
The woman was washing clothes by the dry well, and everyone mocked her, but the Taoist priest knelt down and saluted

author:It's your cannon brother

【Title】The Strange Fate in the Dry Well: The Mystery of the Li Family's Daughter-in-law, the Respectful Eyes of the Taoist Chief

Let's say, in those years, there was such a place, called Yunyin Village, this village, hidden in the mountain col, in the clouds and fog, like a fairyland on earth. There is a daughter-in-law in the village, surnamed Li, called Wanqing, in her forties, with a kind face, quick hands and feet, but her life is bitter.

Early that morning, Wanqing carried a basket of clothes and walked to the dry well at the head of the village. This well, the water used to be clear, but then I don't know what to do, the water dried up, and there was a black hole left at the mouth of the well, looking at the strange people. When the people in the village saw it, they all made fun of her: "Wanqing, why don't you go to the river to wash?" Do you have to be at this unlucky well? Wanqing just grinned, didn't say anything, and continued to rub her clothes, her hands were as cold as carrots.

The woman was washing clothes by the dry well, and everyone mocked her, but the Taoist priest knelt down and saluted

This matter spread like this, and it became a fun time for the people in the village after tea and dinner. But who would have thought that day, a Taoist chief came to the village, wearing a Taoist robe and holding a whisk in his hand. He walked all over the village, and finally walked straight to the dry well, and when he saw Wanqing washing there, he immediately stopped, his eyes lit up, and without saying a word, he knelt down with a "plop" and made a big salute!

At this moment, the people in the village were shocked, and they surrounded them, gossiping: "Dao Chief, what are you doing here?" Giving a salute to a laundry daughter-in-law? The Taoist raised his head with a serious face: "You don't know, this daughter-in-law is not trivial, this dry well beside her hides a big secret!" When the people in the village heard this, they were all stunned, thinking to themselves if there was something wrong with this chief? Or are you hungry? Wanqing was also confused, and forgot to put down the clothes in her hand.

The Taoist chief slowly stood up, looked around, and said: "This well was originally the eye of the dragon vein, but after a long time, the dragon qi dispersed, and it became a dry well. Wanqing's daughter-in-law, washing here every day, does not dislike this well, and treats it with kindness, in fact, she is unintentionally raising the remnants of the dragon vein, what a virtue is this, how can I be disrespectful? "When the people in the village heard this, you look at me, I look at you, and I wondered if what the chief said was true, could it be that Wan Qingzhen was a living immortal?

The woman was washing clothes by the dry well, and everyone mocked her, but the Taoist priest knelt down and saluted

The Taoist chief continued: "Besides, Wanqing's daughter-in-law is destined to bring you noble, and her two babies will become great weapons in the future, and this well is a witness." I'm here today to find this lost dragon vein qi so that it can help me practice. Now seeing Wanqing's daughter-in-law, it's really providential! As soon as these words came out, the people in the village exploded and talked about it, and some said: "Oh mom, what kind of luck is Wanqing?" Some said: "It seems that we will have to be polite to Wanqing in the future, maybe one day she will become an immortal!" Wanqing listened to these words, her heart was mixed, she never thought that her ordinary daughter-in-law could be related to the dragon vein and fairy energy. Oh, that's complicated. Let's start with Wanqing, her eyes glanced at the dry well, and then at the Taoist priest, her heart was like knocking over the five-flavor bottle, and she had any taste. When the Taoist priest saw Wanqing's appearance, he grinned, took out a jade pendant from his sleeve, handed it to Wanqing, and said, "This thing, let's take it with us, there is a little spell in it, which can keep your family safe." You, you have to continue to be kind, if the dragon vein lives in the future, your credit will be great. Wanqing took the jade pendant, her palms were heavy, and her heart sank. She was beating a drum in her heart, this sudden change was a blessing or a curse, and she really couldn't figure it out. But she knew in her heart that no matter what, for the sake of those two children, she had to live well.

Since then, Wanqing's life has been turned upside down. The attitude of the people in the village towards her was a 180-degree change, and they all became polite. Wanqing is still the same, diligent, but she thinks a little more in her heart, pondering the words of the Taoist priest and thinking about her future. Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed. Wanqing's two children also grew into young men, one became a teacher in the village, and the other went out to learn art and became a famous carpenter. Wanqing watched the children come out, and the beauty in her heart felt that this life was worth it.

