
The man fed the fox and drank wine, but he was taken into the cave in a daze, and the fox said, "I will marry you."

author:It's your cannon brother

Our Gada is not simple, the legend of the fox is basket after basket. Today, let's give you a rare thing that happened in the ravine in the south, which makes people get goosebumps all over their bodies, and the ending makes people pat their thighs and applaud. It is said that in the mountains to the south, there lives a young man named Li Erdan. This guy is a hunter, he usually relies on this industry to make a living, he is bold and careful, with a radius of dozens of miles, and he is a well-known name when he is mentioned.

One day, as usual, he went into the mountains to hunt with a bow and arrows on his back. But after wandering around for most of the day, I didn't see any decent prey. He was about to call it a day and go home when suddenly, a fiery fox burst into his sight. This fox, with its bright fur and sparkling eyes, is not ordinary at first glance. Li Erdan was so happy in his heart, he thought: "Today, I finally met a baby who can sell for a lot of money." He crept closer, ready to be shot with an arrow. But just as he drew his bow and arrows, the fox suddenly turned around, gave him a look, and then "whoosh" and burrowed into the grass beside him. How could Li Erdan just let it go, he chased after him.

But behind the grass was a hidden cave, and the fox slipped into it. Li Erdan hesitated for a moment, and pondered in his heart: "Where this fox can enter, it shouldn't be a big deal." So, he plucked up his courage and went in. The cave was dark, but Li Erdan could still see clearly with his years of hunting experience. He followed the fox's footsteps, going deeper and deeper. Suddenly, the smell of wine came to my nose. Where does the smell of wine come from in these barren mountains and mountains? He followed the aroma of wine, and saw a small stone table in front of him, on which was placed a jar of fine wine and two wine glasses. Li Erdan was so curious in his heart, who would be so emotional in this mountain, and set up a banquet with wine? He looked around, but there was no one to be seen.

The man fed the fox and drank wine, but he was taken into the cave in a daze, and the fox said, "I will marry you."

At this moment, the fiery fox came out of the shadows, jumped onto the stone table, and spoke: "Li Erdan, you came just in time, this wine is for you." Li Erdan was stunned at that time, this fox can actually speak human words! He steadied himself and asked, "You... Who are you? How do you know my name? The fox smiled slightly and said, "I am the fox fairy in this mountain, and I know that you will come today, so I specially prepared a good wine for you." As he spoke, he picked up a wine glass, filled it with wine, and handed it to Li Erdan. Although Li Erdan muttered in his heart, he was fascinated by the fox's actions, and the aroma of wine was really seductive, so he couldn't help but take the wine glass and took a sip. This wine, soft and with an endless aftertaste, is really the most delicious wine he has ever drunk in his life. After a few cups, Li Erdan felt dizzy and dizzy, and his eyes were blurry. He staggered to his feet, but he became unsteady, fell to the ground, and passed out. Oh, this Li Erdan woke up, his head was still confused, and he found himself lying on a soft bed, surrounded by decorations, tsk, like the daughter's room of a rich and noble family. He rubbed his eyes, trying to see what the hell this was, but he found that he couldn't move, and when he looked down, good fellow, his hands and feet were all tied up like rice dumplings. At this time, a gentle voice sounded in my ears: "Wake up?" As soon as he looked up, it turned out to be the fiery red vixen, and now she has become a woman who is too beautiful to speak, wearing red clothes, that eyebrows, that look, it really makes people look straight.

Li Erdan was so frightened that he couldn't speak at this moment, but the fox woman smiled lightly and said, "Don't be afraid, I won't harm you." The two of us have a fate, I specially invited you to drink the wedding wine, I didn't expect you to be so strong in wine. Since you're here, let me be my husband. When Li Erdan heard this, his soul was about to fly, and he struggled to run, but was gently pressed by the fox woman and said, "You can't run." I am a fox fairy in the mountains, and my magic power is boundless. If you follow me, you will enjoy endless glory and wealth; If you don't comply, I'll kill you. Although Li Erdan was afraid in his heart, he was unwilling to give in like this, he took a deep breath, pretended to be calm, and said: "Although I, Li Erdan, am a hunter, I also know that twisted melons are not sweet. If you really like me, let me go; If you try to harm me, I won't die. ”

When the fox woman heard this, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, but she didn't expect this Orion to be quite backbone. She was silent for a moment, then slowly let go of her hand and said, "Okay, I'll let you go." But you have to remember, don't tell outsiders about today's events, otherwise, I won't let you go. When Li Erdan heard this, he nodded hurriedly, and the fox woman waved her hand, and the red light flashed, and Li Erdan didn't know anything.

