
Nana took the mountain to visit relatives, and was envied by relatives, and when they separated, the eldest sister cried into tears

author:Take a stroll through the world

The Story of Oyama and Nana (5)

Nana's eldest sister has already gotten married, far away from her hometown in Fengshali, in a county called Mengmai, and it is rare to see her once a year.

Because Dashan and Nana are already engaged, Nana wants to see her eldest sister again before getting married, and the sisters haven't seen each other for a year and a half.

It's a long way and it takes more than half a day to get there, so Oyama and Nana set off early.

When they approached the Mengmai territory, the two became a little nervous, because Mengmai had a strange rule: unmarried men and women could not ride in the same car alone, and if they were caught, they would be fined, plus Dashan was Chinese, and there was an excuse.

Nana took the mountain to visit relatives, and was envied by relatives, and when they separated, the eldest sister cried into tears
Nana took the mountain to visit relatives, and was envied by relatives, and when they separated, the eldest sister cried into tears

When the two got off the bus to rest on the way, they could see that the local scenery was beautiful, the sky was blue, the wind was beautiful, and if it wasn't for the rainy season, the river at their feet should be clear.

When they arrived in Mengmai County, Nana called and learned that the eldest sister had gone up the mountain to dig bamboo shoots early in the morning, so the two of them first found a hotel to stay in and washed up for a while.

When he noticed that Nana was looking at his phone, he asked Nana what she was doing with it. Nana said bluntly, "Check if you have a chat with a beautiful woman." ”

Dashan said, "Yes, you are a beauty." ”

What I got was a roll of Nana's eyes.

Nana took the mountain to visit relatives, and was envied by relatives, and when they separated, the eldest sister cried into tears

I don't know how long their mobile phone is defenseless against each other will last after they get married.

When I came out of the hotel, I went to find my eldest sister, who was setting up a stall selling bamboo shoots in the shade of the street.

Nana took the mountain to visit relatives, and was envied by relatives, and when they separated, the eldest sister cried into tears

The eldest sister and Nana still look very similar in facial features, but they look much older and thinner.

The two were waiting for the eldest sister to sell the bamboo shoots, Dashan asked about the income, Nana said: The eldest sister had a good harvest today, digging 14 bundles of bamboo shoots, which can be sold for 140,000 Lao yuan.

Dashan calculated, equivalent to 40 yuan, such an income is very high in Laos.

Nana took the mountain to visit relatives, and was envied by relatives, and when they separated, the eldest sister cried into tears
Nana took the mountain to visit relatives, and was envied by relatives, and when they separated, the eldest sister cried into tears
Nana took the mountain to visit relatives, and was envied by relatives, and when they separated, the eldest sister cried into tears

Dashan spent a lot of money to buy a lot of fruits to bring, and also bought a local snack, which the eldest sister is usually reluctant to spend money on, when the eldest sister wants to pay, Dashan reminds Nana to pay.

Although the eldest sister's house is in the county seat, it is located in a remote area, and it has to climb a big slope, and the car on the mountain can't go up, so you can only park the car under the mountain and walk up the mountain.

Nana took the mountain to visit relatives, and was envied by relatives, and when they separated, the eldest sister cried into tears

The eldest sister's family is still there, and the three generations of the family live in a small room, although there is a TV and a refrigerator in the room, compared to the living standard of the county, it still seems simple.

Nana also said that the eldest sister's house was saved by her brother-in-law's part-time job, 500 to 600 yuan a month.

You must know that the income in Laos is very low, and the average salary of civil servants and state-owned enterprises is only 700 yuan per month.

Dashan thought that 5 or 600 yuan is not enough for monthly living expenses in China, which shows how frugal the eldest sister's family usually lives in order to save this house, and it costs a lot of money just to buy land, so they will choose to be in such a remote place.

Nana took the mountain to visit relatives, and was envied by relatives, and when they separated, the eldest sister cried into tears

When the relatives came, the eldest sister's family naturally wanted good dishes to entertain, and during the meal, the eldest sister's parents-in-law said: They are all watching the video of Dashan, and they are very envious of Nana's parents, and they have found such a good Chinese son-in-law, and they have bought all kinds of things for Nana's family, and they also helped open a commissary, which is really envious.

Nana took the mountain to visit relatives, and was envied by relatives, and when they separated, the eldest sister cried into tears
Nana took the mountain to visit relatives, and was envied by relatives, and when they separated, the eldest sister cried into tears

The next day, according to the agreement, Dashan paid for the eldest sister's family to buy a set of clothes for each of them, and the eldest sister's daughter was very sensible and asked to buy a set of school uniforms to wear to school.

When I came back, the eldest sister only bought one tomato, saying that it was fried in the dish, and it was rare to see tomatoes that only bought one, which shows how much money the eldest sister usually spends.

Nana took the mountain to visit relatives, and was envied by relatives, and when they separated, the eldest sister cried into tears
Nana took the mountain to visit relatives, and was envied by relatives, and when they separated, the eldest sister cried into tears
Nana took the mountain to visit relatives, and was envied by relatives, and when they separated, the eldest sister cried into tears

At dinner in the evening, the eldest sister and mother-in-law exaggerated that Dashan was handsome, saying that the Chinese husbands that others were looking for were all very old and bald, and they were not as handsome and young as Dashan.

Cover your mouth and laugh at everything Nana said.

On the last day, it was time for Dashan and Nana to say goodbye, and before leaving, Nana also rode out to help the eldest sister buy a mobile phone charging cable, and also withdrew a sum of money from the bank to the eldest sister.

Nana took the mountain to visit relatives, and was envied by relatives, and when they separated, the eldest sister cried into tears

When the eldest sister repeatedly excused herself and took Nana's money, she couldn't help crying.

While crying, he said: "I haven't bought anything for me since I was a child, and now that I'm not marrying well, you come to help me again, it's really uncomfortable......"

Nana took the mountain to visit relatives, and was envied by relatives, and when they separated, the eldest sister cried into tears
Nana took the mountain to visit relatives, and was envied by relatives, and when they separated, the eldest sister cried into tears

Bidding farewell to their eldest sister, Dashan and Nana went their separate ways back.

Nana took the bus by herself, and Dashan drove alone, why did she go separately, of course, because of Mengmai's strange regulations, and she was worried about being fined.

However, this time they were transferred to Mengsai to meet, Dashan has injured his foot for five months, and he feels that he can move normally, this time, he hopes to remove the nail that was fixed at that time.

However, the results of the re-examination were disappointing to him, as the photographs showed that the injured bone had not yet healed.

Nana took the mountain to visit relatives, and was envied by relatives, and when they separated, the eldest sister cried into tears

Dashan said helplessly: "Is it because I'm old?" So bones grow slowly! ”

Nana could only laugh: "Come back next time." ”

Dashan didn't dare to say that he was old in front of others, but in front of Nana, he was absolutely qualified to say so.

Because Dashan is 33 years old this year, Nana is only 21 years old, and there is just one round difference between the two.

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