
"Six Groups of Serious Cases" Wang Qian: 7 years after my husband passed away, I finally fulfilled his last wish

author:The blue sea chats about the world
"Six Groups of Serious Cases" Wang Qian: 7 years after my husband passed away, I finally fulfilled his last wish
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"Six Groups of Serious Cases" Wang Qian: 7 years after my husband passed away, I finally fulfilled his last wish

In September 2021, Wang Qian ushered in the 53rd year of her life. However, this birthday is destined to be different - the TV series "Ah Cradle", which she has worked hard for many years, finally meets the audience on this day.

This work, which tells the touching story of a nursery worker and a child during the Anti-Japanese War, is not only the most precious birthday gift Wang Qian has received, but also a testimony to her dream for her late husband Xu Qingdong.

When the familiar picture on the screen slowly flowed, Wang Qian's eyes couldn't help but moisten. She seemed to see her husband's relieved smile and felt his warm gaze. However, what kind of ups and downs is hidden behind this seemingly happy ending? Why did the project take 13 years from conception to completion? Let's uncover this touching story of life and death.

In 1997, the set of "Anti-Drug Hero" became the starting point for the intersection of the fates of Wang Qian and Xu Qingdong. The 29-year-old Wang Qian met the 52-year-old director Xu Qingdong for the first time, and despite the huge age difference, the two were amazed by each other's talents.

"Six Groups of Serious Cases" Wang Qian: 7 years after my husband passed away, I finally fulfilled his last wish

This collaboration seems to be a foreshadowing of fate, planting the seeds for future relationships.

Subsequently, "Police Scene" once again intertwined the career trajectories of the two. Wang Qian's role as a policewoman in the play laid the foundation for her to portray Ji Jie in "Six Groups of Serious Cases" in the future.

In 2001, when Xu Qingdong was preparing for "Six Groups of Serious Cases", Wang Qian naturally became the best choice for the heroine.

The long-term cooperation has gradually warmed up the relationship between Wang Qian and Xu Qingdong. On the set, Wang Qian is not only an actor, but also undertakes part of the screenwriting and co-ordination work. Xu Qingdong was deeply impressed by her talent and professionalism.

"Six Groups of Serious Cases" Wang Qian: 7 years after my husband passed away, I finally fulfilled his last wish

However, the hectic pace of work also brought challenges to Wang Qian's personal life. She often works late into the night, and has to continue filming the next morning, with little time to manage her love life.

Wang Qian's mother once said in an interview that as long as her daughter finds a favorite partner, she will give her full support. However, she probably didn't expect that her daughter's final choice of partner would be someone her own age.

With the passage of time, the relationship between Wang Qian and Xu Qingdong quietly grew. Together, they created 10 blockbuster films, and this close partnership eventually sublimated into a sincere love.

Although there are many complaints about their age difference, their relationship is getting deeper.

"Six Groups of Serious Cases" Wang Qian: 7 years after my husband passed away, I finally fulfilled his last wish

When entering the palace of marriage, Wang Qian was hesitant to have children because she missed the best childbearing age. However, with the encouragement of her friends, she eventually decided to try her hand at conceiving a new life.

In 2007, 39-year-old Wang Qian ushered in her little princess, and Xu Qingdong was 62 years old at this time.

This hard-won child brought infinite joy to their lives. Once, their daughter was suddenly reluctant to go on stage while attending a show recording in kindergarten.

Faced with this situation, Wang Qian was very anxious, but Xu Qingdong said calmly: "The child doesn't want to go on stage, then let her rest, there is no need to force her." This scene shows Xu Qingdong's gentleness and wisdom as a father.

"Six Groups of Serious Cases" Wang Qian: 7 years after my husband passed away, I finally fulfilled his last wish

Although Wang Qian rarely shares her family life publicly, it is not difficult to see from the details that her married life with Xu Qingdong is full of warmth and tranquility. They support each other, grow together, and overcome the challenges of age with love.

