
has never donated money but is a philanthropist who has bullied other stars many times, what kind of person is Chow Yun-fat

author:Mei Mei Wen Agency
has never donated money but is a philanthropist who has bullied other stars many times, what kind of person is Chow Yun-fat
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has never donated money but is a philanthropist who has bullied other stars many times, what kind of person is Chow Yun-fat

In the Hong Kong entertainment industry, Chow Yun-fat is a thunderous name. With his unpretentious lifestyle and generous donation commitments, he has earned the reputation of "the first philanthropist in Hong Kong".

Beneath this glossy façade, however, lies a series of disturbing controversies. From the rude behavior of female celebrities at charity dinners, to the rough treatment on set, to the capricious declaration of donations, these events reveal a Chow Yun-fat who is very different from the public perception.

What kind of experience has shaped this complex film superstar? Let's unmask Chow Yun-fat, explore his true life trajectory, and learn about another side of this controversial philanthropist.

In 1955, a poor family in Hong Kong ushered in the birth of Chow Yun-fat. His father was a gambler, and his mother worked as a servant in a wealthy family.

has never donated money but is a philanthropist who has bullied other stars many times, what kind of person is Chow Yun-fat

There are four children in the family, and life is poor. RT-Fat has been sensible since he was a child, getting up at 4 a.m. every day to sell breakfast, and helping his mother with housework after school. However, fate dealt him a heavy blow.

When he was 15 years old, his father unfortunately passed away, and Chow Yun-fat, who was in his third year of junior high school, lost his motivation to move forward for a while.

In order to maintain his family's income, Chow Yun-fat began a difficult part-time job. He worked as an apprentice in a camera shop, as a waiter and doorman in a hotel, and even as a mail hauler at the post office.

In that era of severe class division, he was discriminated against and humiliated more than once. Once, as a hotel doorman, he was taunted by a guest driving a Rolls-Royce: "You don't want to own a car like this in your life!" This sentence deeply stung Chow Yun-fat and planted the seeds of success in his heart.

has never donated money but is a philanthropist who has bullied other stars many times, what kind of person is Chow Yun-fat

At the age of 18, an opportunity struck. Chow Yun-fat was admitted to TVB's actor training class and started his acting career. Although he was only an unknown trick at first, he quickly won the favor of the company's top management with his diligence and intelligence.

He always keeps himself clean and tidy, and will take the initiative to say hello to anyone he meets at the elevator entrance of the company. This positive attitude earned him the opportunity to play Prince Charming in the Miss Hong Kong audition the following year.

Although he participated in many works after that, the real turning point came in 1980. Chow Yun-fat played the role of Xu Wenqiang in the TV series "Shanghai Tang" and became famous in one fell swoop.

This cold and kind character is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and has become a timeless classic. Since then, films such as "God of Gamblers" and "Prison Storm" have established his status in the film industry.

has never donated money but is a philanthropist who has bullied other stars many times, what kind of person is Chow Yun-fat

From a poor teenager to a superstar in the film industry, Chow Yun-fat's struggle is full of ups and downs and bitterness. This experience not only shaped his tenacious character, but also gave him an almost obsessive pursuit of success and wealth.

However, it is precisely this obsession that may also become a potential source of controversy over his behavior in the future. Chow Yun-fat's story tells us that success is valuable, but how to maintain the original intention after success may be a bigger challenge.

After becoming famous, Chow Yun-fat did not indulge in a luxurious life, but deliberately maintained a low-key and simple style. This contrast has attracted the public's attention even more. He can often be seen riding public transport and eating at ordinary snack bars.

Even on typhoon days, he takes the initiative to clear tree branches from the streets to avoid obstructing pedestrians and vehicles. These actions undoubtedly won him the favor of the public and created an approachable star image.

has never donated money but is a philanthropist who has bullied other stars many times, what kind of person is Chow Yun-fat

Chow Yun-fat's good deeds have also frequently attracted media attention. Once, he met a child with a scar on his head in a Beijing alley. Knowing that the child's family could not afford to buy expensive imported ointments, he silently wrote down the address and soon sent twelve precious pills.

The story was widely circulated, further enhancing his public image.

However, nothing is more striking than Chow Yun-fat's many announced pledges of donations. In 2008, he said for the first time at the premiere of "Children of Yellowstone" that he would donate all his wealth.

The proclamation became an instant sensation and also brought the film a decent box office. Since then, he has reiterated this commitment several times, but the specifics have changed several times. From the initial total property to 99%, and then to 1 billion yuan, each commitment coincides with the release time of the new film.

has never donated money but is a philanthropist who has bullied other stars many times, what kind of person is Chow Yun-fat

In 2013, on the eve of the release of "Macau Vice", Chow Yun-fat once again reaffirmed his commitment to donation. However, after the movie was released, he suddenly changed his words, saying that he needed to discuss with his wife, and said that he was living in poverty.

In 2017, his wife insisted that she would donate all her property during the recording of the show, and the relevant procedures have been completed. Subsequently, Chow Yun-fat reconfirmed this decision when promoting the new film "Wushuang".

However, when we take a closer look at these pledges, we find that his actual philanthropic contribution is almost nil. Except for a donation of more than 300 yuan from an auction of photos taken in collaboration with Gong Li to the Yanran Foundation, Chow Yun-fat's name almost never appears on the donation list for any major disaster.

This contradiction between image-making and actual behavior can't help but raise questions about Chow Yun-fat's true intentions. Is he genuinely passionate about philanthropy, or is he just using charity as a marketing tool? This question may only be answered by Chow Yun-fat himself.

has never donated money but is a philanthropist who has bullied other stars many times, what kind of person is Chow Yun-fat

In any case, this capricious attitude did cast a shadow over his carefully crafted public image.

