
"Diving Queen" Wu Minxia: Giving up a wealthy family to marry love, Zhang Xiaocheng said that marrying her is my third life's luck

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"Diving Queen" Wu Minxia: Giving up a wealthy family to marry love, Zhang Xiaocheng said that marrying her is my third life's luck
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"Diving Queen" Wu Minxia: Giving up a wealthy family to marry love, Zhang Xiaocheng said that marrying her is my third life's luck

In 2016, at the scene of a high-profile program, the host Jin Xing's sharp eyes looked directly at Wu Minxia, with a slight challenge in his tone: "Your two senior sisters have married into a wealthy family, do you have such an idea?" Faced with this question that hit her heart, Wu Minxia looked calm, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and a trace of firmness flashed in her eyes: "I think feelings can't be forced, and they can't be facilitated by external forces."

Everything should go with its flow.

However, what few people know is that Wu Minxia once had the opportunity to step into a wealthy family. There was a potential turning point in her life. So, what made her finally choose the seemingly ordinary Zhang Xiaocheng? What is the moving story behind this decision? Let's uncover this sincere love that transcends time and space.

In 2017, Wu Minxia and Zhang Xiaocheng finally entered the palace of marriage together. This year, 33-year-old Wu Minxia has just bid farewell to her brilliant career as an athlete, and the pace of life has suddenly slowed down; The 32-year-old Zhang Xiaocheng is on the rise in his career, and the pace of work is becoming more and more compact.

"Diving Queen" Wu Minxia: Giving up a wealthy family to marry love, Zhang Xiaocheng said that marrying her is my third life's luck

As a member of the China Marathon Association, Zhang Xiaocheng's work allows him to travel frequently to and from all parts of the country. In the course of the year, he flew a staggering 146 times, an average of one every two and a half days.

Such a high-intensity work rhythm is undoubtedly a huge challenge for newlyweds who have just entered the marriage hall.

However, love always brings out the most creative in people. In order to increase the time spent together, Zhang Xiaocheng often invited Wu Minxia to go on business trips with him. On a trip to Hainan to supervise the marathon, they met a wonderful coincidence: the end of the half marathon happened to be set at the famous ends of the earth.

Zhang Xiaocheng had an idea and sent a romantic invitation to Wu Minxia: "My dear, do you want to run to the ends of the earth together?" Wu Minxia readily agreed, so the newlyweds ran side by side, all the way to the ends of the earth.

"Diving Queen" Wu Minxia: Giving up a wealthy family to marry love, Zhang Xiaocheng said that marrying her is my third life's luck

This experience made Wu Minxia and Zhang Xiaocheng deeply realize that even if life is full of challenges, as long as the two work together, they can live an extraordinary life.

They learn to look for opportunities to get together in the midst of busy work and create unforgettable memories in a short time together.

This experience during the newlywed period not only deepened the relationship between Wu Minxia and Zhang Xiaocheng, but also laid the foundation for their future lives. They understand that marriage is not just about living together, but also about learning to find balance between their respective careers and their lives together.

This tacit understanding and understanding is the secret of their happy marriage.

"Diving Queen" Wu Minxia: Giving up a wealthy family to marry love, Zhang Xiaocheng said that marrying her is my third life's luck

Back in 2008, the Beijing Olympic Games, which attracted worldwide attention, were in full swing. 23-year-old Wu Minxia, as the main player of the Chinese diving team, is preparing to show her skills at the Water Cube.

The 22-year-old Zhang Xiaocheng, who just graduated from the Communication University of China, served as the live broadcaster of the Water Cube in his fledgling days.

Although this is the first time Zhang Xiaocheng has witnessed Wu Minxia in person at the Water Cube, as a sports broadcaster, he has already heard of this star in the diving world.

When Wu Minxia stood on the jumping platform elegantly, Zhang Xiaocheng's eyes couldn't help but be attracted to her. At that moment, he seemed to see a butterfly about to spread its wings, beautiful and full of power.

"Diving Queen" Wu Minxia: Giving up a wealthy family to marry love, Zhang Xiaocheng said that marrying her is my third life's luck

However, the gears of fate always turn quietly and inadvertently. The real fate came quietly two years later. In 2010, Wu Minxia went to Qingdao to participate in a world series, and Zhang Xiaocheng was invited to broadcast the event again.

No one thought that this competition would become a turning point in their emotions.

In the competition, Wu Minxia suffered a rare mistake in her career. A move was not perfectly shown, and the referee awarded a penalty of zero. Not only did she miss out on a medal, but she also got seriously injured.

It's a big blow for an athlete in his prime.

"Diving Queen" Wu Minxia: Giving up a wealthy family to marry love, Zhang Xiaocheng said that marrying her is my third life's luck

After the game, Wu Minxia was alone, immersed in deep loss and pain. Her eyes were full of confusion and self-blame, as if the whole world was collapsing at this moment.

At this moment, the attentive Zhang Xiaocheng noticed her strangeness.

