
lost 32 pounds in March alone, and turned into a twice figure, but was rumored to become the heroine of the candid door

author:Indefinite pleasure reading
lost 32 pounds in March alone, and turned into a twice figure, but was rumored to become the heroine of the candid door
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lost 32 pounds in March alone, and turned into a twice figure, but was rumored to become the heroine of the candid door

In 2019, there was a wave of exclamations in the Korean entertainment industry. TWICE member Park Ji-hyo has completed an eye-popping transformation in just three months, successfully losing 32 pounds.

This girl, who was bluntly said by the judges to be "fat", has become a figure benchmark in the group.

However, what is the story behind this amazing transformation? Is it simply inspirational weight loss, or is there something else hidden? Just as fans were cheering for her change, an unexpected storm crept in.

The mystery of Park Ji-hyo's figure seems to involve more unknown insiders.

lost 32 pounds in March alone, and turned into a twice figure, but was rumored to become the heroine of the candid door

Park Ji-hyo's story began in 2004, when she was just an innocent 7-year-old girl. At the first JuniorNaver Child Star Competition, this young girl from Gyeonggi Province won the second place with her outstanding performance, attracting the attention of JYP's talent scouts.

With a vision for the future, the young Park Ji-hyo left his hometown and embarked on a journey to chase his dreams.

Park Ji-hyung, who first arrived in Seoul, quickly became the "little princess" of the company with her cute appearance and well-behaved personality. However, the fairytale beauty didn't last long.

As time passes, the cruelty of reality gradually emerges. The company has tried to form a girl group many times, but Park Ji-hyo always passes by the debut opportunity. Hope and disappointment are intertwined again and again, making this once lively and cheerful girl gradually become anxious.

lost 32 pounds in March alone, and turned into a twice figure, but was rumored to become the heroine of the candid door

The daily training turned into an ordeal. In the dance studio, Park Zhixiao sweated like rain; In the middle of the night, she tasted the loneliness of leaving home alone. Seeing the trainees of the same period debuting one by one, but she has always stagnated, this invisible pressure is like a mountain, which makes her breathless.

Day after day of high-intensity training and psychological pressure eventually led to Park Ji-hyo's stress-type obesity. The once slender figure gradually lost shape, which intensified her self-doubt.

She began to question whether she was really fit to become an idol and whether she should give up on this seemingly unattainable dream.

However, even in the most difficult moments, Park Ji-hyo still did not give up. She told herself that since she had chosen this path, she would persevere to the end. In the dead of night, she would stand in front of the mirror and practice her dance moves repeatedly, trying to improve her strength.

lost 32 pounds in March alone, and turned into a twice figure, but was rumored to become the heroine of the candid door

This ten-year practice career has been both a torment and a hone for Park Ji-hyo. It shaped her tenacious character and laid the groundwork for her future transformation.

Although the change in her body has hit her hard, her inner persistence and desire for her dreams have never changed. This experience became the most valuable asset in Park Ji-hyon's life, and also laid the foundation for her amazing transformation later.

In 2015, Park Ji-hyon's life ushered in a key turning point. JYP launched the talent show "SIXTEEN", which was her dream debut opportunity.

With apprehension and anticipation, Park Ji-hyo stepped on this stage, hoping to realize his dream for many years.

lost 32 pounds in March alone, and turned into a twice figure, but was rumored to become the heroine of the candid door

However, the cruelty of reality is far beyond her imagination. In the show, the judges' evaluation was like a hammer, hitting Park Ji-hyo's self-esteem hard. "You're on the chubby side and not expressive enough when dancing.

Such a blunt criticism hit Park Ji-hyo hard. Standing in front of the camera, she held back tears, her eyes flashing with unwillingness and determination.

Ten years of waiting and dedication, is it going to come to naught? No, Park Ji-hyo secretly vowed in his heart that he would seize this opportunity no matter what. She began to practice harder, training a few hours more each day than the other competitors, trying to improve her deficiencies.