This love across ages not only enriches their lives, but also injects new vitality into their careers.

In this relationship, Wang Qian found a balance between career and love, while Xu Qingdong gained the warmth of family in his later years. Their story illustrates that love knows no age, and sincere feelings can transcend worldly vision and create their own happiness.

The trajectory of Wang Qian's life is full of dramatic turns. She was born in Tianjin in 1968 to an intellectual family, and her parents were both educators. Under the influence of hearing and seeing, the young Wang Qian was determined to be admitted to Beijing Normal University and dreamed of becoming a people's teacher.

"Six Groups of Serious Cases" Wang Qian: 7 years after my husband passed away, I finally fulfilled his last wish

However, fate ruthlessly disrupted her plans when she was 18 years old.

Wang Qian's mother suddenly suffered from a serious blood disease, which caused the originally peaceful life to fall into chaos in an instant. Wang Qian, who is in her third year of high school, has to face the reality of her mother's hospitalization, and at the same time has to shoulder the heavy responsibility of taking care of her father and younger brother.

Faced with such a predicament, Wang Qian seemed to have grown up overnight.

She began to follow her mother's example, preparing three meals a day for the whole family, and regularly delivering hot meals to the hospital to take care of her bedridden mother. This kind of life affected Wang Qian's studies.

"Six Groups of Serious Cases" Wang Qian: 7 years after my husband passed away, I finally fulfilled his last wish

In the end, she failed to get into Beijing Normal University, and was accepted to a science and engineering college in Tianjin.

However, the pressures of life didn't give her much time to be depressed. In order to alleviate the financial pressure on her family, Wang Qian looked for job opportunities during the holidays. By chance, through a friend's introduction, she found a part-time job as a pastry decorating in a factory, with a daily salary of only five yuan.

Wang Qian originally hoped to save enough money for a semester of tuition through hard work, but when she finally saved enough money, her heart suddenly changed when she looked at her emaciated mother on the sickbed.

It was close to the Spring Festival, Wang Qian used her hard-earned money to buy a lot of fireworks, and put them on the road opposite the hospital with her younger brother for more than two hours, just to let her mother feel the festive atmosphere.

"Six Groups of Serious Cases" Wang Qian: 7 years after my husband passed away, I finally fulfilled his last wish

This scene not only illuminated the mother's face, but also warmed the hearts of all the patients in the hospital.

A twist of fate struck again. While working at a cultural center, Wang Qian was unexpectedly selected to participate in a sketch. The show ended up winning third prize in an amateur drama competition.

It is worth mentioning that the first prize won that year was Liu Yajin, who became a famous comedian in the future. This experience made Wang Qian fall in love with the stage and changed the trajectory of her life ever since.

In 1989, Wang Qian plucked up the courage to apply for the Beijing Film Academy and was successfully admitted. Since then, she has started her acting career, and has participated in the movie "Working Girl in the Special Zone" and the TV series "The Legend of the Paper Saint".

"Six Groups of Serious Cases" Wang Qian: 7 years after my husband passed away, I finally fulfilled his last wish

Although these works did not attract much attention, Wang Qian did not give up, but continued her studies and applied for the TV directing major.

Wang Qian's career has become more and more extensive, she even worked as a host for Hong Kong City TV for half a year, and co-founded an advertising agency with well-known musician Gao Xiaosong.

However, what really made her return to the film and television industry and meet the person she was destined to meet was the 1997 movie "Anti-Drug Hero".

Looking back on Wang Qian's life journey, we can see a strong and resilient female image. From a girl with a dream of being a teacher, she experienced family changes and academic setbacks, and finally found her own stage in life.

"Six Groups of Serious Cases" Wang Qian: 7 years after my husband passed away, I finally fulfilled his last wish

Her experience has taught us that the road in life is not always easy, but as long as you maintain tenacity and courage, you can carve out your own wonderful life in the face of adversity.

