
Olympic champion Wu Minxia became pregnant twice after marriage, and her mother-in-law never looked at it, thinking that it was a wealthy family

author:Soy milk is a joy to read
Olympic champion Wu Minxia became pregnant twice after marriage, and her mother-in-law never looked at it, thinking that it was a wealthy family
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Olympic champion Wu Minxia became pregnant twice after marriage, and her mother-in-law never looked at it, thinking that it was a wealthy family

In the diving world, Wu Minxia's name is like thunder. Her every perfect leap into the water left the audience breathlessly awked, and every gold medal shone with her glory.

However, when the spotlight dimmed, the Olympic champion faced unexpected challenges in her married life.

Two pregnancies, which should have been a warm moment for family reunion, were overshadowed by the absence of her mother-in-law. Once shining on the world stage, she now seems to have lost her aura in family life.

What causes this? How did Wu Minxia find balance in the test of marriage? Let's step into the inner world of this sports star and uncover the truth about her married life.

Olympic champion Wu Minxia became pregnant twice after marriage, and her mother-in-law never looked at it, thinking that it was a wealthy family

In 2010, the atmosphere of the diving competition in Qingdao was tense. Wu Minxia stood on the jumping platform and took a deep breath to adjust her state. However, the accident happened - her right foot accidentally slipped and was scratched by the diving board.

This mistake greatly reduced her grades and brought her huge psychological pressure.

After the game, Wu Minxia sat alone in the locker room, full of frustration in her heart. At this moment, her mobile phone suddenly vibrated and a text message from an unfamiliar number came into view: "Are you okay?" Four simple words, but like a ray of sunshine piercing through the haze, warming her wounded heart.

The sender of this heartwarming text message is Zhang Xiaocheng, a sports journalist who works as a commentator for the Olympics. He has always paid attention to and appreciated Wu Minxia's talent and perseverance.

Olympic champion Wu Minxia became pregnant twice after marriage, and her mother-in-law never looked at it, thinking that it was a wealthy family

Seeing her encounter setbacks, Zhang Xiaocheng plucked up the courage to express his concern.

Wu Minxia hesitated for a moment, but still replied to this message. Since that day, the communication between the two has gradually deepened, and the relationship has deepened. Zhang Xiaocheng has become Wu Minxia's strong backing, no matter what the result of the game, he can always find the right words to cheer her on.

At the 2012 London Olympics, Wu Minxia once again reached the top podium. When the Chinese national anthem sounded, Zhang Xiaocheng stood up excitedly in the audience and couldn't help shouting "I love you".

This sudden confession made Wu Minxia's eyes flash with tears, and the corners of her mouth rose involuntarily.

Olympic champion Wu Minxia became pregnant twice after marriage, and her mother-in-law never looked at it, thinking that it was a wealthy family

In this way, an ordinary text message has become a link between two hearts, composing a beautiful and moving love story. Their feelings sprout from mutual care and support, grow in common interests and values, and finally blossom.

Zhang Xiaocheng's understanding and support for Wu Minxia far exceeded her expectations. Not only does he appreciate her talent, but he also knows how to give her encouragement when she needs it most. This deep emotional foundation gives Wu Minxia more courage and strength to face the challenges of the future.

Their love story proves that sincere feelings do not need a wealthy background or material foundation. It can start with a simple care and thrive on mutual understanding and support.

This touching love has added infinite color to Wu Minxia's life and laid a solid foundation for her future married life.

Olympic champion Wu Minxia became pregnant twice after marriage, and her mother-in-law never looked at it, thinking that it was a wealthy family

In 1985, Wu Minxia was born in an ordinary family in Shanghai. From an early age, she has shown a unique affinity for water. After a rigorous screening, the young Wu Minxia successfully joined the Shanghai diving team and started her diving career.

However, Wu Minxia was not favored when she first joined the team. She is not very well built, and every time she completes a dive, her body is covered with bruises. Her parents felt sorry for her and persuaded her to give up many times, but Wu Minxia gritted her teeth and persevered.

Her determination and perseverance are evident at this age.

Every day before dawn, when other teammates were still asleep, Wu Minxia was already standing on the training ground. She practiced the basic movements over and over again until the muscles remembered every detail.

