
The man stayed in the temple overnight, but saw the old monk carrying a white lantern into the house, and the old man: Close your eyes

author:Chia Tai Bright Universe 0xN

Hey, ladies and gentlemen, let's talk about a confusing folklore today. This happened in a ravine to the south of us, where the mountains and rivers are beautiful and the scenery is picturesque, but it is a bit evil. It is said that there is such a person, named Zhang San, who is a businessman who travels from south to north, has run everywhere, and has seen all kinds of strange things.

Once, Zhang San carried the load of goods and stepped into that small mountain village. The sun was about to set, and he thought he had to find a place to spend the night. After a while, hey, he really found a temple with the door ajar open and the lights inside. Zhang San thought to himself: There must be a monk in this temple, I will stay here tonight, and I will hurry again tomorrow.

He put down his burden and knocked lightly on the temple door. The door creaked open, and an old monk poked his head out, glanced at Zhang San, and said, "Donor, it's getting late, if you don't dislike it, come in and rest." Zhang San hurriedly thanked him and followed the old monk into the temple.

The man stayed in the temple overnight, but saw the old monk carrying a white lantern into the house, and the old man: Close your eyes

The temple was very deserted, except for the old monk, there was no one. The old monk took him to a side room, pointed to the bed, and said, "Donor, rest here." After saying that, the old monk turned around to leave. Zhang San hurriedly stopped him and asked, "Master, why is this temple so deserted?" The old monk sighed and said, "Hey, this temple used to be full of incense, but in the past few years, there have been many strange things, and the pilgrims have been scared away." ”

Zhang San asked curiously, "What's the strange thing?" The old monk shook his head and didn't say much, but just instructed him: "It's late at night, don't rest early, don't ask more." With that, the old monk left. Zhang San lay on the bed, tossing and turning and couldn't sleep, wondering in his heart: What is the strange thing in this temple? No, I'll have to find out.

He got out of bed lightly and quietly pushed the door open. The moonlight sprinkled in the courtyard, and there was silence. Zhang San walked along the moonlight, and suddenly saw a dark shadow flashing in front of him. His heart tightened, and he quickly quickened his pace. Turning a corner, he saw a room in front of him with a light on, and the shadow entered the room.

The man stayed in the temple overnight, but saw the old monk carrying a white lantern into the house, and the old man: Close your eyes

Zhang San tiptoed close to the room, looked through the window, and saw the old monk holding a white lantern in his hand, his face pale, talking to an empty seat. His voice was low and eerie, and his scalp tingled when he heard it. At this moment, the old monk suddenly turned around and stared at the window with his eyes like torches. Zhang San was shocked and hurriedly stepped back.

Unexpectedly, his feet slipped and he fell on all fours. He quickly got up and ran away. After running for a while, Zhang San stopped to catch his breath. Looking back, the old monk didn't catch up. He thought to himself: What the hell is this old monk doing? What does the white lantern mean? No, I'll have to find someone who understands.

So, Zhang San walked around the village and finally found an old man. The old man is not young, but he is full of spirits and speaks in a set of ways. Zhang San told the old man exactly what happened just now. After hearing this, the old man pondered for a while before he said, "Oh, I've heard about this." Zhang San was so anxious that he hurriedly asked, "Uncle, tell me quickly, what's going on?" The old man sighed and said, "In our temple, there was originally a statue of a god. But later, I don't know what happened, and the idol disappeared. From then on, every night, the idol came out on its own, carrying a white lantern. The old monk, that's when he chatted with the statues. Zhang San's eyes straightened when he heard this, and he said, "Then, why did the idol disappear?" The old man shook his head and said, "I can't figure out about this." However, I heard that the idol has something to do with an old legend in our village. Zhang San asked again: "What legend?" The old man looked around, his voice was low, and he said, "It's hard to explain this." Anyway, if you see the old monk carrying a white lantern into the house again, you should quickly close your eyes and don't look. Otherwise, you're in for a big deal. Zhang San heard the drum in his heart, hurriedly thanked him, and quickly slipped away.

