
Dong Yong, a well-known actor who was unmarried and had no children, is now remarried and has a happy family

Dong Yong, a well-known actor who was unmarried and had no children, is now remarried and has a happy family
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and walk, get rich forever, pay attention to it, and like it, it's hard to get rich if you don't want to
Dong Yong, a well-known actor who was unmarried and had no children, is now remarried and has a happy family

In the Chinese entertainment industry, Dong Yong is an eye-catching name. This powerful actor, who has starred in popular dramas such as "Trident" and "Black Hole", not only conquered the audience with his superb acting skills, but his life experience is full of drama.

Once upon a time, Dong Yong firmly believed that he would die alone. However, fate always likes to joke. When he was 46 years old, a seemingly ordinary blind date completely changed the trajectory of his life.

What kind of adventure rekindled the desire for love for this man who was once determined not to step into the palace of marriage again? What kind of fate made him unexpectedly happy in the second half of his life? Let's walk into Dong Yong's story and uncover this legendary turning point in his life.

In 1968, Dong Yong was born in a military family in Hangzhou. Although the family background and the entertainment industry seem to be incompatible, the gears of fate have already begun to turn quietly.

Dong Yong, a well-known actor who was unmarried and had no children, is now remarried and has a happy family

Dong Yong's brother and sister-in-law are Peking Opera actors, and his sister shines on the drama stage, and this family atmosphere planted the seeds for his future acting career.

Dong Yong, who graduated from the China Academy of Drama, was assigned to the Hangzhou Peking Opera Troupe when he first entered the workplace. However, in the face of the declining Peking Opera market, this young man began to think about his future.

With his excellent martial arts skills, Dong Yong made a bold decision - to transform the film and television industry.

In 1991, 23-year-old Dong Yong left his hometown and stepped on the train to the north. In Beijing, he experienced countless encounters and disappointments, but he never gave up on his dream.

Dong Yong, a well-known actor who was unmarried and had no children, is now remarried and has a happy family

Finally, opportunity favored this persistent young man.

From "Absolute Control" to "Family Tree", to "Police Scene" and "Cold Night", Dong Yong's acting skills have gradually been recognized. The vivid roles he created not only won the love of the audience, but also allowed him to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry.

In 2020, the TV series "Trident" starring him will be broadcast on multiple satellite TVs, once again proving his strength.

From an unknown Peking Opera actor to a well-known film and television star, Dong Yong has used his own efforts to interpret what it means to "accumulate thick and thin". His success is not only a demonstration of his personal talent, but also the result of perseverance.

Dong Yong, a well-known actor who was unmarried and had no children, is now remarried and has a happy family

Dong Yong's experience tells us that as long as we have dreams and have the courage to try, we will eventually find our own place on the stage of life.

Life is like a play, and drama is like life. Just when Dong Yong's acting career was booming, fate gave him a heavy blow.

In 2002, a bad news hit like a thunderbolt from the blue: Dong Yong's dearest sister unfortunately suffered from blood cancer due to ingesting weight loss drugs by mistake and finally passed away. This blow was tantamount to a bolt from the blue for Dong Yong, which instantly pushed him into the trough of his life.

In the past, he was full of spirits, but he seemed to have aged a lot overnight. Grief was like a big net, wrapping him tightly and making it difficult for him to extricate himself.

Dong Yong, a well-known actor who was unmarried and had no children, is now remarried and has a happy family

To add insult to injury, the married life that was supposed to be his harbor came to an end because of personality incompatibility and the troubles of trivial things in life. In 2006, Dong Yong ended his first marriage.

This time, he completely lost faith in love and marriage.

In order to fill the emptiness in his heart, Dong Yong adopted a puppy as a companion. He also employs three employees to take care of his daily life: one for cooking, one for work help, and one for driving.

In this way, Dong Yong lived a self-sufficient single life.

Dong Yong, a well-known actor who was unmarried and had no children, is now remarried and has a happy family

However, Dong Yong's choice made the people around him feel heartache. Every time he saw his son, his elderly parents couldn't help but persuade him to start a family again. But Dong Yong always replied firmly: "In this life, I will no longer consider marriage and childbirth."

Such words often make parents secretly cry in the dead of night.

Dong Yong's brother and sister-in-law were also heartbroken about his brother's marriage, and constantly tried to introduce him to a partner. But every time, Dong Yong will skillfully shirk. In the eyes of outsiders, Dong Yong has a successful career and unlimited scenery.

But only he knows that under that glamorous appearance, there is a scarred heart.

Dong Yong, a well-known actor who was unmarried and had no children, is now remarried and has a happy family

Dong Yong during this period, like a fighter who was defeated by life, lost the courage to continue fighting. He chooses to protect himself with loneliness and conceal his inner fragility with indifference.

However, life is always full of accidents, and no one knows that in the near future, an unexpected encounter will allow this man who has lost hope to find his way back in life.

Life is always full of surprises. Just when everyone thought that Dong Yong would remain single, one day in 2014, the god of fate quietly pushed open the lock on the door of his heart.

On this day, Dong Yong's sister-in-law carefully arranged a blind date. The other party is her colleague at Zhejiang Vocational College of Art, named Zheng Jiayan. At first, Dong Yong was reluctant, and even planned to leave after half an hour.

Dong Yong, a well-known actor who was unmarried and had no children, is now remarried and has a happy family

However, the moment he met Zheng Jiayan, a wonderful feeling arose.

Zheng Jiayan is 9 years younger than Dong Yong, graduated from the China Academy of Drama, and is now teaching at Zhejiang Vocational College of Arts. She didn't wear heavy makeup, and showed her most authentic appearance, which impressed Dong Yong deeply.

