
Leaving behind his original partner for 24 years, marrying a three-time wife, and being resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

author:Iceberg chats about the world
Leaving behind his original partner for 24 years, marrying a three-time wife, and being resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?
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Leaving behind his original partner for 24 years, marrying a three-time wife, and being resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

In the Chinese entertainment industry, Li Youbin's name is like thunder. , an actor who was once known as "the most beautiful boy in ten miles and eight towns", successfully became a first-line actor with the role of Li Yunlong in "Bright Sword".

However, just when his career was in full swing, he made a shocking decision - to end his 24-year marriage to his wife Zhang Ruiqi and marry third-married actress Shi Lanya instead.

This choice caused an uproar in society and deeply hurt his biological son Li Xiaoke. The outside world has questioned: What made Li Youbin give up his wife who has been with him for many years and choose another marriage? How will this decision affect the future of him and his family? Let's step into Li Youbin's life and explore this thought-provoking emotional entanglement.

Li Youbin's acting career began in childhood. When he was five years old, by chance, he was selected to participate in the movie "The General's Son". Although the film was not released due to special reasons, this experience planted the seeds in the young Li Youbin's heart to become an excellent actor.

Leaving behind his original partner for 24 years, marrying a three-time wife, and being resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

With his love for acting, Li Youbin was successfully admitted to the Shanghai Theater Academy with his own efforts and talent. During his time in school, he studied hard and laid a solid foundation for his future acting career.

After graduation, Li Youbin began his acting career, starring in works such as "Alert Line". Although the start was not smooth, he gradually gained a firm foothold in the film and television industry with his solid acting skills and dedicated attitude.

The year 2005 was an important turning point for Li Youbin. At that time, the TV series "Bright Sword" was about to start filming, and director Zhang Qian took a fancy to Li Youbin and invited him to play the protagonist Li Yunlong.

However, the introverted Li Youbin has a lot of concerns about this bold, scolding, and alcoholic character. He was worried that he would not be able to do it, and even wanted to refuse at one point.

Leaving behind his original partner for 24 years, marrying a three-time wife, and being resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

But with the encouragement of the director and his colleagues, Li Youbin finally decided to accept the challenge.

This decision completely changed Lee's career. As soon as "Bright Sword" was broadcast, it triggered an unprecedented ratings boom and set an astonishing ratings record.

Li Youbin became popular all over the country with the role of Li Yunlong, and became a hot first-line actor. His superb interpretation of Li Yunlong's role has won unanimous praise from the audience and industry insiders, and the name "Li Yunlong" is almost equal to Li Youbin.

After the success of "Bright Sword", Li Youbin's acting career is thriving. He has starred in many excellent works one after another, creating one after another deeply rooted roles.

Leaving behind his original partner for 24 years, marrying a three-time wife, and being resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

From an unknown supporting actor to a well-known and powerful star, Li Youbin has completed the gorgeous transformation of his acting career with his own efforts and talents.

However, just when his career was at its peak, Li Youbin's private life caused an uproar. A storm about love and marriage quietly came, leaving the successful actor to face another major choice in life.

In the spotlight, Li Youbin is about to usher in another turning point in his life.

In 1984, the young Li Youbin and Zhang Ruiqi quietly entered the marriage hall. The beginning of this marriage was not optimistic, Zhang Ruiqi was born in a wealthy family, with outstanding appearance and suitors.

Leaving behind his original partner for 24 years, marrying a three-time wife, and being resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

At that time, Li Youbin was just an unknown ordinary guy. However, Zhang Ruiqi resolutely chose Li Youbin, regardless of the strong opposition of his parents, and firmly joined hands with him to spend his life together.

Soon after marriage, the two ushered in the crystallization of love - their son Li Xiaoke. In order to take care of the family wholeheartedly and support her husband's career, Zhang Ruiqi made a difficult decision: quit her job and become a full-time wife.

She is convinced that her husband will one day achieve a career, so she is willing to pay silently behind her back and become a solid backing for Li Youbin to pursue her acting dream.

