
Gong Li talks about Zhang Yimou: I know what he wants, and he can say anything clearly

author:Mei Mei Wen Agency
Gong Li talks about Zhang Yimou: I know what he wants, and he can say anything clearly
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Gong Li talks about Zhang Yimou: I know what he wants, and he can say anything clearly

In 2014, the premiere of "The Return" caused waves in the film industry. On the screen, the love story of Chen Desheng and Feng Wanyu is moving, but what is more striking is the re-collaboration between director Zhang Yimou and heroine Gong Li.

The once golden boy and girl are now strangers. Their story began with a chance audition in 1987 and went through an eight-year love run, but it came to an abrupt end in 1995.

What made the duo, hailed as a match made in heaven, finally go their separate ways? What kind of sparks will the reunion after many years spark? Let's take a look back at this legendary emotional journey that spans nearly 30 years.

In 1987, fledgling director Zhang Yimou was looking for a heroine for his debut film "Red Sorghum". When Gong Li stood in front of him, Zhang Yimou's eyes lit up.

Gong Li talks about Zhang Yimou: I know what he wants, and he can say anything clearly

Although Gong Li is not the most beautiful candidate, her stubbornness and tenacity just fit the image of "Jiu'er" in Zhang Yimou's heart. This chance encounter became the starting point for the intertwined fates of the two.

During the shooting, the two hearts unconsciously approached. Zhang Yimou was attracted by Gong Li's youthful energy, while Gong Li was intoxicated by Zhang Yimou's talent and charm. Although Zhang Yimou is married, this relationship still spreads rapidly like a spark.

They carefully maintain the relationship, but they can't completely hide the love in each other's eyes.

In 1993, the set of "Alive" became a hotbed of relationship between the two. The staff tacitly even called Gong Li "the director's wife". This fiery emotion seems to be injected into every shot of the movie, making "Alive" a classic in the history of Chinese cinema.

Gong Li talks about Zhang Yimou: I know what he wants, and he can say anything clearly

However, the price of fame is enormous. When the relationship between the two was exposed by the media, the pressure of public opinion came like a tide. In the face of criticism and questioning, Zhang Yimou chose to face it bravely.

He resolutely ended his nine-year marriage with his wife Xiao Hua and stood firmly by Gong Li's side. This decision shocked the entire film and television industry, and also made their emotional path full of thorns.

Despite all the talk from the outside world, this pair of golden boys and girls is thriving in their careers. Gong Li became the queen heroine in Zhang Yimou's films, and every work the two collaborated on caused a sensation, and the box office and word of mouth both climbed.

They are known as the golden partners of the Chinese film and television industry, and they seem destined to leave a strong mark in the history of Chinese cinema.

Gong Li talks about Zhang Yimou: I know what he wants, and he can say anything clearly

During this period, Zhang Yimou and Gong Li not only gained love, but also reached an unprecedented peak in their careers. Their story became the most eye-catching focus of the entertainment industry at the time, and every public appearance would cause a frenzy of media fanaticism.

However, no one could have predicted that this seemingly perfect relationship would come to an abrupt end in the future.

At the double peak of love and career, Zhang Yimou once made a heart-warming promise on the Great Wall. He vowed to make Gong Li not only the queen of his own movies, but also the queen of the entire Chinese film and television industry.

This commitment is not only an oath of love, but also a vision of the common cause of the two. When Gong Li heard this, her eyes flashed with joy and expectation, and she was convinced that she had found the most important partner and mentor in her life.

Gong Li talks about Zhang Yimou: I know what he wants, and he can say anything clearly

In 1995, at the press conference of "Shake, Shake, Shake to Grandma's Bridge", Zhang Yimou calmly announced a shocking news for everyone: he broke up with Gong Li.

This news is like a bombshell, causing a huge shock in the domestic film and television industry.

Faced with this sudden change, Gong Li chose to remain silent. She even faded out of the public eye for quite some time, as if she wanted to heal her wounded heart in this way.

There are different opinions about the reasons for the breakup, but the two have always remained silent. This silence, more heartbreaking than any explanation, also casts a veil of mystery over this once vigorous love.

Gong Li talks about Zhang Yimou: I know what he wants, and he can say anything clearly

In 1996, on the stage of the Cannes Film Festival, the two appeared on the same stage for the first time after their breakup. Gone is the old tacit understanding, replaced by awkward silence and deliberate alienation.

Zhang Yimou's face was expressionless, and Gong Li looked sad. Their performance seems to have silently told everything: the once vigorous love has indeed come to an end.

The end of this relationship is not only a private matter for the two people, but also a loss for the entire Chinese film and television industry. The "Wu Zetian" project, which was once pinned on high hopes, was also stranded, and Zhang Yimou's promise became a regret that could never be realized.

This unfinished project seems to have become a metaphor for their relationship: gorgeous and spectacular, but it never came to fruition.

Gong Li talks about Zhang Yimou: I know what he wants, and he can say anything clearly

However, even after the breakup, Zhang Yimou still seems to have not forgotten his promise. He has been looking for an opportunity to create a real "empress" role for Gong Li.

This kind of persistence may be a portrayal of the complex feelings between them: even if they have parted ways, there is still an inseparable concern in their hearts.

The ups and downs of this relationship are not only the personal emotional journey of Zhang Yimou and Gong Li, but also a microcosm of that era. It shows the heat of love, but also reveals the cruelty of reality.

