
Tsinghua University and Peking University are double scholars, but they have become a high school teacher with a salary of 4,000, and now they are famous

author:Dongdong speaks of ancient and modern
Tsinghua University and Peking University are double scholars, but they have become a high school teacher with a salary of 4,000, and now they are famous
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Tsinghua University and Peking University are double scholars, but they have become a high school teacher with a salary of 4,000, and now they are famous

In April 2017, a seemingly mundane video caused an uproar on the Internet. This video explaining "calculating leap years" has exceeded 20 million views in just a few days.

The man in the video is not a celebrity Internet celebrity, but an ordinary high school physics teacher named Li Yongle.

In a vivid and interesting way, he revealed the mystery of leap year calculation: it turned out that it was not a simple leap every four years, but involved complex astronomical principles. Li Yongle skillfully used the idea of ensemble to accurately calculate that there were 2,425 leap years from 1 to 10,000 AD.

The popularity of this video caught Li Yongle by surprise. He was originally just an unknown teacher, but because of this video, he became the center of attention overnight.

Tsinghua University and Peking University are double scholars, but they have become a high school teacher with a salary of 4,000, and now they are famous

Li Yongle's educational background can be called a halo. As an outstanding graduate of Peking University with a double degree in physics and economics, he was admitted to Tsinghua University with excellent grades and obtained a master's degree.

Such a resume should have paved the way for him to succeed, but the reality went in an unexpected direction.

During his time at the school, Li Yongle not only excelled in his studies, but also won many good results in various competitions. He has represented the school in the International Collegiate Debating Tournament and has shown outstanding eloquence. He won the championship in the Beijing University Speech Contest for two consecutive years, fully demonstrating his knowledge reserve and expression ability.

These accolades did not lead him to the desired career advancement.

Tsinghua University and Peking University are double scholars, but they have become a high school teacher with a salary of 4,000, and now they are famous

In 2009, 26-year-old Li Yongle stood at the crossroads of his life. Despite having a double master's degree from a top university, he repeatedly hit a wall in his job search.

In an interview at Sony's Beijing headquarters, he bluntly said that he wanted to avoid overtime, and this inflexible attitude made him miss the opportunity. In the interview with the Lehman Brothers, when asked how to choose stocks, he honestly replied "pick and choose", and this overly sincere answer once again left him with a job offer.

Faced with a series of failures, Li Yongle began to reflect on his life choices. He longs for a simple working environment, and he doesn't want to go with the flow or get caught up in the fierce competition in the workplace.

Under this clash of values, he made a surprising decision: to become an ordinary high school physics teacher.

Tsinghua University and Peking University are double scholars, but they have become a high school teacher with a salary of 4,000, and now they are famous

In 2009, Li Yongle came to the middle school affiliated to Chinese Minmin University to apply for a job. Faced with the principal's questions about low salary and high pressure, he answered with the story of the scientist Faraday, expressing his love for knowledge and learning.

This sincere answer touched the school, and Li Yongle successfully obtained this teaching position with a monthly salary of only 4,000 yuan.

In this way, this double master's degree with a top academic degree began his ordinary and fulfilling career as a teacher. This decision not only changed the trajectory of his life, but also laid the groundwork for his future popularity.

Li Yongle's choice shows us an important philosophy of life: real success does not lie in the external aura, but in the inner satisfaction and love for the cause.

Tsinghua University and Peking University are double scholars, but they have become a high school teacher with a salary of 4,000, and now they are famous

After stepping into the teaching position, Li Yongle soon found that the reality was more difficult than he imagined. The daily work is intense and heavy: preparing for classes, giving lectures, correcting assignments, communicating with students, and preparing for public classes in my spare time.

As he gained experience, he was given the additional responsibility of participating in competitions.

Competitions are even more challenging, and it often takes two or three days to prepare for a lesson. In the most difficult time, Li Yongle could only rest for 3 hours a day.

In the face of such high-intensity work, he laughed at himself: "I used to be an energetic young man with thick hair and eight-pack abs, but now I am unrecognizable." Although this sentence is humorous, it also reveals his dedication to his work.

