standing up again, his experience interprets the life philosophy of "how to see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain".

His story teaches us that no matter what stage of life we are in, there is an opportunity to start anew. True success isn't just about getting to the top, it's about being able to get back up after a fall.

Mao Ning's experience is a vivid interpretation of "After the vicissitudes of life, he is still a teenager when he returns".

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