
Zhao Liying's new drama is bursting with popularity, Yu Zheng is supporting, netizens: Don't rub my sister's popularity anymore!

author:Entertainment Newsletter


Yu Zheng's plan to "sign Zhao Liying".

Yu Zheng, a well-known screenwriter and producer in the entertainment industry, once had a bold idea - to sign Zhao Liying, who was not very famous at the time. This idea is not groundless, but based on a deep recognition of Zhao Liying's acting skills. Yu Zheng believes that Zhao Liying not only performs well in front of the camera, but more importantly, her character and professional attitude. This recognition made Yu Zheng think about incorporating Zhao Liying into his team.

Zhao Liying's new drama is bursting with popularity, Yu Zheng is supporting, netizens: Don't rub my sister's popularity anymore!

But it's not that simple. Yu Zheng's idea was soon interpreted by the outside world as "Sima Zhao's heart, known to passers-by". Netizens speculated whether Yu Zheng's move was just to rub off on Zhao Liying's popularity. After all, Zhao Liying at that time had already begun to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry with her own efforts.

Zhao Liying's new drama is bursting with popularity, Yu Zheng is supporting, netizens: Don't rub my sister's popularity anymore!

Zhao Liying's work is expected


With the popularity of "Walking with the Phoenix", Zhao Liying's fans began to look forward to her next work. Zhao Liying's acting skills and popularity have made her a favorite in the hearts of many directors and producers. But fans are also worried that Yu Zheng's plan to "sign Zhao Liying" will not affect Zhao Liying's normal development. After all, the battle for resources in the entertainment industry has always been cruel.

Zhao Liying's new drama is bursting with popularity, Yu Zheng is supporting, netizens: Don't rub my sister's popularity anymore!

Netizens are also talking about this. Someone joked: "Zhao Liying's popularity, how can it be picked up by any person?" This kind of humorous and sharp comment undoubtedly adds to the interactivity of the article. Fans have expressed their hope that Zhao Liying can continue to maintain her style and not be disturbed by the outside world.

Zhao Liying's new drama is bursting with popularity, Yu Zheng is supporting, netizens: Don't rub my sister's popularity anymore!

Yu Zheng's plan to "sign Zhao Liying", although it did not come true in the end, did not affect Zhao Liying's status in the entertainment industry. With her own efforts and talents, she has come to this day step by step. And Yu Zheng also proved his influence in the entertainment industry once again through this incident.

Zhao Liying's new drama is bursting with popularity, Yu Zheng is supporting, netizens: Don't rub my sister's popularity anymore!

Yu Zheng and Zhao Liying: An unfinished dream of "signing".

Although Yu Zheng's plan to "sign Zhao Liying" did not come to fruition, this did not prevent us from discussing it. In the battle for resources in the entertainment industry, it has always been you singing and I appearing. Zhao Liying's popularity, how can it be picked up by any person? But this also reflects from the side that Zhao Liying's strength and popularity have reached a new height.

Zhao Liying's new drama is bursting with popularity, Yu Zheng is supporting, netizens: Don't rub my sister's popularity anymore!

Netizens also expressed their opinions on this. Some people think that Yu Zheng's move is just to gain popularity, but some people think that Yu Zheng's recognition of Zhao Liying is from the heart. In any case, Zhao Liying's future is still worth looking forward to. After all, her acting skills and character have been widely recognized.

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