
The carpenter went to the wedding banquet, but there was not a single dish on the table, so he used the excuse to escape with a carving knife

author:I love noodle fish

There is a rare thing in Nagada in our northeast, and I will nag you today. In other words, there is a small village in the northeast of us, called Peach Blossom Village. There is a carpenter in the village, named Li Erzhu, his craftsmanship is a must, and he is sincere, within a radius of dozens of miles, who doesn't praise him for being good. One day, the good news came from the Wang family in Dongtou, saying that the son was going to marry a daughter-in-law, and planned to set up a running water table with more than 100 tables and invite relatives and friends in the village to be lively. Wang Dahu has a solid family background, and he is usually a benevolent master, so the people in the village are naturally willing to support him for a scene. Li Erzhu was no exception, he prepared a congratulatory gift early and prepared to eat this wedding banquet.

On that day, Li Erzhu put on new clothes and walked to Wang Dahu's house happily. When I arrived at the door, I saw that the good guys were full of lights, gongs and drums were noisy, and it was very lively. He followed the crowd into the courtyard and found a place to sit down. After waiting for a while, the wedding feast began. But something is wrong with this wedding banquet. Li Erzhu sat there, looking forward to serving the food, but waiting left and right, the plates on the table were still empty, and he didn't even see a vegetable leaf. He muttered in his heart: "No matter how much Wang Dahu usually picks, he can't be so stingy at the wedding banquet, right?" He looked around, and the people around him were also confused, and some of them even whispered.

Li Erzhu began to beat the drum in his heart: "Does this Wang Dahu have any tricks?" Just thinking about it, Wang Dahu stood up, holding a wine glass in his hand, his face was red, and said, "Relatives and friends, thank you for coming to my son's wedding banquet." Today we have a special program for everyone to participate in. When everyone heard this, their ears pricked up. Wang Dahu continued: "The feng shui in our village has always been very good, but it has been a little bad recently. I invited a master to come and see him, and he said that it was because there were people in the village who had bad intentions and affected Feng Shui. For the sake of peace in our village, I decided not to put a single dish on the wedding banquet today. Those who have bad intentions and have ghosts in their hearts will naturally show their fox tails. As soon as the words fell, a strange wind suddenly blew in the courtyard, blowing people's hearts straight hair.

The carpenter went to the wedding banquet, but there was not a single dish on the table, so he used the excuse to escape with a carving knife

Li Erzhu's heart was also tight, and he secretly touched his waist, where the carving knife he usually used for work was hidden. At this time, Wang Dahu said loudly: "Now, I ask everyone to supervise each other and see who has any bad behavior. If you find out, tell me immediately, and I will punish you severely! "Listen, everyone, look at me, I look at you, no one dares to act rashly. Li Erzhu's heart is also up and down, but he knows that he usually acts right, sits upright, and is not afraid of these crooked ways. Hey, this thing is really hanging, Li Erzhu's kid was sitting there, his eyes swept away, and he saw a fresh face opposite, his eyes were erratic, looking around. Li Erzhu sighed in his heart, and thought: "This product can't be the guy with a bad heart that Wang Dacai is looking for, right?" He pretended that nothing was going on, and secretly observed the man, and suddenly, as soon as the man stood up, his hand reached into his waist. Li Erzhu looked at this posture and said in his heart: "It's broken, this guy is going to do it!" ”

said that it was too late, Li Erzhu stood up "poutingly" and shouted: "Don't move!" As soon as he stretched out his hand, the carving knife at his waist came out, pointing directly at the man. This sudden scene startled the people around and surrounded them one by one. The rich man Wang was also confused, and asked, "Li Erzhu, what are you doing here?" Li Erzhu pointed at the man and said, "This guy is sneaky, he must not be well-intentioned." I saw him reach out and touch his waist, I guess he was going to dig out the guy. When everyone heard this, they all gasped. The face of the rich man changed and he immediately asked people to take down the man.

