
Can you still have a dragon tail tire this year? The difference between the dragon's tail life and the snake's head life

author:Xiaolu self-media


  With the popularity of traditional Chinese culture, many families are looking forward to welcoming a new life in the new year, especially in a year like the Year of the Dragon, which symbolizes auspiciousness and good luck.

Can you still have a dragon tail tire this year? The difference between the dragon's tail life and the snake's head life


So can you still have a dragon tail tire this year?

  Now it's too late to get pregnant and give birth to a dragon tail fetus.

  The end of the Year of the Dragon usually precedes the arrival of the Lunar New Year, which is the 29th or 30th day of the lunar month. Therefore, as long as the pregnancy is successfully carried out before the lunar month of 2024 and the delivery is made before the Lunar New Year of 2025, then the child born can be considered a baby in the Year of the Dragon, which is also known as the "Dragon Tail Fetus".

  Specifically, if a woman successfully conceives before April 2024, and according to the normal gestation period (about 10 months), she is likely to give birth before January 28, 2025, so that the child born will be a baby in the Year of the Dragon.

  It's the end of June 2024, so there's no way to regenerate dragon tail tires.

Can you still have a dragon tail tire this year? The difference between the dragon's tail life and the snake's head life


The difference between the dragon's tail life and the snake's head life

  In traditional Chinese culture, zodiac numerology is a deeply rooted science, which takes the zodiac as the basic element, combines the birth year of the person with the specific animal image, and forms a unique cultural system.

  The term "Dragon's Tail" and "Serpent's Head" are some of them, and they refer to people born at the end of the Dragon and the beginning of the Year of the Snake, respectively. Here are some of the differences between Dragon's Tail and Serpent's Head:

  1. Chronological distinction: The dragon tail life usually refers to a person born in the lunar month of the Year of the Dragon, while the snake head life refers to a person born in the first month of the Year of the Snake, that is, at the beginning of the new year.

  2. Personality traits: According to folklore, people with dragon tails may be considered more stubborn, while people with snake heads may be considered independent, lonely, and withdrawn.

  3. Gender orientation: In some traditional beliefs, the dragon's tail life is more associated with a male baby, while the snake's head life is more associated with a female baby.

  4. Concept of fate: There is a folk saying that people with dragon tail life may face the situation of not being able to meet their talents, while people with snake head life may symbolize loneliness, independence and isolation.

Can you still have a dragon tail tire this year? The difference between the dragon's tail life and the snake's head life


It is the time when the snake man is rich and rich

  According to the traditional zodiac culture, the birth of the snake people at certain specific times is believed to bring better fortunes, especially in relation to wealth. Here are some of the times when the snake is considered to be rich and prosperous:

  1. Chenshi (7:00-9:00): Snake people born in Chenshi are naturally blessed, intelligent, and successful in their careers. They attract good luck and opportunity in life, while also having a high level of intelligence and comprehension, and are usually able to succeed in their careers.

  2. Yin Shi (3:00-5:00): Snake people born in Yin Shi, although they may experience some difficulties in life, they have positive pursuits and goals, and their career development will not be hindered in any way. With their intelligence, resourcefulness, and flexibility, they are able to achieve career success through their own efforts.

  3. Son (23:00-1:00): Snake people born in the child will have a prosperous life and will be strong-willed. They may enjoy a certain level of affluence and success in life. They have strong willpower and determination and are able to maintain relentless efforts in the pursuit of their goals and dreams.

  4. Ugly Time (1:00-3:00): Snake people born in Ugly Times have a smooth career and are optimistic about success. They may encounter a lot of opportunities and successes in their careers. They usually have an optimistic attitude and a positive mindset and are able to overcome difficulties and achieve success.