
It wasn't until I saw Ma Su's recent situation that I finally knew how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

author:Potter said entertainment

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It wasn't until I saw Ma Su's recent situation that I finally knew how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui


The relationship between Ma Su and Kong Linghui has also attracted much attention.

once showed love on "A Date with Luyu", but it ended in a breakup, and there are different reasons.

Now that Ma Su has won the defamation case against Huang Yiqing, his career seems to be picking up.

Her various behaviors, whether in love or career, are suspected of being "self-inflicted".

It wasn't until I saw Ma Su's recent situation that I finally knew how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

Ma Su: From love to career

In the entertainment industry, Ma Su's name is not only associated with wonderful works, but also with a once sensational love story.

In 2008, when the camera of "A Date with Luyu" focused on this pair of golden boys and girls in the sports and entertainment world.

Ma Su's affectionate confession to Kong Linghui is like a romantic movie scene, which touched the hearts of countless audiences.

Life is often more complicated than the script.

It wasn't until I saw Ma Su's recent situation that I finally knew how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

With Kong Linghui's retirement, Ma Su's career began to take off, and the two got together less and left more because of their respective busyness.

In the end, this relationship failed to withstand the test of time and ended quietly.

There is a lot of speculation from the outside world, but the real reason may be the gradual distancing of the inner world of the two.

and deviations in understanding and supporting each other's living conditions.

It wasn't until I saw Ma Su's recent situation that I finally knew how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

The turmoil after the breakup did not sink Ma Su, but inspired her inner strength.

In the face of false statements and slander on the Internet, Ma Su chose to take up the weapon of the law and justify himself.

She had previously won a defamation case against Huang Yiqing.

This victory is not only a powerful defense of her personal reputation, but also a firm belief in fairness and justice.

It wasn't until I saw Ma Su's recent situation that I finally knew how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

In the complex and changeable environment of the entertainment industry.

Ma Su learned how to find light in the face of adversity, and proved his tenacity and courage with his actions.

Despite the low point of his career, and even in the predicament of 2020, when he reported that he had no drama to film, Ma Su never gave up the pursuit of his dream.

She knows that a true actor will not be bound by a moment of silence.

It wasn't until I saw Ma Su's recent situation that I finally knew how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

In a series of works such as "Flame", Ma Su conquered the audience with more mature acting skills and announced his strong comeback.

Every appearance is full of confidence and light.

She used her experience to tell the world that every trough is a starting point to a higher mountain.

While pursuing her career, Ma Su also deeply realized the importance of work-life balance.

It wasn't until I saw Ma Su's recent situation that I finally knew how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

She admits that due to her busy work.

He couldn't give Kong Linghui enough company, which became part of the reason for the emotional rift between the two.

This experience made her realize that after a busy job, she realized.

How to maintain an emotional connection with your loved ones is an art that needs to be constantly learned.

It wasn't until I saw Ma Su's recent situation that I finally knew how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

Masu's story teaches us that success is defined by more than just professional achievement.

It's about how to find a way to coexist harmoniously in multiple roles.

The story of Ma Su is a legend of growth, challenge and self-transcendence.

She proved with practical actions that no matter what difficulties and challenges she encountered.

It wasn't until I saw Ma Su's recent situation that I finally knew how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

As long as you maintain your inner tenacity and faith, you can always usher in your own spring.

In the entertainment industry, which is full of variables.

Ma Su is not only a talented actor, but also a role model for women who bravely face life's challenges.

It wasn't until I saw Ma Su's recent situation that I finally knew how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

Ma Su: The tenacity and rebirth behind the screen

Behind the glamorous entertainment industry, every star has an untold story.

For Masu, her story is not only about glory and applause, but also about a journey of challenge, growth and self-transcendence.

From a fledgling young actor to a powerful faction who is now in charge.

Ma Su used her experience to illustrate what it means to be resilient.

It wasn't until I saw Ma Su's recent situation that I finally knew how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

When Ma Su revealed in public that she was facing the dilemma of "no drama to film", her honesty touched the hearts of countless people.

In a highly competitive place like the entertainment industry, even the former best can encounter a trough.

But instead of sinking, Ma Su sees this period as an opportunity for self-reflection and recharging.

She actively participates in public welfare activities and conveys positive energy with her actions.

It wasn't until I saw Ma Su's recent situation that I finally knew how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

At the same time, through reading and learning, he constantly improves his connotation and artistic accomplishment.

It is this positive attitude that allowed her to find a new direction in the face of adversity and gradually get out of the trough of her career.

If the early Ma Su was loved by the audience with his fresh and refined image and natural acting skills.

In recent years, she has shown the growth and transformation of an actor with a more mature and changeable role.

It wasn't until I saw Ma Su's recent situation that I finally knew how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

In works such as "Flame", Ma Su challenges multiple complex characters.

Whether it is a mother with delicate emotions or a strong woman with a resolute personality.

She can control it with ease and show her profound acting skills.

These roles not only won the recognition of the audience, but also let the industry see the infinite possibilities of Ma Su as an actor.

It wasn't until I saw Ma Su's recent situation that I finally knew how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

In addition to his unremitting efforts in his career, Ma Su's attitude towards life is also commendable.

She once publicly shared that after experiencing her relationship with Kong Linghui, she understood the importance of work-life balance.

Masu realizes that success isn't just about the profession.

It is more about how to deal with the relationship between the individual, the family and the society, and maintain inner peace and happiness.

It wasn't until I saw Ma Su's recent situation that I finally knew how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

As a result, she finds time to spend with her family even on the busiest days.

Enjoying the small luck in life, this love and respect for life makes her personality charm shine even more.

For the future, Ma Su remains optimistic and cautious.

She believes that every experience is a precious treasure in life.

It wasn't until I saw Ma Su's recent situation that I finally knew how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

Whether it is success or failure, it is an indispensable scenery on the road to growth.

Ma Su said that she will continue to explore on the road of acting and challenge more different types of roles.

At the same time, we do not forget to give back to the society, use our influence to do more public welfare undertakings, and help those in need.

Ma Su's story is an inspiration to all dreamers.

It wasn't until I saw Ma Su's recent situation that I finally knew how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

It tells us that in the face of life's ups and downs, the most important thing is to maintain a resilient heart.

Have the courage to face challenges and constantly surpass yourself.

As Ma Su demonstrates, true success is being able to rise up from adversity.

Write your own glorious chapter with action.

It wasn't until I saw Ma Su's recent situation that I finally knew how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui


In the process, she is not only an excellent actor, but also a respectable woman.

With her story, she inspires everyone to bravely pursue their dreams and live a wonderful life.

It wasn't until I saw Ma Su's recent situation that I finally knew how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui
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