
Liu Lu: She used to be a popular CCTV host in the 80s, how is she now?

author:Qingqing chats about the world
Liu Lu: She used to be a popular CCTV host in the 80s, how is she now?
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Liu Lu: She used to be a popular CCTV host in the 80s, how is she now?

In 2014, Liu Lu, a famous CCTV host, quietly retired and left the stage she had struggled for many years. This TV celebrity, who was once popular all over the country in the 80s, has now entered his prime.

However, life behind the scenes was not as peaceful as she imagined. She was radiant in the past, but now she has fallen into indescribable confusion and anxiety.

The eyes that were once full of confidence are now full of confusion. There was even speculation that she might be suffering from mental illness. What is the reason that this former "flood hero" has come to a crossroads in his life? Liu Lu, what kind of life is she living now? Let's unveil the life of this legendary host in his later years.

In 1954, Liu Lu was born in Harbin in a family of ordinary workers. His father worked hard in the factory and supported the family of four on his own. Despite the constraints of life, the love of her parents made Liu Lu's childhood full of warmth.

Liu Lu: She used to be a popular CCTV host in the 80s, how is she now?

With the dream of going to college, the young Liu Lu studied diligently, but fate made people, and the college entrance examination was suddenly canceled, and her dream instantly came to naught.

Faced with the first major setback in her life, Liu Lu did not give up lightly. She resolutely responded to the call and went to the Great Northern Wilderness to participate in the construction. In that barren land, she not only learned to drive a tractor, but also developed a tenacious character.

Whenever night falls, Liu Lu always uses her warm voice to tell stories and sing songs to her colleagues to boost everyone's morale.

After three years of hard work, Liu Lu returned to his hometown in 1973. She first became a secondary school teacher, but her inner yearning for a career in hosting became stronger.

Liu Lu: She used to be a popular CCTV host in the 80s, how is she now?

With the hosting experience accumulated in the Great Northern Wilderness, she made a bold decision: to quit her job as a teacher and join the radio group of a local TV station.

In 1979, the god of fate quietly favored Liu Lu. The famous director Huang Yihe was preparing the music program "Liang Zhu" and met her through a friend's recommendation.

When Huang Yihe saw Liu Lu's calm typhoon and infectious voice, he was immediately impressed by her talent.

1983 was an important turning point for Liu Lu. She officially joined CCTV and began to host programs such as "Cultural Life" and "Flower Trade Wind".

Liu Lu: She used to be a popular CCTV host in the 80s, how is she now?

Liu Lu, who appeared on the CCTV stage for the first time, secretly vowed to become the best host in her heart. She devotes herself to her work, humbly learns from her seniors, and strives to improve her business ability.

In 1984, Liu Lu ushered in the first peak of her career - hosting the first Young Singer TV Grand Prix. Her elegant and generous typhoon, bright and moving appearance, and warm and touching voice instantly captured the hearts of audiences across the country.

Since then, Liu Lu has become the leader of CCTV and has attracted much attention.

However, the success of her career did not stop Liu Lu. In 1985, at the age of 31, she was admitted to Beijing Broadcasting Institute with excellent grades and realized her college dream.

Liu Lu: She used to be a popular CCTV host in the 80s, how is she now?

In addition to her busy work, Liu Lu still maintains the momentum of studying hard and shows amazing perseverance.

Looking back, Liu Lu's eyes flashed with tears. From the wilderness of the Great Northern Wilderness to the stage of CCTV, she used her persistence and hard work to write a wonderful counterattack life.

This experience not only shaped her strong character, but also laid a solid foundation for her future career development. Liu Lu's story tells us that as long as we have dreams and keep working hard, we can reach the pinnacle of life even from the humblest starting point.

After entering CCTV, Liu Lu's career is like a rising star, becoming more and more dazzling. From 1984 to 2000, she hosted the Youth Singing Competition for 16 consecutive years, becoming an iconic figure in the show.

Liu Lu: She used to be a popular CCTV host in the 80s, how is she now?