The man stayed in the temple overnight, but saw the old monk carrying a white lantern into the house, and the old man: Close your eyes

He went back to the temple and lay down on the bed, tossing and turning but couldn't sleep. Thinking about the old man's words in his heart, the more he pondered it, the more panicked he felt. At that moment, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside...... The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and Zhang San felt that his heartbeat was almost overshadowing the movement outside. The door creaked open, and a cold wind blew in, making him shiver. He squinted secretly, and saw the old monk carrying the white lantern and walking in slowly. The old monk walked to the side of the bed and stopped, his eyes seemed to be able to see through Zhang San. Zhang San was "gurgling" in his heart, for fear that the old monk would find out that he was pretending to be asleep. The old monk suddenly spoke: "Zhang San, why don't you close your eyes?" Zhang San was shocked and almost screamed. He quickly closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. The old monk sighed and said to himself: "Forget it, it's all fate." With that, he turned and left. Zhang San heard the footsteps getting farther and farther away, so he dared to open his eyes. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and thought to himself: This old monk is really elusive, fortunately I reacted quickly, otherwise I would have been scared half to death.

Early the next morning, Zhang San packed up his things and prepared to leave the temple. As soon as he went out, he saw that the old monk was already in the courtyard. When the old monk saw him, he smiled slightly and said, "Donor, how did you sleep last night?" Zhang San smiled awkwardly and said, "It's okay." What he actually wanted to say in his heart was "I was almost scared to death", but the words came to his lips and swallowed back. The old monk seemed to see through his thoughts, and said, "Don't be afraid, the donor is not really malicious. It's just looking for someone who is destined to take over its shift. As soon as Zhang San heard this, he "chuckled" in his heart, as if he had stepped on the empty stairs, and he couldn't help asking: "Then, what's the matter, why did it disappear?" The old monk sighed softly, with a little vicissitudes in his voice, and said, "This matter has to start from the beginning." That statue was originally the incarnation of a high monk, and as soon as he left, he left behind this statue of the law, which contained his mana. But later, the people in the village fought for this statue. As a result, the statue was gone, leaving only a legend. Zhang San heard it in a fog, as if he had drunk ecstasy soup, and asked: "Then, what does this have to do with me?" The old monk glanced at him, with a little deep meaning in his eyes, and said, "You are the one who is destined." When Zhang Sanyi heard this, he almost didn't stand firm, he hurriedly waved his hand and said, "No, no, no, I'm not a destined person." I'm just a merchant running around, how can I inherit the mantle of that blessing? The old monk smiled slightly and said, "You have an aura in you, which is innate." Besides, if you weren't scared by the idol last night, it shows that you have the courage and wisdom to meet the challenges ahead. When Zhang San heard this, he was stunned for a while, and his heart was full of thoughts, and he didn't know how to answer.

Seeing him hesitate, the old monk added another fire: "If you are willing to inherit this mantle, I can teach you a few tricks, so that you can protect yourself in the rivers and lakes." When Zhang San heard this, his heart moved, and he thought: This is a good thing. He has been interested in those mysterious things since he was a child, and if he can learn some real skills, it will be much easier to travel north and south in the future. So, he nodded and said, "That's, that's fine, I'll try." When the old monk saw that he agreed, the smile on his face became even stronger, as if he had drunk honey. He took Zhang San to the backyard of the temple, pointed to a stone cave and said, "This is where the idol is hiding." When you go in, you have to bow three times with all your heart, and then say what you want. The idol will appear and teach you the way. Zhang San followed the old monk's instructions and walked into the stone cave. He knelt on the ground, bowed three times, and then said his wish in a loud voice. After a while, he felt a warm current rushing through his heart, and a white light flashed in front of him. When he opened his eyes again, he saw an old man in white standing in front of him, holding a white lantern in his hand. The old man in white looked at him, smiled slightly, and said, "You are finally here." After speaking, he handed the lantern to Zhang San. Zhang San took the lantern and only felt a powerful force surging into his body, and he knew that he had obtained the mana of the god statue. The old man in white taught him some more methods and formulas, and then turned into a white light and disappeared.

The man stayed in the temple overnight, but saw the old monk carrying a white lantern into the house, and the old man: Close your eyes

Zhang San walked out of the stone cave and saw that the old monk was still waiting for him there. When the old monk saw him come out, he asked, "How do you feel?" Zhang San nodded and said, "It feels good." He handed the white lantern to the old monk and said, "This is for me by the idol." The old monk took the lantern and said, "Take good care of it." With that, he hung the lantern at the door of the temple. Zhang San, this kid, has become the new leader in our temple, which is really impressive. His mana is not blown, it protects the people in our village tightly, so that everyone can live a comfortable life. The mysterious white lantern has also become a treasure in our temple, and it has been passed down to the present.