Tsinghua University and Peking University are double scholars, but they have become a high school teacher with a salary of 4,000, and now they are famous

Li Yongle was not knocked down by these difficulties. Instead, he began to explore unique teaching methods. He is good at combining boring physics knowledge with real life, and explains complex concepts in a lively and interesting way.

For example, he will use the economic theory of "sunk cost" and the eternal topic of "love" to convey the problem-solving skills to students: for those problems that cannot be solved, you might as well put them aside for a while, just like those who are not worthy of love, you should let go in time.

Li Yongle keeps up with the trend of the times and introduces pop culture elements into his classes, which makes students sigh: "Listening to his lectures is more fascinating than playing games." "This innovative teaching method not only makes boring physics knowledge lively and interesting, but also makes students interested in learning.

Mr. Lee's efforts soon paid off. The physics grades of his classes showed an astonishing rate of improvement without exception. Among the first batch of graduates he trained, more than 30 students were successfully admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University, which is the pride of his alma mater.

Tsinghua University and Peking University are double scholars, but they have become a high school teacher with a salary of 4,000, and now they are famous

The physics competition team led by him has been ranked first in the country for a long time, demonstrating his excellent teaching ability.

Li Yongle's educational philosophy is not only to impart knowledge, but also to cultivate students' thinking ability and learning attitude. When the class test results are not satisfactory, he does not resort to harsh criticism, but chooses to shave his own hair as a way to express his dissatisfaction with the grades.

This unique way not only expresses his importance to teaching, but also avoids excessive psychological pressure on students, which reflects his educational wisdom.

It is this love for education and innovative spirit that makes Li Yongle shine in his ordinary position as a teacher. He is not only an excellent teacher, but also a creative and infectious educator.

Tsinghua University and Peking University are double scholars, but they have become a high school teacher with a salary of 4,000, and now they are famous

These experiences and achievements have laid a solid foundation for Li Yongle's future Internet popularity, and also let us see the demeanor of a truly excellent educator.

From 2012 to 2013, Li Yongle experienced the second period of confusion in his career. Teaching day in and day out made him feel that his life was stuck in a mechanical cycle.

However, this confusion does not stem from boredom with work, but from the desire for more efficient and rewarding ways to teach. He began to think about how to break through the limitations of the traditional classroom and spread knowledge to a wider world.

In a flash of inspiration, Li Yongle began to try to record instructional videos. He recorded the knowledge points that students often asked one by one and made them into short and concise videos.

Tsinghua University and Peking University are double scholars, but they have become a high school teacher with a salary of 4,000, and now they are famous

He affectionately calls these videos "toilet videos", which means that students can easily grasp a knowledge point by taking advantage of the short time they spend on the toilet. This innovative attempt not only helps students better understand knowledge, but also finds a new challenge and breakthrough for Li Yongle himself.

As he became more proficient in video production, Li Yongle began to set his sights on a broader world. In 2018, he made an important decision: to organize and publish all the teaching videos accumulated in the past to the online platform for the majority of netizens to learn for free.

This move stems from his deep concern for equity in education. He knows that in some remote areas, students don't even have access to the internet to watch videos. In order to allow more children to enjoy high-quality educational resources, he also carefully planned and published a set of physics science books.

This set of books makes complex physics knowledge easy to understand and interesting with simple text and vivid and interesting comic illustrations.

Tsinghua University and Peking University are double scholars, but they have become a high school teacher with a salary of 4,000, and now they are famous

In the process of making videos and writing books, Li Yongle has always adhered to one idea: to closely integrate knowledge with real life. He is good at using examples from everyday life to explain complex physical concepts, making boring theories lively and interesting.

For example, he will use the probability of winning the lottery to compare the odds of being admitted to Tsinghua University, and tell students in a humorous way that instead of hoping for luck, it is better to study hard in a down-to-earth manner.

Li Yongle once modestly said: "I am not the creator of knowledge, I am only the transmitter of knowledge." Although I am not handsome and dashing, I am deeply attracted by the beauty of science.

This quote not only reflects his humble attitude, but also expresses his love for science and education.

Tsinghua University and Peking University are double scholars, but they have become a high school teacher with a salary of 4,000, and now they are famous

It was this continuous innovation and enthusiasm for education that paved the way for Li Yongle's future popularity. His path of science popularization not only changed the trajectory of his life, but also affected the future of countless students.

