
46-year-old Huang Xiaoming compared with 62-year-old Andy Lau, the gap between bone aging and skin aging is clear at a glance

author:A small space in Aoyama

In June 2024, the Film Association held a meeting of the National People's Congress in the solemn Great Hall of the People. But because the appearance of these two stars (Andy Lau and Huang Xiaoming) triggered an unexpected showdown of appearance, the popularity instantly broke through the whole network.

Captured by CCTV cameras, 62-year-old Andy Lau and 46-year-old Huang Xiaoming showed completely different states, which sparked heated discussions on the whole network.

46-year-old Huang Xiaoming compared with 62-year-old Andy Lau, the gap between bone aging and skin aging is clear at a glance

Andy Lau seems to have made a deal with time. Although he is over the age of six, his face is still as smooth as ever, his eyes are full of vitality, and his facial lines are well-defined. His familiar face seems to have stepped out of a movie 20 years ago, and the years seem to have only passed gently, leaving no trace on him.

His appearance is like a clear stream, which makes people sigh at the love of the years.

However, in comparison, the 46-year-old Huang Xiaoming looks tired, his face is no longer handsome and charming, his complexion is dull, his nasolabial folds are obvious, and his eyes are blank. Attentive viewers can even see that he has poor skin, enlarged pores, thinning hair, and even noticeable blackheads.

What's even more surprising is that Huang Xiaoming's hairline problem was also exposed, and the traces of hair thinning were obvious, which were discovered by sensitive netizens.

46-year-old Huang Xiaoming compared with 62-year-old Andy Lau, the gap between bone aging and skin aging is clear at a glance

This huge contrast can't help but make people sigh. is also a star in the entertainment industry, and has also experienced the baptism of the years, why is there such a world of difference? What is Andy Lau's secret to maintaining excellent condition? Is it a natural bony advantage, or a positive attitude towards life? And what kind of changes has Huang Xiaoming's state undergone? .

This unexpected "same frame" exposes the huge difference between bone and skin aging with the passage of time, and also arouses people's curiosity and discussion about the secrets of celebrity maintenance.

This reminds us that in this entertainment industry where appearance is important, time is the fairest and most ruthless referee, and how to face the challenges of the years gracefully may be a question that every public figure needs to think about.

46-year-old Huang Xiaoming compared with 62-year-old Andy Lau, the gap between bone aging and skin aging is clear at a glance

The passage of time has made us witness the peak moment of Huang Xiaoming's appearance. At that time, he had bright eyes and a smile as bright as sunshine, and he was the prince charming in the hearts of countless girls.

However, the years are like a ruthless carving knife, quietly carving the traces of time on his handsome face.

The change of Huang Xiaoming's image first began to be exposed from his hair. Attentive netizens found that Huang Xiaoming's hair had begun to thin when he was young. At that time, although his face was immature, he looked a few years older than his actual age because of his high hairline and thin and collapsed hair.

46-year-old Huang Xiaoming compared with 62-year-old Andy Lau, the gap between bone aging and skin aging is clear at a glance

In order to maintain a perfect image, he had to use wigs and makeup skills to disguise Every time he attended an event, Huang Xiaoming's flat hairline always aroused suspicion After careful observation, people found that the perfect hairline was actually done through makeup, and the texture of his wig was similar to real hair, which was difficult to detect.

As soon as this secret was exposed, it immediately sparked heated discussions among netizens. Only then did people realize that behind the perfect personality of the original star, there are also unspeakable troubles. This contrast makes ordinary people have a wonderful resonance: it turns out that those glamorous stars will also be troubled by hair loss.

However, what made Huang Xiaoming fall into the whirlpool of public opinion was the emergence of the "greasy man" label. The label does not stem from his figure, but because he often plays the role of a domineering president in film and television works, and brings this image into real life.

46-year-old Huang Xiaoming compared with 62-year-old Andy Lau, the gap between bone aging and skin aging is clear at a glance

In the variety show "Chinese Restaurant", there was a turning point. At that time, Huang Xiaoming originally intended to care about the injured Yang Zi and not let her do heavy work. However, due to the editing problem of the program team, what he said to Yang Zi, "I don't want you to think, I want me to feel" was taken out of context and instantly spread all over the Internet.

This sentence, known as "Mingyan Mingyu", made him the object of ridicule by netizens for a while.

Since then, Huang Xiaoming's every behavior and demeanor will be scrutinized by the public, whether it is his expression in a variety show or his words in a public event, it may be interpreted as "greasy".

