
Liu Ye and his children were met by chance on the road, and Nuo Yi was socially awesome, and Nina changed a lot

author:Xi Xi Gui Circle


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Liu Ye and his children were met by chance on the road, and Nuo Yi was socially awesome, and Nina changed a lot

Text: Xixi Guiquan


Do you think that the children of celebrities are all pampered and nobody's little bully? Then you couldn't be more wrong! Recently, the video of Liu Ye's children meeting passers-by on the road has become popular, but the performance of this pair of celebrity children is shocking.

Not only are they polite, but they are also warm and generous, which is a textbook-level demonstration. What the hell is going on? Could it be that our prejudice against the children of celebrities is too deep?

Liu Ye and his children were met by chance on the road, and Nuo Yi was socially awesome, and Nina changed a lot

Or is it actually a "perfect image" that has been carefully crafted? Let's take a look at what secrets are hidden behind this interesting video.

Chance Encounter: A Surprise Journey for the Second Generation of Stars

Recently, a video sparked heated discussions on the Internet. In the video, a blogger riding a motorcycle, with a cute puppy on his chest, is waiting for a traffic light. At this moment, a low-key black car drove into the side lane.

Liu Ye and his children were met by chance on the road, and Nuo Yi was socially awesome, and Nina changed a lot

Suddenly, the windows rolled down, revealing two immature but familiar faces. That's right, it's actor Liu Ye's son Nuoyi and daughter Nina! The appearance of this pair of celebrity children instantly ignited the enthusiasm of netizens.

Nina's eyes stared straight at the puppy in the blogger's arms, with an innocent smile on her face. She kept waving to the puppy, as if she wanted to be friends with it.

And Nuoyi was more active, he shouted directly: "Sister, sister, your puppy is so cute." Although he is in the period of voice change, his voice is still gentle and polite.

Liu Ye and his children were met by chance on the road, and Nuo Yi was socially awesome, and Nina changed a lot

This warm scene makes people sigh: time flies so fast! In the blink of an eye, the little boy who said to his father in "Where Are You Going, Dad" "Don't cry, I will protect you" has now grown into a young man.

Growth and transformation: the starry youth

If we look closely, we will see that the changes in Nina are particularly noticeable. She has lost the baby fat of her childhood, her facial features have become more refined, and her big eyes are smart and bright. Nina is 12 years old this year, which is the age when youth blooms.

Nuo Yi maintained his usual handsome appearance, just like when he was a child. He will turn 14 in October. Nuoyi in his youth seems to be a copy of Liu Ye's youth, revealing a literary temperament.

Liu Ye and his children were met by chance on the road, and Nuo Yi was socially awesome, and Nina changed a lot

Time flies, and the once lovely brother and sister have now grown into slim teenagers and girls. Their growth is not only a change in appearance, but also an accumulation of inner cultivation.

Be polite: a successful example of a celebrity tutor

The most surprising thing about this video is the good upbringing shown by Noyi and Nina. They took the initiative to say hello, spoke softly, behaved decently, and did not have a trace of celebrity children at all.

Liu Ye and his children were met by chance on the road, and Nuo Yi was socially awesome, and Nina changed a lot

Nuoyi has even shown extraordinary social skills. In other words, ordinary people may only whisper in the car and sigh "It's so cute", but Nuoyi generously praised it through the window. This confidence and politeness are undoubtedly the result of a good parenting.

This can't help but be reminiscent of the education method of Liu Ye and his wife. As a transnational couple, Liu Ye and his French wife Anna seem to have found the perfect way to raise children in combination with Chinese and Western. They not only retain the traditional Chinese etiquette education, but also incorporate the Western concept of openness and self-confidence.

Liu Ye and his children were met by chance on the road, and Nuo Yi was socially awesome, and Nina changed a lot

Talented: A bright future for a musical teenager

In addition to being polite and decent, Nuoyi also showed great musical talent. At the end of last month, some netizens posted a video of Nuoyi participating in the band's performance. Nuo Yi in the picture, dressed in a literary and artistic style, sings beautifully, and is naturally generous to the typhoon.