The hard work paid off, and Park Zhixiao's persistence finally paid off. With her own strength and unremitting efforts, she successfully passed the selection and became a member of TWICE.

lost 32 pounds in March alone, and turned into a twice figure, but was rumored to become the heroine of the candid door

The moment he heard his name announced, Park Ji-hyo was so excited that tears rained down. Years of dreaming have finally come true at this moment.

However, debuting does not mean the end of the challenge. The company soon came up with strict weight loss requirements. For Park Ji-hyo, who has just realized his dream, this is undoubtedly a new test.

Her heart is full of contradictions: on the one hand, the excitement of finally being able to stand on the stage, and on the other hand, the anxiety about the arduous process of losing weight that is about to begin.

Standing at the crossroads of life, Park Zhixiao knows that this is her best opportunity to change herself and prove herself. She was determined to prove that she was worthy of this hard-won opportunity.

lost 32 pounds in March alone, and turned into a twice figure, but was rumored to become the heroine of the candid door

Even though the road ahead is difficult, she is ready to take on the challenge and start her own transformation journey.

Park Ji-hyo's road to weight loss is a difficult process full of sweat and tears. She knows that it takes unimaginable effort to achieve a huge change in body shape in a short period of time.

So, she devised a rigorous plan and was determined to prove her resolve with her actions.

Every day, Park Ji-hyo's life is precisely divided into several parts. In addition to the necessary song and dance exercises, she insisted on up to 4 hours of physical exercise.

lost 32 pounds in March alone, and turned into a twice figure, but was rumored to become the heroine of the candid door

Early in the morning, while the other members were still asleep, she had already started her morning run. During her lunch break, she chooses to sweat in the gym. Late at night, when everyone was resting, she was still doing strength training.

Such high-intensity training often makes Park Ji-hyo feel exhausted. The soreness in her muscles kept her awake every night, but she gritted her teeth and persevered because she knew it was the only way to her dreams.

Sometimes, when exhaustion overwhelmed her, she would sneak into a corner of the practice room and cry, but quickly wiped away her tears and got back into training.

In terms of diet, Park Ji-hyo also made great sacrifices. She said goodbye to her favorite food completely, and her daily diet became light and tasteless boiled food. Watching the other members enjoy delicious snacks and desserts, she could only swallow silently and resist the temptation with amazing willpower.

lost 32 pounds in March alone, and turned into a twice figure, but was rumored to become the heroine of the candid door

Sometimes, hunger makes her want to give up, but every time, she remembers her dreams and the expectations of her fans, and plucks up her courage again.

During this time, Park Ji-hyo often felt lonely and depressed. In group activities, she often lags behind the other members due to physical exhaustion. Sometimes, she wonders if she'll be able to persevere, if she'll really be able to achieve her goals.

But whenever this happens, she will look at the fan messages stored in her phone and regain the motivation to move forward.

As time passed, Park's efforts began to bear fruit. The self in the mirror is becoming slimmer day by day, and his performance on stage is getting better and better. The praise from the members and fans gave her the motivation to keep going.

lost 32 pounds in March alone, and turned into a twice figure, but was rumored to become the heroine of the candid door

Whenever she sees the number on the scale decrease, she feels a burst of joy.

Three months later, when Park Ji-hyo stood in front of the mirror again, she could barely recognize herself. lost 32 pounds, and the figure problem that was once criticized has been completely improved.

At this moment, all the hard work and dedication paid off. Park Zhixiao's eyes flashed with tears, which was joy, pride, and an affirmation of his perseverance.

However, just as Park Ji-hyo was about to enjoy the fruits of her hard work, an unexpected storm was quietly coming, pushing her to the center of the whirlpool of public opinion. This hard-won metamorphosis is about to face greater challenges.

lost 32 pounds in March alone, and turned into a twice figure, but was rumored to become the heroine of the candid door

In March 2019, the Korean entertainment industry was enveloped by a sudden storm. The "Zheng Junying Incident" that shocked the whole country broke out, and the illegal acts involving many well-known artists were exposed.

