
38-year-old Li Yuchun, why has he never been in love or married? What exactly does she want?

author:The blue sea chats about the world
38-year-old Li Yuchun, why has he never been in love or married? What exactly does she want?
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38-year-old Li Yuchun, why has he never been in love or married? What exactly does she want?

In the starry world of the Chinese entertainment industry, 38-year-old Li Yuchun is still the dazzling superstar. Her music works have repeatedly hit new sales highs, and her film and television works are not only well-known, but also box office winners.

In the fashion industry, she set an unprecedented record, becoming the first Chinese singer to appear in the "five big and two small" fashion magazines. However, under this glamorous appearance, Li Yuchun's love life is blank.

Why is this talented and charismatic woman still alone today? What is holding her back from finding true love? At the peak of her career, what is she pursuing in her heart? Let's unravel this thought-provoking mystery and explore the truth behind Li Yuchun's complex inner world.

In the spring of 2004, 21-year-old Li Yuchun went to the selection site of "Super Girl" with great expectations with his music dream. However, fate seems to have played a joke on her - the registration has closed.

38-year-old Li Yuchun, why has he never been in love or married? What exactly does she want?

This blow did not make Li Yuchun give up, but inspired her inner fighting spirit to be stronger.

In the following year, Li Yuchun was like a tireless musical warrior. Her room became her training ground, with the singing echoing over and over again, and in front of the mirror her countless repetitions of dance moves.

She knows that opportunity only favors those who are prepared.

Finally, in 2005, the opportunity came again. Standing on the stage of "Super Girl", Li Yuchun conquered the judges and the audience with an affectionate song "Only You Without Him in My Heart", and successfully won the championship of the Chengdu Division.

38-year-old Li Yuchun, why has he never been in love or married? What exactly does she want?

When she shared the good news with her mother, she was both moved and determined by the sobs on the other end of the phone – she knew she was one step closer to her dream.

On the stage of the national finals, Li Yuchun showed amazing talent and perseverance. Her unique voice, chic typhoon, and uninhibited style make her stand out from the crowd.

In the end, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Li Yuchun won the crown and officially stepped into the door of the entertainment industry.

From that moment on, the trajectory of Li Yuchun's life has changed dramatically. She has conquered countless fans with one popular song after another. "Just Like You", "See You at the Next Intersection", "If We Don't Go Crazy, We'll Be Old", "Mulan", "Animal World" and other works are highly sung and have become musical symbols of that era.

38-year-old Li Yuchun, why has he never been in love or married? What exactly does she want?

Li Yuchun's success is not limited to the field of music. Her film and television works have also been well received by the audience and industry insiders, and films such as "October Siege", "Dragon Gate Flying Armor" and "Macau Fengyun 3" not only have a good reputation, but also have quite outstanding box office results.

Although he failed to win a heavyweight award because of the limited weight of the role, Li Yuchun's performance on the screen still won wide recognition.

In the fashion industry, Li Yuchun has made history. She not only became the first Chinese singer to appear on "VOGUE", but also broke the record in the circle, becoming the first Chinese music superstar to include the "five big and two small" magazines in the fashion industry.

This achievement not only demonstrates her influence in the field of music, but also proves her charm as an all-round artist.

38-year-old Li Yuchun, why has he never been in love or married? What exactly does she want?

From a young girl on the stage of the talent show, to a top singer in the Chinese music scene, to an all-round artist in cross-border film and television and fashion, Li Yuchun has carved a strong mark in the entertainment industry with his talent and sweat.

Her success story is not only a model of personal struggle, but also a microcosm of an era, inspiring countless young people with dreams to move forward bravely.

In the spring of 1984, in an ordinary family in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, Li Yuchun fell to the ground. Her father was an ordinary police officer, her mother was unemployed at the time, and the family depended on her father's salary for a living.

Although his life was not rich, Li Yuchun's childhood was full of joy and warmth.

38-year-old Li Yuchun, why has he never been in love or married? What exactly does she want?

Since childhood, Li Yuchun has shown unique qualities. She is not only well-behaved and sensible, but also has excellent academic performance, which always makes her parents feel very gratified. However, what really made this little girl's eyes shine was the music.

Whenever the school holds a singing competition, Li Yuchun is always the first student to sign up. Standing on the stage, she seems to be infused with infinite vitality, and her clear singing voice can always win bursts of applause.

"Chunchun, you sing so well!" The praise of his classmates was like a seed, planting the dream of becoming a singer in Li Yuchun's heart. She began to fantasize about one day being able to stand on a bigger stage and sing and infect more people with her voice.