On the scales of career and relationship, they always seem to struggle to find the perfect balance.

Gong Li talks about Zhang Yimou: I know what he wants, and he can say anything clearly

The days after a breakup are not easy. Gong Li chose to temporarily withdraw from the public eye, as if to use this way to heal the wounds in her heart. Zhang Yimou devoted all his energy to film creation, and seemed to want to use his work to fill the emotional vacancy.

However, the unfulfilled promise, like an invisible thorn, has always been deeply rooted in the hearts of the two.

In 2006, at the press conference of "The City Full of Golden Armor", the two shared the stage again after eleven years apart. The traces of time are clearly visible, but that tacit understanding seems to have never disappeared.

When Zhang Yimou said affectionately that he finally fulfilled his promise 14 years ago and let Gong Li realize his dream of becoming a generation of empresses, Gong Li's eyes flashed with tears, and his emotions were uncontrollable.

Gong Li talks about Zhang Yimou: I know what he wants, and he can say anything clearly

At this moment, it was as if time had been turned back. The audience present seemed to see the enviable pair of golden boys and girls again. However, the deliberate distance between them reminds everyone all the time: that vigorous love has become a thing of the past.

This cooperation is like a belated reconciliation and a solemn farewell to the past. It proves that even after love is gone, the spark of art can still burst out.

In front of the camera, they are still able to interpret the role perfectly and show convincing acting skills. This is perhaps the most precious connection between them: an artistic bond that transcends love, but can never be separated.

This reunion is not only a tribute to the past, but also a vision for the future. It proves that even after the ups and downs of their relationship, the two can still maintain the highest level of cooperation in the professional field.

Gong Li talks about Zhang Yimou: I know what he wants, and he can say anything clearly

This kind of professionalism has also become the driving force for them to continue to move forward in the film and television industry.

In 2014, the release of "The Return" once again pushed Zhang Yimou and Gong Li into the public eye. This is their second collaboration after their breakup, and it is also the second time they have joined hands after many years.

The baptism of the years has made both of them more mature, and the former edges and corners have been polished round by time, replaced by a peaceful tacit understanding.

On the set, they are like a pair of old friends, easily exchanging their understanding of the characters and acting skills. That tacit understanding seems to have never weakened with the passage of time.

Gong Li talks about Zhang Yimou: I know what he wants, and he can say anything clearly

Gong Li can still accurately capture Zhang Yimou's requirements for the role, and her performance can always perfectly interpret Zhang Yimou's creative intentions.

In the promotional event of "Return", Gong Li candidly talked about his relationship with Zhang Yimou. "I know what he wants, and I can just say anything," she said.

This sentence expresses the understanding and tacit understanding between the two that transcends love. In the past 30 years, although their personal relationship has changed, their tacit understanding in artistic creation has never changed.

During the filming, Gong Li maintained the enthusiasm and courage of her youth, and still dared to put forward her own ideas and suggestions to Zhang Yimou. And Zhang Yimou also accepted these opinions with an open attitude, and the cooperation between the two became more and more tacit.

Gong Li talks about Zhang Yimou: I know what he wants, and he can say anything clearly

This kind of mutual respect and mutual trust made the filming process of "The Return" extraordinarily smooth.

When asked about emotional issues, Gong Li smiled and said that it was just a thing of the past, and now they are more like old friends who respect each other. This peace of mind is perhaps the most precious gift that time has given them.

It allows the two to let go of past grievances and focus on the art of the present.

This collaboration is not only a sublimation of their personal artistic career, but also a great contribution to the Chinese film industry. The success of "The Return" once again proves that the tacit understanding between Zhang Yimou and Gong Li in art is still the same.

Gong Li talks about Zhang Yimou: I know what he wants, and he can say anything clearly

With their professional attitude and superb acting skills, they presented a profound and moving work to the audience.

This reunion seems to give the two a chance to examine their past feelings in a more mature and rational way. Although the love is over, that special bond between them will never go away.

This connection is not only their common memory, but also the driving force that pushes them forward on the road of art.

Time flies, Zhang Yimou and Gong Li have each embarked on different life paths. In 2011, Zhang Yimou tied the knot with talented dancer Chen Ting and started a new family.

Gong Li talks about Zhang Yimou: I know what he wants, and he can say anything clearly

They have two sons and a daughter, and they live happily ever after. And Gong Li has experienced the ups and downs of several relationships, and finally found her own happy harbor.

In 2015, Zhang Yimou publicly responded to his past emotional experience for the first time through his friend Zhou Xiaofeng's book "Fate: Lonely Zhang Yimou". He attributed his divorce from his ex-wife Xiao Hua to the tricks of fate, and his breakup with Gong Li to the provocation of others.

This interpretation has sparked a heated public debate, with some expressing understanding and others questioning.

In any case, the story of Zhang Yimou and Gong Li has become a good story in the history of Chinese cinema. Although their love has come to an end, their artistic achievements and contributions are forever engraved on the long scroll of Chinese films.

Gong Li talks about Zhang Yimou: I know what he wants, and he can say anything clearly

Their story is not only an unforgettable love, but also a microcosm of the development of Chinese films.

Today, both have embarked on their own paths in life, but their artistic pursuits have never stopped. Fans are looking forward to the fact that this pair of film legends can contribute more wonderful works to the Chinese film industry and continue to write their immortal artistic legends.

Their stories may be a thing of the past, but their love and pursuit of movies will never stop.

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