46-year-old Huang Xiaoming compared with 62-year-old Andy Lau, the gap between bone aging and skin aging is clear at a glance

This kind of continuous negative attention made Huang Xiaoming dare not speak easily for fear of triggering controversy again.

Huang Xiaoming's public image has taken a sharp turn for the worse, and he was once a heartthrob, but now he is labeled "greasy". This huge gap not only affected his image, but also deeply pierced his heart.

From the focus of attention to the object of ridicule, this transformation is undoubtedly cruel, Huang Xiaoming's experience also allows everyone to see the cruelty and ruthlessness of the entertainment industry and the huge impact of public opinion on the image of celebrities.

46-year-old Huang Xiaoming compared with 62-year-old Andy Lau, the gap between bone aging and skin aging is clear at a glance

Faced with a flood of negative comments, Huang Xiaoming chose to remain silent. However, silence does not mean that he compromises on this. During this difficult period, we see his fragile and true side, an ordinary person who struggles to redeem himself under the weight of public opinion.

In Li Jiaqi's live broadcast room, we captured the fragile side of Huang Xiaoming's heart. When he blocked the camera slightly, Huang Xiaoming immediately nervously asked Li Jiaqi if it would affect his sense of the camera.

This cautious attitude is in stark contrast to his confident and sunny image in the past, and what is even more distressing is that when Li Jiaqi comforted him not to be too sensitive, Huang Xiaoming whispered the heartbreaking words: "Everyone doesn't seem to like me" At this moment, what we see is no longer the glamorous star, but an ordinary person who has been hurt by public opinion.

46-year-old Huang Xiaoming compared with 62-year-old Andy Lau, the gap between bone aging and skin aging is clear at a glance

But Huang Xiaoming did not give up. He embarked on a difficult path of self-redemption. He wanted to be able to remove the label of "greasy", so he began to strictly manage himself in a place that the public could not see.

The first is body management, he has carried out strict fitness training, and he has also put forward strict requirements for diet, followed by expression management, he began to pay attention to every expression and movement, trying to avoid causing controversy again.

This process is quite difficult for Huang Xiaoming, and every step must be carefully taken to avoid becoming the target of public opinion again. However, his efforts were not in vain. After a period of exercise, he managed to lose weight, and when he reappeared in public, his skin condition improved significantly.

46-year-old Huang Xiaoming compared with 62-year-old Andy Lau, the gap between bone aging and skin aging is clear at a glance

However, this shift does not seem to have eradicated the problem, but rather created a new problem. Huang Xiaoming, who was once full of self-confidence, has now become extremely sensitive and cautious. He no longer expresses himself as freely as he used to, but is always on the lookout for negative comments that may be triggered.

This kind of transformation is not only a reluctant compromise, but also a painful growth.

At the time of Huang Xiaoming's image crisis, the 62-year-old Andy Lau is still full of charm, and his appearance is like a clear stream, which makes people sigh at the love of the years. So what is Andy Lau's secret to keeping fresh?

46-year-old Huang Xiaoming compared with 62-year-old Andy Lau, the gap between bone aging and skin aging is clear at a glance

First of all, his bone superiority is impressive. The proportions of his facial features are extremely harmonious, especially the eyes full of charm, which have become his strongest weapon against the years. At the age of 62, his appearance is almost the same as 20 years ago.

This natural advantage makes him unique among his peers.

However, it is not enough to rely on innate strengths. Andy Lau's charm stems more from his versatility. Since his debut, he has been active in the entertainment industry as an actor and singer.

46-year-old Huang Xiaoming compared with 62-year-old Andy Lau, the gap between bone aging and skin aging is clear at a glance

As an actor, he has created countless roles that are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, especially in police-themed movies, his performance is even more impressive As a singer, the songs he wrote are still sung today, and the philosophy of life contained in the lyrics is even more resonant This all-round talent makes him always fresh in the hearts of the audience.

What's more, Andy Lau has always maintained a positive screen image. Most of the film characters he portrayed in his youth were positive, especially police-type characters.

This long-term portrayal has led everyone to see him as a model for the police, and his action scenes in the film have cemented his image as a "hero" in the minds of audiences.

46-year-old Huang Xiaoming compared with 62-year-old Andy Lau, the gap between bone aging and skin aging is clear at a glance

Andy Lau has not only made remarkable achievements in his career, but his contributions to philanthropy have won wide acclaim from the public. Most of the income he earns in the entertainment industry is invested in charity, and this noble character adds more aura to him, and makes people's respect for him not only stay at the level of an artist.