Olympic champion Wu Minxia became pregnant twice after marriage, and her mother-in-law never looked at it, thinking that it was a wealthy family

Even on her days off, she would be alone by the pool silently honing her skills. This extraordinary effort laid the foundation for her future success.

In 1995, 10-year-old Wu Minxia suffered her first major setback when she failed to make the national diving team. In the face of the coach's withdrawal suggestion, Wu Minxia did not give up, but trained harder.

She knows that the only way to excel in the sport is to put in more effort than others. This spirit of not admitting defeat has become the driving force for her to overcome difficulties.

Three years later, Wu Minxia finally got her wish and entered the national team. However, new challenges arise. The intensity of training for the national team is far greater than ever, and every day is an extreme challenge of physical strength and willpower.

Olympic champion Wu Minxia became pregnant twice after marriage, and her mother-in-law never looked at it, thinking that it was a wealthy family

But in Wu Minxia's eyes, rest means falling behind, and she must work harder than everyone else. This almost paranoid attitude to training has allowed her to gain a firm foothold in the highly competitive national team.

In 2001, 16-year-old Wu Minxia participated in the World Championships for the first time and won the gold medal in the double 3-meter springboard. The moment she stood on the podium, years of hard work finally paid off, and Wu Minxia was so excited that she burst into tears.

This gold medal not only affirmed her hard work, but also gave her the motivation to keep going.

Since then, Wu Minxia has repeatedly achieved good results in major competitions. She spent 18 years, from the age of 13 to 31, creating one miracle after another, and became one of the most outstanding legends in the history of Chinese diving.

Olympic champion Wu Minxia became pregnant twice after marriage, and her mother-in-law never looked at it, thinking that it was a wealthy family

Her career is a history of struggle full of sweat and tears, and it is also a triumphant song that never gives up.

After retiring, Wu Minxia did not stay away from diving. She chose to stay with the national team and pass on her valuable experience to the younger generation. Whenever there is an important event, she will always come to the scene to cheer for the Chinese team.

Whether as an athlete or a coach, Wu Minxia has always devoted herself wholeheartedly to the diving career and interpreted the spirit of Chinese athletes with practical actions.

Wu Minxia's career is not only a series of honors and medals, but also an inspirational story of an ordinary girl who realizes her dreams through unremitting efforts. She used her own experience to show the world that as long as there is firm belief and unremitting efforts, ordinary people can create extraordinary achievements.

Olympic champion Wu Minxia became pregnant twice after marriage, and her mother-in-law never looked at it, thinking that it was a wealthy family

In 2017, Wu Minxia and Zhang Xiaocheng held a warm and simple wedding and started their new life. Zhang Xiao became a companion to Wu Minxia, and resolutely gave up her job in Beijing and moved to Shanghai.

On the surface, the couple's life seems to be happy and happy, however, an unexpected problem quietly emerges.

Wu Minxia has been pregnant twice, which should have been the happiest moment in the family. However, surprisingly, during these two pregnancies, the Zhang family's in-laws never came to visit her.

As an athlete who has been training at high intensity for a long time, she deserves more love and attention during pregnancy. However, the indifferent attitude of her in-laws undoubtedly brought great pressure and trouble to Wu Minxia.

Olympic champion Wu Minxia became pregnant twice after marriage, and her mother-in-law never looked at it, thinking that it was a wealthy family

Whenever she is alone and faces the discomfort of pregnancy, Wu Minxia always involuntarily thinks of her in-laws. She struggled to understand their position, but she couldn't hide her inner loss.

Sometimes, she would stand in front of the mirror, caressing her bulging abdomen, a hint of bitterness flashing in her eyes. This feeling of neglect made her feel lonely.

It is rumored that the Zhang family's in-laws have always hoped that their son would marry a local girl so that he could better take care of them in their later years. In their opinion, the talent of the daughter-in-law is not the most important, the key is to be able to be by her side at all times.

The nature of Wu Minxia's profession determined that she could not fully meet this expectation, which made her in-laws always prejudiced against her.

Olympic champion Wu Minxia became pregnant twice after marriage, and her mother-in-law never looked at it, thinking that it was a wealthy family

Every time there is a family gathering, Wu Minxia can feel the slightly contemptuous eyes of her mother-in-law. She tried to be considerate and thoughtful, hoping to fit in with the family, but all she received was a cold response.