However, reality is not a fairy tale. In middle school, in order to comply with school rules, Li Yuchun cut his hair short. This seemingly ordinary change became the beginning of her unique image in the future.

38-year-old Li Yuchun, why has he never been in love or married? What exactly does she want?

Li Yuchun, who has short hair, looks heroic and attracts the admiration of many boys. However, she is innocent and ignorant of these feelings, and always rejects others on the grounds that she is busy with studies.

As he grew older, Li Yuchun's love for music grew stronger. When the college entrance examination came, she resolutely chose the Sichuan Conservatory of Music as her goal. Despite her lack of professional training, she firmly believes that with hard work, there is nothing she can't do.

With the support of his parents, Li Yuchun found an excellent vocal teacher and began to prepare for the exam intensively.

During that time, Li Yuchun's life seemed to be only practice. Early in the morning, when the first rays of sunlight poured into the room, she was already standing in front of the mirror and began to practice vocalization; Late at night, when everything was silent, she was still pondering every note.

38-year-old Li Yuchun, why has he never been in love or married? What exactly does she want?

This spirit of hard work laid a solid foundation for her future success.

Finally, with this perseverance and hard work, Li Yuchun successfully stepped into the door of the long-cherished Sichuan Conservatory of Music. The moment he stood in front of the school gate, Li Yuchun's eyes flashed with hope.

She knows that this is just the beginning of her musical dreams, and that there is still a long way to go. But she firmly believes that as long as she keeps her original intention and moves forward bravely, one day, she will realize her dream and become a singer that people are moved by.

Stepping into the gate of the Sichuan Conservatory of Music, Li Yuchun thought that he was one step closer to his music dream. However, reality gave her a slap in the face. In this hall where many talented people gathered, Li Yuchun deeply felt his own shortcomings for the first time.

38-year-old Li Yuchun, why has he never been in love or married? What exactly does she want?

The students around her are not only outstanding in appearance, but also far above her in music. The "singing diva" who used to shine on campus feels unprecedented at the moment.

Li Yuchun began to question himself, wondering if he was really fit to take this path.

To add insult to injury, the short hair style she has always maintained has become the object of her ridicule here. The nickname "tomboy", like a sharp knife, deeply pierced Li Yuchun's sensitive heart.

The pressure of studying, coupled with the confusion in his heart, made Li Yuchun gradually lose his enthusiasm for music. She began to skip class and spend a lot of time playing online games.

38-year-old Li Yuchun, why has he never been in love or married? What exactly does she want?

The girl who was once full of longing for the future seems to be lost at the crossroads of her life at this moment.

However, just when Li Yuchun fell into a trough, her mother's love became her salvation again. On a vacation home, a perceptive mother noticed something unusual about her daughter.

Instead of choosing to blame, she opened her daughter's heart with understanding and listening.

"Chunchun, everyone is unique." Mother said gently, "You have your characteristics, and others have other people's strengths." The important thing is to believe in yourself and find your own path.

38-year-old Li Yuchun, why has he never been in love or married? What exactly does she want?

These words were like a beam of light, illuminating Li Yuchun's confused heart. She suddenly realized that she had been lost in comparing herself to others. Her mother's encouragement helped her regain her self-confidence and made her understand her original intention to pursue her music dream.

After returning to school, Li Yuchun judged the two. She began to devote herself to her studies and try to make up for her professional shortcomings. The "tomboy" style that was once ridiculed has gradually become a unique personal label at her insistence.

Li Yuchun began to re-examine his strengths and weaknesses. She realizes that while she may be inferior to others in some ways, she has her own unique musical style and stage charisma.

She decided not to blindly imitate others, but to try to discover her own characteristics and create her own personal style.

38-year-old Li Yuchun, why has he never been in love or married? What exactly does she want?

It was this experience of confusion and rebirth that made Li Yuchun more determined to pursue his music dream. She secretly vowed that she must prove herself with her strength and let everyone see that she is different.

This decision also laid the groundwork for her to participate in "Super Girl" in the future.

On the road of life, there will always be setbacks and confusion. But Li Yuchun's experience tells us that as long as we don't give up on ourselves and always believe in our own value, we will definitely be able to find our own way.

From the stage of "Super Girl" to the peak of the Chinese music scene, Li Yuchun's career can be said to be soaring. However, under this dazzling aura, what is little known is the personal troubles she faces.

38-year-old Li Yuchun, why has he never been in love or married? What exactly does she want?

During the years of Tianyu Company, Li Yuchun seemed to have become a never-ending machine. As the company's "cash cow", her schedule is so full that it is difficult to guarantee even the most basic sleep time.

