
Sister Furong, who was spurned at the beginning, now makes you unattainable, dignified and elegant, worth hundreds of millions

author:Qingqing chats about the world
Sister Furong, who was spurned at the beginning, now makes you unattainable, dignified and elegant, worth hundreds of millions
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and walk, get rich forever, pay attention to it, and like it, it's hard to get rich if you don't want to
Sister Furong, who was spurned at the beginning, now makes you unattainable, dignified and elegant, worth hundreds of millions

In 1977, in an ordinary farmhouse in Wugong County, Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province, Shi Hengxia fell to the ground. Growing up in the countryside, she realized early on that the only way to change her destiny was to study.

With a thirst for knowledge, the young Shi Hengxia set the admission to Tsinghua University and Peking University as his ultimate goal, and devoted all his efforts to it.

In 1996, Shi Hengxia ushered in the first college entrance examination in his life. Although she failed to enter Peking University as she wished, she was successfully admitted to Shaanxi University of Technology.

For the rural girls at that time, this was a rare achievement. However, Shi Hengxia, who has the dream of Peking University, is not satisfied with this.

Sister Furong, who was spurned at the beginning, now makes you unattainable, dignified and elegant, worth hundreds of millions

With his dedication to his dream, Shi Hengxia made a shocking decision the following year: to apply for a leave of absence and devote himself to preparing for the college entrance examination. However, fate seems to be testing this determined girl.

On the eve of the college entrance examination, a sudden car accident pushed her into a low point in her life.

Lying on the hospital bed, Shi Hengxia faced terrible consequences such as blindness and disability. But even so, she insisted on taking the exam. In the face of strong opposition from her family and doctors, she made it to the exam room with difficulty.

However, her physical limits eventually forced her to give up halfway.

Sister Furong, who was spurned at the beginning, now makes you unattainable, dignified and elegant, worth hundreds of millions

This setback did not defeat Shi Hengxia. After graduating from university, she entered the Shaanxi Provincial Machinery Installation Factory to work. For a rural girl, this job should be satisfying, but the dream of Peking University still burns in her heart.

In 2001, 24-year-old Shi Hengxia made a surprising decision. She resolutely quit her stable job and came to Beijing alone, ready to hit the graduate examination of Peking University again.

However, fate always seems to work against her. After three years of hard work, she has never been able to achieve her wish.

Peking University, for Shi Hengxia, has become an unattainable dream. However, it was this dedication that made her publish the famous article "Peking University, You Are the Most Beautiful and Deepest Pain in My Past and Present Life" on the BBS of Peking University in 2004.

Sister Furong, who was spurned at the beginning, now makes you unattainable, dignified and elegant, worth hundreds of millions

This article, full of affection and self-deprecation, unexpectedly resonated with many netizens.

Subsequently, the photos shared by Shi Hengxia on the forum caused a sensation. The girl who appeared without makeup, with a plump figure but pretending to be in a posture, is very different from the image imagined by netizens.

In this way, "Sister Furong" was born and became popular on the Internet overnight.

Shi Hengxia's experience tells us that the road to chasing dreams is never easy. But it was these setbacks and ups and downs that shaped her tenacious character and laid a solid foundation for her future success.

Sister Furong, who was spurned at the beginning, now makes you unattainable, dignified and elegant, worth hundreds of millions

Her story will undoubtedly inspire more people to move forward bravely on the road of chasing their dreams and never give up.

The birth of "Sister Furong" has set off an unprecedented wave of "ugliness" on the Chinese Internet. However, the price of fame is far heavier than you think.

Shi Hengxia soon found himself at the center of a storm of public opinion, facing doubts and criticism from all sides.

Some people accuse her of deliberately pretending to be ugly to attract attention, while others maliciously speculate that she was mentally disturbed by a car accident. What's more, she was recklessly attacked on the Internet, and the verbal abuse was endless.

Sister Furong, who was spurned at the beginning, now makes you unattainable, dignified and elegant, worth hundreds of millions

In the face of these malicious comments, Shi Hengxia chose to remain silent. She did not quarrel with netizens, nor did she fight back against those vicious remarks, but endured all this in silence.

This attitude shows her extraordinary psychological quality and personal accomplishment.

With the rise of popularity, Shi Hengxia began to set foot in the field of commercial performances. However, working with an entertainment company left her in a dilemma. In order to cater to the market demand, the company deliberately portrayed her as a comical and ridiculous character.

She was asked to wear colorful clothes, make exaggerated movements, and behave in an absurd manner. Although this way of "selling ugliness" has brought her huge attention, it has also cost her a lot.

Sister Furong, who was spurned at the beginning, now makes you unattainable, dignified and elegant, worth hundreds of millions

During that period, Shi Hengxia had a beloved boyfriend, and the two had a deep relationship, and even wrote a marriage certificate by hand. However, her boyfriend eventually couldn't stand the overwhelming negative comments about her on the Internet and chose to leave.

Shi Hengxia, who is only 29 years old, resolutely decided to raise her soon-to-be-born child alone and become a single mother.

This experience made Shi Hengxia deeply aware that she could no longer continue to be a "clown" who was ridiculed. For the sake of her own future, and for the sake of giving her children a proud mother, she is determined to completely change her image.