The audience often jokingly called: "Liu Lu who beats with iron, and singer who runs water". However, the brilliance of her career did not make Liu Lu forget the importance of self-improvement.

In 1986, 32-year-old Liu Lu participated in a blind date under the arrangement of her mother. This seemingly ordinary date has made another important chapter in her life.

The other party is a young scholar from Taiwan, and the two hit it off at first sight and quickly fell in love. In 1987, Liu Lu tied the knot with this scholar and started a happy married life.

Although the life after marriage is ordinary, it is full of warmth and happiness. Her husband fully supports Liu Lu's career and keeps the family in order, so that she has no worries.

Liu Lu: She used to be a popular CCTV host in the 80s, how is she now?

Under the nourishment of love, Liu Lu is even more powerful in her career.

In 1993, with the encouragement of her husband, Liu Lu began to get involved in the field of program creation and planning. Together with her team, she founded the program "Music Bridge" to promote traditional Chinese music culture to audiences in a novel way.

As soon as the show aired, it caused a sensation, and the ratings continued to climb. This successful attempt not only expanded Liu Lu's career territory, but also allowed her to emerge in the field of television production.

In 1998, the Yangtze River basin was hit by catastrophic floods. In the face of the country's crisis, Liu Lu did not hesitate to ask Ying to go to the disaster area and become the location host. She risked her life and went to the front line to report on the scene.

Liu Lu: She used to be a popular CCTV host in the 80s, how is she now?

Liu Lu's courage and responsibility have won praise from all walks of life, and she is known as the "most beautiful host" and won the title of "Flood Hero".

Recalling those years, Liu Lu's eyes flashed with pride. "As a presenter, we have to deliver not only information, but also positive energy," she said.

We should stand up when the country and the people need it. This is not only our responsibility, but also our mission.

Stepping into the 21st century, in the face of the rise of the new generation of hosts, Liu Lu did not rest on his laurels. She actively innovated and launched the "Passion Square" program that is closer to people's lives.

Liu Lu: She used to be a popular CCTV host in the 80s, how is she now?

While maintaining her usual calm hosting style, she also incorporated humorous elements, showing a strong affinity, and once again won the love of the audience.

Liu Lu's life, like a wonderful TV series, is full of ups and downs. She met true love at the peak of her career and continued to write a chapter in the harbor of marriage. At work, she is a radiant CCTV celebrity; In life, she is a virtuous and gentle wife.

Liu Lu uses her actions to explain what is the perfect balance in life.

Her story teaches us that a successful woman can not only shine in her career, but also find happiness in her family. Liu Lu's experience is undoubtedly a role model for many women in the workplace.

Liu Lu: She used to be a popular CCTV host in the 80s, how is she now?

She proved that as long as you have a dream in your heart and strength in your feet, you can perform the most wonderful script on the stage of life.

In 2014, Liu Lu, who was in the age of six, officially retired from CCTV. However, for the host, who is accustomed to living under the spotlight, the peaceful retirement life is like a powerful sleeping pill, which makes her fall into unprecedented confusion.

Every morning, Liu Lu would stare at herself in the mirror in a trance, as if she couldn't adapt to this sudden identity as an "idler". The once radiant and confident CCTV celebrity has now become anxious and uneasy, and he can't even be interested in something as simple as playing with his grandson.

She is often alone in a daze, her eyes full of confusion and confusion, as if she is lost at a crossroads in life.

Liu Lu: She used to be a popular CCTV host in the 80s, how is she now?

This abnormal state of affairs caused concern among those around him. It even began to circulate that this former CCTV celebrity may have suffered from depression. In the face of all kinds of speculation from the outside world, Liu Lu seemed even more at a loss, as if she was trapped in an invisible cage.

Just when Liu Lu fell into a low point in her life, her husband once again became her strong backing. The man who loved her deeply knew his wife's inner world and understood her troubles at the moment.

In order to help Liu Lu get out of the haze, he decided to take her back to the path when she hosted the show.

This trip became a turning point in Liu Lu's life. When she got home, she seemed to be a different person. She became active in the community and regained her youthful hobby.

