
Chen Miaoying: If you play the abacus well, if you can't squeeze out the original match, you can be a sister with her, and you can easily earn hundreds of millions of net worth

author:Entertainment in the world

Graphic/Entertainment is all over the world

Editing/Entertaining the World

Chen Miaoying: If you play the abacus well, if you can't squeeze out the original match, you can be a sister with her, and you can easily earn hundreds of millions of net worth


Liu Luanxiong is a well-known playboy in Hong Kong circles, and his love life is full of legends: Zhenggong was forced to retreat by Xiao San, but was finally caught by the young reporter Gambi. In contrast, only Chen Miaoying, the lover of "Toy King" Cai Zhiming, can live in peace with the original partner and coexist in harmony like a family, today we will talk about the story of Hong Kong sister Chen Miaoying.

Extraordinary personal experience

Chen Miaoying's story is very fascinating, she has played two roles in the TV series "Headless East Palace", and perfectly interprets the opposition between "good" and "evil". However, her real life is more exciting than the TV series. Born into a poor family in Hong Kong, her parents could not afford to send her to school.

Chen Miaoying: If you play the abacus well, if you can't squeeze out the original match, you can be a sister with her, and you can easily earn hundreds of millions of net worth

Chen Miaoying stepped into society when she was a teenager, and she often played with gangsters when she was young and vigorous, and thus met Chen Yaoxing, the big brother of the underworld at that time. The two quickly fell in love, and Chen Miaoying also became a gangster sister-in-law. Despite this, she has always cherished the dream of becoming a star. As an adult, she participated in the Miss Hong Kong beauty pageant and successfully entered the top five with the support behind her.

However, the public had a negative evaluation of her, ridiculing her as "the ugliest Hong Kong sister". Despite all the setbacks, Chen Miaoying still did not give up pursuing her dream of entering the entertainment industry. However, the unexpected death of her underworld boyfriend has brought a huge change to her life, and she has plummeted from the high position of a gangster sister-in-law to an unfortunate widow.

Chen Miaoying: If you play the abacus well, if you can't squeeze out the original match, you can be a sister with her, and you can easily earn hundreds of millions of net worth

After Chen Miaoying lost her backer, she entered the entertainment industry, although she looked ordinary, there were not many film appointments. But she never gave up any opportunity, worked hard to improve her acting skills, took every role extremely seriously, and went all out to interpret the role. She participated in a film adapted from the life of her boyfriend Chen Yaoxing, playing Chen Yaoxing's girlfriend. In this film, she put her emotions into the character and showed excellent acting skills, so she won the approval of the audience.

However, what really made her popular was the role of "White Bone Spirit" she played in "Journey to the West". She played this role vividly and was loved by the audience. With the rise of popularity, Chen Miaoying has received invitations to many excellent works. Especially her performance in "Headless East Palace", one person plays two roles, perfectly showing "good" and "evil". However, just when her career was at its peak, she suddenly chose to quit the showbiz.

Chen Miaoying: If you play the abacus well, if you can't squeeze out the original match, you can be a sister with her, and you can easily earn hundreds of millions of net worth

did not fight for property and earned hundreds of millions of net worth

Chen Miaoying is a unique figure who decided to turn to business after accumulating a certain reputation in the Hong Kong entertainment industry. According to reports, she purchased two shops with a total value of 5 million in a high-profile manner. Then, the media revealed that she also had a mansion worth seven million under her name. These investments are indicative of her financial strength outside of showbiz, where Hong Kong actors are comparatively poorly paid, which is one of the reasons why many actors choose to leave.

Not only that, Chen Miaoying is also actively involved in the health industry and founded a Shanghainese restaurant called Jiangnan Kitchen. The restaurant quickly garnered widespread attention and customer following, and she went on to open four more branches. Her success in the business world is not only impressive, but also a reflection of her dedication to her career.

Chen Miaoying: If you play the abacus well, if you can't squeeze out the original match, you can be a sister with her, and you can easily earn hundreds of millions of net worth

Chan's business success can be traced back to her initiation and funding from Chua Chi Ming. However, she doesn't see these as simply financial support, but as a starting point for her career. She has retained a stake in Choi Chi Ming in previous projects, demonstrating her business acumen and skill. Her success has not only brought wealth to herself, but also created considerable returns for Cai Zhiming.

Chen Miaoying's every move is thoughtful, from "little three" to "second wife", she is justified. She no longer has to endure the pressure of public opinion to show her skills in the business arena. With Cai Zhiming's investment, she entered the health food industry like a fish in water and became a billionaire. Subsequently, she founded a beauty club and successfully invited goddesses such as Ruby Lin and Xiong Dailin to endorse.

Chen Miaoying: If you play the abacus well, if you can't squeeze out the original match, you can be a sister with her, and you can easily earn hundreds of millions of net worth

This investment has made her beauty club overcrowded to date. Her business snowballed and she built her own health brand. Founded Health International Co., Ltd., reached out to the world, and has been full of money ever since. Just like the performance of a drama is not only because there is "Chen Haonan" behind it, Chen Miaoying's commercial success does not depend on Cai Zhiming. Today, her restaurants, beauty salons and wellness companies are popping up everywhere. She has become a leader in the business world.

What is the status quo now?

Although for many years, Chen Miaoying has not officially acknowledged her relationship with Cai Zhiming, publicly claiming that he is only her benefactor in the business world. However, now, Chen Miaoying can still enter and exit the Cai family's mansion at will, and in this case, her relationship with Cai Zhiming is obvious, and there is no need to say more. With her sharp mind and Cai Zhiming's support behind her, Chen Miaoying has now become a rich woman worth more than 100 million yuan and is among the upper class.

Chen Miaoying: If you play the abacus well, if you can't squeeze out the original match, you can be a sister with her, and you can easily earn hundreds of millions of net worth

Chen Miaoying, who is now over 50 years old, is still alone despite her net worth. From "gangster sister-in-law" to "rich businessman lover", some people think that she is a third party, some people regard her as a strong woman in the business world, and some people accuse her of relying on men to get to power. All in all, her legend is not only in her career, but also in her relationships.

She is good at handling interpersonal relationships and has earned the trust and support of others. Chen Miaoying has experienced multiple identity transformations, from a rebellious little sister to a gangster sister-in-law, and then to a first-line star in the entertainment industry. Every stage was challenging, but she always tackled it with courage and determination. She chose to live a low-key life, yet her influence has always been there.

Chen Miaoying: If you play the abacus well, if you can't squeeze out the original match, you can be a sister with her, and you can easily earn hundreds of millions of net worth


Chan has come into the public spotlight in her unconventional ways. She doesn't win by her appearance, but with her unique personality and intelligence, she has won people's respect and attention. In the face of the original partner who squeezed her, she chose a different path, reconciled with the original partner and became sisters, and did not get into a dispute over property. This unusual decision not only won the praise of public opinion, but also allowed her to obtain a net worth of hundreds of millions without much effort.

Chen Miaoying's story tells us that the value of an individual should not only be determined by external appearances or material wealth, but also reflected in the courage and wisdom of how to deal with interpersonal relationships and have the courage to pursue true happiness. With her extraordinary philosophy of life, she has become a model for modern women to explore freedom and independence in the workplace and at home.

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