
The man and his father-in-law were drinking, and they were ridiculed by the other party, so he picked up the wine jar and smashed it

author:It's your cannon brother

Hey, take a look, this Xiao Li, he carried two bottles of good wine that day and went straight to his father-in-law's house. He knew in his heart that his father-in-law would take this bite, no, he deliberately picked two bottles of old wine, thinking about having a few drinks with his father-in-law, and chatting by the way to deepen and deepen his feelings. When he arrived at the door of Lao Liu's house, Xiao Li smelled the aroma of wine from a distance, and muttered to himself: "This old man is secretly enjoying it again!" As soon as he pushed the door, good fellow, Lao Liu was sitting at the table in the hall, with a jar of wine in front of him, holding a wine glass in his hand, his face was as red as a ripe apple, and he knew that he had drunk a lot at a glance.

"Father-in-law, I've come to see you." Xiao Li greeted happily and put the two bottles of wine on the table. Lao Liu raised his eyes, saw that it was Xiao Li, frowned, put the wine glass down, picked up the wine bottle and looked at it, put it down again, and snorted in his nose: "Hmph, you kid, you have a good eye for picking things, this wine is good." When Xiao Li heard this, the stone in his heart fell to the ground, thinking that his father-in-law was happy. He hurriedly poured wine for his father-in-law, and poured a glass himself, and the two of them drank like this.

At first, the two chatted quite hotly, Lao Liu asked Xiao Li about work and family, and Xiao Li also answered all questions. But after three rounds of drinking, Lao Liu's face changed, and he began to count Xiao Li, saying that he earned less and had no ability, which affected his daughter...... Xiao Li didn't feel good when he heard it, but thinking that the other party was an elder, he endured it and didn't say anything. But Lao Liu became more and more energetic, and finally even Xiao Li's ancestors were scolded. As soon as Xiao Li heard this, he became angry and was about to refute, but Lao Liu drank the wine glass, slammed the table, and shouted: "You kid, dare to talk back?" I tell you, if it weren't for your pity, I wouldn't have married my daughter to you! ”

The man and his father-in-law were drinking, and they were ridiculed by the other party, so he picked up the wine jar and smashed it

Xiao Li was stunned by this slap on the table, looking at Lao Liu's flushed face, a sense of foreboding suddenly rose in his heart. He felt as if he had been caught up in a strange whirlpool, unable to extricate himself. At this moment, Lao Liu suddenly stood up, staggered to the door, opened the door, and shouted loudly outside: "Come on!" Come and see my good son-in-law, he bullies me! When Xiao Li heard this, he was completely dumbfounded. He looked at the door, there was no one outside, and Lao Liu was still yelling there.

Xiao Li was in a hurry, he looked at the wine jar on the table, and suddenly came up with an idea. He slammed the wine jar and smashed it at Lao Liu. only heard a loud "bang", the wine jar shattered to the ground, and Lao Liu was also smashed to the ground. Xiao Li saw that Lao Liu fell to the ground and did not move, and his heart panicked. He hurriedly stepped forward to check Lao Liu's situation, only to see Lao Liu's eyes closed and his breathing weak, Xiao Li was really panicked. Xiao Li hurriedly called the neighbors, and the two of them carried Lao Liu to the hospital with all hands and feet. After some examination and treatment, Lao Liu finally opened his eyes. He glanced around at people and places he didn't know, and suddenly shouted, "Where am I here?" Why are you here? Xiao Li and the neighbors were startled by his sudden voice, you look at me, I look at you, they are all stunned. At this time, the doctor came in and said to Xiao Li and Lao Liu: "The old man may have been stimulated by something and temporarily forgot something." When Xiao Li heard this, he was even more confused, thinking about what was going on with him, which made Lao Liu suffer this great stimulation.

Lao Liu suddenly sat up, looked at Xiao Li, and asked loudly, "Who are you?" Why am I here? Xiao Li was stunned by the question, and his heart beat a drum, not knowing what was going on. He thought for a moment and said, "Father-in-law, why have you forgotten me?" I'm your son-in-law, Xiao Li. Lao Liu listened, looked at Xiao Li carefully for a while, shook his head and said, "I don't know you, you are not my son-in-law." Xiao Li was even more panicked and at a loss. He looked around and said, "That'...... Do you remember who you are? Lao Liu thought for a while and said, "I'...... My name is Lao Liu...... People in our village ......" Xiao Li heard him say this, and his heart was a little more steady, at least Lao Liu still remembered that he was from the village. He then asked, "Do you remember what happened before?" Lao Liu frowned, tried to remember, and then shook his head: "I don't remember...... I remember drinking a lot of alcohol...... And then...... I don't remember anything...... "When Xiao Li heard this, his heart was even more confused, and he didn't know what he had done to make Lao Liu lose his memory like this. He said to Lao Liu: "That...... You should rest well first, and then think slowly when you are well. After speaking, Xiao Li left the ward, felt like a stone in his heart, and sat on the bench in the hospital corridor, pondering this matter vigorously.