But at this moment, the dry well suddenly moved. Overnight, the well water was full, crystal clear, and cold, as if it really had dragon energy. When the people in the village saw it, they were all amazed, saying that Wanqing was a living immortal, and even the dry well could be full of "crying". Wanqing stood by the well, looking at the full well water, and the emotion in her heart was indescribable. She remembered the words of the Taoist priest, remembered the jade pendant, and suddenly, everything understood. It turns out that the real nobility is not the dragon vein, but his own kind heart that does not accept his fate and is consistent.

The woman was washing clothes by the dry well, and everyone mocked her, but the Taoist priest knelt down and saluted

At this moment, a gust of wind blew, and the figure of the Taoist priest seemed to appear again, smiled at her, and said, "Lady, you did it." The qi of the dragon vein is not within the reach of external forces, only the goodness of people's hearts can be nourished. Your kindness has revived the dragon veins and rejuvenated the village. Wanqing heard this, tears welled in her eyes, she finally understood that she was the real "dragon vein", and it was her tenacity and kindness that nourished this land and the hearts of her family.

The people in the village began to talk about it, and some said: "Wanqing, you have accumulated great virtue, and even the Dragon Lord will give you face!" Others said: "It seems that we will have to follow Wanqing in the future, maybe one day we will be able to get into the fairy spirit!" Wanqing listened to these words, and she had mixed feelings in her heart, she knew that she was not so godly, but how could she explain this? She took a look at the well, and secretly wondered in her heart: Could it be that the Taoist priest really went down to earth and pointed out a clear path for herself? In this way, the days passed day by day, and the days of Wanqing's family became more and more prosperous. Our northeast Nagada, the two sons are filial piety, and the people in the village are also harmonious, and the well is simply a cornucopia, which has brought a lot of blessings to our village. But the good times didn't last long, and an uninvited guest suddenly appeared in the village, wearing a black robe, his face was as black as the bottom of a pot, his eyes were green, and he was not a good bird at first glance. As soon as this guy came, he went straight to the well, circled around the well a few times, and his mouth was still babbling, so frightened that no one in the village dared to approach.

Wanqing looked at this posture, her heart tightened, and she thought: This matter, I'm afraid that the person who came is not good! She hurriedly found the old hunter in the village, and told him about it, the old hunter was also a person who had seen the world, and when she heard it, she frowned and said, "This matter, I'm afraid it's related to the dragon vein, let's be careful." The two of them decided to go to the bottom of the black-robed man at night.

The woman was washing clothes by the dry well, and everyone mocked her, but the Taoist priest knelt down and saluted

On a dark and windy night, Wanqing and the old hunter quietly approached the black-robed man, only to see him take out a mirror from his arms, shine it at the well, and mutter: "The breath of the dragon vein, sure enough, is here, as long as I breathe in this breath, I can live forever, haha......" Wanqing heard this, and said in her heart: This black-robed man turned out to be a crazy critic who wanted to live forever! She was about to step forward to stop her, but she was grabbed by the old hunter and whispered, "Don't worry, let's go back first, this matter has to be discussed in the long run." ”

The two returned to the village and stayed up all night, discussing countermeasures. The next day, Wanqing told the people in the village about it, and everyone blew up the pot and said that they would protect the well and prevent the black-robed people from succeeding. Wanqing thought for a while and said, "We can't fight hard, we have to outwit." I remember that the Taoist priest once left me a jade pendant, saying that it would keep me safe, so we might as well try its power. When the villagers heard it, they thought it was a good idea.

So, Wanqing took out the jade pendant and looked at the well, only to see a golden light flashing, the well seemed to be protected by an invisible barrier, no matter how the black-robed man tossed, he couldn't get close. Seeing this, the black-robed man was so angry that he shouted, pointed at Wanqing and said, "You are a woman, you dare to harm my good deeds!" I'm telling you, I'm not to be trifled with! Wanqing did not show weakness, puffed up her chest and said: "Although we are women, we also know what is good and what is evil. You black-hearted person wants to harm our village, even if we fight for this life, we have to fight you to the end! When the people in the village heard this, they all applauded and shouted in unison: "Yes, let's fight him to the end!" The sound shook the mountains three times.

The woman was washing clothes by the dry well, and everyone mocked her, but the Taoist priest knelt down and saluted

When the black-robed man saw this posture, he knew that he couldn't bargain today, so he had to leave in disgrace. Since then, he has never dared to come to the village to cause trouble. In order to thank Wanqing, the villagers specially erected a monument for her, which reads "Mother of Dragon Vein, Wanqing Lady". This matter has spread like this, and it has spread all over the country that Wanqing's reputation is higher than the Changbai Mountain and longer than the Songhua River. Oh, our well in the northeast of Gada, it's really not built, it's like a big brother, it has been guarding our tunzi, so that we, the old and young masters in the tun, can live a comfortable life. Wanqing this girl, she is not simple, she has become a living bodhisattva in our tun, everyone respects her and loves her, the deep feelings are just like the sauerkraut in our northeast, sour, and endless.

