
Halfway couple Zhang Guoli Deng Jie, while they were happy, they forgot about this woman

author:Jia Jia Literature Hall
Halfway couple Zhang Guoli Deng Jie, while they were happy, they forgot about this woman
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Halfway couple Zhang Guoli Deng Jie, while they were happy, they forgot about this woman

Among the stars in the Chinese entertainment industry, the story of Zhang Guoli and Deng Jie, a "halfway couple", has always attracted much attention. They have walked hand in hand for decades, showing enviable love both on and off the screen.

However, behind this seemingly perfect marriage, there is a little-known figure.

In a corner of Chengdu, there is a woman named Luo Xiuchun, who is Zhang Guoli's ex-wife and the biological mother of his son Zhang Mo. For 32 years, she has silently guarded the memories shared with Zhang Guoli, and endured the pain of being forgotten alone.

This untold story reveals a complex emotional entanglement and the difficulty of life choices. Behind the glamorous celebrity life in the spotlight, what kind of twists and turns of life are hidden? Let's uncover this long-forgotten past.

Halfway couple Zhang Guoli Deng Jie, while they were happy, they forgot about this woman

In 1981, the spring breeze of reform and opening up blew across the land of China, and the young Zhang Guoli and Luo Xiuchun tied the knot in this hopeful era. At that time, the film and television industry was in the ascendant, Zhang Guoli, who had a dream of stardom, was full of ambition, while Luo Xiuchun chose to silently support her husband's career pursuit.

Zhang Guoli later confessed: "I once mistakenly thought that her love for me was love. This sentence speaks to the hidden dangers of their marriage. Maybe it's because of their youthful frivolity, or maybe it's a lack of understanding of love, their union is more of a spur of the moment than a deliberate thought.

Despite this, Luo Xiuchun still wholeheartedly supports her husband. Her father worked as an artist in the theater and often recommended Zhang Guoli to the theater. With the help of his father-in-law, Zhang Guoli seized every opportunity to perform, no matter how big or small the role, he went all out.

This period of hard work laid the foundation for his future success.

Halfway couple Zhang Guoli Deng Jie, while they were happy, they forgot about this woman

However, the rift in the marriage is quietly widening. Zhang Guoli is busy chasing his acting career, and it is difficult to give his wife the care and love she deserves. Luo Xiuchun endured it silently and pinned all her hopes on this family.

She may have fantasized that feelings would slowly develop over time. But the reality is often unsatisfactory, and this marriage, which lacks a deep emotional foundation, will be difficult to withstand the test of time after all.

In those days, people generally entered the marriage hall very early, often without asking whether they had sincere feelings, as long as they got married. Love is often put on the back burner of the family, because everyone believes that "feelings can be cultivated slowly".

The marriage between Zhang Guoli and Luo Xiuchun seems to be a microcosm of this concept.

Halfway couple Zhang Guoli Deng Jie, while they were happy, they forgot about this woman

With the start of his career, Zhang Guoli began to frequently enter and exit the entertainment industry and get in touch with the wider world. And Luo Xiuchun stayed at home and took care of the young Zhang Mo. The life trajectories of the two gradually separated, and the emotional distance also widened unconsciously.

Under this seemingly peaceful married life, there is an undercurrent surging, laying the groundwork for future changes.

In 1987, the gears of fate quietly turned, bringing an unexpected turn to Zhang Guoli's life. At work, he met the beautiful and intelligent Deng Jie.

Unlike Luo Xiuchun's traditional virtuous lady, Deng Jie is lively and cheerful, full of vitality. Her appearance, like a ray of sunshine, illuminates Zhang Guoli's ordinary life.

Halfway couple Zhang Guoli Deng Jie, while they were happy, they forgot about this woman

With the deepening of cooperation, there was a subtle affection between Zhang Guoli and Deng Jie. Their common interests and hobbies and similar life pursuits have brought the two closer and closer.

Finally, the spark of love quietly bloomed in each other's hearts. However, this hard-won relationship also brought painful tests to all three of them.