This made many netizens exclaim: "Looking at Liu Ye, there is a temperament that wants to perform and be introverted", "I really have the temperament of his father's literary and depressed young man". It seems that in Nuoyi, we see the shadow of Liu Ye when he was young.

Liu Ye and his children were met by chance on the road, and Nuo Yi was socially awesome, and Nina changed a lot

Music may become an important direction for the future development of Nuoyi. As a second-generation star, he has both the genetic advantages of his parents and a good educational background, and I believe he will go further on the road of music.

Netizens are hotly discussed: mixed voices

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet. Some netizens thought: "Nuoyi's voice is so good, and he doesn't speak like his father in pieces." I feel that they are so polite and comfortable to speak!"

Liu Ye and his children were met by chance on the road, and Nuo Yi was socially awesome, and Nina changed a lot

Some netizens also said: "It looks very polite, I really don't know why a bunch of people believe that kind of small composition." It looks like two very kind children. "

Some netizens spoke highly of Nuoyi's social skills: "I have to say that Nuoyi does have that social." If it's me, I always say 'it's so cute' in the car, and I don't open the window to let the dog socialize unless I bring the dog. And Nuo Yi directly praised generously, which is really good, and it can be seen that his parents taught him well. "

Liu Ye and his children were met by chance on the road, and Nuo Yi was socially awesome, and Nina changed a lot

Of course, there are some different voices. Some netizens questioned: "Is this too perfect?" Could it be a well-designed PR campaign?" There are also people who are worried: "I hope they can always maintain this nature and not be affected by the complex environment of the entertainment industry."

"Nuoyi looks so fragile and fragile, just like his father in "Lan Yu"."

This comment struck a chord with many netizens. Indeed, the literary temperament on Nuo Yi is the same as that of Liu Ye when he was young. It's not just the similarity in appearance, it's more about the inheritance of temperament and talent.

Liu Ye and his children were met by chance on the road, and Nuo Yi was socially awesome, and Nina changed a lot

Celebrity Family: The Educational Wisdom Behind Happiness

Speaking of Liu Ye, we have to mention his brilliant acting career. Liu Ye, 46 years old this year, graduated from the Central Academy of Drama, and has won many Best Actor awards such as the Huabiao Award, the Golden Rooster Award, and the Golden Horse Award, and is a well-deserved actor.

In 2009, Liu Ye and French woman Anna entered the palace of marriage. Transnational marriages bring a unique cultural blend to the family and also provide a broader perspective for the growth of the children.

Liu Ye and his children were met by chance on the road, and Nuo Yi was socially awesome, and Nina changed a lot

The education method of Liu Ye and his wife may be the key to Nuoyi and Nina's excellence. They not only pay attention to children's etiquette, but also encourage children to develop their interests and hobbies freely. This combination of Chinese and Western parenting seems to have received unexpected results.

Conclusion: We look forward to the future of the second generation of stars

Liu Ye and his children were met by chance on the road, and Nuo Yi was socially awesome, and Nina changed a lot

Seeing such an outstanding performance of Nuo Yi and Ni Na, I can't help but sigh: Liu Ye and his wife are really happy! Who doesn't want a pair of kids like Noyi and Nina? Their educational achievements are indeed worthy of our learning and reference.

However, we must also be soberly aware that the life of a celebrity family is not always glamorous. Children who grow up in the spotlight also face many challenges and pressures. We hope that Nuoyi and Nina can continue to maintain good character and go further and further on the road ahead.

Liu Ye and his children were met by chance on the road, and Nuo Yi was socially awesome, and Nina changed a lot

Finally, you might as well throw up a question: Do you think that celebrity children are born excellent, or are they the result of acquired education? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section.

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