
Wei Shiya got married, and Xue Jiayan responded to being named a prophet: Don't dare to be! At the beginning of the year, I touched my belly in person and said congratulations

author:Xi Xi Gui Circle


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Wei Shiya got married, and Xue Jiayan responded to being named a prophet: Don't dare to be! At the beginning of the year, I touched my belly in person and said congratulations

Text: Xixi Guiquan


The entertainment industry is always full of all kinds of unexpected surprises, but have you ever thought that sometimes a small "oolong" event can become a magical magic that predicts the future?

Recently, the sudden marriage of Wei Shiya allowed us to witness such a wonderful coincidence. The embarrassing scene of Aunt Xue Jiayan's "recognizing the wrong person" turned out to be the prelude to Wei Shiya's happy marriage.

This can't help but make people sigh: Could it be that in the entertainment industry, even embarrassment can become a prologue to happiness? Let's take a look at this interesting phenomenon in the entertainment industry and see what kind of mystery is hidden behind it.

Wei Shiya got married, and Xue Jiayan responded to being named a prophet: Don't dare to be! At the beginning of the year, I touched my belly in person and said congratulations

Surprise! Sweet wedding news for Wei Shiya

Yesterday, there was suddenly an exciting news in the entertainment industry - Wei Shiya announced that she was married! This actress, who has always kept a low profile, brought us a big surprise this time.

Wei Shiya not only officially announced her marriage, but also generously showed her affection. She showed off a huge diamond ring, shining so brightly that people couldn't take their eyes off it. What's even more touching is that she sweetly said the word "I do", as if we witnessed the happy moment when she said "I do".

"In the future, we will walk together through thick and thin. Thank you for meeting you. "

This sentence is not only Wei Shiya's commitment to love, but also the expectation of future life. What a beautiful vow! It allows us to see Wei Shiya's cherishing of marriage and firmness in love.

As a veteran observer of the entertainment industry, I have to say that Wei Shiya's marriage news this time came suddenly and pleasantly. She has always shown herself as a powerful actor, and she is rarely involved in scandals. The sudden announcement of marriage this time really surprised many fans.

However, when you think about it, this news seems to make sense. After all, it is not difficult for an actress with a successful career and good character to find her true love. Wei Shiya's marriage news may also give many women who work hard in the entertainment industry a revelation: career and love can be both.

Wei Shiya got married, and Xue Jiayan responded to being named a prophet: Don't dare to be! At the beginning of the year, I touched my belly in person and said congratulations

Aunt Xue Jiayan's "divine prophecy"?

Speaking of Wei Shiya's marriage, I have to mention the ridiculous episode at the beginning of this year. Do you still remember Aunt Xue Jiayan's recognition of Wei Shiya as Lian Shiya's oolong when she was recording the show?

The scene at that time still makes people laugh when I think about it now. Aunt Xue Jiayan not only recognized the wrong person, but also touched Wei Shiya's stomach enthusiastically and said "congratulations". This is good, it made Wei Shiya cry and laugh, so she could only deny it embarrassedly.

However, who would have thought that this embarrassing oolong would become the "divine prophecy" of Wei Shiya's marriage?

Although Aunt Xue Jiayan recognized the wrong person at the time, the "congratulations" seemed to send blessings to Wei Shiya's marriage in advance. This can't help but make people sigh: the fate of the entertainment industry is sometimes so wonderful.

Later, Wei Shiya also specially invited Aunt Xue Jiayan to her own online show, and the two reviewed this interesting oolong incident together. Aunt Xue Jiayan once again congratulated Wei Shiya on winning the Academy Awards, and Wei Shiya kissed Aunt Xue Jiayan's hand, saying that she was relieved of her suspicions. This scene is warm and loving, which makes people feel the rare sincere friendship in the entertainment industry.

Aunt Xue Jiayan recalled the scene at that time, and still couldn't help but say, "Oops! It's so embarrassing, I touched your stomach that day. "

This sentence sounds a little more mysterious now. Could it be that Aunt Xue Jiayan's hand really has "divine power" and sent blessings to Wei Shiya's marriage in advance?

Netizens hotly discussed: Xue Jiayan is a "prophet"?

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet, and all kinds of interesting comments emerged one after another.