When the news reached Luo Xiuchun's ears, she experienced an emotional journey from anger to despair. Faced with her husband's betrayal, she first became furious, and then fell into deep grief.

In the end, after thinking calmly, Luo Xiuchun made a difficult decision: to end this marriage that lacked true love.

Halfway couple Zhang Guoli Deng Jie, while they were happy, they forgot about this woman

For Zhang Guoli, this decision means giving up the foundation of his established career and embarking on an unknown journey with his new lover, Deng Jie. They chose to go north to Beijing and started a difficult life in the north.

Leaving the familiar environment, Zhang Guoli and Deng Jie started from the most basic tricks. For six years, they lived in extreme poverty. In the most difficult times, they can only fill their stomachs with pickles and steamed buns.

However, it was this difficult time that made their relationship stronger. They support each other, face the challenges of life together, and cultivate deep feelings and tacit understanding in difficult situations.

During this period, Zhang Guoli always cared about his son Zhang Mo in his heart. In order to make up for the debt to his son, and at the same time to be able to take better care of Zhang Mo, he reached an important agreement with Deng Jie: not to have a second child.

Halfway couple Zhang Guoli Deng Jie, while they were happy, they forgot about this woman

This decision not only reflects Zhang Guoli's love for his son, but also shows Deng Jie's understanding and tolerance.

Finally, in 1995, the opportunity came. Zhang Guoli and Deng Jie teamed up to create the TV series "Kangxi Weifu Private Interview". The work became a sensation as soon as it aired, making them famous overnight.

What followed was the take-off of their careers and rolling wealth, and their lives have since entered a new stage of sweet happiness.

However, while they were enjoying happiness, Luo Xiuchun, who was left in Chengdu, began a long period of living alone. She silently guarded the memories shared with Zhang Guoli, watching the sweetness of the past slowly turn into a bitter past.

Halfway couple Zhang Guoli Deng Jie, while they were happy, they forgot about this woman

This woman, who once loved Zhang Guoli deeply, spent day after day in loneliness.

With the success of "Kangxi Weifu Private Interview", Zhang Guoli and Deng Jie's careers are booming, and their lives are becoming happier and happier. However, beneath this seemingly perfect façade, an important issue has been overlooked: Zhang Mo's education.

Zhang Mo, who has lived in a broken family for a long time, has lacked complete family warmth since he was a child. The separation of his parents made him experience the warmth and coldness of the world prematurely. Whether he was by his mother's side or following his father and stepmother, he always felt trepidation in his heart.

This unstable family environment had a profound negative impact on his physical and mental development.

Halfway couple Zhang Guoli Deng Jie, while they were happy, they forgot about this woman

Zhang Guoli realizes that he owes his son a lot, and tries to make up for it by doting on him. However, this compensatory approach to education is counterproductive. Excessive doting made Zhang Mo gradually lose his way, lacking correct life values and self-control.

In 2003, a shocking news came: Zhang Mo used violence against his girlfriend. This incident caused huge repercussions in all walks of life, not only causing Zhang Mo's reputation to suffer a heavy blow, but also causing Zhang Guoli to fall into the whirlpool of public opinion.

In the face of overwhelming criticism, Zhang Guoli had to apologize frequently for his son in various public activities in an attempt to calm the turmoil.

However, this is only the beginning of the problem. In 2012, even bigger blows followed. Zhang Mo, who is only 30 years old, was arrested by the police on suspicion of drug use.

Halfway couple Zhang Guoli Deng Jie, while they were happy, they forgot about this woman

This time, Zhang Guoli has become the focus of attention of the entertainment media, and has not been able to appear in the public eye for a long time.

These incidents undoubtedly dealt a huge blow to Zhang Guoli. He began to deeply reflect on his own way of education, and realized the profound meaning of the ancient adage "If the son does not teach, the father is wrong".

Zhang Mo's situation today is inextricably linked to his educational mistakes.

At the same time, these incidents also made Luo Xiuchun, who was far away in Chengdu, feel like a knife. As a mother, she pinned all her expectations for the rest of her life on her son, but his son disappointed her again and again.