Although they did not have a deep friendship with each other, Zhang Xiaocheng still mustered up the courage to walk in front of Wu Minxia. He comforted softly, "Don't pay too much attention to this mistake, it's just a small setback in your long career."

These simple and warm words are like a ray of sunshine piercing through the haze and illuminating the darkness in Wu Minxia's heart. She raised her head, and looked at Zhang Xiaocheng's sincere and concerned gaze, and a trace of warmth appeared in her heart.

"Diving Queen" Wu Minxia: Giving up a wealthy family to marry love, Zhang Xiaocheng said that marrying her is my third life's luck

Perhaps it was at that moment that the seeds of love were quietly sown.

Zhang Xiaocheng's encouragement not only gave Wu Minxia the courage to continue to move forward, but also allowed her to see the different side of this young man. He didn't focus only on her grades and accolades like others, but gave genuine care in her most vulnerable moments.

This chance encounter became the starting point for the germination of their relationship. Since then, the contact between the two has gradually increased. Zhang Xiaocheng began to pay more attention to Wu Minxia's competition, and Wu Minxia also developed a good impression of this young man who could always give her encouragement.

In this way, under the bright lights of the Olympic stadium and the ups and downs of the world series, the fate of Wu Minxia and Zhang Xiaocheng was quietly formed, laying the groundwork for their sincere feelings in the future.

"Diving Queen" Wu Minxia: Giving up a wealthy family to marry love, Zhang Xiaocheng said that marrying her is my third life's luck

In 1985, Wu Minxia was born in the bustling metropolis of Shanghai. Although the family is not wealthy, her parents poured infinite love into this little girl. They looked at their daughter's innocent smile, and their hearts were full of anticipation for the future.

The twist of fate occurred when Wu Minxia was 6 years old. On an ordinary day, Coach Yuan Lianying of Shanghai Sports School came to Longhua Kindergarten to select talents. When her gaze fell on Wu Minxia, it was as if she saw an unpolished diamond.

Coach Yuan was keenly aware of this little girl's remarkable physical fitness and potential.

After careful consideration, Wu Minxia's parents decided to let their daughter embark on the road of diving. This decision changed the trajectory of Wu Minxia's life and reserved a future champion for the Chinese diving team.

"Diving Queen" Wu Minxia: Giving up a wealthy family to marry love, Zhang Xiaocheng said that marrying her is my third life's luck

However, the road to chasing your dreams is never easy. When she was 9 years old, Wu Minxia suffered a serious accident while practicing the 10-meter platform. Her hand was broken, the pain was excruciating, and tears were streaming down her face.

This injury not only brought damage to her young body, but also made her feel like retreating.

But at this critical moment, the coach's encouragement was like a shot in the arm, giving Wu Minxia the courage to continue to move forward. She gritted her teeth and chose to persevere, shifting her training focus to the 3-meter springboard.

This decision not only demonstrated her tenacity, but also laid the foundation for her future success.

"Diving Queen" Wu Minxia: Giving up a wealthy family to marry love, Zhang Xiaocheng said that marrying her is my third life's luck

It is this spirit of never giving up that has created Wu Minxia's future glory. She made it to the national team, participated in four consecutive Olympic Games, and won a total of five Olympic diving gold medals.

Every time she stands on the podium, when the national anthem sounds, and the five-star red flag is raised, Wu Minxia will remember her original intention.

She thinks back to the little girl who dreamed of Olympic glory in front of the TV, the girl who sweated countless times in training, and the athlete who persevered even after her injury.

At this moment, she finally realized her dream and won honor for the country.

"Diving Queen" Wu Minxia: Giving up a wealthy family to marry love, Zhang Xiaocheng said that marrying her is my third life's luck

Wu Minxia's growth process is not only the history of an athlete's struggle, but also an inspirational story of an ordinary girl who realizes her dreams through her own efforts. From the innocent kindergarten children to the Olympic champions who carry the glory of the country, Wu Minxia uses her sweat and persistence to interpret what real success is.

Her story teaches us that success is not an accident, but the result of perseverance and hard work day in and day out. No matter how difficult and frustrating it is, as long as you stick to your dreams, you will eventually come true.

The love story of Wu Minxia and Zhang Xiaocheng began with a first date that couldn't help but laugh. That day, Zhang Xiaocheng was expectantly planning to take Wu Minxia to the movies, but found that his wallet was missing before he went out.

Faced with this sudden dilemma, he did not choose to cancel the date, but resolutely borrowed 100 yuan from a friend and hurried to the appointment.

"Diving Queen" Wu Minxia: Giving up a wealthy family to marry love, Zhang Xiaocheng said that marrying her is my third life's luck

During the meal, Wu Minxia was keenly aware of something and thoughtfully chose some moderately priced side dishes. When Zhang Xiaocheng plucked up the courage to confess his predicament, Wu Minxia did not dislike it at all, but immediately put down the dishes and chopsticks and urged him to find the lost wallet together.