Some netizens ridiculed: "Aunt Xue Jiayan, is this an eye for the sky?" predicted Wei Shiya's marriage half a year in advance, it's too godly!"

Some netizens also said: "Although it was embarrassing to recognize the wrong person at the time, but now it seems that this is simply the best blessing." Aunt Xue Jiayan, do your hands have magical powers?"

Wei Shiya got married, and Xue Jiayan responded to being named a prophet: Don't dare to be! At the beginning of the year, I touched my belly in person and said congratulations

Some netizens speculated: "Wei Shiya shouldn't be a double happiness, right?" Aunt Xue Jiayan has touched her belly!"

Of course, there are also voices of reason: "It's just a coincidence, don't over-read it." But it's really interesting, I wish Wei Shiya a happy newlywed!"

Interestingly, some netizens began to look forward to Aunt Xue Jiayan's next "divine prophecy": "Aunt Xue Jiayan, can you predict again when our idols will release an album?"

These comments fully demonstrate the sense of humor and imagination of netizens. Although everyone knows that this is just an interesting coincidence, they can't help but make fun of it. This may be the charm of the entertainment industry: even a small oolong can become everyone's after-dinner conversation and bring joy.

And this heated discussion also reflects everyone's love for Wei Shiya from the side. While fans are happy about her marriage, they are also expressing their blessings in their own way. This kind of positive interaction is the embodiment of a healthy fan culture.

Aunt Xue Jiayan's response: I am not a "prophet"

In the face of heated discussions among netizens, Aunt Xue Jiayan also responded. In an interview with "Sing Tao Global Network", she said: "Wow, this time it's Wei Shiya, congratulations! I can't make a mistake about it, congratulations!"

Aunt Xue Jiayan also specially blessed Wei Shiya and her future husband with sweetness and eternal marriage. She even asked Wei Shiya about her wedding date, it seems that she wanted to congratulate her again in person.

Regarding being called a "prophet" by netizens, Aunt Xue Jiayan modestly said: "I'm not a prophet, it's just such a coincidence."

She also gave an interesting example: "Just as I gave people a red see in the New Year, (someone) suddenly did something successful and developed...... For example, a parent told me that he was going to attend a show, and suddenly said that he had received tens of millions of business, which was actually none of my business, but just after talking to him on the phone, he received a business, so what do you say...... It's a coincidence!"

Aunt Xue Jiayan's words not only show her humor, but also reflect her humility. She was not conceited because of the ridicule of netizens, but resolved the mystery of this "divine prophecy" in a relaxed way.

Wei Shiya got married, and Xue Jiayan responded to being named a prophet: Don't dare to be! At the beginning of the year, I touched my belly in person and said congratulations

In the end, Aunt Xue Jiayan also said: "It's okay, I also hope to bring some happy things to her, and I'm happy for her!"

This sentence fully demonstrates Aunt Xue Jiayan's kindness and sincerity. Even if it's a small oolong, she hopes to bring good luck to Wei Shiya. This kind of sincere blessing is precisely the most precious thing in the entertainment industry.

Written at the end: the beautiful "oolong" of the entertainment industry

Looking back on the whole event, it is not difficult for us to find that this is a small episode full of warmth and joy. From Aunt Xue Jiayan's oolong recognition, to Wei Shiya's sweet wedding news, to the heated discussion among netizens, every link is full of joy and blessings.

This story tells us that the entertainment industry is not only about deceit and open and secret fighting. On the contrary, in this seemingly flashy world, there is still sincere friendship, warm blessings and beautiful fate. The interaction between Aunt Xue Jiayan and Wei Shiya shows the harmony between the two generations of artists; The heated discussion among netizens reflects the fans' concern and blessings for idols.

Perhaps, we can see this "oolong" incident as a microcosm of the entertainment industry: even if there are mistakes and embarrassment, as long as there is kindness, it can be resolved into good wishes in the end.

Here, we also wish Wei Shiya a happy new marriage, and wish her married life as wonderful as her acting career. At the same time, I also want to praise Aunt Xue Jiayan for her humor and sincerity.

Finally, I would like to ask you a question: have you ever experienced a similar "beauty oolong" in your life, and has it also brought you unexpected surprises? Feel free to share your story in the comments section.

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