What surprised Dong Yong even more was that they had all studied Peking Opera and had a common topic.

The half-hour blind date that was originally expected turned into a whole afternoon of chatting unconsciously. Dong Yong found that he felt pleasure and relaxation for the first time in a long time.

Dong Yong, a well-known actor who was unmarried and had no children, is now remarried and has a happy family

When he left, there was a ripple in his heart, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

A week later, Dong Yong needed to go out to shoot commercials. Out of politeness, he asked Zheng Jiayan to help take care of his puppy. When he returned, he found that the puppy was well cared for.

Later, he learned from his sister-in-law that Zheng Jiayan was actually afraid of dogs, but in order to help him, she overcame her fear. This small detail made the ice in Dong Yong's heart begin to melt slowly.

After that, whenever Dong Yong was in Hangzhou, his sister-in-law would always find an opportunity to invite Zheng Jiayan to come to the house for a party. Zheng Jiayan is gentle and considerate, capable and diligent, and soon won the love of Dong Yong's family.

Dong Yong, a well-known actor who was unmarried and had no children, is now remarried and has a happy family

And Dong Yong was also unconsciously moved by Zheng Jiayan's kindness and sincerity.

In this way, the relationship between the two people is quietly growing. Dong Yong found that he began to look forward to seeing Zheng Jiayan, began to care about her opinion, and began to want to surprise her.

This feeling made him both excited and scared. He doesn't know if he'll still have the courage to commit to a relationship again, but he knows that his heart is no longer an island.

Zheng Jiayan's appearance was like a ray of sunshine, slowly shining into Dong Yong's long-hazy heart. Her empathy and strength made Dong Yong see different possibilities.

Dong Yong, a well-known actor who was unmarried and had no children, is now remarried and has a happy family

Those emotions that were once buried by hurt and disappointment are slowly waking up.

Fate is so wonderful, when you think your life has come to an end, it quietly opens a new chapter for you. Dong Yong's life is ushering in an unexpected turn.

This man, who once decided to die alone, began to rethink the meaning of love and marriage. And all these changes originated from a seemingly ordinary blind date, a woman named Zheng Jiayan, and a puppy that only needs to be taken care of.

Once the seeds of love are planted, they will take root and sprout quickly.

Dong Yong, a well-known actor who was unmarried and had no children, is now remarried and has a happy family

For Dong Yong, the decision was not easy. He had experienced the failure of his marriage, and deep down he still had a fear of marriage. However, the appearance of Zheng Jiayan rekindled his desire for love and family.

After careful consideration, Dong Yong made a decision that surprised everyone: he chose to leave Beijing, where he had struggled for 17 years, and returned to Hangzhou to start a new life with Zheng Jiayan.

This decision not only requires great courage, but also reflects Dong Yong's cherishing of this relationship.

In September 2014, in Hangzhou, Dong Yong and Zheng Jiayan held a simple and warm wedding. Although the wedding was a bit rushed, and they didn't even have time to take wedding photos, the faces of the two were filled with happy smiles.

Dong Yong, a well-known actor who was unmarried and had no children, is now remarried and has a happy family

On the second day of marriage, Dong Yong embarked on a journey to Germany to shoot "How Steel is Made". Although the newlywed Yan'er was about to separate, Zheng Jiayan showed great understanding and support.

This understanding strengthened Dong Yong's determination to start anew.

In 2015, Dong Yong ushered in another important moment in his life - he became a father. When he picked up his little daughter for the first time, the joy and emotion that surged in his heart made the man who once thought he didn't like children burst into tears in an instant.

Since then, Dong Yong's life has taken on a new meaning and direction. He is no longer the lonely bachelor, but a responsible, responsible husband and father. This decision not only changed his life, but also allowed him to rediscover the meaning of life.

Dong Yong, a well-known actor who was unmarried and had no children, is now remarried and has a happy family

The responsibilities of marriage and family have brought great changes to Dong Yong. The bachelor who used to stay up late, smoke, and drink strong tea began to learn to adjust his lifestyle.

At first, Dong Yong's rugged and bold personality collided with Zheng Jiayan's rigorous and delicate style. However, he soon realizes that he is no longer a bachelor who can do whatever he wants.

In order to maintain this hard-won marriage, Dong Yong began to take the initiative to change himself.

He learned how to make milk powder, change diapers, and began to take his daughter to and from school and play with her. When his daughter has a high fever in the middle of the night, he will take the initiative to take care of his wife and let his wife rest at ease.

Dong Yong, a well-known actor who was unmarried and had no children, is now remarried and has a happy family

What's even more surprising is that this man, who once knew nothing about housework, actually learned to cook, and his cooking skills are quite good.

Outside of work, Dong Yong chooses to stay at home in Hangzhou and enjoy a plain and warm family life. He would prepare dinner for his wife, who had returned late, and wait patiently for her to come home.

These subtle changes not only warmed Zheng Jiayan's heart, but also made Dong Yong feel the warmth of his family.

In an interview in 2020, Dong Yong sincerely said: "I am very lucky to meet Zheng Jiayan, she has injected endless happiness into my life, and has given me a new understanding and cognition of love and marriage.

Dong Yong, a well-known actor who was unmarried and had no children, is now remarried and has a happy family

If it weren't for her, I might still be struggling with the haze of fear of falling in love and getting married.

From an unmarried man to a happy husband and father, Dong Yong's transformation is not only a change of role, but also a transformation of his outlook on life. His story teaches us that no matter what kind of pain we have experienced, as long as we are willing to open our hearts, happiness can always come.

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