
Born 40 days ago was left to her grandmother to raise, she followed her mother's surname Yue, and now she feeds her mother Yue Hong by running tricks

author:Nickelodeon Institute
Born 40 days ago was left to her grandmother to raise, she followed her mother's surname Yue, and now she feeds her mother Yue Hong by running tricks
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Born 40 days ago was left to her grandmother to raise, she followed her mother's surname Yue, and now she feeds her mother Yue Hong by running tricks

Under the bright stars of the Chinese entertainment industry, there is a poignant story hidden. Yue Hong, a famous actor who was once popular all over the country, made a shocking decision at the peak of his career: to hand over his 40-day-old daughter to his mother to raise, and he devoted himself to his work.

This "abandoned" girl is Yue Yien. From the moment she fell to the ground, she was destined to go through a period of growth like no other. In the arms of her grandmother, Yue Yien spent her childhood.

However, whether it is the immature period of babbling, or the growth stage of toddlerhood, or even important moments such as birthdays, enrollment, and further education, the figure of the mother is always absent.

As he grew older, Yue Yien felt more and more the lack of maternal love. Her eyes reflect the longing for her mother, but she can only seek solace in her grandmother's care.

Born 40 days ago was left to her grandmother to raise, she followed her mother's surname Yue, and now she feeds her mother Yue Hong by running tricks

This lack of emotion, like an invisible wound, is deeply engraved in Yue Yien's heart.

Yue Hong once admitted that as a new mother, she felt at a loss how to love her daughter. She poured all her passion into her work, but neglected her daughter's growth needs.

This kind of neglect has invisibly built an insurmountable gap between mother and daughter.

In this heart-wrenching story, we can't help but ask: what causes a successful actor to make such a decision? How did Yue Yien spend his childhood? Where will the relationship between mother and daughter go from here? As the story unfolds, we'll unravel these mysteries step by step and explore a moving story of family, growth, and redemption.

Born 40 days ago was left to her grandmother to raise, she followed her mother's surname Yue, and now she feeds her mother Yue Hong by running tricks

Yue Hong's life trajectory is legendary. In 1962, she was born in Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province, a city known as the "Land of Abundance". Unlike many ordinary girls, Yue Hong was photographed by Bole early because of her outstanding appearance and embarked on the road of acting.

This decision completely changed the trajectory of her life.

In 1984, an opportunity struck. Yue Hong became famous in one fell swoop with her outstanding performance in the movie "Little Island". This work is like a stepping stone that pushes her onto a broader stage.

Subsequently, she even appeared on the highest hall in the Chinese TV industry - the Spring Festival Gala. Since then, Yue Hong's name has resounded all over the country and has become a well-known star.

Born 40 days ago was left to her grandmother to raise, she followed her mother's surname Yue, and now she feeds her mother Yue Hong by running tricks

However, just when her career was in full swing, Yue Hong made a decision that puzzled many people: to enter the palace of marriage. This decision is like a bombshell, which has caused a lot of shock in the entertainment industry.

Many people questioned why she had to "retreat bravely" at the most glorious moment, but Yue Hong seemed to be firm in her choice.

Soon after marriage, Yue Hong became pregnant and gave birth to a child. However, as a first-time mother, she seemed to be a little caught off guard. Faced with sudden family responsibilities, Yue Hong struggled to find a balance between career and family, but was always unable to do so.

This hastily concluded marriage was ultimately unavoidable.

Born 40 days ago was left to her grandmother to raise, she followed her mother's surname Yue, and now she feeds her mother Yue Hong by running tricks

After the divorce, 28-year-old Yue Hong became a single mother. She had to take on the responsibility of the whole family on her own, which undoubtedly put a lot of pressure on her.

In this situation, Yue Hong made a heart-wrenching decision: to leave her 40-day-old daughter to be raised by her mother, while she devoted herself to her work.

Yue Hong's choice undoubtedly deeply affected the growth of her daughter Yue Yien, and also laid hidden dangers for the future mother-daughter relationship. This decision became a turning point in their life journey, triggering a series of unpredictable consequences.

