
Xiao Zhan's voice is charming, and CCTV praises his chivalrous narration!

author:Entertainment has a circle


Xiao Zhan takes you on a tour of Chongqing: the treasure of the mountain city is revealed

Beijing Satellite TV's recently released video of Xiao Zhan taking you on a tour of Chongqing made many netizens exclaim, "I want to go to Chongqing!" In the video, Xiao Zhan not only introduced the history and culture of Chongqing with his magnetic voice, but also specifically mentioned Qin Liangyu's red silk plate and gold embroidered python phoenix clothes.

Xiao Zhan's voice is charming, and CCTV praises his chivalrous narration!

This clothing is not only a work of art, but also a witness to the glorious life of Qin Liangyu, the only female general who has been recorded in the official history. Netizens commented: "Xiao Zhan's voice is so infectious, listening to his introduction, I feel like I can travel back to ancient times!" ”

Xiao Zhan's voice is charming, and CCTV praises his chivalrous narration!

Next, Xiao Zhan also introduced the 1.6-kilometer-long Baiheliang inscription, which is known as the "world's first ancient hydrological station". A large amount of hydrological data is recorded on the inscription, which is of great value for the study of ancient climate and hydrological changes. Netizens said: "It turns out that we still have such a powerful place in Chongqing, Xiao Zhan is really our pride!" ”

Xiao Zhan's chivalrous narration: CCTV also likes it


CCTV recently specially invited Xiao Zhan to contribute to the Chongqing chapter of "National Treasure", and Xiao Zhan's narration was praised as "chivalrous and majestic", which made people mistakenly think that he was listening to the narration of a conspiracy drama. This unique voice charm made many netizens say: "Xiao Zhan's voice is so recognizable, you know it's him as soon as you hear it!" ”

Xiao Zhan's voice is charming, and CCTV praises his chivalrous narration!

Xiao Zhan's "As Wished" sung on Beijing Satellite TV has also become a hot topic. The song is warm and powerful, and Xiao Zhan's singing voice makes people feel a deep emotional resonance. Netizens said: "Every time I hear "As You Wish", I can feel Xiao Zhan's intentions and emotions, and I really never get tired of listening to it!" ”

Xiao Zhan's voice is charming, and CCTV praises his chivalrous narration!

Xiao Zhan's multi-habitat development: actor to superstar


From the "As Wished" sung on Beijing Satellite TV at the beginning of the year, to the hit broadcast of "The Legend of the Tibetan Sea", and then to the special guest dubbing for the national treasure, Xiao Zhan's multi-habitat development is eye-catching. He is not only an actor, but also a multi-faceted superstar, and every performance brings a positive impact.

Xiao Zhan's voice is charming, and CCTV praises his chivalrous narration!

Netizens commented: "Xiao Zhan is really an all-round artist, and he can surprise us every time!" ”

Xiao Zhan's voice is charming, and CCTV praises his chivalrous narration!

At the opening ceremony of Chongqing Technology and Business University, Xiao Zhan's appearance undoubtedly became the focus. He is not only the pride of Chongqing, but also the heart of fans. Netizens said: "Seeing Xiao Zhan's performance at his alma mater, I really feel that he is getting better and better!" ”

Xiao Zhan's voice is charming, and CCTV praises his chivalrous narration!

Xiao Zhan's positive energy: worthy of being loved and praised

Xiao Zhan's voice is charming, and CCTV praises his chivalrous narration!

Xiao Zhan's excellence is undoubted, his good looks, good acting skills, beautiful singing, and more importantly, he works hard and constantly breaks through himself. He is kind and full of positive energy. He is a role model who deserves to be loved and praised. Netizens commented: "Xiao Zhan is really our little sun, every time I see him, I can feel full of positive energy!" ”

Xiao Zhan's voice is charming, and CCTV praises his chivalrous narration!

Xiao Zhan's influence

Xiao Zhan's influence should not be underestimated, and every time he appears, it can cause heated discussions. But it has also sparked some controversy, with some arguing that Xiao Zhan's influence is too concentrated and may lead to an over-following fan base.

Xiao Zhan's voice is charming, and CCTV praises his chivalrous narration!

Netizens launched a heated discussion: "Xiao Zhan's influence is indeed very large, but this is also the result of his efforts, we should look at it rationally." Another part of netizens believed: "Xiao Zhan's influence is positive, and the positive energy he conveys is worth learning from." ”

Xiao Zhan's voice is charming, and CCTV praises his chivalrous narration!

The whole article uses humorous and witty language to introduce funny comments from netizens, which maintains strong interactivity and makes readers willing to participate in discussions in the comment area. The target audience is young social media users, and in this way, not only Xiao Zhan's activities are introduced, but also a discussion about Xiao Zhan's influence, which adds depth and interest to the article.

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