
103-year-old Du Lijun: Her husband left her 60 billion, and her 3 daughters and 6 sons are all rich

author:Mei Mei Wen Agency
103-year-old Du Lijun: Her husband left her 60 billion, and her 3 daughters and 6 sons are all rich
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
103-year-old Du Lijun: Her husband left her 60 billion, and her 3 daughters and 6 sons are all rich

In Hong Kong, a bustling international financial center, an embarrassing family tragedy is unfolding. In 2021, the 102-year-old Ms. Du Lijun stood in court again, facing the result of losing the case for the third time.

As the widow of Hong Kong real estate tycoon Luo Yingshi, she should have enjoyed her old age under the protection of a huge fortune of 60 billion. However, as fate would have it, this huge inheritance became the fuse that tore the family apart.

Du Lijun's nine children, all of whom are talented, should have been the comfort of her later life. But now, they are fighting over the family property. The once happy life of a wealthy family is now only left with endless disputes and lawsuits.

Luo Yingshi's story began in 1913 in a debt-ridden family in Puning, Guangdong Province. Fate seems to have put obstacles in the boy's hands from the start, but it has also endowed him with an extraordinary flair for business.

103-year-old Du Lijun: Her husband left her 60 billion, and her 3 daughters and 6 sons are all rich

At the age of 7, Luo Yingshi followed his father to Thailand to hone his business talents in a difficult environment.

In 1936, Luo Yingshi met his lifelong partner, Du Lijun. The two joined hands in Hong Kong, which is full of opportunities, and started their business journey. Du Lijun is gentle and virtuous, and has become the most solid backing for Luo Yingshi's career.

In 1951, the god of opportunity beckoned to Luo Yingshi. He took the initial capital of $100,000 from his father and quickly increased it to $1 million with his business acumen.

This money became the cornerstone of his future business empire.

103-year-old Du Lijun: Her husband left her 60 billion, and her 3 daughters and 6 sons are all rich

In 1956, Law was keenly aware of the huge potential of Hong Kong's real estate market. He resolutely set his sights on this emerging field, laying the foundation for future glory.

In 1962, a milestone symbolizing the rise of Roche's wealthy family, "Great Eagle Real Estate" was officially established. The name "Eagle King" has a profound meaning, taken from the combination of the names of Luo Yingshi and Du Lijun, highlighting the spirit of the couple's working together.

In the tide of the times, "Eagle Monarch Real Estate" has rapidly developed into "Great Eagle Real Estate". With his outstanding business skills and forward-looking vision, Luo Yingshi led the company to continuous expansion, and eventually became one of the top ten richest people in Hong Kong.

And Du Lijun has always silently supported her husband and contributed her own strength to the prosperity of the family.

103-year-old Du Lijun: Her husband left her 60 billion, and her 3 daughters and 6 sons are all rich

The couple used hard work, wisdom and tenacity to write a rags-to-riches legend. From debt-ridden families to Hong Kong's top richest people, the story of Law Yingshi and Du Lijun can be called a realistic version of the "Hong Kong dream".

However, they probably could not have imagined that this hard-won wealth would become the fuse that would tear apart their families in the future, and plunge their carefully constructed business empire into the vortex of internal strife.

The marriage of Luo Yingshi and Du Lijun not only created a business empire, but also gave birth to a prosperous family. They had nine children – six sons and three daughters.

Under the strict and attentive teaching of their parents, these children have grown into outstanding talents with their own strengths. However, the proverb "a tiger father has no dog son" seems to have brought unexpected consequences to the Luo family.

103-year-old Du Lijun: Her husband left her 60 billion, and her 3 daughters and 6 sons are all rich

Luo Yingshi is extremely strict with the education of his children, almost harsh. He firmly believes that only by experiencing the tempering of the grassroots can he truly achieve a career; Only by relying on one's own struggle can one realize the dream of studying abroad.

Under such an educational concept, the children of the Luo family did have their own successes, but they also planted the seeds of family conflicts in the future.