Speaking of which, let's interject, what's the most expensive thing in the world? It's not the pile of gold and silver, nor the high-ranking officials, but the kindness and sincerity in people's hearts. Wanqing, this girl, she used her kindness and good deeds to not only nourish our dragon veins, but also nourish our tunzi, and nourish the hearts of each of us. So, listeners and friends, we have to learn to be gentle and be kind-hearted people in the future. Maybe one day, you can also become the mother of the dragon vein, a living bodhisattva! Ha ha! Okay, that's all for today's story, let's talk about it next time, remember, be a kind person, let's see you next time!

Hey, as soon as the black-robed man left, the wind and waves in our tunzi were calm, and the days were more comfortable than the winter in the northeast. Wanqing, this girl, has also become an old birthday star in Tunli, and she has lived to be more than ninety years old, and she still looks kind, and the people in the village say that she has eaten the fairy energy of the dragon vein, so she lives so long. But when Wanqing was ninety-nine years old, an uninvited guest suddenly came to our tunzi, a young man in fancy clothes, with a bookish face and a bookcase on his back, saying that he had come to Wanqing to solve a puzzle. When the people in the village looked at it, they thought: This young man, I'm afraid I don't know how powerful our Wanqing lady is, right? persuaded him one after another: "Young man, you better go back, our lady Wanqing doesn't have time to solve any puzzles." But the young man didn't want to leave, so he had to see Wanqing's side.

The woman was washing clothes by the dry well, and everyone mocked her, but the Taoist priest knelt down and saluted

When Wanqing heard about this, she thought: This young man, I'm afraid there is something difficult, it is better to meet him, maybe I can help. So, Wanqing let the young man into the house. As soon as the young man saw Wanqing, he immediately knelt down and said, "Wanqing lady, I beg you to help me solve a puzzle, which is handed down by my ancestors, saying that only the mother of the dragon vein can solve it." When Wanqing heard this, she said in her heart: I am afraid that this matter is related to the dragon vein. She asked the young man to tell the puzzle, and the young man took out a jade pendant from the bookcase, which was exactly the same as the one before Wanqing!

"The qi of the dragon vein is not something that can be touched by any external power, it has to rely on the goodness in people's hearts to slowly cultivate it. This piece of jade handed down by your ancestors just wants to tell you that no matter what time you are, you have to have a good heart, so that you can raise the dragon vein and raise us for a lifetime. When the young man heard this, he called a bright hall in his heart, knelt down with a plop, kowtowed to Wanqing, and said, "Sister Wanqing, you are really a living Bodhisattva!" I understand that the true meaning of this life is to have a good heart and do good deeds. I will definitely spread your words so that more people can understand this reason. Wan Qingle nodded and said, "Good boy, remember, what is the most valuable thing in this world?" It is not gold and silver treasures, nor is it a position of power, but the kindness and sincerity of people's hearts. Go back and tell your family about this, so that they can understand. ”

The young man left with great gratitude, and after that, he really passed Wanqing's words to his family, and wrote a book, so that this truth spread all over the country. People say that Wanqing is not only the guardian of the dragon vein, but also the wise man of life. As for Wanqing, that winter, she quietly closed her eyes and left. The people in the village said that she went to the dragon vein and became a real immortal. After Wanqing left, the well was still so clear and the water was still so sweet. The people in the village are still so harmonious, kind-hearted, and do good deeds. They said it was the best thing Wanqing had left them.

The woman was washing clothes by the dry well, and everyone mocked her, but the Taoist priest knelt down and saluted

Besides, the young man, he later became a great good man, spreading the idea of kindness and good deeds wherever he went. He said that the person he is most grateful to in his life is Sister Wanqing, who made him understand the true meaning of life. Hey, speaking of which, let's interject, what's the hardest thing in the world? It's not a mountain of gold and silver treasures, it's not a position of power to the top, but it's about meeting a noble person who can show you the way. Just like Wanqing, she used her experience and wisdom to light the young man's heart, and also left us with valuable life inspiration. So, friends, we have to learn from Wanqing in the future, be a kind-hearted person, spread kindness and good deeds, and make this world a better place! Maybe one day, you can also become the wise man of that life, a living immortal! Ha ha! Well, that's all for today's story. Let's break it down next time, goodbye! Remember, spread kindness and good deeds, and we'll see you next time!