
The man dug a well and couldn't get water, and after passing by the monk Huayuan, he mentioned: There is an old turtle in the water vein

author:Kind Coffee S

【Title】Digging a well and meeting an old turtle, the monk woke up the dreamer with a word

Ladies and gentlemen, let's talk about a strange thing today, this happened in an inconspicuous village in the south of China. No matter what it's called, the story is much louder than the name of the village! Our protagonist is a man named Li Dazhuang, tall and powerful, hot-hearted, and when there is something in the village, he is always the first to rush forward.

At that time, the weather was dry like something, the crops were dying, and the old willow trees in the village were as yellow as autumn grass. The village chief patted his thigh and said, "We have to dig a well, otherwise how will we live?" When Li Dazhuang heard this, he immediately picked up the hoe and went. The place he chose, it is said that Mr. Feng Shui said that there are dragon veins underground, and the water is very prosperous.

The man dug a well and couldn't get water, and after passing by the monk Huayuan, he mentioned: There is an old turtle in the water vein

Li Dazhuang was full of confidence and thought: "I can't dig up water with this body, can I still be called Li Dazhuang?" As a result, after digging for three days and three nights, the skin of his hands was worn out, and the hoe was dug in half, but there was not a drop of water in the well. The villagers laughed at him: "Da Zhuang, you have dug a dry well!" Li Dazhuang was aggrieved, and he didn't even eat at night, so he sat by the well and was stunned.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew, bringing a smell of incense, Li Dazhuang looked up, hey, there was a monk, wearing a shabby robe, holding a bowl in his hand. The monk walked to the well, looked at it, looked at Li Dazhuang again, smiled, and said, "This benefactor, digging a well does not produce water, but it is not that he is not strong enough." Li Dazhuang was unhappy: "Monk, what do you mean?" I, Li Dazhuang, digging a well, can I still have a fake? ”

The monk shook his head and said, "Donor, you have to talk about the fate of digging a well. "What's so important?" Li Dazhuang was anxious. The monk smiled mysteriously and said, "There is an old turtle in the water vein, and it won't give way to you, and your well will never be able to produce water." When Li Dazhuang heard this, he was stunned and thought, "This monk, is it fooling me?" ”

The man dug a well and couldn't get water, and after passing by the monk Huayuan, he mentioned: There is an old turtle in the water vein

The monk didn't say much, took out a relic from the bowl, handed it to Li Dazhuang, and said, "You put this in the well, and come back tomorrow morning." Li Dazhuang was suspicious, took the relic, threw it into the well, and saw that the relic was flashing, and it disappeared with a swish. The monk smiled, turned around and left, Li Dazhuang didn't think much about it, and went home to sleep.

Early the next morning, Li Dazhuang ran to the well, and guess what? In the well, there were bubbles, and then a clear spring gushed out, clear as a mirror, and when I drank it, it was sweet to my heart. This incident made Li Dazhuang happy, and the people in the village also said: "Da Zhuang this time, he really dug up a treasure!" The guys in our village, one by one, their eyes were as wide as copper bells, they surrounded them, and asked in a gossipy manner: "Da Zhuang, what are you capable of?" Li Dazhuang's heart blossomed, but he was very modest: "Oh, we are all fate, and as soon as fate comes, the water will naturally gush out." When everyone heard this, they were so happy that they said, "Da Zhuang, you have met a master for guidance!" Li Dazhuang also muttered in his heart, what is the origin of the monk? How do you know that there is an old turtle hidden in the water vein? He pondered and pondered, and decided to go to the monk and ask for an understanding.

He followed the direction of the monk, inquired all the way, walked for several days, and finally found the monk in a ruined temple. The monk was sitting at the gate of the temple, enjoying the sun, and when he saw Li Dazhuang coming, he smiled and said, "Donor, you are here." Li Dazhuang was confused and asked, "Monk, what do you mean by what you said that day?" What's that old turtle? The monk sighed and said, "Donor, everything in this world has spirituality. The old turtle is the patron saint of our water vein, and it doesn't want to leave the water vein, so if you dig a well, it will stumble you. "Then how can I dig up water?" Li Dazhuang is still confused. The monk smiled and said, "That's because you moved the old turtle with your sincerity and the power of that relic, and it was willing to give you a way to get water to save the village." When Li Dazhuang heard this, he suddenly realized and thought: "It turns out that there are so many things in this world that I don't know." He was about to thank the monk, but the monk closed his eyes and said, "Donor, fate is over, you can go." Remember, everything in the world has cause and effect, treat them well, and they will do good to you. Li Dazhuang nodded, said goodbye to the monk, and returned to the village.

