
The wife behaved strangely, and at night her husband poked through the window paper and peeked, so frightened that he turned around and ran

author:Chia Tai Bright Universe 0xN

It is said that in the south of the Yangtze River, there is a small place called Qingyang Town, where the mountains and rivers are beautiful, and the people are very real. There is an old man Wang in the town, and his son Wang Erlang married a daughter-in-law named Li Xiulian. This Li Xiulian looks like a water spirit, and her personality is gentle, and the relationship between the two is so good that the people in the town say that they are a model couple.

But the good times didn't last long, Li Xiulian had a serious illness, and after she recovered from her illness, her behavior began to become strange. It's okay during the day, but at night, she locks herself in the house, and Wang Erlang wants to go in and have a look, but there is no door. Wang Erlang was full of doubts in his heart, but he was too embarrassed to ask more, thinking that his daughter-in-law might be weak after illness and had to take care of herself.

As the days passed, Li Xiulian's weirdness became more and more serious. I don't go out at night, I don't talk to people much during the day, and I'm mysterious all day long. Wang Erlang was uneasy in his heart, but he couldn't find a clue.

The wife behaved strangely, and at night her husband poked through the window paper and peeked, so frightened that he turned around and ran

One night, when the moon was hazy, Wang Erlang lay on the bed and tossed and turned, and the uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense. He remembered the strange thing about his daughter-in-law, and the fear in his heart came up. He mustered up his courage and crept to the door of his daughter-in-law's room, wanting to hear what was going on inside. But I didn't hear any sound, but a cold breath came out of the crack in the door. Wang Erlang's heart tightened, thinking of the ghost and strange things that the Taoist priest of Maoshan said, and he was so frightened that his hairs stood on end.

He mustered up the courage and carefully punctured the window paper, trying to see what was going on inside the crack. This look scared him so much that his soul was about to fly. I saw Li Xiulian sitting on the bed, her face was as pale as paper, her eyes were scary, and there was a vague figure floating next to her, wearing ancient clothes, with long hair, and she looked terrible.

Wang Erlang was so frightened that he ran out, and he couldn't say anything about the mess in his heart. He ran into the yard, panting, and his heart was overturned.

The wife behaved strangely, and at night her husband poked through the window paper and peeked, so frightened that he turned around and ran

Early the next morning, Wang Erlang went to find Zhang Zhenren, a Maoshan Taoist priest in the town. Zhang Zhenren listened to Wang Erlang's narration, frowned, pondered for a while, and said, "Your daughter-in-law is very evil, I have to go and see it myself." So, Zhang Zhenren followed Wang Erlang to his house.

Zhang Zhenren took a closer look at Li Xiulian's room, and asked Wang Erlang some details, his face became more and more heavy. He told Wang Erlang that Li Xiulian might have been entangled by a thousand-year-old ghost, and that ghost wanted to take her soul and occupy her body. When Wang Erlang heard this, his face turned white with fright, and he hurriedly asked, "What should I do then?" ”

Zhang Zhenren pondered for a while and said, "I have to prepare some magic weapons and charms, and I will come to exorcise ghosts for your daughter-in-law tonight." However, during this time, you have to keep her safe and don't let her out of the house. Wang Erlang nodded again and again, indicating that he would definitely do so.

The wife behaved strangely, and at night her husband poked through the window paper and peeked, so frightened that he turned around and ran

Back home, Wang Erlang handed the talisman to his daughter-in-law Li Xiulian. Li Xiulian took the talisman, her eyes were red, and her gratitude was overflowing. She took Wang Erlang's hand and said, "Erlang, you have worked hard during this time. I know I scared you, but I didn't mean to. Wang Erlang held his daughter-in-law's hand tightly and said, "Xiulian, I understand that you are innocent." I have also learned a lot during this time, and I will cherish our relationship even more. No matter what happens in the future, I will stand on your side and support you. The two hugged their heads and cried, and all misunderstandings and estrangements disappeared.

But the good times didn't last long, Li Xiulian just saw it, and something strange happened in Qingyang Town. The residents of the town found that their chickens, ducks, geese, dogs and so on were all inexplicably missing. Some families lost several in one night. As soon as the news spread ten, ten and hundred, the people in the town talked about it, and they didn't know which immoral ghost did it. Wang Erlang also heard about it, and he sighed in his heart, remembering Zhang Zhenren's words. Could it be that the evil ghost is still in Qingyang Town? So, he found Zhang Zhenren again, told him everything about the town, and asked if the evil ghost did it. After hearing this, Zhang Zhenren frowned, pondered for a while, and said, "Erlang, you are right. The evil ghost is not gone yet, and is still looking for a replacement for the dead ghost. "Oh, this thing is really disturbing, our chickens, ducks, geese and dogs are gone, and nine times out of ten that guy did it." "That's... So what should we do? Wang Erlang was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and he asked that in a hurry. Zhang Zhenren had a calm face and a low voice: "This time, we have to work together to deal with that ghost." I'm going to have to gather all the guys in our town and set up a bureau to get her out. Then we swarmed up and subdued her. Wang Erlang listened, nodded like pounded garlic, and said that he had no opinion.

