
The carpenter went to the feast and found that the table was full of cold dishes, and pretended to pee to save his life

author:I love noodle fish

There is a craftsman in Nagada in our northeast, Zhang Dazhu, whose craftsmanship is so good that he has nothing to say, and all the people in the eight villages within a radius of ten miles are looking for him to work. No, Zhang Dazhu received an invitation, which was sent by the king of the town, saying that there was a big happy event at home and asked him to go to the lively scene. Zhang Dazhu thought about it, Wang Yuanwai's family is usually not bad for him, so let's go and have a good time.

On that day, Zhang Dazhu cleaned himself up neatly, carried a small wooden box in his hand, and went straight to Wang Yuanwai's house. As soon as you enter the door, good guys, the scene is as lively as the New Year, crowded with people, and the lights are brilliant. Zhang Dazhu was led to the seat, and when he looked at the table, ho, it was full of cold dishes, and he muttered in his heart: "Is this Wang Yuan's family a little stingy, why do you serve cold dishes?" But when I think about it, maybe the rules in the south are different, so I didn't take it to heart.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of dishes, Zhang Dazhu found that the dishes on the table were still the same, and there was no heat at all. He wondered even more in his heart, and said in his heart: "We people in the Northeast are eating, how can we not have hot dishes?" At this moment, Zhang Dazhu suddenly found that the people in this room, except for him, everyone else's faces were as white as paper, and their eyes were empty, as if their souls were gone. He was shocked, feeling that something was wrong.

The carpenter went to the feast and found that the table was full of cold dishes, and pretended to pee to save his life

Zhang Dazhu is a clever person, his eyes rolled, and he was thinking about it. He stood up, pretended to have a stomachache, said hello to the person next to him, and walked out. But as soon as he arrived at the door, he heard someone behind him shouting to him: "Zhang Dazhu, why are you going?" When he looked back, it was the servant of the king's foreign family, and the servant smiled and said, "Oh, you have an uncomfortable stomach, do you want to make it easier?" When Zhang Dazhu saw the servant's face, he was shocked, and secretly thought: "Why is this servant's eyes so wrong?" Like everyone else, it's scaryly empty. He pretended to be confused and said, "Oh, my stomach hurts, you look at my face, it's all white." As he spoke, he deliberately squeezed out a few drops of sweat and pretended to be in pain.

When the servant saw him like this, he also hesitated, after all, if this carpenter really had three long and two short, the king would not spare him. Just when the servant hesitated, Zhang Dazhu suddenly had a plan in mind, he suddenly struggled, broke free of the servant's hand, and ran into the yard, shouting as he ran: "Oh mom, I have to find a place to make it convenient!" When the servant saw him like this, he was also anxious, and hurried after him. But at this moment, Zhang Dazhu suddenly turned around and kicked at the servant. This foot down, it was really real, and the servant said "ouch", and rolled to the ground like a ball. Zhang Dazhu saw the opportunity, ran away, didn't look back, and rushed out of the yard as soon as he slipped through the smoke. Ladies and gentlemen, tell me, is our carpenter Zhang Dazhu witty? His run was not simple, he saved his own life. And guess what? It turned out that the king's family had long been targeted by evil things, and those guests, one by one, were uneasy, and they were all confused by the curse. The cold dish on that table, hey, is the root of the curse. Zhang Dazhu's run can be regarded as escaping.

As soon as he returned to the village, he told everyone about it, and when they heard it, they were all shocked as if they were something, and their eyes were as wide as copper bells. Since then, the people in the village no longer dare to go to Wang Yuanwai's house to eat. And the king's family, because of this incident, slowly began to decline.

The carpenter went to the feast and found that the table was full of cold dishes, and pretended to pee to save his life

After Zhang Dazhu escaped from Wang Yuan's house, he was up and down in his heart, thinking about what was going on while running. He is usually very bold, but this sudden strange thing also made him a little overwhelmed. After running for a while, I felt that there was no one chasing after me, so I dared to stop and take a breath. At this moment, he saw a Taoist temple in front of him from a distance, and a plaque was hung at the door, on which were written the three big characters "Qingyun Temple". He thought to himself that the Taoist priest in this temple might be able to solve this mystery, so he hurried over and knocked on the door.