The eldest son, Luo Kongrui, seems to be the most in line with the expectations of "the eldest brother is like a father". Immediately after returning from his studies in Australia in 1967, he devoted himself to the family business and demonstrated exceptional business acumen.

However, in his quest to prove himself, he unfortunately fell into the vortex of economic crimes, which seriously damaged his reputation and disappointed his father.

103-year-old Du Lijun: Her husband left her 60 billion, and her 3 daughters and 6 sons are all rich

The second son, Luo Xurui, rose to prominence in the financial world and won the reputation of "stock market sniper". His talent was supposed to make his father proud, but the two had serious differences over business philosophy.

Luo Xurui even targeted his father's business competition at his father's business, which made him drift away from his family.

The third son, Luo Jiarui, originally developed in the medical industry in the United States, but was later recalled to take over the family business. He demonstrated exceptional business acumen and eventually became a central figure in the Great Eagle Group.

However, this outstanding performance also made him controversial among his siblings.

103-year-old Du Lijun: Her husband left her 60 billion, and her 3 daughters and 6 sons are all rich

The fourth son, Luo Kangrui, chose the path of independent entrepreneurship. He founded the "Shui On Group" from scratch and created the "Shanghai Xintiandi" project, which won the reputation of "Shanghai Aunt".

His success not only proved the fruits of his father's education, but also laid the groundwork for future family disputes.

The fifth son, Luo Yingrui, showed his talent in the field of medicine and became the family's personal doctor. His role may seem detached, but he plays a key role in the family strife that follows.

The youngest son, Luo Qirui, assisted the third brother Luo Jiarui in managing the family affairs and gradually gained a firm foothold in the family business.

103-year-old Du Lijun: Her husband left her 60 billion, and her 3 daughters and 6 sons are all rich

Nine children, nine life trajectories. Luo Yingshi's strict education has cultivated a group of children with outstanding abilities, but it has also invisibly intensified the competition between them.

Each child has his own talents and ambitions, which should be the pride of the family, but the temptation of wealth becomes the fuse of division.

As time passed, the contradictions between the siblings gradually emerged. Their respective achievements and ambitions turned into a fierce power struggle after the death of their father.

In 2006, Luo Yingshi passed away, leaving behind a huge legacy worth 60 billion yuan. This wealth, which was supposed to be the cornerstone of the family's prosperity, became the trigger for infighting.

103-year-old Du Lijun: Her husband left her 60 billion, and her 3 daughters and 6 sons are all rich

Luo Yingshi seemed to have foreseen possible disputes before his death, so he converted the group's assets into family trust funds through HSBC Trust and handed them over to his wife Du Lijun for management.

The distribution of the inheritance is not equal, but is differentiated according to the contribution and ability of each child. The third son, Luo Jiarui, received the lion's share because he contributed the most to the family business.

This arrangement was intended to be fair, but it invisibly exacerbated the conflict between siblings.

Although Luo Jiarui has the most share, his ambitions are far more than that. He longed to have an absolute say in the Great Eagle Group and began to take a series of actions. First, he converted his mother, Du Lijun, from an executive director to a non-executive director, weakening his mother's actual power in the company.

103-year-old Du Lijun: Her husband left her 60 billion, and her 3 daughters and 6 sons are all rich

In 2015, Luo Jiarui went one step further and proposed to make his eldest son an executive director. This move immediately sparked a backlash from the other brothers. They realised that once this proposal passed, the Great Eagle Group would become the private property of the Lo Jiarui father and son.

However, with the most shares in his hands, Luo Jiarui finally succeeded in pushing his son into this position.

Since then, Luo Jiarui has further expanded his proportion of family shares by continuously acquiring retail shares. His behavior became more and more aggressive, forcing Du Lijun to stand up and defend the interests of the family.

However, when she tried to take action through HSBC Trust, she was surprised to find that the trust, which she had been in charge of for many years, was out of her control.