From an ordinary high school physics teacher to a popular online science popularizer, Li Yongle has interpreted the true meaning of education with his actions: spreading knowledge and lighting up the soul.

In April 2017, Li Yongle's life ushered in an unexpected turning point. A video he recorded many years ago about "calculating leap years" went viral, with more than 10 million views in just one day and soaring to 20 million the next day.

This sudden popularity caught Li Yongle, who has always been low-key, off guard.

Tsinghua University and Peking University are double scholars, but they have become a high school teacher with a salary of 4,000, and now they are famous

However, doubts and controversies followed. Some people began to blame Li Yongle, believing that as a teacher, he frequently posted online videos, which could affect his normal teaching work.

Some people even complained to the education authorities, believing that his behavior was detrimental to the image of teachers. In the face of the warning of the Education Commission, Li Yongle seemed a little helpless and said that he would try to minimize such behavior.

But Li Yongle's strength and talent did not allow him to remain silent. Just a year later, his fan base swelled to 5 million. His instructional videos not only attract students, but even the elderly who accompany their children in their studies have become his loyal viewers.

In 2018, Li Yongle won the Golden Second Award for Best Knowledge Short Video for his unique teaching style and wide influence. In 2022, he was named the "Beijing Model" Person of the Year, which was widely recognized by the society.

Tsinghua University and Peking University are double scholars, but they have become a high school teacher with a salary of 4,000, and now they are famous

Despite the controversy, Li Yongle has also gained unprecedented support. The principal fully supports his innovative teaching method, believing that this teaching model combined with the Internet represents the direction of future education development.

The state media also publicly praised him, affirming his contributions to the field of education and popularization.

Netizens affectionately call him the "Yongle Canon", an encyclopedic allusion from the Ming Dynasty that has been given a new meaning and reflects the praise for Li Yongle's knowledge.

Today, Li Yongle has become an internet celebrity with tens of millions of followers, and each of his videos can spark a lot of discussion and learning.

Tsinghua University and Peking University are double scholars, but they have become a high school teacher with a salary of 4,000, and now they are famous

This state of coexistence of controversy and recognition precisely reflects Li Yongle's unique charm and influence as an educator. He proved that excellent educators should not be limited to traditional classrooms, but should embrace new technologies and let the light of knowledge shine on a broader world.

Today, Li Yongle has become a well-known Internet celebrity teacher. However, in the wave of fame and traffic, he has never forgotten his original intention - to make more people have access to high-quality educational resources.

In Li Yongle's popular science video, we can still see that unpretentious figure: simple shooting equipment, an empty classroom, and a person talking to the camera.

This straightforward and unadorned way of expression precisely reflects Li Yongle's pure love for education.

Tsinghua University and Peking University are double scholars, but they have become a high school teacher with a salary of 4,000, and now they are famous

Li Yongle has always been concerned about the imbalance of educational resources. He personally visited Huining County, Gansu Province, and witnessed the poor educational environment and the students' thirst for knowledge.

In the dilapidated classrooms on the Loess Plateau, the sound of reading reverberates, which is the voice that carries the hope of the whole family. This experience deeply touched Li Yongle and strengthened his determination to provide high-quality educational resources for students in poor areas.

From an ordinary high school teacher with a monthly salary of 4,000 yuan to today's Internet celebrity science popularizer, Li Yongle's life experience is undoubtedly legendary. But behind this legend, we see an educator's persistence in his original intention, his love for knowledge, and his unremitting efforts to change the status quo of education.

Li Yongle often said: "I should contribute to the cause of education in poor areas. This is not just a slogan, but a commitment that he has been practicing with action.

Tsinghua University and Peking University are double scholars, but they have become a high school teacher with a salary of 4,000, and now they are famous

Through free online courses and easy-to-understand popular science books, Li Yongle is working hard to narrow the gap in educational resources so that more students can enjoy high-quality education.

This may be the real reason why Li Yongle continues to attract people's attention - he not only disseminates knowledge, but also conveys his love for education and sense of responsibility to society.

In this era of information explosion, Li Yongle uses his own way to interpret what a real educator is.

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