After a while, the door opened, and a Taoist priest poked his head out, and when he saw that it was Zhang Dazhu, he asked, "Donor, what's the matter with you?" Zhang Dazhu took a breath and said, "Daoist, I escaped from Wang Yuanwai's house, there is something strange in that house, I ......" When the Taoist priest heard this, his face changed, and he quickly invited Zhang Dazhu into the temple and asked about it carefully.

Zhang Dazhu told him what he had just encountered at Wang Yuanwai's house. After hearing this, the Taoist priest pondered for a while and said, "Poor Dao has long known that the king's family has a bad omen, but I didn't expect it to be fulfilled on you today." When Zhang Dazhu heard this, he panicked in his heart, and hurriedly asked: "Dao Chief, what should I do?" The Taoist priest stroked his beard and said, "Don't worry, don't worry, wait for the poor Dao to draw a talisman for you, and you will take it with you to keep you safe." As he spoke, the Taoist priest took a pen and paper, drew a Taoist talisman and handed it to Zhang Dazhu.

The carpenter went to the feast and found that the table was full of cold dishes, and pretended to pee to save his life

Zhang Dazhu took the talisman, he was down-to-earth in his heart, and after thanking him repeatedly, he left Qingyunguan. When he returned to the village, he told everyone about it again, and when the villagers heard it, they were very frightened, and they all said that they would never go to Wang Yuanwai's house in the future. As soon as this matter spread, the royal family was completely defeated. It is said that one night, a fire broke out in Wang Yuanwai's house, and the entire house burned to the ground. People say that this is the power of the curse that has destroyed the king's house.

As for Zhang Dazhu, because of the protection of that talisman, he has been safe and sound. He continued his career as a carpenter, becoming more and more sophisticated and famous. He never set foot in the king's mansion again, nor did he mention the strange events that took place that day. However, just when Zhang Dazhu thought that this experience was a thing of the past, he unexpectedly received a letter. The letter reads: "Zhang Dazhu, I am a Taoist priest of Qingyun Temple, and I have urgent matters to be informed. Please take a quick time and see it. The content of the letter shocked Zhang Dazhu, and he secretly wondered: "Why is this Taoist priest looking for me?" Although his heart was full of doubts, he followed the guidance in the letter and went to Qingyun Temple.

When he arrived at the temple, the Taoist priest said as soon as he saw him: "Zhang Dazhu, do you know who the curse of Wang Yuan's foreign family came from?" Zhang Dazhu shook his head and said he didn't know. The Taoist priest sighed and continued, "Actually, that curse was inflicted by Wang Yuanwai himself. When Zhang Dazhu heard this, his eyes widened in disbelief. The Taoist priest nodded affirmatively and explained, "When Wang Yuan was young, he did not hesitate to use evil magic in order to compete for the family property, which led to the death of his brother. The curse was the result of his brother's resentment. Wang Yuanwai originally thought that this curse would protect his family business, but he did not expect that it would eventually backfire, leading to the decline of the family. After hearing this, Zhang Dazhu was full of emotion in his heart. He never imagined that there was such a story hidden behind it.

The carpenter went to the feast and found that the table was full of cold dishes, and pretended to pee to save his life

After a moment of silence, Zhang Dazhu asked, "Dao Chief, is there a solution to this matter?" The Taoist priest shook his head and said, "That curse has been deeply ingrained in the royal family, and it is difficult to completely remove it. Still, I can teach you a way to save you from the curse. Subsequently, the Taoist priest taught Zhang Dazhu a technique of exorcising evil spirits. Zhang Dazhu was grateful, and after thanking him again and again, he left Qingyun Temple.

Since then, whenever Zhang Dazhu encounters something unusual, he will use the methods taught by Taoist priests to exorcise evil spirits. As a result, his career as a carpenter became smoother and he gradually became a respected craftsman. And the once creepy Wang Yuanwai's family, with the passage of time, has slowly faded from people's memories.

Since the return of Qingyunguan, Zhang Dazhu's knowledge has increased greatly. He often pondered the methods taught by Taoist priests, and felt more grounded in his heart. With the accumulation of time, Zhang Dazhu's reputation has spread farther and farther, and even attracted many outsiders to come and ask him for help.

