
Olympic champion Du Li's current situation: over 40 years old, she is still full of charm, from a face full of acne to a goddess of beauty

author:The blue sea chats about the world
Olympic champion Du Li's current situation: over 40 years old, she is still full of charm, from a face full of acne to a goddess of beauty
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Olympic champion Du Li's current situation: over 40 years old, she is still full of charm, from a face full of acne to a goddess of beauty

At the 2004 Athens Olympics, a young Chinese girl on the shooting range was preparing to shoot the crucial shot. She looked focused, breathing steadily, her fingers firmly gripping the trigger.

Bang! After a crisp sound, the numbers on the electronic scoreboard jumped, and the audience erupted in enthusiastic cheers. The 22-year-old Du Li won the first gold medal of this Olympic Games for the Chinese delegation with amazing strength.

When Du Li stood on the podium, the flash kept flashing. She held the gold medal high with a big smile on her face. However, attentive viewers noticed that the young Olympic champion's face was covered in visible pimples.

Under the camera, Du Li's smile showed a hint of shyness, as if she wanted to hide the flaws on her face.

Olympic champion Du Li's current situation: over 40 years old, she is still full of charm, from a face full of acne to a goddess of beauty

Time flies, and twenty years have passed in the blink of an eye. In 2024, a news about former Olympic champion Du Li has attracted widespread attention from netizens. Du Li in the photo is elegant and generous, with smooth and delicate skin, where can you still see the traces of acne on her face back then? This amazing change has amazed many people.

From a young Olympic player to today's intellectual goddess, Du Li's transformation is not only reflected in her appearance. After retiring, she served as the head coach of the national shooting team and continued to contribute to China's sports in her new position.

The 41-year-old exudes the charm of a mature woman, with elegance and confidence in her gestures.

This huge contrast has made netizens speculate: What made Du Li turn from a face full of acne to a goddess of beauty? Is it the precipitation of the years? Or do you have more time to take care of yourself after retiring? Or is it the inner transformation brought about by the change of life? Let's walk into Du Li's story and uncover the secret of her transformation.

Olympic champion Du Li's current situation: over 40 years old, she is still full of charm, from a face full of acne to a goddess of beauty

Du Li's shooting career began at the age of 14, when she was first introduced to the sport, which requires extreme concentration and precise control. Originally from Zibo, Shandong Province, with her love for shooting and her desire for an Olympic gold medal, she resolutely embarked on this challenging path.

Day after day of training, countless days and nights of perseverance, finally bore sweet fruit at the 2004 Athens Olympics. The 22-year-old Du Li won the first gold medal of this Olympic Games for the Chinese delegation with her outstanding performance.

This hard-won gold medal is not only a reward for her years of hard work, but also a heavy responsibility.

Since then, Du Li's name has been closely associated with Chinese shooting sports. In the following 12 years, she achieved many great results in major competitions, interpreting the Olympic spirit of "faster, higher, stronger" with one medal after another.

Olympic champion Du Li's current situation: over 40 years old, she is still full of charm, from a face full of acne to a goddess of beauty

In every competition, Du Li devotes herself wholeheartedly and exchanges sweat and hard work for honor.

However, the career of a professional athlete is not all smooth sailing. At the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Du Li did not perform well in the 10-meter air gun event and fell into a trough for a while.

But she was not overwhelmed by setbacks, but quickly adjusted her mentality and eventually regained her form in the 50m rifle 3 positions, winning not only the gold medal, but also the world record.

This kind of never-give-up fighting spirit not only infects everyone around her, but also inspires countless young athletes who follow in her footsteps. Du Li proved with practical actions that success is not achieved overnight, but requires continuous breakthroughs and challenges to the limit.

Olympic champion Du Li's current situation: over 40 years old, she is still full of charm, from a face full of acne to a goddess of beauty

In 2016, after 20 years as an athlete, the 34-year-old officially announced her retirement. This decision marked an important turning point in her life.

Standing at the crossroads of life, Du Li chose to continue to contribute to the Chinese shooting industry, opening a new chapter in her life.

After retiring from the game, Du Li did not stay away from the shooting range, but chose a new path - as the coach of the national shooting team. This change in role is both a challenge and an opportunity for Du Li.

She has passed on her years of competition experience and skills to young athletes, cultivating new forces for the future of Chinese shooting.

Olympic champion Du Li's current situation: over 40 years old, she is still full of charm, from a face full of acne to a goddess of beauty

Du Li's story is a story of dreams, perseverance and transformation. From a girl full of dreams to a successful Olympic champion, to an excellent coach, she has used her life to interpret the true meaning of sportsmanship, and also shows the growth and transformation of an athlete.

In Du Li's wonderful sports career, love is like a warm sunshine, adding a different color to her life. Her love story began with the national team, and the male protagonist was Pang Wei, a younger brother who was four years younger than her.