103-year-old Du Lijun: Her husband left her 60 billion, and her 3 daughters and 6 sons are all rich

At this moment, the second son Luo Xurui, who had long been expelled from the house by his father, suddenly returned, trying to get a piece of the pie. Faced with such a complicated situation, the Luo family quickly divided into two opposing camps: Du Lijun united with her eldest son Luo Kongrui, second son Luo Xurui, youngest son Luo Qirui and two daughters to stand aside; The third son, Luo Jiarui, was supported by the fourth son, Luo Kangrui, the fifth son, Luo Yingrui, and the eldest daughter.

Strife within the family intensified. Luo Jiarui even expelled his sixth brother Luo Qirui from the board of directors, and the son of the eldest son, Luo Kongrui, was also forced to flee the country. This fierce power struggle has not only stunned outsiders, but also brought every public hearing into the media spotlight.

Families that were once harmonious are now torn apart by wealth and power. Du Lijun watched her children fight openly and secretly for interests, and her heart was full of sadness and helplessness.

The achievements of her children's education, which she once prided herself at, have now turned into a brutal war.

103-year-old Du Lijun: Her husband left her 60 billion, and her 3 daughters and 6 sons are all rich

This family dispute not only affected the internal relationship of the Luo family, but also had a great impact on the operation of the Great Eagle Group. The company's stock price fluctuated due to internal contradictions, and the market's confidence in the company was also affected.

As the dispute dragged on, the tragedy of the Law family became a warning to Hong Kong's business community: even the most successful businesses could fall apart overnight if family succession issues were not properly addressed.

Du Lijun once thought that the huge wealth left by her husband would make the family more united, but she didn't expect it to eventually become a sharp blade that tore apart the family.

As family disputes intensified, the elderly Du Lijun had to go to court several times to try to defend her own rights and those of her children. However, fate always seems to work against her.

103-year-old Du Lijun: Her husband left her 60 billion, and her 3 daughters and 6 sons are all rich

In 2019, after three years of lengthy litigation, the court issued a 285-page verdict that ruled against Du Lijun. This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to her, who has entered her twilight years.

In the courtroom, her old face was full of disappointment and helplessness, and the once beautiful wealthy lady was now only full of bitterness.

However, Du Lijun did not give up. In 2020, she appealed to the court again, hoping to save the day. But the result was still a failure.

At this time, the equity in the hands of the third son Luo Jiarui has climbed to an astonishing 62. 5%, his position in the company has been unshakable.

103-year-old Du Lijun: Her husband left her 60 billion, and her 3 daughters and 6 sons are all rich

In 2021, Du Lijun, who is already 102 years old, stood in court for the third time. However, the years are unforgiving, and she is no longer able to appear in court in person, so she can only entrust her sixth son Luo Qirui to appear in court on her behalf.

When the judge announced the verdict, Luo Qirui's face was full of frustration and helplessness. This third defeat undoubtedly drew a sad end to this long-lasting legacy dispute.

The mother and son, who were once loving, are now facing each other in court. Du Lijun's life in her later years was unexpectedly filled with lawsuits and disputes. This protracted legal battle not only exhausted her energy, but also destroyed the last warmth of the family.

Du Lijun's story is like a mirror, reflecting the complex relationship between wealth, family affection and human nature. She and her husband, Luo Yingshi, started from scratch and created a remarkable business empire and raised talented children.

103-year-old Du Lijun: Her husband left her 60 billion, and her 3 daughters and 6 sons are all rich

This was supposed to be a perfect life, but in his later years he fell into endless strife.

With an inheritance of 60 billion yuan and nine excellent children, these factors that should have brought happiness have finally become a sharp blade that tears apart the family. Hong Kong's once-prominent tycoons are now left with endless lawsuits and a lonely centenarian.

Du Lijun's tragic old age can't help but make people think deeply: between wealth, power and family affection, how should we choose? Does money really bring happiness? Perhaps, this embarrassing family legend can bring us profound revelations about the value of life and family harmony.

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