
Make matters worse by attempting a coverup! Hu Ge knows that Magnolia is a game in the Shanghai circle, and his backstage speech alludes to his world-class appearance?

author:Xi Xi Gui Circle


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Make matters worse by attempting a coverup! Hu Ge knows that Magnolia is a game in the Shanghai circle, and his backstage speech alludes to his world-class appearance?

Text: Xixi Guiquan


"World-class" Hu Ge? Oh my God, it's laughable! A few days ago, the Magnolia Award ceremony was expected to be a feast for insiders, but who knew that it would become a "self-praise" conference.

Hu Ge, the "national male god", said during a group interview in the background, which was really eye-opening. Not only did he imply that he was a "powerhouse", but he also raised the Magnolia Award to the height of "world-class".

Oh, Hu Ge, Hu Ge, do you want to make yourself "world-class"? Don't make a fuss, let's be down-to-earth and act well!

Make matters worse by attempting a coverup! Hu Ge knows that Magnolia is a game in the Shanghai circle, and his backstage speech alludes to his world-class appearance?

Hu Ge's "world-class" speech, is it self-confidence or self-congratulation?

Dear audience friends, you must have also seen the recent Magnolia Award ceremony, right? What was supposed to be a star-studded event was turned out to be a bit comical by the remarks of some of the winners.

Today, let's talk about what Hu Ge, the "national male god", said during a group interview in the background. To be honest, I didn't even know whether to cry or laugh after listening to it.

Let's talk about Hu Ge's inexplicable speech first. He first politely said that "Shanghai is his blessed land", and then began to self-praise mode.

Make matters worse by attempting a coverup! Hu Ge knows that Magnolia is a game in the Shanghai circle, and his backstage speech alludes to his world-class appearance?

Hu Ge claimed that both the Shanghai Film Festival and the Magnolia Awards are located in Shanghai, but these two awards are not only for the Shanghai circle, but for the whole country and the world.

Hey, Hu Ge, Hu Ge, do you want to make yourself "world-class"? Let's not overdo it!

You must know that Hu Ge's words killed two birds with one stone. He not only justified his name for his second Magnolia Emperor, but also mentioned the battle for the actor at last year's Film Festival.

Make matters worse by attempting a coverup! Hu Ge knows that Magnolia is a game in the Shanghai circle, and his backstage speech alludes to his world-class appearance?

Do you remember? Last year, Hu Ge and Dapeng shared the Best Actor Award at the Shanghai Film Festival. At that time, many netizens questioned it, saying that this award was a bit of a "local special".

Now when Hu Ge says this, it seems to be telling everyone: Hey, I didn't win the prize by relying on the household registration book, I relied on my strength!

Make matters worse by attempting a coverup! Hu Ge knows that Magnolia is a game in the Shanghai circle, and his backstage speech alludes to his world-class appearance?

Netizens' reactions: Laughter or anger?

As soon as Hu Ge's words came out, netizens were very happy. Some people say that this is "no silver three hundred taels here", and some people say that it is "cheap and good".

Some netizens ridiculed: "Hu Ge, Hu Ge, you want to prove that you are strong enough, but you insist on pushing yourself to the 'world-class' level, but you are too sensitive and undignified!" "
Some netizens complained: "Looking at Hu Ge's expression, he is very dignified, how can he have the joy of winning the award?" Could it be that he knows that he is wrong? "
Make matters worse by attempting a coverup! Hu Ge knows that Magnolia is a game in the Shanghai circle, and his backstage speech alludes to his world-class appearance?

To be honest, I also think Hu Ge's words are indeed a bit exaggerated. Although the Magnolia Award is a well-known TV drama award in China, is it a bit exaggerated to say that it is "world-class"?

Besides, even if the Magnolia Award is really "world-class", it doesn't mean that the winner is a "world-class" actor. Hu Ge, are you trying to gain "world-class" popularity?

Make matters worse by attempting a coverup! Hu Ge knows that Magnolia is a game in the Shanghai circle, and his backstage speech alludes to his world-class appearance?

Zhou Xun's attitude: generosity or scheming?

After talking about Hu Ge, let's talk about Zhou Xun after the same second seal. Unlike Hu Ge, Zhou Xun was particularly "generous" during the backstage group interview.

When asked about the turmoil in "The Legend of Ruyi" a while ago, Zhou Xun behaved lightly:

Make matters worse by attempting a coverup! Hu Ge knows that Magnolia is a game in the Shanghai circle, and his backstage speech alludes to his world-class appearance?
"That's how it is in this era, so I don't think it's okay. Just be happy. "

At first glance, Zhou Xun's words were quite atmospheric, as if he was ready to entertain the public. However, netizens didn't buy it.

Some netizens bluntly said: "Since it doesn't matter, why did you frantically report so many up masters and netizens who complained?" Isn't that a paradox? "
Make matters worse by attempting a coverup! Hu Ge knows that Magnolia is a game in the Shanghai circle, and his backstage speech alludes to his world-class appearance?