The wife behaved strangely, and at night her husband poked through the window paper and peeked, so frightened that he turned around and ran

Zhang Zhenren was busy now, laying a net in the town, preparing to deal with that terrible ghost. A few days later, in the evening, the moon was like water, and the earth was silvery bright. Zhang Zhenren led a group of people in the town to a ruined temple at the edge of the town. They set a trap here, put a spell on it, and waited for the terrible ghost to appear. After not waiting long, a cloudy wind blew, and the atmosphere around the temple suddenly became terrifying. Suddenly, a black shadow burst out of the temple and rushed straight into the crowd! "It's coming!" Zhang Zhenren roared, and everyone showed their guys one after another, ready to fight! After a fierce battle, the ghost was finally subdued by the group, and she screamed, turned into a puff of black smoke, and disappeared without a trace... Since then, nothing strange has happened in Qingyang Town, and everyone has lived a peaceful and peaceful life. Wang Erlang and Li Xiulian also continue to enjoy their happy little days...

Late at night, Qingyang Town returned to its former tranquility. Zhang Zhenren stood in front of the ruins of the ruined temple, looking at the dissipated black smoke, and a trace of indescribable emotion flashed in his eyes. He turned to the nervous and excited residents behind him and said, "Everyone, the ghost has been killed by us, and Qingyang Town will be peaceful from now on. But everyone has to keep an eye on it, and don't let those crooked ways come to the door again. When everyone heard this, they all nodded yes, thanked Zhang Zhenren, and were glad that they were able to get through this difficult time safely. Wang Erlang and Li Xiulian hugged each other tightly, their eyes full of happiness and gratitude for the rest of their lives after the catastrophe.

But just as everyone was about to leave, Zhang Zhenren suddenly stopped Wang Erlang: "Erlang, don't go, I have something to tell you." Wang Erlang was stunned, but still followed Zhang Zhenren to the corner of the temple. Zhang Zhenren took out a yellowed ancient book from his arms and handed it to Wang Erlang: "This book is the secret inheritance of our Maoshan faction, and I will hand it over to you today." You need to take good care of it, and you may be able to use it in the future. Wang Erlang took the book, and his heart was so excited. He knew that this was Zhang Zhenren's trust and recognition of him, and he also knew the weight of this book. He solemnly put away the book and bowed deeply to Zhang Zhenren: "Thank you Zhenren, Erlang must cherish it." Zhang Zhenren nodded, and then admonished: "Erlang, although your daughter-in-law is well, her body and bones still have to be well maintained." You need to have more snacks and don't let the things that are not clean take advantage of them. "Wang Erlang, this kid, the energy of gratitude in his heart, like the cabbage in our northeast, is really boundless. He sent Zhang Zhenren away, and when he went home, the ancient books, his treasure had to be like something, and he carefully hid it. After that, Wang Erlang was careful with his daughter-in-law Li Xiulian, who was more sour than the sauerkraut in our northeast. He went to the kitchen every day, stewed soup and boiled medicine for his daughter-in-law, and accompanied his daughter-in-law to walk and chat to relieve boredom.

The wife behaved strangely, and at night her husband poked through the window paper and peeked, so frightened that he turned around and ran

Under the care of Wang Erlang, Li Xiulian's body slowly improved, and her face became ruddy, just like an apple in our northeast. As the days passed, Qingyang Town returned to its former tranquility and harmony, but the string in Wang Erlang's heart has been tightened, ready to deal with those evils and dangers at any time.

One night, Wang Erlang was studying the magic at home, and suddenly heard a commotion outside, he quickly put down the book, walked to the window and looked, good guys, a group of people ran in a panic on the street, and shouted: "Monsters!" Run! When Wang Erlang heard this, his heart tightened, and he thought: "Which monster is coming to make trouble this time?" He quickly put on his clothes, picked up his peachwood sword, and rushed out the door.

Following the crowd, he came to the edge of the town, and when he saw it, a big monster was roaring there, its eyes were as red as lanterns, and its body was bubbling with black gas, and it was terrible to look at. Wang Erlang didn't say a word, he rushed up and did it with the monster, and the peach wood sword danced vigorously. But this monster is not a vegetarian, Wang Erlang is not an opponent at all, and he was beaten to the ground and fainted after a few blows.

The wife behaved strangely, and at night her husband poked through the window paper and peeked, so frightened that he turned around and ran

At this moment, a white light flew out of Li Xiulian's hand and went straight to the monster, the monster was hit by the white light, screamed, and its body slowly dissipated, and finally turned into a puff of black smoke and disappeared. Li Xiulian breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly helped Wang Erlang up: "Erlang, how are you?" Wang Erlang rubbed his head, saw that his daughter-in-law was fine, and his heart blossomed: "I'm fine, Xiulian, why are you so powerful?" Li Xiulian smiled and said, "When you were studying the formula at home, you accidentally recited a mantra, and I wrote it down, but I didn't expect it to work." ”

After hearing this, Wang Erlang laughed and hugged his daughter-in-law tightly: "You are really my lucky star!" Since then, Wang Erlang and Li Xiulian have become more affectionate, studying the secret recipes of Maoshan together, and guarding the peace and harmony of Qingyang Town. Their story has also become a beautiful legend in Qingyang Town, which has been passed down to this day......