When they first met, the 19-year-old Pang Wei had just entered the national team, and Du Li was already a well-known Olympic champion. Facing this talented senior sister, the young Pang Wei felt admiration.

However, from the initial greeting from afar to the courage to express his heart, it took Pang Wei three years. This warm and slightly youthful pursuit process adds a touch of color to the love story of the two.

Olympic champion Du Li's current situation: over 40 years old, she is still full of charm, from a face full of acne to a goddess of beauty

On the eve of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Du Li and Pang Wei finally embarked on a new journey in life together. However, the sweetness of the newlyweds did not dilute their focus on the game.

At the Olympics, Du Li did not perform well in the 10-meter airsoft event and was depressed for a while. At this time, Pang Wei silently accompanied her, giving support and encouragement with actions.

He buys her favorite snacks and spends his free time shopping with her, hoping to help his wife regain her confidence.

With the encouragement of her lover, Du Li quickly adjusted her condition and won gold in the 50m rifle 3 positions event, breaking the world record. And Pang Wei was not to be outdone, winning the 10m air pistol event.

Olympic champion Du Li's current situation: over 40 years old, she is still full of charm, from a face full of acne to a goddess of beauty

When Pang Wei stood on the highest podium, Du Li excitedly rushed to the sidelines to congratulate, and the two hugged each other and cried. This scene has become one of the most moving pictures in the Olympic arena, witnessing the love and tacit understanding of the "Olympic champion couple".

Life after marriage is not always easy. During the intense period of preparation for the Olympics, both men faced a lot of pressure. However, it is this mutual understanding and support that allows them to find a balance between their careers and their families.

When Du Li was pregnant, Pang Wei always found time to rush home to cook delicious meals for his wife in addition to his busy training, giving warmth and care.

The story of Du Li and Pang Wei is not only a romantic love legend, but also a moving love song in the shooting arena. They compose the passion of sports competition with love, and interpret the true meaning of partners with mutual support.

Olympic champion Du Li's current situation: over 40 years old, she is still full of charm, from a face full of acne to a goddess of beauty

In this touching story, we see how love can be a powerful motivator for a person's growth and success, and how an athlete couple can find the perfect balance between competition and life.

After retiring, Du Li did not say goodbye to the shooting range, but chose a new path - as the head coach of the national shooting team. This change in role is both a challenge and an opportunity for Du Li.

She imparts her years of experience and skills to the younger generation, cultivating new talents for the future of China's shooting industry.

The Tokyo 2021 Olympics is the first Olympic Games that Du Li has led a team to participate in as a head coach. During the competition, her eyes were always locked on her protégé, 21-year-old Zhang Changhong.

Olympic champion Du Li's current situation: over 40 years old, she is still full of charm, from a face full of acne to a goddess of beauty

When Zhang Changhong set a new world record with an excellent score of 466 rings and won the gold medal in the 50-meter rifle three-position event, Du Li's eyes flashed with tears of relief.

At this moment, she not only witnessed the success of her disciple, but also completed the gorgeous transformation from an Olympic champion to a gold medal coach.

However, being a good coach is not an easy task. Du Li admitted frankly that when she first took over the coaching work, she also experienced a long run-in period. She needs to adapt quickly to the change in roles and learn to communicate with young athletes and understand their ideas.

In order to better integrate into the team, Du Li put in more effort than when she was an athlete.

Olympic champion Du Li's current situation: over 40 years old, she is still full of charm, from a face full of acne to a goddess of beauty

"I tailor the rewards to each person, study each person's personality traits, and sometimes even stay up at night," Du Li says with a laugh, "and I don't even have a level of commitment to my own children."

She knows that as a coach, she should not only teach skills, but also care about the lives of his players, helping them overcome psychological barriers and build self-confidence.

Du Li's efforts paid off. Under her careful guidance, the Chinese shooting team achieved excellent results in the Tokyo Olympics. The players said that Coach Du Li not only gave guidance in technology, but also cared for in life, and was their mentor and friend.

This success is not only an affirmation of Du Li's coaching ability, but also strengthens her determination to continue to contribute to her coaching position. She said that in the future, she will continue to work hard to cultivate more outstanding talents for China's shooting industry.

Olympic champion Du Li's current situation: over 40 years old, she is still full of charm, from a face full of acne to a goddess of beauty

In the face of the upcoming Paris Olympics, Du Li admits that pressure and challenges coexist. The change in the rules of the competition has put a lot of pressure on the team, but she believes that these challenges are also motivation.

After years of grinding, she and her team are ready to take on new challenges.

Du Li was particularly pleased to see that a group of young players from the "post-90s" generation had emerged in the Chinese women's airsoft project. These young people not only have solid basic skills, but also have excellent psychological qualities before the game.

This gives Du Li full of confidence in preparing for the Paris Olympics.