During this period, Li Youbin and Zhang Ruiqi's lives were not rich, but they were full of warmth and happiness. Zhang Ruiqi always firmly believes that as long as husband and wife work together, they can eventually get through the difficulties.

Leaving behind his original partner for 24 years, marrying a three-time wife, and being resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

Her persistence and dedication have become Li Youbin's biggest spiritual pillar in the difficult years.

However, fate tricked people. When Li Youbin finally became an instant hit with "Bright Sword", and Zhang Ruiqi thought that years of hard work had finally paid off, but the bad news came suddenly.

Li Youbin filed for divorce, and this decision was like a bolt from the blue, making it difficult for Zhang Ruiqi to accept. She couldn't believe that her husband, who had been with her for 24 years, would choose to leave when he became famous.

Although her heart was like a knife, Zhang Ruiqi finally chose to be fulfilled. In 2006, this marriage came to an end. For Zhang Ruiqi, this is not only the end of a relationship, but also the waste of half a lifetime's hard work.

Leaving behind his original partner for 24 years, marrying a three-time wife, and being resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

Her dreams, dedication and expectations all disappeared with this divorce agreement.

The end of this marriage not only hit Zhang Ruiqi hard, but also had a profound impact on the young Li Xiaoke. A seemingly happy family is shattered, and Li Youbin's life will usher in a new chapter.

Looking back on this 24-year marriage, Zhang Ruiqi has paid too much. She gave up her career, endured years of separation, and took on the burden of her family. She used her youth and sweat to pave the way for Li Youbin's success.

However, when Li Youbin finally stood at the peak of her life, she lost the opportunity to share the fruits of success with her.

Leaving behind his original partner for 24 years, marrying a three-time wife, and being resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

The end of this marriage is not only a turning point in Li Youbin's personal life, but also triggers deep thinking about marital loyalty and moral responsibility in society. It reminds us that while pursuing personal happiness, we should also carefully consider the impact on others, especially our families.

On the stage of Li Youbin's life, the appearance of Shi Lanya is undoubtedly an important turning point. As an actor who has also experienced marital setbacks, Shi Lanya has a lot of resonance with Li Youbin.

Shi Lanya's emotional experience can be described as ups and downs. She once had an unforgettable relationship with actor Wei Zi, who was fifteen years older than herself, and although this relationship was warm, it failed to come to fruition for various reasons.

Subsequently, she married the famous actor Liu Bin, but this marriage did not last long. Immediately afterwards, she married an IT elite in a flash, but her husband unfortunately suffered from cancer, and in order not to become a burden to his wife and children, he took the initiative to file for divorce.

Leaving behind his original partner for 24 years, marrying a three-time wife, and being resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

Li Youbin's encounter with Shi Lanya originated from a collaboration. At that time, Li Youbin was at a low point in his life, and his relationship with his ex-wife Zhang Ruiqi was deteriorating day by day. During this difficult period, Shi Lanya gave Li Youbin great support and encouragement.

Her understanding and thoughtfulness made Li Youbin feel the warmth that he had not felt for a long time. The two fell in love because of the play, and their emotions quickly warmed up.

However, since Li Youbin has not yet dissolved their marriage, they can only date in secret. This state of affairs lasted for five years, during which the two men were under tremendous pressure and criticism.

It wasn't until 2008 that Li Youbin and Shi Lanya's relationship was made public, and then they entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

Leaving behind his original partner for 24 years, marrying a three-time wife, and being resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

This new marriage brought Li Youbin an unprecedented sense of happiness. He found a soulmate in Slanya, and the two can understand and support each other in life and career.

Li Youbin often said that Shi Lanya is his bosom friend in life and can truly understand his inner world.

However, behind this happiness, there is a price that cannot be ignored - the relationship between him and his biological son Li Xiaoke is becoming increasingly estranged. Li Youbin's decision caused an uproar in society.

Many people accused him of being a "negative man", believing that he had failed his ex-wife Zhang Ruiqi, who had spent hardships with him.