This scene deeply touched Zhang Xiaocheng and made him more sure of his mind.

However, the road to love has not been easy. When Wu Minxia informed her parents about this relationship, she encountered unexpected resistance. Her parents always hoped that their daughter could find a boy from a well-off family in Shanghai.

In their opinion, their daughter has put in so much effort and deserves to find someone who can make her live a better life.

"Diving Queen" Wu Minxia: Giving up a wealthy family to marry love, Zhang Xiaocheng said that marrying her is my third life's luck

Faced with her parents' worries, Wu Minxia did not back down. She patiently explained to her parents: "I understand your thoughts, but for me, sincere feelings are more important than material conditions.

I hope to create our own future with the people I truly love.

Zhang Xiaocheng did not sit still, but proved his sincerity with practical actions. He knew that Wu Minxia liked dogs, but he was a little afraid of dogs because of his childhood experience.

In order to accommodate his girlfriend's preferences, he worked hard to overcome his fear and accompanied Wu Minxia to adopt a cute puppy. Not only that, but he also took the initiative to take on most of the work of taking care of the puppy, just to make Wu Minxia happy.

"Diving Queen" Wu Minxia: Giving up a wealthy family to marry love, Zhang Xiaocheng said that marrying her is my third life's luck

In addition, Zhang Xiaocheng also found that Wu Minxia likes to eat braised dishes the most. So, he secretly made up his mind to learn how to cook. He spent a lot of time studying the recipes and practicing repeatedly, just to be able to make Wu Minxia's favorite braised dishes.

When he brought his carefully cooked braised pork to Wu Minxia for the first time, her expression of surprise made Zhang Xiaocheng feel that all the hard work was worth it.

These subtle intentions made Wu Minxia more convinced of her choice. She deeply felt that Zhang Xiaocheng gave her not only love, but also wholehearted dedication and understanding.

During the Rio 2016 Olympics, their relationship finally reached an important moment. When Wu Minxia was struggling on the field, the camera suddenly captured Zhang Xiaocheng who was excited in the stands.

"Diving Queen" Wu Minxia: Giving up a wealthy family to marry love, Zhang Xiaocheng said that marrying her is my third life's luck

He could no longer suppress the pride and joy in his heart, and opened up their relationship to the world.

When the camera focused on Zhang Xiaocheng, everyone saw the tears flashing in his eyes and the happy smile on his face. At that moment, he was no longer an unknown little person, but stood in the spotlight, cheering for his beloved.

This scene has become the most sincere and moving portrayal of love.

From the small twists and turns of the first date, to the incomprehension of the family, to the courage to publicly show their love at the end, Wu Minxia and Zhang Xiaocheng's long-distance love run interprets what sincere feelings are.

"Diving Queen" Wu Minxia: Giving up a wealthy family to marry love, Zhang Xiaocheng said that marrying her is my third life's luck

They have proved with their actions that as long as two people have the same mind, no matter how big the difficulties can be overcome together.

After marriage, Wu Minxia and Zhang Xiaocheng soon ushered in a new stage in their lives. In 2018, 33-year-old Wu Minxia was overjoyed, and the arrival of her little life brought infinite joy to the family.

Two years later, in 2022, they welcomed a cute little prince and formed a happy family of four. The laughter of the children fills the whole house, filling the little family with warmth and energy.

However, as an independent modern woman, Wu Minxia did not limit herself to the role of a housewife. She delicately balances family and career, showing a versatile side.

"Diving Queen" Wu Minxia: Giving up a wealthy family to marry love, Zhang Xiaocheng said that marrying her is my third life's luck

From time to time, she is invited to participate in variety shows and serve as a live host of sports events, sharing her experience and insights accumulated in the sports world with the audience over the years.

Even only three months after the birth of the second son, the whole family participated in the recording of a parent-child variety show. This not only shows Wu Minxia's professionalism, but also reflects the tacit teamwork between her and Zhang Xiaocheng.

On social media, Wu Minxia is keen to share the bits and pieces of her family life. In a recent video she uploaded, we saw the light-hearted and humorous interaction between her and Zhang Xiaocheng, as well as the innocent smiles of the children.

This warm picture has attracted the envy and blessings of countless netizens, and also made people see the full happiness of this family.

"Diving Queen" Wu Minxia: Giving up a wealthy family to marry love, Zhang Xiaocheng said that marrying her is my third life's luck

Looking back, Wu Minxia admitted frankly that she had taken her senior sister Guo Jingjing as an example. However, in the most important choice in life, she bravely walked out of her own way. It is this courage to stick to her original intention that allowed Wu Minxia to harvest sincere love and a happy family.

In her story, we see how a woman finds a balance between career and family, and how she sticks to her heart in the face of temptation.

Their stories undoubtedly give us a warm and profound revelation: true happiness comes from mutual understanding, support and mutual growth. In this fast-paced society, Wu Minxia and Zhang Xiaocheng interpret what a truly happy life is in their own way.

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