The fact that Zhang San became the abbot spread in the village for a while, and everyone knew about it. Everyone said, don't look at this young man's youth, but his energy is really not covered, and if he can take over the old monk's class, there must be two brushes. Zhang San also knows in his heart, this white lantern and the method are not a joke, he has to think about it, how to use these powers to protect the people in the village.

In the first few days of taking office, Zhang San was still a little busy. Every morning and evening, I have to put incense on the statue of the god, and I have to solve the doubts and doubts of the pilgrims who come to the temple. Sometimes, there will be some strange things, such as someone lost something, and it had to be stolen by some ghost, and Zhang San had to use his divine power to find it. Although Zhang San was a little drumming in his heart, he was embarrassed to shirk it. He had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow the method in the Fa, close his eyes and concentrate on it, and use his heart to induce. Strange to say, every time I do this, I can really find those lost things. As soon as this matter spreads ten, ten spreads hundreds, and Zhang San's reputation in the village will be even greater.

The man stayed in the temple overnight, but saw the old monk carrying a white lantern into the house, and the old man: Close your eyes

However, Zhang San knew in his heart that these divine powers were not for display. He had to use it to protect the people of the village and let them live a stable life. So, he began to think about how to use the methods of the Fa to prevent those possible disasters.

One night, Zhang San was meditating in his room when he suddenly felt a strong Yin Qi surging in all directions. He quickly opened his eyes, only to see that the courtyard was already full of black ghosts. These ghosts have hideous faces and look terrifying. Zhang San was shocked, knowing that this must be a big disaster. He quickly picked up the white lantern and recited the mantra in the Dharma. I saw that the white lantern lit up instantly, emitting a dazzling light. The ghosts screamed at the light, and then turned into a puff of black smoke and dissipated. Zhang San breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he had successfully defused this disaster.

He hurried to the courtyard to check on the situation. I saw that the yard was in shambles, but the villagers were safe and sound. He thought to himself: "It's good that I found these ghosts in time, otherwise the people in the village would have suffered." After this incident, Zhang San's prestige in the village became higher. Everyone said that he was the reincarnation of a living bodhisattva and could bless everyone with peace and well. When Zhang San heard these words, although he was happy in his heart, he did not dare to be complacent. He knew that his abilities were still very limited, and he had to continue to work hard.

The man stayed in the temple overnight, but saw the old monk carrying a white lantern into the house, and the old man: Close your eyes

After a few years, Zhang San has become an indispensable figure in the village. He not only answered the questions of the pilgrims in the temple, but also often went from village to house to help those in need. He used his magic to solve many thorny problems and make the people in the village live a more stable life. Zhang San's kid, one day was meditating in the temple, and suddenly he felt a wave of energy coming at him from the statue. As soon as he opened his eyes, good fellow, the smile on the face of the god seemed to have something to say to him. Zhang San's heart tightened, and he quickly knelt down, knocked his head three times, and then asked, "Statue, do you have anything to explain?" The idol nodded slightly and spoke: "Zhang San, you did a good job, I'm very happy." When Zhang San heard this, his heart was overjoyed, and he asked, "Then what instructions do you have?" The idol nodded again: "I feel that our village is going to suffer a great disaster, you have to prepare quickly." ”

When Zhang Sanyi heard this, his heart tightened, and he hurriedly asked, "Then when will this be difficult?" The idol shook his head: "I can't say for sure, but it's definitely going to be soon." Zhang San's heart sank, knowing that he had to move quickly. He immediately consulted with the old people in the village to see if he could find a way to stop this big difficulty. After discussing for a few days, everyone came up with a trick: set up altars around the village, ask the monks to do it, and ask the gods to bless our village with peace.

When Zhang San heard this, he felt that this idea worked, so he immediately took action. He personally went to invite a few eminent monks, and then set up altars around the village. The monks practice it every day, praying for the blessings of the gods. A few days later, the catastrophe came. The sky was full of dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and it looked like the sky was about to be turned upside down. It's strange, those thunderbolts slashed down, as if they were blocked by something, and they couldn't hurt the people in the village at all. When the villagers saw it, they were all stunned and said, "This is really a divine manifestation!" Zhang San stood on the altar, watching all this, and his heart was happy. He knew that this was the result of his own efforts with the people in the village, and it was also the credit of the blessing of the gods.

The man stayed in the temple overnight, but saw the old monk carrying a white lantern into the house, and the old man: Close your eyes

Since then, Zhang San has been more attentive to protecting the people in the village, making their lives more stable and happier. The mysterious white lantern has also been hanging at the entrance of the temple and has become the patron saint of our village.

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