
Li Youbin: Marrying his third-married wife Shi Lanya, his stepson is his pride, but his own son makes him worried

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Autumn Entertainment

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Li Youbin: Marrying his third-married wife Shi Lanya, his stepson is his pride, but his own son makes him worried


Life is like a play, and everyone plays their part on this stage.

Some people have a smooth road in life, while others have experienced hardships.

And marriage is more like a gamble, betting on each other's sincerity and whether it can stand the test of time.

Li Youbin: Marrying his third-married wife Shi Lanya, his stepson is his pride, but his own son makes him worried

Li Youbin, a powerful actor who has been popular all over the country, did his life experience also make him feel the impermanence of fate?

Changchun Repertory Theatre: A fateful encounter

In 1958, Li Youbin was born in a working family in Changchun City, Jilin Province.

Influenced by his sister, he had an inexplicable yearning for the stage at a very young age.

At the age of 16, he was admitted to the Changchun Repertory Theatre as he wished and became an official actor.

Li Youbin: Marrying his third-married wife Shi Lanya, his stepson is his pride, but his own son makes him worried

The young Li Youbin is handsome and chic, and although he is only a newcomer, he is favored by the actresses of the troupe.

And his fate has already quietly come.

Zhang Ruiqi, a fair-skinned, beautiful and talented girl, is a well-deserved pillar of the troupe.

The two outstanding young people, in rehearsals and performances again and again, gradually developed a good impression.

Li Youbin: Marrying his third-married wife Shi Lanya, his stepson is his pride, but his own son makes him worried

Although Zhang Ruiqi's fame is far above Li Youbin, she firmly believes in love and firmly believes that Li Youbin will one day be able to shine in his acting career.

After marriage, she fully supported her husband's career and gave birth to a son named Li Xiaoke.

The North Drifting Years: The Difficult and Difficult Road to Dream Chasing

In 1995, Li Youbin, who was already in his prime, decided to take his wife and children to Beijing together.

Li Youbin: Marrying his third-married wife Shi Lanya, his stepson is his pride, but his own son makes him worried

He understands that it is only in this center of showbiz that it is possible to encounter more opportunities.

Zhang Ruiqi did not hesitate to support her husband's decision, and the couple took leave without pay and began a difficult life in Beipiao.

When he first arrived in Beijing, Li Youbin ran around, riding a dilapidated bicycle, rain or shine, between various crews.

In order to make ends meet, he had to take on some small and insignificant roles.

Li Youbin: Marrying his third-married wife Shi Lanya, his stepson is his pride, but his own son makes him worried

Zhang Ruiqi, on the other hand, resolutely gave up her career and devoted herself to taking care of her husband and son's lives.

Despite the difficult conditions, Li Youbin never regretted his choice.

He always believes that as long as he persists in his efforts, one day he will usher in his own glorious moment.

"Bright Sword" hits: career peak and marital crisis

In 2005, 47-year-old Li Youbin ushered in a turning point in his life.

Li Youbin: Marrying his third-married wife Shi Lanya, his stepson is his pride, but his own son makes him worried

He played Li Yunlong in the TV series "Bright Sword", and won the love of countless audiences with his real and infectious performance.

For a time, Li Youbin became a household name, and his career reached unprecedented heights.

Behind the success, however, is Li Youbin's increasingly estranged family.

Li Youbin: Marrying his third-married wife Shi Lanya, his stepson is his pride, but his own son makes him worried

As his popularity grew, he became more and more busy at work, often not being able to return home for months.

The life of gathering less and leaving more has invisibly buried hidden dangers for this once loving couple.

Zhang Ruiqi guards the empty home alone, although she is sincerely happy for her husband's success, but she can't help but feel lonely and lost.

The contradictions between husband and wife deepened, and quarrels and cold wars became commonplace.

Li Youbin: Marrying his third-married wife Shi Lanya, his stepson is his pride, but his own son makes him worried

Clouds: The Divorce of Parents and the Knot in the Heart of Their Sons

In 2006, Li Youbin and Zhang Ruiqi's marriage came to an end.

When their son Li Xiaoke was 21 years old, the couple made the decision to divorce.

Li Youbin chose to leave the house and left all his property to his ex-wife and son.

Li Youbin: Marrying his third-married wife Shi Lanya, his stepson is his pride, but his own son makes him worried

However, this decision has planted an indelible shadow in the heart of his son Li Xiaoke.

He couldn't understand why his once-loving parents would part ways when his father's career was at its peak.

The failure of his parents' marriage made him deeply afraid and repulsed by marriage.

Although Li Youbin kept in touch with his son, he couldn't make up for the guilt in his heart.

Li Youbin: Marrying his third-married wife Shi Lanya, his stepson is his pride, but his own son makes him worried

He knew that his decision back then had caused an incurable wound to his son's heart.

Continuing the Frontier: The Warmth of the New Marriage

In 2008, 50-year-old Li Youbin entered the marriage hall again.

His bride is actress Shi Lanya, who is 13 years younger than him.

The two had an affair as early as 2003 when they collaborated on "Jiangshan", but they both had their own families at that time.

Li Youbin: Marrying his third-married wife Shi Lanya, his stepson is his pride, but his own son makes him worried

After the divorce, Li Youbin and Shi Lanya finally achieved a positive result.

In this new marriage, Li Youbin poured all his love and tolerance.

He treats his stepson as his own, takes care of him, and teaches patiently.

Under his care, the stepson quickly accepted the new father.

Li Youbin: Marrying his third-married wife Shi Lanya, his stepson is his pride, but his own son makes him worried

And Shi Lanya also warmed this man who had suffered emotional injuries in his own way.

Under the care of his wife, Li Youbin rediscovered the long-lost family warmth.

The father-son gap: an unbridgeable generation gap

Although Li Youbin is happy in his new marriage, his relationship with his biological son Li Xiaoke is increasingly estranged.

The divorce of his parents left an indelible mark on Li Xiaoke's heart.

Li Youbin: Marrying his third-married wife Shi Lanya, his stepson is his pride, but his own son makes him worried

He began to reject marriage and refused to talk to his father about lifelong events.

Although Li Youbin repeatedly persuaded and even promised to buy a wedding house for his son, Li Xiaoke was never moved.

He would rather live alone than repeat the mistakes of his parents.

In the face of his son's indifference, Li Youbin felt powerless.

Li Youbin: Marrying his third-married wife Shi Lanya, his stepson is his pride, but his own son makes him worried

He understands that his decision back then had caused irreparable damage to his son.

But the water is hard to recover, he can only hope for time, hoping that one day, his son can come out of the haze and regain confidence in marriage.


Li Youbin's life seems to be a heart-wrenching drama.

He has experienced difficult struggles, brilliant successes, broken families, and happiness again.

But behind all this, he also paid a heavy price.

Li Youbin: Marrying his third-married wife Shi Lanya, his stepson is his pride, but his own son makes him worried

His story shows us the complexity of human nature and the fragility of marriage.

On the way to chasing our dreams, we may all inevitably face choices.

But no matter what decision we make, we must be responsible for our own choices and responsible for the people around us.

Li Youbin's regret may be our warning.

Li Youbin: Marrying his third-married wife Shi Lanya, his stepson is his pride, but his own son makes him worried

Marriage is not child's play, it needs to be managed with care, and it requires constant communication and understanding.

Only by knowing how to cherish the people in front of you can we reap true happiness.

Let's take Li Youbin's experience as a mirror, take care of our marriage with our hearts, and mend the cracks in our lives with love.

Because each of us deserves a warm and complete home.

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