The man fed the fox and drank wine, but he was taken into the cave in a daze, and the fox said, "I will marry you."

When he woke up again, he found himself lying at the mouth of the cave. He rubbed his eyes, found that the red silk was gone, stood up and patted the soil on his body, and secretly rejoiced in his heart. I looked back at the bottomless cave, and my heart was furious. This fox bride is really weird and dangerous, and today is a life. Li Erdan stood up, his heart was full of thoughts, but he also knew that he had to leave this ghost place quickly. He quickened his pace, fearing that the fox bride would catch up. Fortunately, although the road in the mountains was winding, he was used to it, and it didn't take long to get home.

As soon as he entered the door, Li Erdan's daughter-in-law greeted him, saw that his face was pale, and hurriedly asked, "What's wrong with you?" Why is your face so ugly? Li Erdan shook his head and said, "It's nothing, it's just that I went around in the mountains and encountered something strange." "We Northeast people speak straightforwardly, and this thing has to be changed like this, so that the taste is stronger and the sound is more pleasant.

His daughter-in-law had a little Jiujiu in his heart, he didn't want her to know too much, so he brought it over in a few words. But how can this matter be pulled down like this? Li Erdan's heart is like a mirror, the fox bride is not a fuel-efficient lamp, let him go today, and Ming'er may change his hexagram. He's got to think of a trick to clean up this mess. Li Erdan, this kid is very clever, and after pondering for a few days, he finally came up with a trick. He ran to the old Taoist priest in the village and poured out the matter from beginning to end. When the old Taoist priest heard this, he raised his eyebrows and said, "This fox bride is not simple, she has taken a fancy to you, and it is not easy for her to let her go." When Li Erdan heard this, he chuckled in his heart, and hurriedly asked: "What's the matter?" You've got to give me an idea! The old Taoist priest stroked his beard and said, 'This matter must be done slowly.' You go back first, and I'll meet the fox bride tonight." When Li Erdan heard this, he hurriedly thanked him and went home to prepare.

The man fed the fox and drank wine, but he was taken into the cave in a daze, and the fox said, "I will marry you."

In the evening, the old Taoist priest came to the cave with the magic weapon. He took a deep breath and gritted his teeth to go inside. After a while, the cry of a fox and the chanting of a Taoist priest came from the cave. Li Erdan is not sitting at home, nor is he standing, and he is called a seven up and eight down in his heart. It wasn't until late at night that the old Taoist priest came out of the cave, his face pale, but his eyes flashed with excitement. Li Erdan hurriedly greeted him and asked, 'What's wrong?' What happened to the fox bride? The old Taoist priest sighed and said, "That fox bride has been practicing for thousands of years, and her mana is not covered. I tried to trap her with a charm, but she broke free. However, I didn't work in vain and discovered one of her weaknesses. As soon as Li Erdan heard that there was a play, he hurriedly asked: "What is the weakness?" The old Taoist priest said, "Although the fox bride is powerful, her tail is her lifeline, as long as you can find an opportunity to cut off her tail with a knife, she will lose all her mana and return to her original form." When Li Erdan heard this, he was so happy in his heart that he hurriedly thanked him. The old Taoist priest gave a few more words of advice and left.

The next day, Li Erdan came to the cave again with a sharp hunting knife. He took a deep breath and gritted his teeth to go inside. In a few moments, he saw the fiery fox bride. She was sitting at the stone table, pouring herself a drink, looking quite comfortable. Seeing this, Li Erdan's heart tightened, but he knew that this was his chance. He crept closer, and slashed at the fox bride's tail while she wasn't looking. I only heard a scream of 'whoosh', and the fox bride's tail was cut off. She rolled on the ground in pain, and in a moment she was back into a fiery fox. Seeing this, Li Erdan hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed the fox's neck. The fox struggled, his eyes full of horror and unwillingness. Li Erdan looked at it coldly and said, "You are not shallow in harming people, today I will do the right thing for heaven!" So saying, he lifted up his hunting knife and was about to slash it down. ”

With such a change, doesn't it sound more energetic, and it has more flavor of Nagada in our northeast? Hey, that's wicked. At that moment, the fox suddenly opened his mouth and spoke: "Li Erdan, if you let me go, I will guarantee you to eat and drink spicy food for the rest of your life." Li Erdan grinned and replied: "Although our Li Erdan is so poor, we have hands and feet, and we can make money ourselves." Your wealth and glory are not rare for us, so let's try to be steadfast. As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his knife and fell. The fox screamed and stopped moving. Li Erdan threw the fox's corpse and strode out of the cave. He hasn't had any strange encounters since then. As soon as this matter spread, everyone said that Li Erdan was a hero and eliminated the harm for us. The fiery fox bride has also become a topic of conversation after dinner. However, Li Erdan never mentioned this stubble himself, he knew that there were some things that he could understand in his heart. This matter is turned over like this, and Li Erdan still lives his hunting days as usual. But since then, he has been extra careful every time he goes into the mountains, for fear of running into something strange again. The fiery fox bride has also become an eternal pimple in his heart.