Andy Lau's personality charm makes people involuntarily attracted to him. Although he has become a top superstar in the film industry, he has always maintained a humble and courteous attitude. Whether in public or in private, he always behaves politely and respectfully.

This humble gesture makes people admire his personality charm even more.

46-year-old Huang Xiaoming compared with 62-year-old Andy Lau, the gap between bone aging and skin aging is clear at a glance

Andy Lau's example proves that true charm comes not only from the outside, but also from the inside. His success belongs to the perfect combination of external beauty and inner beauty, which is the essence of time precipitation.

In the entertainment industry where appearance wins, Andy Lau has proved with his actions that only by combining external charm with internal cultivation can he truly achieve longevity and become an eternal idol.

Andy Lau's charm is not only reflected in his personal achievements, but also in his huge influence on fans. Andy Lau's charm transcends the limitations of age and gender, resonates widely, and has become a unique cultural phenomenon.

46-year-old Huang Xiaoming compared with 62-year-old Andy Lau, the gap between bone aging and skin aging is clear at a glance

Yang Lijuan's story is widely circulated for the extent of its extreme fan fanaticism. This woman has always had a fierce desire for Andy Lau since she was a girl. Her obsession with idols is jaw-dropping: in order to chase stars, she even did not hesitate to force her family to smash the pot and sell iron.

Every performance of Andy Lau, every offline event, she almost has to go to the scene to support this almost paranoid love, which lasted until her middle age, even at this age, she still does not regret her choice, insisting that the years of pursuing Andy Lau are worth it, although this extreme star-chasing behavior is worrying, but it also reflects Andy Lau's great charm from the side.

As a star in the entertainment industry, Jia Ling's favorite object turned out to be Andy Lau, Andy Lau's age in his 50s did not make Jia Ling lose his love for him, but made Jia Ling appreciate his charm even more.

46-year-old Huang Xiaoming compared with 62-year-old Andy Lau, the gap between bone aging and skin aging is clear at a glance

Jia Ling once publicly said that she just likes Andy Lau's face, and this straightforward love not only resonated with the audience, but also once again proved Andy Lau's extraordinary charm A star who can make his peers fall in love with him so much, his charm can be seen.

Andy Lau's influence as the king of heaven shows the characteristics of transcending age and gender. Whether young or middle-aged or old, male or female, you can find fascinating traits in him.

To the young, he was an idol; For middle-aged and older people, he is a role model among his peers, men appreciate his talent and charm, and women are attracted to his appearance and gentlemanly demeanor.

46-year-old Huang Xiaoming compared with 62-year-old Andy Lau, the gap between bone aging and skin aging is clear at a glance

Andy Lau's continued appeal is the key to his longevity. He was not only an outstanding actor and singer, but also an icon of the times, a symbol of timeless charm.

Andy Lau's successful case tells us that the real star charm has not only conquered the audience, but also won the respect and love of peers.

By comparing Huang Xiaoming and Andy Lau, we need to think: What is the relationship between age and charm in the entertainment industry that focuses on appearance?

46-year-old Huang Xiaoming compared with 62-year-old Andy Lau, the gap between bone aging and skin aging is clear at a glance

While image management is critical, it has certain limitations. Huang's experience tells us that over-reliance on external packaging can be counterproductive. He used a wig to hide his hairline problems, but it turned out to be more attention and discussion.

This reminds us to be authentic and natural while striving for the perfect image.

Not only that, but Shen Teng, Sha Yi, Du Jiang and others in front of Andy Lau also looked overshadowed. It is further confirmed that in the entertainment industry, the excellence of bone physiognomy has more advantages than simple skin physiognomy.

46-year-old Huang Xiaoming compared with 62-year-old Andy Lau, the gap between bone aging and skin aging is clear at a glance

Andy Lau's success shows the long-term influence of personal charisma and a positive image. His example tells us that the real secret of "frozen age" is not to cover up the traces of time, but to let one's inner and outer harmony and unity, and precipitate a unique charm in the long river of time.

This kind of charm can conquer the respect of the audience and peers at the same time. It transcends the boundaries of age and gender and becomes a timeless attraction. In the ever-changing entertainment industry, being able to maintain such a lasting charm is undoubtedly the highest praise for an actor.

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