Under the careful care of his grandmother, Yue Yien grew up slowly. However, the absence of her mother is like an invisible wound that continues to erode the sensitive heart of this little girl.

Born 40 days ago was left to her grandmother to raise, she followed her mother's surname Yue, and now she feeds her mother Yue Hong by running tricks

Every important moment in life, whether it is the first time to speak, the first time to walk independently, or to enroll, go on to higher education, or even the graduation ceremony, Yue Yien is always missing the most important figure by her side - her mother.

As he grew older, Yue Yien felt more and more alienated from his mother. Her heart is full of contradictions: on the one hand, she longs for her mother's love, and on the other hand, she is full of resistance to this "stranger".

This complex emotion accumulates as she grows up, eventually exploding in a rare reunion.

That day, Yue Hong finally found precious time to spend with her daughter. However, what was supposed to be a warm parent-child time turned into a fierce conflict. Perhaps it was the long-pent-up emotions that found an outlet for it, Yue Yien suddenly lost control and slammed his head into his mother's face hard.

Born 40 days ago was left to her grandmother to raise, she followed her mother's surname Yue, and now she feeds her mother Yue Hong by running tricks

This move not only hurt Yue Hong, but also deeply stabbed the hearts of the two people.

Faced with her daughter's sudden "violent" behavior, Yue Hong was at a loss for a while. Instinctively, she made a move she regretted: she slapped her daughter.

At this moment, both mother and daughter seemed to be stunned. There was embarrassment and pain in the air, and no one knew how to break the silence.

This conflict is like a mirror, clearly reflecting the rift in the mother-daughter relationship. Yue Hong realized that her role as a mother was far from up to par. She didn't know how to love, how to teach her daughter.

Born 40 days ago was left to her grandmother to raise, she followed her mother's surname Yue, and now she feeds her mother Yue Hong by running tricks

Yue Yien, on the other hand, was even more convinced in this conflict: there was an insurmountable gap between her and her mother.

Afterwards, when Yue Hong recalled this scene, her heart was full of self-blame. She realized that as a mother, she should give her daughter more understanding and tolerance, rather than simply coping with punishment.

This conflict made her deeply aware of her failure in her role as a mother.

For Yue Yien, this incident deepened the pain in her heart. She longs for her mother's love, but she doesn't know how to express it; She wanted to be close to her mother, but instinctively wanted to push her away.

Born 40 days ago was left to her grandmother to raise, she followed her mother's surname Yue, and now she feeds her mother Yue Hong by running tricks

This kind of contradictory emotion made the young Yue Yien feel at a loss.

After this incident, the mother-daughter relationship seems to have fallen to a freezing point. Yue Hong is more engaged in work, trying to escape the helplessness of facing her daughter; Yue Yien closed himself off and no longer expected his mother's love.

In this way, they each live in their own world, as if two parallel lines will never intersect.

This experience became a turning point in the relationship between Yue Hong and Yue Yien. It not only reveals the problems between them, but also lays the groundwork for future reconciliation.

Born 40 days ago was left to her grandmother to raise, she followed her mother's surname Yue, and now she feeds her mother Yue Hong by running tricks

Although they didn't know it at the time, this painful experience would eventually be the starting point for them to rebuild their relationship.

In 2002, an unexpected bad news hit Yue Hong like a bolt from the blue: she was diagnosed with stomach cancer. This disease, which may take away life, made this once radiant actor truly feel the fragility of life and the preciousness of family affection for the first time.

In the days when she was sick in bed, Yue Hong began to reflect deeply on her life. She thinks back to the missed times, the days when she should have been with her daughter. Remorse and guilt flood in, and she realizes her dereliction of duty as a mother and is determined to make up for the debt she owes her daughter over the years.

In the face of the torture of illness, Yue Hong showed amazing courage. Not only does she have to fight the disease, but she also has to work to repair her relationship with her daughter. During this difficult period, she began to take the initiative to care about Yue Yien's life and spend as much time as possible with her.