Halfway couple Zhang Guoli Deng Jie, while they were happy, they forgot about this woman

I am afraid that this kind of pain can only be truly experienced by mothers.

Zhang Mo's problem is not only a deviation in personal behavior, but also reflects the far-reaching impact of a broken family on children's growth. He seems to be everywhere, but in reality he never really has a warm home.

This case also sounded the alarm bell for the society, reminding people to pay attention to the importance of family education, especially in divorced families, how to give children enough care and correct guidance.

Zhang Guoli's experience tells us that career success is not the same as success in family education. While pursuing career development, we should also balance family life and give correct guidance and care to our children.

Halfway couple Zhang Guoli Deng Jie, while they were happy, they forgot about this woman

This is a question worth pondering for every family.

While Zhang Guoli and Deng Jie enjoyed a happy life, Luo Xiuchun spent a long 32 years in Chengdu. She quietly guarded the land where she once lived with Zhang Guoli, spending every day day after day, and the traces of time quietly climbed on her face.

After the divorce, Luo Xiuchun's life fell into long-term loneliness. Without the company of her husband and her son far away, the happy family life in the past seems to have become an unattainable dream.

What was once a sweet memory is now only a bitter aftertaste. Her life seems to have been frozen in that divorce, and the years since then have passed silently.

Halfway couple Zhang Guoli Deng Jie, while they were happy, they forgot about this woman

During her marriage to Zhang Guoli, Luo Xiuchun, like many women of that era, chose to retreat into the background and take care of the family wholeheartedly. In order to support Zhang Guoli's acting career, she even gave up her career development.

However, after the divorce, she found that she had missed the golden period of her career, and she was unable to start again.

Over the years, Luo Xiuchun has rarely appeared in the public eye. She silently endured the pain of losing her love and family, pinning all her hopes on her son. However, Zhang Mo's problematic behavior broke her heart again and again.

However, life always has to go on. As time passed, Luo Xiuchun slowly walked out of the haze of divorce. She began to try to participate in some TV series and use her work to fill the gaps in her life.

Halfway couple Zhang Guoli Deng Jie, while they were happy, they forgot about this woman

Although these roles may be insignificant, for her, they are the beginning of rediscovering the value of life.

Today's Luo Xiuchun's life is still dull, but she has finally found a world of her own. Her story is a microcosm of thousands of divorced women, telling how they rebuild themselves in the face of adversity and find a new direction in life.

Although forgotten by many people, she is still strong and alive, interpreting the meaning of life in her own way.

Zhang Guoli, Deng Jie and Luo Xiuchun, the fates of the three are closely intertwined because of a marriage. Their story is not just a narrative about love and marriage, but a profound exploration of life choices and responsibilities.

Halfway couple Zhang Guoli Deng Jie, while they were happy, they forgot about this woman

Zhang Guoli and Deng Jie's happy life is the result of their courage to pursue true love. They worked together to get through the difficult years of North Drift, and finally reaped a double harvest of career and relationship.

However, behind this happiness is Luo Xiuchun's sacrifice and loneliness. She silently endured the pain of being forgotten and spent a long time in loneliness.

At the same time, Zhang Mo's question also casts a shadow on this story. It reminds us that whether it is a single-parent family or a restructured family, children need to be given enough love and correct guidance.

The importance of family education cannot be ignored, even in the aura of career success, the cultivation of the next generation cannot be neglected.

Halfway couple Zhang Guoli Deng Jie, while they were happy, they forgot about this woman

Luo Xiuchun's story tells us that even if life has hit us hard, we must learn to stand up again and find our own value in life.

Her journey from suffering in silence to slowly rebuilding herself shows the tenacity of humanity and the resilience of life.

This story, which is intertwined with happiness and regret, success and failure, may make us think more deeply about marriage, family and life. Everyone's choices will bring corresponding results, and happiness and cost often coexist.

While pursuing our own happiness, we must also learn to pay attention to others and take responsibility.

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