The man and his father-in-law were drinking, and they were ridiculed by the other party, so he picked up the wine jar and smashed it

Just thinking about it, an old man staggered over, carrying a wine bottle in his hand, and muttered as he walked: "Good wine, good wine ......" Xiao Li looked up, isn't this the famous drunkard Uncle Wang in the village? He quickly stood up and wanted to inquire with Uncle Wang. "Uncle Wang, how much have you drunk?" Xiao Li asked with a smile. Uncle Wang saw that it was Xiao Li, and his eyes narrowed into a slit: "Yo, Xiao Li, why are you leaving here?" Come on, let's have two drinks! As he spoke, he was about to stuff the wine bottle into Xiao Li's hand. Xiao Li was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and hurriedly waved his hand: "Don't mind, Uncle Wang, I'm busy." I just want to ask you, have you seen my father-in-law? He had just suddenly gone wrong. When Uncle Wang heard this, he suddenly woke up most of the wine, and his eyes were as wide as copper bells: "Your father-in-law?" Old Liu'er? What's wrong with him? Xiao Li told Uncle Wang everything about what happened just now, and Uncle Wang listened, stroked the beard on his chin, and pondered for a moment: "This matter is a bit strange." Old Liu Touer usually drinks two cups, but he has never been so abnormal. However, I heard that there is an ancient tomb in the mountain behind our village, and it is said that there are some unclean things in it. Maybe it's ......" Uncle Wang stopped abruptly when he said this, but Xiao Li already understood it in his heart. He hurriedly thanked him, and then hurried home, feeling up and down along the way.

When he got home, Xiao Li locked himself in the house and pondered for a long time, feeling that he had to go to the back mountain to take a look. He found a shovel, some dry food and water, and went straight to the back mountain. The place in the back mountain is usually inaccessible, and the paths are covered by weeds. It took Xiao Li a lot of effort to find the location of the ancient tomb. At first glance, the tombstones were all down, and the tomb door was also ajar, as if it had been turned over. Xiao Li's heart tightened, and he mustered up the courage to walk into the tomb door, and there was nothing to see inside. He pulled out a match and lit a torch, and only then did he see what was going on inside. I saw that the tomb was full of broken bricks and rubble, and there were several skeletons lying on the ground. Xiao Li turned around, but didn't find anything, and was about to withdraw, when he suddenly heard a strange sound. The sound was like someone whispering in someone's ear, and it was like the wind blowing through the leaves, but when you listened closely, it was nothing. Xiao Li panicked, and the torch almost fell off. He groped his way forward with the sound, and the sound grew louder and louder. When he reached the deepest part of the tomb, he saw a jar of wine on a stone platform. Xiao Li walked over and saw that the wine jar was exactly the same as the one he smashed Lao Liu. He picked up the jar and shook it, and there was a "whooshing" sound of water coming from inside. Xiao Li's heart moved, and he thought, "Could this be the crux of the problem?" He put the jar down and looked around, finding nothing else, so he decided to take it back first. He found a cloth to wrap the jar in, and walked out cautiously. Along the way, Xiao Li was scared, for fear that the strange sound would rise again. Fortunately, he had a smooth journey and returned home safely. After arriving home, Xiao Li put the wine jar on the table and went to call Lao Liu. When Lao Liu saw the wine jar, his eyes were straight, and he pointed to the wine jar and asked, "This ...... Where did this come from? Xiao Li told Lao Liu everything that happened, and after Lao Liu heard it, he sighed and said, "Alas, it's all my fault." "I was young at that time, and my curiosity was greater than the sky, and when I heard the old man in the village say that there was a rich man buried in the tomb, I wondered if I could find some treasures. As a result, as soon as I entered, I didn't touch any treasures, and I saw the jar of old wine. I thought to myself, if I take this wine home and try it, maybe it will relieve my boredom. Na Cheng thought, as soon as he drank it, he couldn't stop the car. Later, I figured out that this wine was used for funerals, and it was hard to drink. Over the years, I've been hiding it from you, but I didn't think about it, but now I'm still exposed. When Xiao Li heard this, his heart was like a mirror. He glanced at Lao Liu and said, "Then what should we do now?" Lao Liu pondered for a while and said, "This wine has to be poured clean, and then the jar will be smashed." Let's find another Taoist priest to do a ritual, and maybe it'll be fine. Xiao Li listened, and hurriedly found a guy to smash the wine jar, and invited a Taoist priest to do it. After such a busy work, things were finally settled. Since then, Lao Liu has never been drunk again, and his spirit is full. The relationship between Xiao Li and his father-in-law has also eased, and the two of them sit together from time to time, chat, drink tea, and live a very comfortable life. As for the ancient tomb, it was also sealed by the people in the village, and no one dared to touch that thing anymore. Everyone said that the things in the tomb were all for the dead, and we living people should not provoke that bad luck.

