
Zhang Zhijie passed away in the field! The rescue process was exposed, he might be able to live, whose responsibility is it?

author:Thirty-seven is just right

The 17-year-old national feather teenager fainted and died in the game, which is heartbreaking, only 17 years old, it is youth!

Zhang Zhijie has won many championships in badminton singles and team competitions at a young age, and his future is limitless, he is really jealous of talent!


watched the video, Zhang Zhijie was fine a second ago, but suddenly fell to the ground, and then began to have convulsions, this situation should be a heart problem, which reminded netizens of the scene when Eriksen fell to the ground in the European Cup.


The situation is very similar, but the difference is that Eriksen was treated effectively in time, while our youngster Zhang Zhijie died after ineffective treatment.

The whole process was: Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground, accompanied by convulsions, the opponent was stunned, the coach stepped forward to check the situation, was stopped again, and began to call the medical personnel, and waited until the medical personnel arrived, carried on a stretcher and sent to the hospital, the whole process lasted about 2 minutes.

Regarding Zhang Zhijie's death, netizens have a lot of discussions.

Netizens said that after Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground, if the people around him could carry out professional life and death rescue like Erikson did, they might be able to live!

Zhang Zhijie passed away in the field! The rescue process was exposed, he might be able to live, whose responsibility is it?
Zhang Zhijie passed away in the field! The rescue process was exposed, he might be able to live, whose responsibility is it?

As for the responsibility for this accident, some people blame Zhang Zhijie's coach and medical logistics support team for not going up for treatment as soon as possible.

Some people say that the referee is to blame, the coach went up and was stopped by the referee, is the game important or the human life important?

Others say that Indonesia should be responsible! There was no professional first-aid equipment at the scene, and the rescue of medical personnel was not professional, so they were directly carried away on a stretcher! The rescue time of the gold has been delayed!

Zhang Zhijie passed away in the field! The rescue process was exposed, he might be able to live, whose responsibility is it?
Zhang Zhijie passed away in the field! The rescue process was exposed, he might be able to live, whose responsibility is it?
Zhang Zhijie passed away in the field! The rescue process was exposed, he might be able to live, whose responsibility is it?

What do you think about this? Who do you think is responsible for Zhang Zhijie's death? Welcome to chat in the comment area.

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