After some interrogation, sure enough, the man was a habitual thief from a neighboring village, and he sneaked into the wedding banquet today, and wanted to steal something. When the rich man Wang saw it, he hurriedly thanked Li Erzhu and said, "If it weren't for you today, my wedding banquet would be a big one." Li Erzhu waved his hand and said modestly: "It's nothing, I just feel that something is wrong at this wedding banquet, so I have to pay more attention." ”

The carpenter went to the wedding banquet, but there was not a single dish on the table, so he used the excuse to escape with a carving knife

As soon as this matter spread, Li Erzhu's reputation in the village became even louder. Everyone said that he was witty and brave, and that he was a true hero of the village. The habitual thief was also sent to the government and suffered what he deserved. Okay, ladies and gentlemen, that's all for today's story. If you want to know what will happen next, let's break it down next time.

Besides, Li Erzhu, this hand at the wedding banquet not only impressed the rich man Wang, but also made the people of Peach Blossom Village admire him. Everyone gathered around him and praised him for his wit, courage and resourcefulness. Li Erzhu waved his hand and said with a smile: "It's nothing, we are just carpenters, where did we get any heroic feats." But as soon as he said this, Li Erzhu's reputation spread in the village. People say that this Li Erzhu has good craftsmanship, courage and resourcefulness. Even those big men who usually like to brag bowed their heads in front of him.

After the wedding banquet, in order to thank Li Erzhu, the rich man Wang specially gave him a good horse and a few high-quality fabrics. Li Erzhu couldn't refuse, so he had to accept it. He thought to himself that he was a carpenter, and he didn't need these, so he might as well give them to the people in need in the village. So, he gave the horse to the old hunter Zhang Laohan, so that he could better hunt and support his family. He generously distributed the cloth to a few lonely old people in the village, so that they could wear new clothes and survive the cold winter warmly. The villagers praised Li Erzhu's generosity, believing that Li Erzhu was not only skilled but also kind-hearted, and a rare good person. With the passage of time, Li Erzhu still maintains his ordinary and fulfilling lifestyle. He wakes up every morning, goes to the mountains to cut timber, and then returns to his cabin to get busy. His carpentry skills became more and more sophisticated, and more and more people came to him for help.

The carpenter went to the wedding banquet, but there was not a single dish on the table, so he used the excuse to escape with a carving knife

On an ordinary day, a merchant who claimed to be from the capital approached Li Erzhu and asked him to go to the capital and make a family heirloom for the merchant. When Li Erzhu heard that he was a businessman in the capital, he couldn't help but hesitate a little in his heart. He knew that the capital was a prosperous and attractive place, but at the same time, he realized that if he could go to the capital to broaden his horizons, it would also be a rare opportunity. After some thought, Li Erzhu accepted the merchant's request and went to the capital with him.

Life in the capital was an eye-opener for Li Erzhu, who used his craft to create a beautiful family heirloom for the merchants, which won the appreciation and respect of the merchants. However, just as Li Erzhu is about to return to Peach Blossom Village, he unexpectedly discovers the true identity of the merchant - it turns out that this merchant is not a real merchant, but a cunning leader of thieves. He took a fancy to Li Erzhu's craftsmanship and wanted to use him to make more treasures for himself, and then sell them. Li Erzhu, who learned the truth, was furious, how could he tolerate himself serving such a villain? So, he decided to expose the true face of this thief leader and remove this scourge for the people of the capital.

After a series of efforts, Li Erzhu collected enough evidence to send the leader of the thieves to the government. After an investigation, the government confirmed the crime of the head of the thieves and brought him to justice. Li Erzhu's heroic deeds soon became a good story in the capital, and people praised him as a hero with both wisdom and courage and a strong sense of justice. Because of this, Li Erzhu was respected and loved by the people of the capital.

The carpenter went to the wedding banquet, but there was not a single dish on the table, so he used the excuse to escape with a carving knife

Despite this, Li Erzhu was not complacent because of this. He knew that he was just an ordinary carpenter, and everything he did was out of adherence to justice and conscience. He bid farewell to the people of the capital, and returned to his hometown, Peach Blossom Village, with full harvest and gratitude. After returning to the village, Li Erzhu continued his ordinary and fulfilling life, using his own skills to make furniture and build houses for the villagers, and using his kindness and enthusiasm to help those in need. His story has spread in Peach Blossom Village and has become an eternal story. Whenever the name Li Erzhu is mentioned, people always give him a thumbs up with respect and praise him as a real good person and a real hero. Li Erzhu himself has always been humble and kind, and through his practical actions, he has interpreted what true heroism and sense of justice are. Soon after he returned to the village, he heard about something puzzling. In the village's Aunt Zhang's house, there are some strange sounds every night recently, Aunt Zhang is old and timid, these sounds make her dare not sleep at night. The villagers talked a lot about this, some said that it was a ghost, and some said that it was a monster making trouble. After Li Erzhu heard the news, he couldn't help but have doubts in his heart. He is a person who firmly believes that there must be a reason for things to go wrong, so he decided to go to Aunt Zhang's house to find out.