Although the controversy and doubts have never stopped, it is these difficulties and challenges that prompt Shi Hengxia to constantly reflect and grow. She started working hard to improve herself, learning new skills, and trying different fields.

Sister Furong, who was spurned at the beginning, now makes you unattainable, dignified and elegant, worth hundreds of millions

Although this process was difficult, it also allowed her to gradually get rid of the label of "Sister Furong" and develop in a more professional and connotative direction.

Shi Hengxia's experience tells us that in the Internet era, the road to fame is often full of thorns. But as long as you maintain a resilient spirit and always believe in your own worth, you will be able to grow in the face of adversity and eventually win true respect and recognition.

Shi Hengxia, who was determined to change himself, embarked on a difficult but hopeful journey of self-improvement. She is no longer satisfied with being a simple influencer, but has begun to enrich herself in all aspects.

She is actively involved in weight loss programs to create a healthier image; At the same time, she began to learn yoga, not only to exercise her body, but also to cultivate her body. In order to improve her temperament, she also delved into the tea ceremony, learning the elegance and restraint inherent in this ancient art.

Sister Furong, who was spurned at the beginning, now makes you unattainable, dignified and elegant, worth hundreds of millions

In addition to the change of external image, Shi Hengxia pays more attention to the improvement of internal cultivation. She has read a wide range of books and dabbled in literature, history, philosophy and other fields, constantly enriching her knowledge.

As time passed, her speech and demeanor gradually became more suave, and her gestures radiated an intellectual and confident light.

In 2007, Shi Hengxia ushered in an important breakthrough in his career. She released her first solo single "Hibiscus Says", the lyrics of which were written by herself. This song not only showcases her musical talent, but also gives the public a glimpse of a brand new sister Fleur.

In the same year, she also served as the host of the public welfare TV program "Furong Talk Olympics", showing good hosting skills. These attempts made people surprised to find out that Sister Fleur was not just an internet joke, she also possessed a variety of talents.

Sister Furong, who was spurned at the beginning, now makes you unattainable, dignified and elegant, worth hundreds of millions

2008 became a turning point in Shi Hengxia's career development. She resolutely registered her own media company and took complete control of her career. This decision freed her from the shackles of her previous brokerage firms and no longer required her to cater to the market and make undesirable moves.

In the same year, she also held the "Boundless Love" charity concert. Although the concert was held at her own expense and ticket sales were limited, she still generously donated more than 10,000 yuan to the earthquake-stricken areas in Sichuan.

This move demonstrated her sense of social responsibility and won praise from the public.

In 2011, Shi Hengxia held the "Rong Love the World" charity concert in Beijing. The concert was an unprecedented success, and despite the high ticket price of 1,280 yuan, the venue was still packed, and the enthusiasm of the fans exceeded all expectations.

Sister Furong, who was spurned at the beginning, now makes you unattainable, dignified and elegant, worth hundreds of millions

What's even more amazing is that Shi Hengxia, who has been slimmed and shaped, showed off his belly dance on the stage, showing a charming side. This brand-new Sister Fleur, in stark contrast to the image of the past, allows the audience to see her amazing transformation.

December 2009 was a milestone day for Shi Hengxia. On this day, she was invited to walk into the Centennial Lecture Hall of Peking University and stand on the coveted podium to give a speech.

Once upon a time, she was ridiculed for chasing the dream of Peking University, but now she stands here as a guest, sharing her life experience with students. This speech was not only an important turning point for her personally, but also marked a fundamental change in the public's perception of her.

Only a few days later, on December 28, Shi Hengxia ushered in another important moment. Her drama work premiered at the Bayi Theater in Beijing, and unexpectedly achieved 28 consecutive performances.

Sister Furong, who was spurned at the beginning, now makes you unattainable, dignified and elegant, worth hundreds of millions

This achievement is not only a testament to her talent in the field of performing arts, but also shows that the public's recognition and affection for her goes beyond mere curiosity.

With the passage of time, Shi Hengxia's efforts in various fields have finally been affirmed by the society. In 2015, she received an important award from the China Internet Economy Forum, the Achievement Award.

This award is a recognition of her contributions to the field of Internet economy over the years, and it is also an affirmation of her personal growth and transformation.

Her success is not only a personal victory, but also an inspiration to all dreamers. Shi Hengxia used his own experience to prove that as long as he is willing to work hard and maintain perseverance, one day, his dream will eventually become a reality.

Sister Furong, who was spurned at the beginning, now makes you unattainable, dignified and elegant, worth hundreds of millions

Today's Shi Hengxia has quietly removed the once eye-catching label of "Sister Furong". In the public eye, she no longer appears frequently, opting for a more low-key lifestyle.

She focuses her energy on running her own company, and at the same time actively participates in various public welfare undertakings and gives back to the society with practical actions.

As a single mother, Shi Hengxia pays more attention to family life and devotes a lot of time and energy to the cultivation of her children. Her speech and demeanor showed a gentle and elegant temperament, her eyes flashed with a firm and confident light, and her whole person exuded a mature and steady aura.

From leaving the machinery factory to challenging Peking University three times, from an Internet celebrity to a successful entrepreneur, Shi Hengxia used his own experience to interpret the true meaning of "bravely chasing dreams". Her story will undoubtedly inspire more people to move forward bravely and pursue their own wonderful life.

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