The carpenter went to the feast and found that the table was full of cold dishes, and pretended to pee to save his life

One day, Zhang Dazhu was sawing wood in the courtyard when he suddenly heard a commotion outside the courtyard. He put down his work and walked out of the yard, only to see a group of people walking towards him menacingly. The strong man in the lead was carrying a package in his hand, and he didn't look good. Zhang Dazhu's heart tightened, but he still remained calm on the surface, and he stepped forward and asked, "Everyone, I don't know what you are doing?" The strong man glared at him and asked, "Are you Zhang Dazhu?" Someone has reported you for stealing his family heirloom, and we're here to settle accounts with you! When Zhang Dazhu heard this, his heart burned with anger, he had never suffered such an injustice in his life. He immediately felt agitated and asked aloud, "Who is so immoral that he actually framed me?" I, Zhang Dazhu, have always been above board, and I have never stolen other people's property! When the strong man heard this, he was even more furious, and seemed to be ready to make a move. Seeing this, Zhang Dazhu hurriedly took a few steps back, thinking in his heart: "These people are obviously prepared, how can I be their opponent with such a physique?" At this moment, he suddenly remembered the spell taught by the Taoist priest, and suddenly had a countermeasure in his heart. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, recited a mantra in his mouth, and began to walk around the courtyard. When those people saw his actions, they were stunned, and they didn't understand what he was doing. Suddenly, Zhang Dazhu opened his eyes and shouted: "Heaven and earth aura, quickly return the evil demons!" With a wave of his hand, the burden flew up on its own and landed at the feet of the strong man. Seeing this, the strong man turned pale with fright, hurriedly picked up the burden, and fled in a hurry with his men. Zhang Dazhu watched them leave, and secretly smug in his heart: "This spell is really effective!" ”

After this incident, Zhang Dazhu's reputation became even louder. It is said that he is blessed by the gods and can ward off evil spirits and avoid calamities. Zhang Dazhu himself felt as if he had really gained some supernatural abilities. But he did not forget the warning of the Taoist priest, knowing that these abilities of his own were taught by others and could not be used at will.

One day, Zhang Dazhu was drinking tea at home when he suddenly heard someone knocking on the door outside. When he opened the door, he found an old man in ragged clothes standing outside the door, still holding a dilapidated wooden box in his hand. As soon as the old man saw Zhang Dazhu, he knelt down and begged, "Master Zhang, please save me!" Zhang Dazhu hurriedly picked up the old man and asked the reason. The old man wiped away his tears and said, "My family lives in the mountains, and recently the house has always been haunted, and I can't sleep peacefully at night. I've heard that you have supernatural powers, and I'm here to ask for your help. Zhang Dazhu listened, and there was some hesitation in his heart. Although he learned spells, he never actually cast them. However, seeing the helpless appearance of the old man, he felt pity, so he said firmly, "Okay, old man, I will go with you to see." After speaking, Zhang Dazhu packed his bags and went to the mountains with the old man. Along the way, the two had a good conversation. The old man told him that the house was originally peaceful, but since last month, there have always been strange noises in the middle of the night, and items in the house have often disappeared for no reason. He asked many people to check it out, but they couldn't find the cause.

The carpenter went to the feast and found that the table was full of cold dishes, and pretended to pee to save his life

After arriving at the old man's house, Zhang Dazhu looked around and felt that there was indeed something unusual in the room. He closed his eyes, felt it with his heart, and had a bottom in his heart. He took out the talisman paper and magic weapons given by the Taoist priest, and began to arrange the formation in the house to exorcise evil spirits. That night, Zhang Dazhu set up camp at the old Han's house. In the dead of night, suddenly, the silence was broken by an eerie noise. Zhang Dazhu got up from the kang in a hurry, holding the magic weapon in his hand, and chanting words in his mouth. After a while, the strange sound was silent. Early the next morning, the old man found that the strange noises and lost things in the house were gone. He was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth, grabbed Zhang Dazhu's hand, and said excitedly: "Master Zhang, you saved my life!" Zhang Dazhu shook his head and said modestly: "Brother, don't say that, it's my business." As soon as he finished speaking, he began to pack his bags and prepare to hit the road. Since then, Zhang Dazhu has become a carpenter who specializes in driving away evil spirits and avoiding disasters, wherever he goes, he is safe and sound, and everyone calls him "Master of Peace". He himself has always remembered the teachings of the Taoist priest, not to abuse his abilities, but to do only what is to be done. In this way, Zhang Dazhu's story spread in the hot land of Northeast China and became a legend. His twists and turns and bizarre experience and witty and brave character have also been deeply imprinted in people's hearts and become a beautiful landscape in the Northeast.

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