Every day when she opens her eyes, what awaits her is always a mountain of work. Under such high-intensity pressure, Li Yuchun has no time to take care of his personal emotional life.

Despite this, Li Yuchun remains positive and optimistic. She often tells herself: "The hardships you eat now are all for the sweetness of the future." These words of self-encouragement became the motivation for her to persevere in the difficult years.

After leaving Tianyu, Li Yuchun founded his own studio and gained more autonomy. However, new challenges have also arisen. In Vanity Fair, how easy is it to find someone who truly loves and shares the same goals? Li Yuchun once said frankly in an interview: "I have a longing for love, but I can't force emotional things."

38-year-old Li Yuchun, why has he never been in love or married? What exactly does she want?

If I meet the right person, I will consider entering the palace of marriage.

In these words, it is not difficult for us to hear Li Yuchun's desire for love, but at the same time, we can also feel her caution and rationality. In the entertainment industry, she has witnessed too many examples of career setbacks due to relationships.

Zhang Liangying's experience made her feel even more palpitating, and it took many years of time, but in the end, it came to nothing. These lessons from the past made Li Yuchun more cautious on emotional issues.

In recent years, Li Yuchun's health has also become a major problem for her. According to media reports, she suffers from severe ankylosing spondylitis, which often recurs.

38-year-old Li Yuchun, why has he never been in love or married? What exactly does she want?

Faced with such a predicament, Li Yuchun chose to face it strongly. She is reluctant to pass on her pain to others, let alone affect her possible emotional development because of her own problems.

This independent character is not only her strength, but also an invisible barrier to her emotional life.

Despite this, Li Yuchun did not give up hope of finding true love. We can see that in recent years, her image has gradually changed to that of a goddess. Female elements such as stockings, skirts, and high heels that she didn't dare to try before, now she can easily control them.

At the 2016 Cannes Film Festival, Li Yuchun, dressed in a long black dress, stunned the audience, like an elegant and noble black swan. These changes are undoubtedly Li Yuchun's creation of possibilities for his love life.

38-year-old Li Yuchun, why has he never been in love or married? What exactly does she want?

Li Yuchun's story tells us that behind success is often hidden hardships that ordinary people can't imagine. Underneath the glamorous appearance, everyone has their own troubles and troubles.

However, it is precisely these challenges and difficulties that have created the Li Yuchun we see today – a talented, strong and independent woman who constantly pushes through herself.

She told the world with her actions: I, Li Yuchun, am not only a successful singer, but also a charming woman. No matter what difficulties she encounters, she will face them bravely in her own way and continue to move forward on the road of life.

Standing at the 38-year-old point of life, Li Yuchun's heart may be more eager for love than ever. As a woman who grew up under the influence of traditional Chinese culture, she is well aware of her parents' concern for her marriage.

38-year-old Li Yuchun, why has he never been in love or married? What exactly does she want?

Li Yuchun's parents, like thousands of Chinese parents, often tactfully inquire about their daughter's emotional status, hoping that she can find her own happiness as soon as possible.

Li Yuchun knows his parents' concern. Since becoming famous, she has been doing her best to repay her parents, and even spent tens of millions of dollars to buy a mansion for them. However, on emotional issues, Li Yuchun has always maintained his attitude.

She understands that marriage cannot be a child's play, and it is not something that can be spent with just someone. In her opinion, the relationship needs to be happy with each other, and it is necessary to find the person who truly understands and supports herself.

Facing the future, Li Yuchun maintains an open and expectant attitude. She believes that one day she will meet the person who makes her heart flutter. That person may not come on a white horse like the prince in a fairy tale, but he will definitely be someone she will cherish for the rest of her life.

38-year-old Li Yuchun, why has he never been in love or married? What exactly does she want?

Li Yuchun's attitude tells us that love should not be defined by age or social pressure, and the important thing is to find the person who truly fits you.

The lesson of Li Yuchun's story is that everyone has the right to live at their own pace and find their own happiness. Whether it's a career or a relationship, it's important to stay true to yourself and follow your inner voice.

She uses her actions to explain that a person's value should not be defined only by marital status, but should be the impact and contribution she brings to the world.

Today's Li Yuchun is still interpreting the meaning of life in his own way. Her music continues, and her quest never stops. Maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow, we will see a Li Yuchun who has found true love.

38-year-old Li Yuchun, why has he never been in love or married? What exactly does she want?

But in any case, what we hope to see will always be a happy Li Yuchun. Because she used her talent and hard work to win this right to happiness.

Li Yuchun's road of love may continue, but she has used her own way to interpret the independence, self-confidence and courage of a woman in the new era. This courage and persistence will undoubtedly make her future love even better.

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