Wang Qian's story is not only a personal struggle, but also a microcosm of an era. Her experience reflects the challenges and opportunities faced by many young people in that era, and also shows the development and transformation of China's film and television industry.

From obscurity to becoming a well-known actor, from behind the scenes to in front of the stage, Wang Qian's every step interprets the power of dreams and hard work.

In 2008, Wang Qian, a first-time mother, had a strong desire in her heart: to create a film and television work about children. This idea stems from her deep love for her daughter, as well as her thoughts on social responsibility.

"Six Groups of Serious Cases" Wang Qian: 7 years after my husband passed away, I finally fulfilled his last wish

Initially, she planned to create a story about the friendship between teachers and students, hoping to convey the power of education through the screen.

However, when she mentioned the idea to her husband, Xu Qingdong, she unexpectedly received a more profound suggestion. Xu Qingdong suggested that she consider adapting the work "Ah Cradle".

It turns out that "Ah Cradle" is an early film directed by Xie Jin, and Xu Qingdong is the screenwriter of this movie. This story stems from Xu Qingdong's childhood experience and tells a touching story between a group of special nursery workers and children during the Anti-Japanese War.

Wang Qian had watched the film before, and she knew that it would not be easy to adapt a movie that was only about an hour long into a TV series with dozens of episodes. However, Xu Qingdong's enthusiasm was infectious.

"Six Groups of Serious Cases" Wang Qian: 7 years after my husband passed away, I finally fulfilled his last wish

He suggested that they could first interview a few of the archetypal characters in the story in preparation for the shoot.

In this way, the couple began to pour their hearts and souls into the re-creation of "Ah Cradle". They conducted in-depth interviews with many elders who had gone through that period of history and collected a lot of valuable first-hand information.

After each interview, Wang Qian and Xu Qingdong would have a long conversation all night to discuss how to integrate these real stories into the script and how to make this history more vivid and moving.

In this process, Wang Qian not only gained an in-depth understanding of that period of history, but also better understood her husband's original intention. She felt Xu Qingdong's deep affection for this story, and she was also deeply moved by the stories of the nursery staff and children.

"Six Groups of Serious Cases" Wang Qian: 7 years after my husband passed away, I finally fulfilled his last wish

However, there are many good things. When they finally finished the script and were ready to start filming, they encountered various force majeure factors, which led to repeated delays in the project. This work, which embodies the hard work of the husband and wife, seems to be getting farther and farther away from them.

Despite this, Wang Qian and Xu Qingdong did not give up, and they firmly believed that this story would eventually meet the audience one day.

The creative process of "Ah Cradle" is not only an artistic exploration of Wang Qian and Xu Qingdong, but also their common spiritual journey. The project embodies their respect for history, their emphasis on education, and their expectations for the next generation.

Although the road to the realization of this dream was full of ups and downs, it was a testament to the couple's deep affection and shared ideals.

"Six Groups of Serious Cases" Wang Qian: 7 years after my husband passed away, I finally fulfilled his last wish

On September 19, 2014, fate once again ruthlessly shattered Wang Qian's happiness. On that seemingly ordinary autumn afternoon, 68-year-old Xu Qingdong had a sudden asthma on his way home from school.

Although he was rushed to the hospital, his life could not be saved. When Wang Qian rushed to the emergency room, the doctor regretfully told her that it was too late.

At around 5 p.m. that day, Xu Qingdong left his beloved family and unfinished business forever. For Wang Qian, this is undoubtedly a heavy blow.

At her husband's farewell ceremony, she burst into tears, her eyes were red, and she who had always shown herself to be free and capable, looked so fragile at the moment.

"Six Groups of Serious Cases" Wang Qian: 7 years after my husband passed away, I finally fulfilled his last wish

However, life goes on. Half a year later, Wang Qian endured her grief and appeared on a variety show with the main creative team of "Emergency Room Story" to promote the last work of her husband's directorial career.