Born 40 days ago was left to her grandmother to raise, she followed her mother's surname Yue, and now she feeds her mother Yue Hong by running tricks

Every conversation, every tiny interaction, becomes a precious opportunity to rebuild the mother-daughter relationship.

On the other hand, seeing that his once glorious mother was now suffering from illness, Yue Yien's heart was filled with pity that he had never felt before. Despite the trauma of years of lack of maternal love, she chose forgiveness and understanding in the face of her fragile mother.

She began to visit her mother frequently, and slowly let go of the mustard in her heart in the care.

In this battle against the disease, the relationship between mother and daughter has taken a turn for the better. Yue Hong's illness became an opportunity for them to get closer again, and also gave them a chance to re-examine their relationship with each other.

Born 40 days ago was left to her grandmother to raise, she followed her mother's surname Yue, and now she feeds her mother Yue Hong by running tricks

Yue Yien gradually learns to accept this mother who was once "absent", while Yue Hong tries to make up for past negligence.

Although this illness brought physical pain to Yue Hong, it became a turning point in their relationship to rebuild. Although the process was difficult, both mother and daughter were trying to repair the rift that lay in their hearts.

This experience made them understand that life is so precious, and family affection is a priceless treasure that needs to be cherished.

In the process of gradually improving his relationship with his mother Yue Hong, Yue Yien was subtly influenced and developed a strong interest in acting. With a longing for her acting career and admiration for her mother, she resolutely stepped into this circle full of opportunities and challenges.

Born 40 days ago was left to her grandmother to raise, she followed her mother's surname Yue, and now she feeds her mother Yue Hong by running tricks

However, reality is often not as rosy as imagined. Yue Yien soon discovered that he had not inherited his mother's acting talent. has been in the entertainment industry for many years, but she has never been able to become famous like her mother.

Most of the time, she can only make ends meet by running tricks, standing in obscurity in the corner where the spotlight does not shine.

Despite this, Yue Yien did not give up on his dream. She knows that she may not be able to become a star like her mother, but she can repay her mother's nurturing grace in her own way.

Every trick, every little role, she goes all out, as if she is telling her mother in this way: I am working hard, I am growing.

Born 40 days ago was left to her grandmother to raise, she followed her mother's surname Yue, and now she feeds her mother Yue Hong by running tricks

This kind of filial piety paid silently, although ordinary, is precious. It not only reflects Yue Yien's tenacious character, but also makes the mother-daughter relationship closer in this mutual support.

When Yue Hong saw her daughter's efforts, she was both relieved and guilty in her heart, and she became more deeply aware of her past negligence.

In this process, Yue Yien's acting skills are also improving. Although she may never reach the heights of her mother, she has found her own style of acting.

Every performance, no matter how big or small the role, she pours all her enthusiasm, as if she is interpreting her love for acting in her own way.

Born 40 days ago was left to her grandmother to raise, she followed her mother's surname Yue, and now she feeds her mother Yue Hong by running tricks

Yue Yien's story interprets a simple and profound truth: success is not only glamorous fame and fortune, but also the process of persevering in the ordinary and repaying the kindness of relatives.

She interpreted the phrase "filial daughter is the most beautiful" with practical actions, and her story will continue to move more people.

Today, Yue Hong's life focus has changed dramatically. She devoted most of her energy to making up for her daughter's life, deciding not to think about marriage anymore and focus on living with her daughter.

This choice reflects her deep reflection on past negligence and firm commitment to the future.

Born 40 days ago was left to her grandmother to raise, she followed her mother's surname Yue, and now she feeds her mother Yue Hong by running tricks

At the same time, Yue Yien continued to struggle in the entertainment industry. Although she is still not famous, her acting skills are constantly improving, and every performance is a persistence in her dreams. Mother and daughter work together to face life's challenges and weave their own future.

This story teaches us that even after twists and turns, sincere family affection can overcome all obstacles. The experiences of Yue Hong and Yue Yien demonstrate the power of love and forgiveness, and also explain the truth that "it's not too late to make amends".

Their stories will undoubtedly continue to touch more people and become a model for family restoration.

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