When night fell, Li Erzhu quietly came to Aunt Zhang's house with a carving knife. He looked around the house, but found nothing out of the ordinary. Just as he was about to enter the house, he suddenly heard a strange "squeak" sound from inside the house, which made his heart tighten, and he immediately pushed the door in. The room was pitch black and had limited vision. Li Erzhu fumbled and lit the oil lamp on the table, only to see Aunt Zhang sitting on the edge of the bed, her face pale and her body trembling. He stepped forward to comfort him, then began to carefully examine the situation in the house. Just then, he noticed that something seemed to be moving in the corner. He quickly rushed forward and grabbed the moving thing, which turned out to be a mouse, and the strange "squeak" sound was made by it. Li Erzhu breathed a sigh of relief and threw the mouse into the yard.

He turned to Aunt Zhang and said, "Auntie, don't be afraid, it's just a mouse." I'll help you fill up all the holes in the house, so there won't be any rats to bother you in the future. When Aunt Zhang heard this, she was moved to tears, held Li Erzhu's hand tightly and said, "Erzhu, you are really the great benefactor of our village. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid my old bones would have been scared out of trouble. Li Erzhu waved his hand lightly and said modestly: "Auntie, don't say that. I'm just a carpenter and do what I can. If you need any help in the future, just come to me. In this way, Li Erzhu not only helped Aunt Zhang repair the holes in the house, but also made a new bed for her. Aunt Zhang's gratitude to him was beyond words, and she said that Li Erzhu was her life-saving benefactor.

The carpenter went to the wedding banquet, but there was not a single dish on the table, so he used the excuse to escape with a carving knife

With the passage of time, Li Erzhu's good deeds became a good talk in the village. He used his practical actions to interpret what true kindness and justice are. The people of the village also looked up to him more and more, and regarded him as the pride of the village. However, in this harmonious atmosphere, a sudden disaster befell Peach Blossom Village. That night, a flash flood suddenly broke out, the river overflowed, and the whole village was surrounded by floodwaters, houses collapsed, crops were destroyed, and the villagers were in a desperate situation. At this critical moment, Li Erzhu stepped forward again. He organized the young adults in the village to make simple life rafts out of wood and rope and helped the villagers move to a safe place. We people from the Northeast, that handicraft work is very good, and Li Erzhu's buddy is an example. As soon as the flood came, our bridges and roads were all washed away, and Li Erzhu's craftsmanship, with a few clicks, repaired those bridges and roads, and bought precious time for the rescue team. This matter is in our northeast, and that's a big deal.

Li Erzhu led the group, thinking in one place, working hard in one place, and doing it with the flood. In those days and nights, day and night, the flood was finally repelled, and Peach Blossom Village came back to life. The villagers are grateful to Li Erzhu, they really can't say it in words, they all say that without him, our village would have been finished a long time ago. Li Erzhu is known as the "hero of Peach Blossom Village" by everyone.

But you see, in the face of these honors, Li Erzhu's calm appearance is as cold and deserted as the winter in our northeast. He said: "We should do this, people in our village, we can bear difficulties together, and enjoy blessings together." In this way, Li Erzhu lived a peaceful and fulfilling life in Peach Blossom Village. His craftsmanship continued to serve the people in the village, and his kindness and enthusiasm helped many people.

The carpenter went to the wedding banquet, but there was not a single dish on the table, so he used the excuse to escape with a carving knife

His story is spread in Peach Blossom Village like the snow in our northeast, white and expansive. mentioned Li Erzhu, everyone gave a thumbs up: "This buddy, good craftsmanship, good people, courage, and love." Li Erzhu himself, just smiled and didn't say anything. He knew in his heart that his value was not in those false names, but in the smiling faces and gratitude of those he had helped. This is the true value that he, a carpenter, a hero, pursues.

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