Liu Lu: She used to be a popular CCTV host in the 80s, how is she now?

Every morning, she would go to the nearby square to dance and exercise, and her smile would bloom again. After that, she would go to the supermarket to buy fresh ingredients, cook delicious meals for her family, and enjoy the happiness of fireworks.

Gradually, Liu Lu found the rhythm of retirement life. She no longer feels lost because she has lost her status as a host, but enjoys every moment of her ordinary life.

She began to meet regularly with her old colleagues to share their retirement life and talk about life insights.

At a party, Liu Lu said with a smile: "Now I have finally learned how to truly live instead of living in the aura of the past." Life after retirement has made me re-understand myself and make me more aware of the people and things around me.

Liu Lu: She used to be a popular CCTV host in the 80s, how is she now?

Liu Lu's experience tells us that each stage of life has its own unique meaning and value. Retirement is not the end, but the beginning of a new chapter in life. As long as we keep an open and positive mind, we can discover infinite excitement in ordinary days.

Now, Liu Lu, who is past her prime, has fully adapted to the rhythm of retirement life. She and her husband took the initiative to take their grandchildren to and from school and enjoyed the joy of family.

Every morning, Liu Lu prepares a nutritious breakfast for her grandson and walks with him to school. Although this kind of life is ordinary, it makes Liu Lu feel extremely fulfilling.

In the eyes of her family, Liu Lu is happier than ever. Although there were more wrinkles in the corners of her eyes, there was a glint of wisdom and calmness in her eyes.

Liu Lu: She used to be a popular CCTV host in the 80s, how is she now?

She often said to her grandson: "Life is like a marathon, the important thing is not how high the starting point is, but how to persevere to the end." This sentence is not only a teaching to her grandson, but also a summary of her life experience.

Liu Lu has not been disconnected from society because of retirement. She often gathers with her old colleagues to share their retirement experiences. At a party, she was asked if she missed the glory days of the past.

Liu Lu replied with a smile: "Every stage of life has its wonderful. Although my life is ordinary now, I feel a sense of inner fulfillment that I have never felt before. These words express her deep understanding of life.

In her spare time, Liu Lu likes to plant flowers in the small garden at home. She said that watching the process of flowers from germination to flowering made her feel the beauty of life. This little hobby not only added fun to her life, but also gave her a new understanding of life.

Liu Lu: She used to be a popular CCTV host in the 80s, how is she now?

In addition to enjoying family life, Liu Lu is often invited to give lectures at universities to share her life experiences with young people. In a recent lecture, Liu Lu said emotionally: "Young friends, no matter where you are now, remember that the meaning of life is not only about success, but also about how to face setbacks and challenges.

Only after experiencing the trough can we truly understand the value of the peak. These words resonated with the students present, and also reflected the wisdom of life accumulated by Liu Lu over the years.

Liu Lu's retirement life shows how an ordinary person can face every stage of life with grace. She is no longer obsessed with the glory of the past, but focuses on the happiness of the present.

Her story tells us that true wisdom in life lies in knowing how to appreciate every detail of life and cherish the people and things around us.

Liu Lu: She used to be a popular CCTV host in the 80s, how is she now?

Liu Lu, who is in her prime, uses her actions to interpret what is a happy life in old age. Her calmness and wisdom not only influence those around her, but also set an example for us to face life's challenges positively.

Liu Lu's life is like a TV series with ups and downs, from the hard years of the Great Northern Wilderness to the bright stage of CCTV, and then to the ordinary life after retirement, each stage interprets different life situations.

She used her experience to show us that in good times and bad, maintaining a positive mindset is the only way to cope with life's challenges.

Today's Liu Lu, although he is far away from the hustle and bustle under the spotlight, still interprets a wonderful life in his own way. She finds happiness in the ordinary, enjoys warmth in the family, and interprets the true meaning of a happy old age with wisdom and calmness.

Liu Lu: She used to be a popular CCTV host in the 80s, how is she now?

Liu Lu is still the admirable "Liu Lu", and her story has inspired countless people to bravely face all kinds of challenges in life.

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