To be honest, I also think Zhou Xun's words are a bit fake. You must know that during the turmoil of "The Legend of Ruyi", Zhou Xun really participated in the "counterattack" against netizens. Isn't it a bit too hypocritical to pretend that you don't care now?

Magnolia Award: Heat and controversy coexist

From the announcement of the finalists to the final awards, this year's Magnolia Award can be said to have earned enough public opinion. On the one hand, it is the carnival of the fan circle, and on the other hand, it is the geographical dilemma set by the award itself.

Make matters worse by attempting a coverup! Hu Ge knows that Magnolia is a game in the Shanghai circle, and his backstage speech alludes to his world-class appearance?

According to statistics, the number of readings on this year's Magnolia Award-related topics on the Weibo platform exceeded 1 billion, and the number of discussions reached 5 million+. Such figures are indeed staggering, but the question is, what exactly does this heat bring?

Popularity brings attention, but it also brings waves of negative reviews. Many netizens questioned the fairness of the Magnolia Award, believing that it was more like a "Shanghai circle game".

Make matters worse by attempting a coverup! Hu Ge knows that Magnolia is a game in the Shanghai circle, and his backstage speech alludes to his world-class appearance?

To be honest, I don't think this kind of skepticism is unfounded. The Magnolia Awards do have some problems, such as the lack of transparency in the selection criteria and the uneven geographical distribution of the winners. If these problems are not resolved, I am afraid that the credibility of the Magnolia Award will become less and less.

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet, and some netizens thought that Hu Ge's remarks were a bit overdone.

Make matters worse by attempting a coverup! Hu Ge knows that Magnolia is a game in the Shanghai circle, and his backstage speech alludes to his world-class appearance?
A netizen said: "Hu Ge, your acting skills are good, but isn't it a bit too much to say that you are 'world-class'?" We still have to be self-aware! "

Some netizens defended Hu Ge, thinking that he just wanted to express his strength and the gold content of the Magnolia Award.

Another netizen said: "I think Hu Ge is right, the Magnolia Award is indeed for the whole country, why can't it be world-class?" The level of our Chinese TV dramas is not bad! "
Make matters worse by attempting a coverup! Hu Ge knows that Magnolia is a game in the Shanghai circle, and his backstage speech alludes to his world-class appearance?

Some netizens think that this whole thing has been over-interpreted.

Some netizens commented: "Are you too sensitive? Hu Ge may just say it casually, without thinking so much. Why should we go online? "

Regarding Zhou Xun's attitude, netizens' opinions are also varied.

Make matters worse by attempting a coverup! Hu Ge knows that Magnolia is a game in the Shanghai circle, and his backstage speech alludes to his world-class appearance?
Someone said: "Zhou Xun is pretending to be generous, right?" It was so fierce before, but now that it doesn't matter, who believes it? "
Some people also praised Zhou Xun: "I think Zhou Xun is very good, at least now he can face the previous turmoil peacefully, this is progress!" "

In general, the reactions of netizens also reflect the public's mixed attitudes towards these things in the entertainment industry. On the one hand, everyone hopes that the stars can be humble and sincere; On the other hand, he over-interpreted the words and deeds of celebrities. This may also be a dilemma in the entertainment industry.

Make matters worse by attempting a coverup! Hu Ge knows that Magnolia is a game in the Shanghai circle, and his backstage speech alludes to his world-class appearance?

Written at the end: The entertainment industry needs more sincerity and less routines

Looking back on the whole incident, it is not difficult for us to find that whether it is Hu Ge's "world-class" remarks or Zhou Xun's "generosity" attitude, they all reflect some problems in the current entertainment industry.

Make matters worse by attempting a coverup! Hu Ge knows that Magnolia is a game in the Shanghai circle, and his backstage speech alludes to his world-class appearance?

First of all, celebrities seem to be less and less able to communicate with the public sincerely. Their words and deeds are often carefully designed and full of "routines". While this approach may gain traction in the short term, it will only lead to growing public disappointment in the long run.

Second, some awards ceremonies seem to have turned into "self-praise conventions" for celebrities. The winners are not humbly thanking themselves, but taking the opportunity to "clear their name". This practice not only reduces the gold content of the award itself, but also makes the public lose confidence in the entire entertainment industry.

Make matters worse by attempting a coverup! Hu Ge knows that Magnolia is a game in the Shanghai circle, and his backstage speech alludes to his world-class appearance?

Finally, we have to reflect: as an audience, do we also have high expectations for celebrities? Is it also invisibly promoting this pompous atmosphere?

Perhaps, what we need is not a "world-class" star, but a sincere, down-to-earth actor. It is not a flashy award ceremony, but a fair and transparent selection mechanism.

Make matters worse by attempting a coverup! Hu Ge knows that Magnolia is a game in the Shanghai circle, and his backstage speech alludes to his world-class appearance?

So the question is: in this era of entertainment, how do we balance the halo of stars with real performances? Everyone is welcome to leave a message in the comment area and share your views!

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