This matter has passed like this, but Xiao Li always has a pimple in his heart, and he always feels that the strange night and the wine jar that almost killed his father-in-law made him palpitate. He often reminds himself that curiosity can kill cats, and that there are some things that you still have to keep your distance. After the ancient tomb was sealed, the people in the village gradually forgot about it, and life went on as usual. But Xiao Li always felt unsteady in his heart, and always felt that there was something unsolved in the ancient tomb.

The man and his father-in-law were drinking, and they were ridiculed by the other party, so he picked up the wine jar and smashed it

One day, Xiao Li was chopping wood on the mountain, and suddenly heard a strange sound, which was like the wind and like a human whisper, and when he listened carefully, he couldn't hear anything. His heart tightened, and he remembered the matter of the ancient tomb, and felt a cold air rise in his back. Xiao Li hurriedly packed up the firewood, took three steps and hurried home. When he got home, he told his daughter-in-law what he heard. When the daughter-in-law heard this, she was also startled and said, "Let's not touch the ancient tomb, if there is really something unclean, what can we do?" Xiao Li nodded and said, "I think so too." But I'm just worried about whether there will be any danger in the tomb that we don't know about. The daughter-in-law thought for a moment and said, "Why don't we go to the old people in the village and ask if they know anything about the situation." When Xiao Li heard this, he felt that this idea was quite reliable, so he went to find a few old people in the village. After listening to Xiao Li's description, the old people all shook their heads and said, "That ancient tomb, no one in our generation has ever been there, let alone what is in it." However, I heard that a Taoist priest passed by our village and said that there was a powerful monster in this ancient tomb, and if anyone provoked it, it would suffer. When Xiao Li heard this, he was screaming in his heart. He thanked the elders and hurried home. Along the way, his mind kept spinning, wondering what strange things were hidden in the ancient tomb, why did his father-in-law suddenly not remember anything? The more I pondered about this matter, the more strange I felt, Xiao Li thought about it, I had to find a knowledgeable master to show it.

So, Xiao Li began to ask around, asking questions from east to west, and finally let him find a mage who claimed to be quite capable. The mage listened to Xiao Li's description of 1510, nodded, and said, "This thing sounds a bit evil. But don't be too anxious, I'll take a look with you. ”

As soon as Xiao Li heard the mage say this, the stone in his heart fell to the ground. He hurriedly led the mage straight to the ancient tomb. When he arrived at the entrance of the ancient tomb, the mage took out a compass, looked left and right, and then frowned, and said, "There are indeed some unclean things in this ancient tomb. But luckily, they haven't come out to harm people. When Xiao Li heard this, his heart became nervous again, and he asked, "Master, what should we do?" The master said, "Don't worry, I'll go and find out what is going on." With that, the mage stepped into the tomb.

The man and his father-in-law were drinking, and they were ridiculed by the other party, so he picked up the wine jar and smashed it

Xiao Li followed, and followed the mage into the ancient tomb in his heart. The tomb was dark and rumbling, and I couldn't see anything clearly. The mage lit a torch and saw what was going on in the tomb. I saw that the tomb was full of cobwebs and dust, and it was very desolate. The mage spun around, and finally stopped in front of the wine jar that had been smashed by Xiao Li. The mage looked at the fragments of the wine jar, frowned, and said, "This wine jar, the eight achievements are the crux of the problem. The monsters in this ancient tomb may have been seduced by the wine in this wine jar. When Xiao Li heard this, he understood a rough idea in his heart. He asked, "Master, what should we do?" The mage said, "I'll do a ritual and send this monster away." Then dispose of the fragments of this wine jar, and it should be fine. With that, the mage began to perform the practice, muttering words in his mouth and shaking a bell in his hand.

After a while, the strange sound was gone. The mage breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Alright, the youkai is gone. When Xiao Li heard this, he was also relieved. He hurriedly helped the mage clean up the fragments of the wine jar, and then sealed the ancient tomb again. Since then, nothing strange has happened in the village. The relationship between Xiao Li and his father-in-law is also getting closer and closer, and the two often sit together to drink tea and chat. And that ancient tomb has also become a taboo that people in the village dare not mention. Everyone said that the things in the ancient tomb were for the dead, and the living should not provoke the unlucky things.

Although this matter has passed like this, Xiao Li will never forget that strange night and the wine jar that almost made him lose his father-in-law. He often reminds himself that curiosity can kill cats, and that some things have to be kept at a distance and not touched by them. That old grave has become an unsolvable knot in his heart.