Behind Chow Yun-fat's seemingly perfect public persona lies a series of troubling controversies, especially with female celebrities. These incidents not only exposed a little-known side of him, but also made the public begin to question who he was.

A charity dinner in 1987 was the beginning of controversy. At that time, Li Zhi was dressed in a gorgeous dress and pushed a carefully prepared cake on stage. However, Chow Yun-fat and another man suddenly smeared the cake on Li Zhi's face.

This move caused Li Zhi to collapse on the spot and run back to the backstage with tears streaming down his face. Although under the mediation of Leslie Cheung, Chow Yun-fat apologized to Li Zhi in person, but the matter does not seem to end there.

has never donated money but is a philanthropist who has bullied other stars many times, what kind of person is Chow Yun-fat

In addition to Li Zhi, other female stars have also been mistreated by Chow Yun-fat. In 1989, Zhong Chuhong revealed in a TV show that when he was 19 years old, during the filming of "The Story of Hu Yue", he was pushed down on the sofa by Chow Yun-fat at a party.

Although she did not elaborate on the subsequent development, the experience clearly left a psychological shadow on her.

Similarly, Maggie Cheung also broke the news that during the filming of a kiss scene, even if the director shouted to stop, Chow Yun-fat still hugged her tightly, making her unable to break free. These incidents happened one after another, and one can't help but wonder if this was just a simple "joke" or a reflection of Chow Yun-fat's certain attitude towards women.

These controversial events stand in stark contrast to Chow's modest image in public. They not only damaged the physical and mental health of the victim actress, but also seriously affected Chow Yun-fat's public image.

has never donated money but is a philanthropist who has bullied other stars many times, what kind of person is Chow Yun-fat

Does this behavior stem from his upbringing? Or is it an abuse of power after fame? These questions remain a mystery to this day.

In any case, these events remind us that the image of a public figure is often complex. Rather than simply defining anyone as good or bad, we should look at their actions from a more holistic, objective perspective.

Chow Yun-fat's philanthropic pledges have been the focus of public attention, but a closer look at the changes in these pledges reveals a confusing pattern.

In 2008, Chow Yun-fat announced for the first time at the premiere of "Children of Yellowstone" that he would donate all his property after his death. This declaration immediately caused a sensation and also brought the film more than 10 million yuan at the box office.

has never donated money but is a philanthropist who has bullied other stars many times, what kind of person is Chow Yun-fat

Since then, he has reiterated that pledge several times, but each time it coincided with the release of the new film, raising questions about his motives.

In 2013, on the eve of the release of "Macau Vice", Chow Yun-fat once again said that he would donate 99% of his property. However, the amount of donations fell from the initial $5.6 billion to $1 billion.

Despite this, the move still won the support of quite a few fans. But after the movie was released, Chow Yun-fat suddenly changed his words, saying that he needed to discuss with his wife, and said that he was living in poverty.

This inconsistent attitude raises doubts about his true intentions.

has never donated money but is a philanthropist who has bullied other stars many times, what kind of person is Chow Yun-fat

In 2017, when promoting the new film "Wushuang", Chow Yun-fat once again confirmed the decision to donate. His wife even said during the recording of the show that the relevant formalities had been completed.

However, when he announced his retirement from the entertainment industry, the topic of donations seemed to fade out of public view.

What's even more confusing is that despite Chow Yun-fat's repeated announcements of huge donations, his actual philanthropic contributions are almost nil. Except for donating more than 300 yuan from the auction of photos taken in cooperation with Gong Li to the Yanran Foundation, whether it is a major disaster in China or the generosity of celebrities, Chow Yun-fat's name has never appeared on the donation list.

In the face of doubts, Chow Yun-fat once explained: "I am still alive, so naturally I can't make a donation." Although there is some truth to this statement, it is inevitably disappointing.

has never donated money but is a philanthropist who has bullied other stars many times, what kind of person is Chow Yun-fat

After all, many celebrities were actively involved in various charitable activities during their lifetimes, rather than treating charity as a mere way of inheritance.

Chow Yun-fat's behavior pattern not only aroused public doubts, but also cast a shadow on his image. Does he really want to give back to the community, or is he just using charity as a PR tool? This is a question that perhaps only time will tell.

In any case, this capricious attitude reminds us that public figures should not be judged by their words but by their deeds. True philanthropy should be embodied in daily actions, not just words.

Chow Yun-fat is undoubtedly a complex figure. On the one hand, he has earned the respect of the public with his low-key and unpretentious lifestyle. Riding public transport, eating at snack bars, and cleaning up streets during typhoons have shaped his image as close to the people.

has never donated money but is a philanthropist who has bullied other stars many times, what kind of person is Chow Yun-fat

On the other hand, he has been questioned for his misconduct and capricious attitude towards female celebrities.

This contradiction may reflect his complex mental journey from a poor teenager to a superstar in the film industry. The hardships of growing up made him hungry for success, and may have also led to some kind of misunderstanding of power.

Despite this, Chow Yun-fat is still a superstar who has influenced generations. His acting skills are indisputable, and his low-key lifestyle is also commendable. But at the same time, we cannot ignore the controversy in his actions.

Chow Yun-fat's story reminds us that any public figure is a complex individual with their own strengths and weaknesses. We should look at them from a more holistic, objective perspective rather than simply categorizing them as "good" or "bad".

has never donated money but is a philanthropist who has bullied other stars many times, what kind of person is Chow Yun-fat

For Chow Yun-fat, perhaps only time will tell whether he will be able to deliver on his promises and reconcile the contradictions in his actions. In any case, his story will become a case worth pondering in the entertainment industry.

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