Olympic champion Du Li's current situation: over 40 years old, she is still full of charm, from a face full of acne to a goddess of beauty

From athlete to coach, Du Li's transformation is not only a change of role, but also the sublimation of life experience. She has passed on her experience and wisdom to the next generation, injecting new vitality into the development of shooting sports in China.

Du Li's story shows how an outstanding athlete continues to contribute to the cause he loves after retiring, and also interprets the inheritance and development of sportsmanship.

In addition to being a shooting instructor, Du Li is also active in the public eye as a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. In 2018, she attended the first session of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) for the first time as a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, which attracted widespread attention.

On that day, Du Li was wearing a light blue blazer with a dark over-the-knee skirt, and her image and temperament were completely different from those of the athletes. She retains the sophistication of an athlete while exuding the elegance of a mature woman.

Olympic champion Du Li's current situation: over 40 years old, she is still full of charm, from a face full of acne to a goddess of beauty

This appearance made people see the versatility of Du Li - she is not only an Olympic champion, but also a public figure who cares about the development of national sports.

Four years later, in 2022, Du Li attended the Fifth Session of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference again. This time, her speech was more calm and powerful, showing in-depth thinking about the country's sports cause.

Talking about the upcoming Paris Olympics, Du Li admits to the pressures and challenges she faces: "Since the end of the Tokyo Olympics, the rules of the competition have changed dramatically, which has undoubtedly put a lot of pressure on us.

However, the pressure didn't hold Du Li back. She said that these challenges are also motivation, and after years of grinding, she and her team are ready to take on new challenges.

Olympic champion Du Li's current situation: over 40 years old, she is still full of charm, from a face full of acne to a goddess of beauty

Du Li's words show the tenacity of an excellent athlete and coach in the face of difficulties.

As an experienced coach, Du Li understands the importance of developing young players. She was pleased to see that a group of young players from the "post-90s" generation had emerged in the Chinese women's airsoft project.

These young people not only have solid basic skills, but also have excellent psychological qualities before the game. Du Li said this gave her confidence in preparing for the Paris Olympics.

At the CPPCC meeting, Du Li not only paid attention to the development of shooting sports, but also put forward her own views on issues such as youth sports education and athletes' retirement guarantees.

Olympic champion Du Li's current situation: over 40 years old, she is still full of charm, from a face full of acne to a goddess of beauty

Her speech aroused wide resonance among the delegates and was also valued by relevant departments.

Du Li's multiple identities show how an outstanding athlete can continue to contribute to the national sports cause after retiring. Not only does she nurture new talent in coaching roles, but she also speaks out for sports in the political arena.

This change of role reflects Du Li's continuous exploration and realization of her own value.

From the Olympic stadium to the CPPCC conference hall, Du Li has contributed to the development of China's sports industry with her own experience and insights. Her story is not only a trajectory of personal growth, but also a microcosm of the development of China's sports industry.

Olympic champion Du Li's current situation: over 40 years old, she is still full of charm, from a face full of acne to a goddess of beauty

Entering the golden stage of life, the 41-year-old Du Li showed her calmness and self-confidence after years of precipitation. She is no longer the shy girl with a pimple-riddled face, but has transformed into an intellectual and elegant mature woman.

This transformation is not only reflected in the appearance, but also in the sublimation of the inner temperament.

After retiring, Du Li began to pay more attention to personal image management. She learned makeup skills and accumulated experience in dressing and matching. Every working day, Du Li will dress up carefully and walk out of the house with confidence.

This intention not only makes her feel happy, but also transmits positive energy to her teammates.

Olympic champion Du Li's current situation: over 40 years old, she is still full of charm, from a face full of acne to a goddess of beauty

In addition to her busy work, Du Li does not forget to enjoy the joy of life. On May 1, 2023, she shared a photo of enjoying Zibo's special barbecue at home on social networks, showing her love for life and attachment to the food of her hometown.

This move allows people to see the simple and warm side of the life of Olympic champions.

Du Li's change is not only the transformation of her appearance, but also the growth of her heart. She admits that when she was young, she was overly nervous and stressed, which led to acne on her face.

Today, she has learned how to adjust her mindset and balance work and life. This peace of mind is also reflected in her appearance, which makes her more and more elegant and moving.

Olympic champion Du Li's current situation: over 40 years old, she is still full of charm, from a face full of acne to a goddess of beauty

For the future, the 41-year-old Du Li is full of expectations. She believes that life is in its golden phase, and there are still many possibilities waiting to be explored. Whether it is continuing to develop new talents in the coaching position or contributing her wisdom in other fields, Du Li is full of confidence.

Du Li's story is not only a story about the transformation of her appearance, but also a story of inner growth. From a young Olympic athlete to today's intellectual goddess, Du Li uses her own experience to interpret what true beauty is - that is the wisdom precipitated by the years, the self-confidence that constantly surpasses oneself, the love of life and the dedication to the career.

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