This strong contrast made Wu Minxia feel tormented in her heart. She was once invincible in the ring, but she felt so powerless in family life.

However, in the face of such a situation, Wu Minxia did not choose to complain or give up. She still went strong through the two pregnancies and became a happy mother full of maternal love.

She responds to the indifference of her in-laws with her enthusiasm and creates a harmonious family atmosphere with a positive attitude. This perseverance is the result of her years of athletic career.

Olympic champion Wu Minxia became pregnant twice after marriage, and her mother-in-law never looked at it, thinking that it was a wealthy family

Zhang Xiaocheng saw it in his eyes and felt pain in his heart. He struggled to find a balance between his wife and his parents, often feeling torn between a dilemma. He communicated with his parents many times in private, hoping that they would accept Wu Minxia, but with little success.

This feeling of being caught in the middle made Zhang Xiaocheng feel pressure.

Despite this, Wu Minxia did not let these difficulties affect her dedication to her family. She is still fully committed to family life, interpreting her love for this family with her actions.

She believes that as long as she persists, she will one day be able to melt the hearts of her in-laws.

Olympic champion Wu Minxia became pregnant twice after marriage, and her mother-in-law never looked at it, thinking that it was a wealthy family

The trials of this married life made Wu Minxia realize that victory on the field of play is just as important as the harmony of family life. She put the perseverance and patience she developed in diving training into running her family relationships.

Although she faced pressure from her in-laws, she never gave up her efforts and interpreted her love for her family in her own way.

Wu's experience tells us that even Olympic champions face challenges when it comes to family issues. But it is the tenacity she has cultivated in her athletic career that has helped her to move forward in her married life, resolve conflicts with love and tolerance, and prove her worth with actions.

Despite all the challenges she encountered in her married life, Wu Minxia still firmly chose to give and persevere. She and Zhang Xiaocheng have a pair of lovely children together, and they work together to run a simple and fulfilling family life.

Olympic champion Wu Minxia became pregnant twice after marriage, and her mother-in-law never looked at it, thinking that it was a wealthy family

Whenever Wu Minxia appears in the public eye with her child in her arms, she always has a happy smile on her face. She would gently hold the children's little hands, and her eyes would sparkle with maternal love.

In interviews, Wu Minxia often shares interesting stories about the children, and her words are full of joy and satisfaction.

After retiring, Wu Minxia did not stay away from society, but actively participated in public welfare undertakings. She has joined several volunteer teams that care about children's rights, donating supplies to children in remote areas, and even going to teach them diving skills.

She hopes that through her own efforts, more children can be inspired to chase their dreams, just like she did back then.

Olympic champion Wu Minxia became pregnant twice after marriage, and her mother-in-law never looked at it, thinking that it was a wealthy family

In Wu Minxia's view, choosing Zhang Xiaocheng is the wisest decision in her life. She firmly believes that love needs to be managed with heart and precipitation over time, rather than measured only by appearance and materiality.

Being able to find a life partner who can work together and live a simple and fulfilling life is her greatest happiness. This sincere emotion in the ordinary allowed Wu Minxia to find new value and meaning in her life after retirement.

In the past, Wu Minxia and Guo Jingjing, as the ace partners of the Chinese diving team, won numerous honors for the country together. However, after retiring, the trajectories of the two showed very different faces.

Guo Jingjing chose to marry into a wealthy family, and her love story with Huo Qigang became the focus of attention of many media. Despite her privileged life, she has always kept a low profile and is enthusiastic about various charitable causes.

Olympic champion Wu Minxia became pregnant twice after marriage, and her mother-in-law never looked at it, thinking that it was a wealthy family

Huo Qigang also actively supported his wife's public welfare activities, and the husband and wife worked together to convey positive energy and won wide praise from the society.

In contrast, Wu Minxia chose an ordinary partner and lived a relatively simple life. Although she faced pressure from her in-laws, she still insisted on her choice and ran her small family with love and patience.

The different choices of the two Olympic champions show the diversity of life. Whether you marry into a wealthy family or choose ordinary, the key is whether you can find true happiness.

The stories of Wu Minxia and Guo Jingjing both illustrate the essence of happiness - follow your heart and bravely pursue the life you want.

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