On the show, she said firmly: "I never doubted that he was gone, and I deeply felt that he was always by my side." This sentence is not only an affectionate confession to her husband, but also a declaration of her courage to face life.

The "Ah Cradle" project was shelved due to Xu Qingdong's death. Wang Qian had considered continuing with the project, but she wanted to star in person. However, as the years passed, she was no longer suitable for the role in the play.

This problem made Wang Qian fall into a long-term entanglement. She wanted to fulfill her husband's last wish, but she didn't know how to move forward with the project without his guidance.

"Six Groups of Serious Cases" Wang Qian: 7 years after my husband passed away, I finally fulfilled his last wish

It wasn't until 2017, when a company expressed its intention to put the project into practice, that Wang Qian realized that the script had been dormant in her hands for nearly 10 years. In reconnecting with the archetypal figures, she discovers that many of the elders who lived through that history have passed away.

This discovery made Wang Qian feel sad and made her more determined to complete the project.

She felt the urgency of time and realized that if she didn't act, this precious piece of history could fade away with the passing of those who witnessed it. Wang Qian made up her mind to put "Ah Cradle" on the screen no matter what, not only to fulfill her husband's last wishes, but also for the elders who have passed away, in order to let more people know about this little-known history.

This experience made Wang Qian deeply appreciate the impermanence of life, and also made her cherish the present even more and cherish every opportunity to realize her dreams. Her persistence is not only a commitment to her husband, but also an exploration and interpretation of the meaning of life.

"Six Groups of Serious Cases" Wang Qian: 7 years after my husband passed away, I finally fulfilled his last wish

With the longing for her husband and her respect for the elders who have passed away, Wang Qian is determined to put "Ah Cradle" on the screen. She put all her energy into constantly revising the script, carefully selecting the actors, and personally participating in the discussion of every detail.

In this process, she seemed to feel Xu Qingdong's company, and whenever she encountered difficulties, she could always think of her husband's encouragement and advice, which gave her the strength to continue to move forward.

After unremitting efforts, "Ah Cradle" was finally officially broadcast in September 2021, that is, on Wang Qian's 53rd birthday. It was undoubtedly the most precious birthday gift she had ever received.

Wang Qian affectionately expressed on social media that she is willing to share this joy with all those who love this work, and thank them for their continued companionship.

"Six Groups of Serious Cases" Wang Qian: 7 years after my husband passed away, I finally fulfilled his last wish

Looking at the familiar and unfamiliar pictures on the screen, Wang Qian's eyes were filled with tears. She couldn't help but think back to the scene when she conceived this story with her husband 13 years ago, and the glint in Xu Qingdong's eyes still seemed to be clearly visible.

At this moment, she felt that she had completed a dialogue that spanned life and death, and finally fulfilled her promise to her husband.

Today, 54-year-old Wang Qian is still strong and raising her 15-year-old daughter alone. Although she did not choose to remarry, her life is still full of hope. The success of "Ah Cradle" is not only the best commemoration of Xu Qingdong, but also marks a new starting point in Wang Qian's life.

The completion of this project allowed her to rediscover the direction of her career and the meaning of her life.

"Six Groups of Serious Cases" Wang Qian: 7 years after my husband passed away, I finally fulfilled his last wish

Wang Qian's story tells us that love can transcend life and death, and dreams can transcend time and space. It took her 13 years to complete a seemingly impossible task, not only fulfilling her husband's last wish, but also realizing her own artistic pursuit.

Although the process was arduous, it also allowed her to grow and rejuvenate.

We look forward to Wang Qian reaping more happiness in the coming days, and we also hope that she can open her heart again at the right time to welcome a new chapter in her life.

Her experience reminds us that even in the face of life's biggest setbacks, as long as we hold on to hope and hold on to our dreams, we can create a wonderful life of our own.

"Six Groups of Serious Cases" Wang Qian: 7 years after my husband passed away, I finally fulfilled his last wish

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