The man dug a well and couldn't get water, and after passing by the monk Huayuan, he mentioned: There is an old turtle in the water vein

As soon as he told him about this, the people in the village were stunned when they heard it, and said, "Da Zhuang, you have met a living immortal!" Since then, every time Li Dazhuang goes to the well to fetch water, he will chant a sentence: "Old turtle, thank you, let our village have water to drink." The people in the village also followed suit, and gradually, it became a custom and was handed down. Hey, listeners and friends, this thing is so bizarre, don't you say? Everything in the world has spirituality, and we have to be kind to them, don't we? Okay, that's all for today's story, let's break it down next time, goodbye!

When he returned to the village, he told the story that the people in the village were frightened and said, "Da Zhuang, what should I do about this?" Is the old turtle coming to take revenge on us? Li Dazhuang shook his head and said, "No, the monk said that the cause and effect are extinguished, and the cause and effect cycle are circulated, and we have to find a way to solve this cause and effect." When everyone heard this, they were all stunned and said, "What's the explanation?" We don't know how to spell. Li Dazhuang thought for a while and said, "We don't know how to do magic, but we can do things, let's build a temple for the old turtle, offer its tablet, burn incense for it during the New Year's Festival, worship it, maybe it will be able to forgive us." When the people in the village heard this, they all thought it was an idea, and as soon as everyone put it together, they built a small temple by the well, which contained a statue of an old turtle, and gave it a name, called "Water Spirit Ancestor".

It's strange to say, since the temple was built, those strange things in the village are gone, the well, it's still the same as before, the water is sweet, take a sip, and the spirit can come up for three points. The land planted and the crops harvested by the people in the village are increasing year by year, and the days are getting more and more prosperous. This matter spread like this, and the people in the surrounding villages knew about it, and they all said that Li Dazhuang was a capable person, and even the old turtle could settle down. Li Dazhuang just smiled and said, "Where, this is all fate, and it is the path that the monk pointed me out." ”

The man dug a well and couldn't get water, and after passing by the monk Huayuan, he mentioned: There is an old turtle in the water vein

But it's not over yet. One day, Li Dazhuang went to the well to fetch water, and suddenly heard movement in the well, he was startled, and thought: "This old turtle, is it coming to me again?" He took the courage and looked into the well, and guess what? There was a child in the well who was smiling at him. Li Dazhuang looked at it, and he was so happy in his heart, he thought: "Whose child is this, why did he fall into the well?" Without saying a word, he jumped down the well and rescued the boy. As soon as the kid came up, he hugged Li Dazhuang tightly like a sticky bean bag, and muttered in his mouth: "Thank you, big brother, I am the baby of the ancestor of the water spirit, my father said that you are a real person, let me come and take a look at you." When Li Dazhuang heard this, his head buzzed, and he thought, "Why is this matter still involved?" The boy grinned and said, "Big brother, you don't have to worry, my father said, you are an honest man, we will cover you." As soon as he finished speaking, the boy turned into a ray of light as if he were playing a trick, and went straight into the well.

Li Dazhuang looked at this scene, his heart was so bright, and he thought to himself: "This old turtle is really a reasonable master." Since then, every time Li Dazhuang goes to the well to fetch water, he has to chant a sentence: "Ancestor Shuiling, thank you, let our village have water to drink, and save your baby." "The people in the village also followed suit, and gradually it became a habit and was passed down from generation to generation. Hey, folks, doesn't this sound quite mysterious? Everything in the world has spirituality, so we have to treat them well, right? As the old saying goes, "you get what you sow", if you are good to others, others will naturally be good to you. Okay, that's all for today's story, let's talk about it next time, goodbye! Remember, when you draw water in the future, don't forget to talk about the Water Spirit Ancestor, maybe it can bring you good luck! Ha ha!

Oh, it's not over yet, we have to keep chattering. Li Dazhuang saved the baby of the ancestor of Shui Ling, and this matter spread in the village, and everyone said that he was a blessed man. Li Dazhuang himself was also happy, and thought to himself: "This matter is really destined fate." But this matter, just like the old saying, "People are afraid of being famous, pigs are afraid of being strong", as soon as Li Dazhuang became famous, trouble followed.