The man fed the fox and drank wine, but he was taken into the cave in a daze, and the fox said, "I will marry you."

Li Erdan thought that he could live a stable life from now on, but whoever thought about it backfired. That day, he went into the mountains to hunt as usual, but accidentally found an abandoned ancient altar deep in a dense forest. The altar was filled with all kinds of strange offerings, and in the middle of a large stone trough was filled with a bright red liquid, which smelled so fragrant that it was tickling. Li Erdan curiously took a closer look, and the red liquid was actually the blood that flowed from the fox's body when he cut the fox's tail last time! He felt a sigh in his heart, feeling that things were not simple. At this moment, a gloomy wind blew, and the flames on the altar suddenly scurried, as if something was about to wake up. Li Erdan felt a lot of pressure, he instinctively wanted to run, but his body couldn't move as if he was nailed there. Just when he was desperate, a strange voice suddenly came out of the altar: "Li Erdan, are you guilty?" "The voice was eerie and terrifying. Li Erdan's heart tightened, he knew that this was the ghost of the fox bride who was making trouble. He took a deep breath and plucked up the courage to say, "What am I guilty of?" I'm just doing the right thing for heaven. The voice sneered and said, "You killed my people and took my life, and you dare to say that you are not guilty?" I'm going to make you pay for it with blood today! As soon as the words fell, a powerful force poured out from the altar and rushed straight towards Li Erdan. Li Erdan only felt a huge force hit his body, and the whole person was thrown out and fell on all fours. He struggled to get up, but it hurt like he was falling apart. At this moment, he heard a familiar voice ringing in his ears: "Brother Erdan, don't be afraid, I'll help you!" He looked up and saw that his daughter-in-law had come over with the villagers. Heck, that's a big deal. Li Erdan's daughter-in-law, who looked at him for a long time, was anxious, like an ant on a hot pot. She slapped her thigh, and hurriedly greeted a group of old and young masters in the village, and everyone carried the guy's business and went to the mountain. You said that it was a coincidence that Li Erdan happened to collide with the ghost of the fox bride. As soon as the gang saw that it was okay, they picked up the guy and rushed to the altar and the ghost of the fox bride.

At that scene, the flames soared into the sky, and the shouts shook the mountains. Li Erdan is also a man, struggling to get up and joining the melee. He knew in his heart that this matter could not be left as it is, otherwise the ghost of the fox bride would be a scourge. After a fierce battle, the villagers finally forced the ghost back. But the altar, hey, was destroyed, and the blood in the stone trough was spilled all over the ground.

Li Erdan looked at this tragic situation, and his heart was mixed. He knew that it was all because he had killed the fox bride. He sighed and said to the villagers, "I caused this matter, and I have to carry it." When the villagers heard this, they comforted him, saying that he could not be blamed entirely for this. But Li Erdan knew in his heart that he had to do something to make up for it.

The man fed the fox and drank wine, but he was taken into the cave in a daze, and the fox said, "I will marry you."

So, he decided to build a temple on the altar to enshrine the spirits of the foxes who had been killed by him and his fellow villagers. He hoped that this would calm the fox bride's resentment and allow everyone to live a stable life. As soon as the temple was built, Li Erdan went to incense every day, hoping that his efforts could make the fox's soul rest in peace.

Time passed, and the incense in the temple became more and more prosperous. The villagers all say that this temple has spirituality and can bless everyone with peace and auspiciousness. Li Erdan's guilt also slowly lessened. Until one day, he saw the fiery fox bride again in a dream. She smiled and said to him, "Thank you for building me a temple so that my soul can rest in peace." I forgive you, let's live in peace in the future. Li Erdan woke up and found that his face was full of tears. He knew that he had finally been forgiven by the fox bride.

Since then, Li Erdan's life has slowly returned to peace. He still goes into the mountains every day to hunt, but his heart is more peaceful and serene. He knew he had done the right thing—to find a resting place for those innocent lives. This story spread in the village and became a legend. Every time I mention it, everyone will say: "The world is unpredictable, who would have thought that a fox could make such a big noise?" ”


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