Leaving behind his original partner for 24 years, marrying a three-time wife, and being resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

Li Youbin's choice not only changed the trajectory of his life, but also profoundly affected the lives of everyone around him. This story provokes people to think deeply about love, marriage and responsibility, and also allows us to see the complexity of human nature and the impermanence of life.

Li Youbin's marital accident brought Li Xiaoke a psychological wound that was difficult to heal. The shadow of his parents' divorce is like a lingering dark cloud, which has always enveloped this sensitive teenager and made him suffer a lot in the process of growing up.

What makes Li Xiaoke even more difficult to accept is that after his father formed a new family, he seemed to pour all his love into his stepson Hanhan. In order to establish a good relationship with Hanhan, Li Youbin frequently took him out to play, bought expensive toys and clothes, and gave him meticulous care.

In contrast, Li Xiaoke felt neglected and abandoned, and this strong sense of disparity filled his heart with bitterness and resentment.

Leaving behind his original partner for 24 years, marrying a three-time wife, and being resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

At school, Li Xiaoke often became the object of discussion and ridicule from his classmates because of his father's "romantic affairs". In the face of these verbal bullying, he could not confide in anyone the pain in his heart, so he had to bear the torment alone.

Every day when he came home, he would lock himself in his room and refuse to have any communication with his father.

Li Youbin did not realize the seriousness of the problem at first, and he simply attributed his son's behavior to adolescent rebellion. However, when he finally realizes that the gap between him and his son is getting deeper, it is too late to make amends.

The estrangement between father and son is deeply rooted and cannot be easily bridged.

Leaving behind his original partner for 24 years, marrying a three-time wife, and being resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

Li Xiaoke's disappointment with his father is growing day by day. He felt that the promises his father had made were empty words, and he completely lost trust in him. Even if Li Youbin tried to take the initiative to communicate, Li Xiaoke always found various reasons to avoid it.

This estrangement of the father-son relationship has deeply affected Li Xiaoke's outlook on life and marriage and love. Until the age of 30, he remained single and extremely resistant to women's contact.

He once admitted that he did not want to repeat his father's mistakes, nor did he want his future children to suffer the pain of their parents' divorce. Li Xiaoke's experience has become a typical case of the impact of marital changes on children, which has triggered deep thinking about family responsibilities in society.

Li Youbin, who has entered his old age, has a successful career, and his newly formed family is harmonious, and he should enjoy the joy of family. However, the estranged relationship with his biological son Li Xiaoke has become an eternal pain in his heart, like a thorn, deeply rooted in his heart.

Leaving behind his original partner for 24 years, marrying a three-time wife, and being resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

Li Youbin has tried many times to repair his relationship with his son, hoping to make up for his past mistakes. He tried to communicate with Li Xiaoke through various means, and even sought help from relatives and friends.

However, Li Xiaoke's heart knot is difficult to untie. Years of neglect and hurt made it impossible for him to easily forgive his father. Every time Li Youbin approached, it would cause Li Xiaoke's instinctive resistance.

Now, Li Xiaoke, who is close to the age of confusion, still can't get rid of the trouble of the shadow of his childhood. He maintained a cautious and resistant attitude towards marriage, which made Li Youbin feel sad and remorseful.

Looking at his son's lonely back, Li Youbin often fell into deep repentance.

Leaving behind his original partner for 24 years, marrying a three-time wife, and being resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

Li Youbin is deeply aware that the decision has become a lifelong regret for him and his son. Li Xiaoke still can't understand and accept his son's guilt.

This state of mutual incomprehension led the father and son into a silent stalemate.

Faced with this irreparable father-son relationship, Li Youbin can only hope for the power of time. He hopes that one day, the father and son will be able to release their past suspicions and truly enjoy a warm family time.

However, the years that have been missed, those important moments of life that should have been experienced together, are irretrievable after all.

Leaving behind his original partner for 24 years, marrying a three-time wife, and being resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

The lesson of this story is that at a crossroads in life, every choice can have far-reaching consequences. While the pursuit of personal happiness is important, it is also important to carefully consider the impact on others, especially on children.

It takes a long time to build a family relationship, and once it breaks down, it becomes extremely difficult to rebuild.

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