The man dug a well and couldn't get water, and after passing by the monk Huayuan, he mentioned: There is an old turtle in the water vein

One day, a Taoist priest came to the village, wearing a Taoist robe, holding a whisk in his hand, shaking his head and saying: "Oh, there is a demonic spirit in this village!" When the people in the village heard this, they were very frightened and said, "Daoist, you can save us!" The Taoist priest squinted his eyes and said, "It's okay to save you, but I have to pay for it, I have to do something and take that monster away." When the people in the village heard this, they were stunned and said, "What? Monster? We don't have any monsters here! When the Taoist priest heard this, he was not happy and said, "You don't have any monsters here?" What's in the well? That's not your average turtle, it's a demon turtle! When the people in the village heard this, they were all frightened and said, "Daoist, don't talk nonsense, the one in that well is the Shui Ling Ancestor, our guardian saint!" When the Taoist priest heard this, he snorted coldly and said, "Guardian Saint? Hmph, that's just a guise for youkai, if you don't believe me, just wait for bad luck! After saying that, the Taoist priest shook the dust and left. When the people in the village saw it, they all panicked and said, "What can I do?" Is what the Taoist priest said true? When Li Dazhuang heard this, he also muttered in his heart, thinking: "I have to ask the Water Spirit Ancestor about this." "Oh, that's a real annoyance. Li Dazhuang's kid ran to the well in a hurry, shouting at the top of his voice: "Shui Ling Ancestor, are you always here?" Is what the Taoist priest said true? The well was quiet, there was no sound for a long time, Li Dazhuang was so anxious in his heart, he thought: "This thing can really kill people in a hurry." ”

Just when he was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, water suddenly bubbled in the well, and then a voice sounded: "Li Dazhuang, don't be afraid, what the Taoist priest said is nonsense, I am a kind turtle and will not harm people." When Li Dazhuang heard this, he was so happy in his heart that he thought: "This incident turned out to be a false alarm." ”

He ran back to the village with a smoke, and as soon as he told him about it, the people in the village were happy to hear it, and said: "Oh, we were really frightened by that Taoist priest, our water spirit ancestor is really a kind turtle!" "But it's not over yet.

The man dug a well and couldn't get water, and after passing by the monk Huayuan, he mentioned: There is an old turtle in the water vein

When the Taoist priest saw that the people in the village didn't believe him, the bad water in his heart came out and he thought of a bad idea. He ran to the mountain, found a mage, and put a spell on the well, trying to turn the water into poisonous water and kill the villagers. But this matter, as the old saying goes, "The sky net is magnificent, negligent but not leaky", the bad idea of the Taoist priest failed to succeed after all.

When Li Dazhuang went to the well to fetch water, he found that the water had become turbid and had a strange smell. He was so anxious in his heart that he thought, "This thing is really strange, why did the water become like this?" He hurried back to the village, and when he told him about it, the people in the village were frightened and said, "Oh, what can I do?" If we can't drink the water, how can we live? When Li Dazhuang heard this, he understood in his heart, and thought: "This matter must be the ghost of the Taoist priest." ”

Without saying a word, he ran to the mountain and went to the Taoist priest to settle the score. When the Taoist priest saw Li Dazhuang coming, he was stunned for a moment and said, "Oh, why are you here?" I'm doing the right thing. When Li Dazhuang heard this, he was happy and said, "Do things? What are you doing? Have you put a curse on the well? When the Taoist priest heard this, he was not happy and said, "Why are you talking?" I'm a serious Taoist priest, how can I do such a lack of morality? When Li Dazhuang heard this, he didn't talk nonsense with him, and directly tied him up, saying: "Whether you are doing something immoral or not, you will find out later." ”

The man dug a well and couldn't get water, and after passing by the monk Huayuan, he mentioned: There is an old turtle in the water vein

He dragged the priest to the well and told him to undo the curse. When the Taoist priest saw it, he had no choice but to obediently undo the curse. The water in the well immediately became sweet and delicious. When the people in the village saw it, they were all happy and said, "Oh, our Water Spirit Ancestor is really amazing!" Since then, the people in the village have respected the ancestor of the water spirit even more, and they will burn incense and worship it every New Year's holiday. The Taoist priest was also sent to the government by Li Dazhuang and received the punishment he deserved. Oh, listeners and friends, are you saying that this thing is quite evil? Every flower, grass, tree and tree in our world is spiritual, so we have to treat them well, right? Didn't our ancestors say, "Good is rewarded, evil is rewarded", if you do a good deed, God will naturally give you a good account. Okay, that's all for today's story, let's continue to chat next time, goodbye! Don't forget, if you pass by the well, in front of the temple or something, don't forget to kowtow to them, maybe they can bring you some good luck! Haha, let's just say it!