In this turmoil, Park Ji-hyo was unexpectedly swept into the whirlpool. A shocking rumor suddenly circulated on the Internet that Park Ji-hyo could be one of the victims of the indecent video.

Although this is a completely false rumor, the power of public opinion is so powerful. Park Ji-hyo instantly became the focus of public attention, and all kinds of speculation and doubts were overwhelming.

She was supposed to enjoy the joy of losing weight, but she fell into huge pressure from public opinion.

lost 32 pounds in March alone, and turned into a twice figure, but was rumored to become the heroine of the candid door

At the airport, the exhausted Park Ji-hyo faced the swarming reporters, and the fragility in his heart could not be concealed. In the face of reporters' sharp questions, the 22-year-old could only silently wipe away the tears that kept pouring out, unable to make any response.

This scene is not only distressing, but also sparked more speculation and discussion.

Immediately afterwards, the so-called indecent video of Park Ji-hyo began to circulate on the Internet. Although it was quickly proven to be a malicious synthesis, the damage caused was irreparable.

What is even more infuriating is that some people with ulterior motives have even put forward the "victim guilt theory", questioning why Park Ji-hyo is the only object of suspicion. This kind of almost absurd logic has brought more psychological pressure to Park Ji-hyo.

lost 32 pounds in March alone, and turned into a twice figure, but was rumored to become the heroine of the candid door

Just as Park Ji-hyo struggled to shake off the shadow of the turmoil, another controversy ensued. At the MAMA ceremony at the end of 2019, Park Ji-hyo left the venue due to physical discomfort, which caused some doubts.

To explain the situation, she made some comments in her fan base, in which the use of words such as "guanzhong" and "chirp crooked" once again sparked controversy.

The term "guanzhong" originally meant to refer to a person who has excelled in attracting public attention, but it has evolved into a pejorative term in the online context. And "chirp" is seen as an insulting expression in Korean.

Park Ji-hyo's remarks, although they were intended to communicate frankly with fans, unfortunately became the fuse of a new round of controversy.

lost 32 pounds in March alone, and turned into a twice figure, but was rumored to become the heroine of the candid door

This series of events made Park Zhixiao, who had just gained a foothold, fall into the whirlpool of public opinion again. Her every move, every word is magnified and scrutinized, and her past efforts and achievements seem to be overshadowed by these controversies.

In the face of overwhelming doubts and accusations, how should Park Ji-hyo respond? How did these experiences affect her? A difficult test lay ahead of her.

As time passed, the turmoil faced by Park Ji-hyo gradually subsided. The "Sneak Shot" incident was confirmed to be a pure rumor, and the screenshot of the full conversation in the "Guan Chong" incident also shows Park Ji-hyo's true attitude.

The truth surfaced, the voices supporting Park Ji-hyo began to increase, and the public's misunderstanding of her gradually dispelled.

lost 32 pounds in March alone, and turned into a twice figure, but was rumored to become the heroine of the candid door

This series of experiences, although difficult, has made Park Ji-hyo stronger. She learned how to stay calm under intense pressure and how to face doubts without losing herself.

More importantly, she is deeply aware that her worth should not be defined by the judgment of others.

Today's Park Zhixiao has not only achieved an amazing transformation in his body, but also become more mature in his mind. Her story is not only a successful case of weight loss, but also shows the growth and perseverance of a young girl in the process of chasing her dreams.

Park Ji-hyo's experience reveals the hardships behind the entertainment industry and shows the indomitable spirit in the face of challenges. From trainee to debut, from body changes to public opinion turmoil, every step is a witness to her growth.

lost 32 pounds in March alone, and turned into a twice figure, but was rumored to become the heroine of the candid door

Her story will undoubtedly inspire more young people who are chasing their dreams, so that they can understand that no matter what difficulties they encounter, as long as they persist in themselves and continue to work hard, they will eventually usher in the day of transformation and success.

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