
The dog days are approaching, and it is recommended that women: eat less watermelon and mung beans and eat more "4 kinds", the benefits are really many

author:Nine rivers on the clouds

As the old saying goes: "There are only lazy women, no ugly women", as if there are no two identical leaves, every woman has her own unique temperament, as long as she wears refreshing and refreshing, has good body management, and has good skin hydration and complexion, that is a "beauty", as the so-called "each flower into its own eyes", you can always meet someone who can appreciate you~

Women love beauty, it is natural to do so, who doesn't love beauty? Unless you are too lazy to make a mess, "you don't comb your head, you don't wash your face, and you don't eat well", then even if the foundation is good, it's useless~

The dog days are approaching, and it is recommended that women: eat less watermelon and mung beans and eat more "4 kinds", the benefits are really many

Many women are too lazy to cook, and they start to eat watermelon and mung bean smoothies in the summer, and they are temporarily delicious when they eat, but their stomachs are warm-loving, and they often eat cold food, and they will find that their faces are getting more and more ugly, and they don't look beautiful at all when they are listless~

Dog days are coming, a little exercise is a sweat, energy consumption, nutrient loss, we must pay attention to the adjustment of the diet, timely nutrition to the body, especially for women with relatively weak physique, it is recommended to eat less watermelon mung beans and other cold foods, eat more "4 kinds". Make up for the nutrients consumed, comfortably pass the "Futian", enhance resistance, improve immunity, and have many benefits~

The first: tri-color quinoa

The dog days are approaching, and it is recommended that women: eat less watermelon and mung beans and eat more "4 kinds", the benefits are really many

Many fitness trainers rarely eat polished rice and white noodles (rich in carbohydrates), and often use whole grains as meal replacements to manage their bodies. A single ingredient can meet the needs of the human body "tricolor quinoa" can be eaten a little to satisfy hunger, but also can meet the body needs protein, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, dietary fiber and other nutrients, so it can be called "astronaut food", which is also very reasonable!

Tri-color quinoa is really amazing, even in a hot pot it can grow germs, it looks like a "little bug", it tastes soft and tender at that time, and it is extremely nutritious!

The dog days are approaching, and it is recommended that women: eat less watermelon and mung beans and eat more "4 kinds", the benefits are really many

Moreover, the tri-color quinoa can also be paired with meat dishes, vegetarian dishes, fruits, nuts, etc., which will not be flavored at all, but will make ordinary salads delicious and upgraded, and double the nutrition! Even if you eat it during the body management period, you will not feel aggrieved, you can satisfy your taste buds in an instant, eat well, eat full, low calorie, low calorie, nutritious, it can't be better~

The dog days are approaching, and it is recommended that women: eat less watermelon and mung beans and eat more "4 kinds", the benefits are really many

In fact, the nutrition of a single color of quinoa is almost the same as that of tri-color quinoa, but whether it is used to cook porridge, cold salad, or used to make tri-color quinoa rice balls, etc., it looks more appetizing, so tri-color quinoa is one of the staple foods that are often prepared at home in addition to polished rice and white flour, and it is loved by all ages.

The second type: white fungus

The dog days are approaching, and it is recommended that women: eat less watermelon and mung beans and eat more "4 kinds", the benefits are really many

As we all know, three are like hot days, sweat a lot, try to eat more food that warms the stomach and nourishes the stomach. Women who love beauty often have to be "lazy", and often use white fungus to make soup every once in a while, which has the reputation of "women's soup".

The dog days are approaching, and it is recommended that women: eat less watermelon and mung beans and eat more "4 kinds", the benefits are really many

Always have some white fungus at home, and you can live a very moist summer this summer. White fungus has the reputation of "civilian bird's nest", and it has many benefits when eaten often! After getting off work, you can put soaked white fungus and old rock sugar into the casserole/rice cooker to boil it into white fungus soup, and you can match it with pears, kumquats, apples, etc. according to your mood, sit in an air-conditioned room, and eat warm white fungus soup overnight, not to mention how comfortable it is. A big bowl of white fungus soup entered the stomach, as if the internal organs were moisturized, the face was ruddy, and I felt beautiful when I looked at myself in the mirror!

Of course, you can also mix white fungus cold, which is appetizing, refreshing, delicious, nutritious, and the method is simple.

It's like cold white fungus and red amaranth, you can't get tired of eating it! (Blanched red amaranth and white fungus, with a very fresh soy sauce, aged vinegar, minced garlic, etc., simply mixed together, it is particularly flavorful, appetizing rice) The juice of red amaranth dyes the white fungus red, making this dish look good-looking, and the appetite is also greatly increased~

The dog days are approaching, and it is recommended that women: eat less watermelon and mung beans and eat more "4 kinds", the benefits are really many

Cold salad with white fungus and red amaranth

The third thing: royal jelly

The dog days are approaching, and it is recommended that women: eat less watermelon and mung beans and eat more "4 kinds", the benefits are really many

In summer, women are not only afraid that they will eat fat, but also worry that they will eat too little and their nutrition will be unbalanced, and even the "big aunt" every month will not be in tune, her complexion will not be good, and she will not look beautiful~

Prepare for the dog days of the scorching heat. Can't be too distressed about money (don't bring it in life, don't bring it in death), some people say: "Only the food you eat in your stomach and the knowledge you put in your mind belong to you", think about it carefully, think about it carefully, it's really very reasonable~

The dog days are approaching, and it is recommended that women: eat less watermelon and mung beans and eat more "4 kinds", the benefits are really many

With more than 100 kinds of nutrients, "Honey Treasure Royal Jelly" was recommended by my aunt, who is known as a "beauty expert". She has insisted on eating for several years, and now she is nearly 50 years old, and she is still a "big aunt" who is very reliable, and she has no menopausal troubles, and she looks younger than her peers~

This woman, she really pays too much for her family, and many women are wronging themselves and saving money, but they are often not pleased.

The dog days are approaching, and it is recommended that women: eat less watermelon and mung beans and eat more "4 kinds", the benefits are really many

Taking care of your body is the top priority, and when you are in good health, you can have more energy to work hard, study hard, and have enough money to pretend to be self-motivated. Nutritious things should be eaten, especially the honey treasure royal jelly without any artificial intervention, which is made by bees, no additives, pure taste, and the content of royal jelly acid is greater than 2.0%.

In the nutritional standards for evaluating royal jelly, royal jelly acid accounts for 1.4%, which is a qualified product; Royal jelly acid accounts for 1.8%, which is an excellent product, and royal jelly acid is one of the most critical nutrients in royal jelly, so the higher the proportion of royal jelly acid content, the higher the nutritional value.

If possible, it is highly recommended to eat it!

Fourth: red dates

The dog days are approaching, and it is recommended that women: eat less watermelon and mung beans and eat more "4 kinds", the benefits are really many

That woman doesn't want her little face to be like a peach blossom, it looks cute, and her eyes are full of appreciation!" Eat jujube every day, immortality", the folk saying says that eating jujube often is really too beneficial! Some women are very self-disciplined, and they can really do this, just like an aunt around them, they can really eat red dates every day, red date tea, red date mash sugar water, red date white fungus soup, red date porridge, red date soup, etc

The dog days are approaching, and it is recommended that women: eat less watermelon and mung beans and eat more "4 kinds", the benefits are really many

"The mountains will fall, and everyone will run", women love beauty, and while paying for the family, they should also care for themselves, or don't be too thrifty, follow the "from the inside to the outside", the food that should be eaten must be eaten, "food supplement is the healthiest".

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