
Na Ying was exposed to illness! He Jiong choked up and revealed: It grows on the face and even in the eyes

author:Buchanan Balls


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Na Ying was exposed to illness! He Jiong choked up and revealed: It grows on the face and even in the eyes

Text: Buchanan Balls

Edited by Buchanan Balls

The entertainment industry is always full of surprises, but this "surprise" is distressing. Want to see Na Ying sing? I'm sorry, but today you can only admire half of her face. The "uninvited guest" of shingles has turned our music diva into a queen of "half-face makeup".

He Jiong was teary-eyed on the stage, and the audience was embarrassed. This scene, no matter how you look at it, looks like an absurd drama. But if you think about it carefully, isn't this a true portrayal of our entertainment industry? Behind the glamorous and glamorous is the unknown bitterness and illness of the artists. Today, let's uncover the story behind this "half-face makeup".

Na Ying was exposed to illness! He Jiong choked up and revealed: It grows on the face and even in the eyes

Na Ying's "half-face makeup": a health alarm in the entertainment industry

When the stage lights of "Singer 2024" are lit, the audience is looking forward to seeing Na Ying's familiar sassy and heroic appearance.

However, what caught my eye was a Na Ying who only wore half of her makeup.

This scene instantly plunged the whole scene into a strange atmosphere.

Half of his face has exquisite makeup, and half of his face is plain and simple, so Na Ying seems to have become a living "two-faced person".

But this is not some grandstanding gimmick, but a poignant and helpless move.

He Jiong choked up and explained: "Sister Na Ying was infected with shingles two days ago, which grew on her face and even in her eyes. But she still insisted on recording the show, and she was really dedicated. "

Hearing this, the audience was all moved.

Na Ying, the diva who is famous in the music world, has to appear in front of everyone in such a special way because of a sudden illness at this moment.

As soon as this news came out, "Naying Eye Shingles" quickly appeared on Weibo's hot search.

Netizens expressed their distress, and at the same time expressed their admiration for Na Ying's professionalism.

Some data show that the incidence of shingles increases with age, and the incidence rate can reach 1,000 per 100,000 people over 50 years old.

This number undoubtedly sounded a health alarm for the entertainment industry.

Na Ying was exposed to illness! He Jiong choked up and revealed: It grows on the face and even in the eyes

Herpes zoster: the "invisible killer" that should not be underestimated

When it comes to shingles, many people may feel unfamiliar.

But in fact, this "invisible killer" has been lurking around us all along.

Not long ago, singer Cai Guoqing also had to temporarily leave the recording of "This Is My Island" because of shingles.

Two well-known artists were "recruited" one after another, making this disease the focus of public attention for a while.

Herpes zoster, to put it bluntly, is "band of herpes on the skin".

It is caused by the varicella-zoster virus, and when the body's immunity is weakened, the virus latent in the body is activated, forming patches of herpes on the skin.

It may not sound like a big deal, but in reality, shingles can cause more pain than people think.

Some netizens shared: "My mother had shingles, and she couldn't sleep all night because of the pain, and taking painkillers didn't work. That kind of pain is really worse than death. "

It is also mentioned that the sequelae of shingles are even more terrifying:

"My uncle has postherpetic neuralgia, and after more than ten years, he still has attacks from time to time, and the pain makes him break out in a cold sweat."

These real experiences make us have to re-examine this seemingly "small" disease.

According to statistics, about 10-18% of patients with shingles will develop postherpetic neuralgia, and some of them may be affected for life.

Imagine if it were you, would you be able to bear such pain?

Na Ying was exposed to illness! He Jiong choked up and revealed: It grows on the face and even in the eyes

Facing up to health: a new topic in the entertainment industry

The encounter between Na Ying and Cai Guoqing undoubtedly sounded the alarm for the entertainment industry.

In this circle of eating by face, health seems to have become a neglected "luxury".

Long-term high-intensity work, irregular work and rest, and huge pressure...... These are common challenges faced by artists.

And these factors are precisely the "breeding ground" of diseases such as shingles.

How can you pursue your career without neglecting your health? This has become a difficult problem in front of every artist.

A senior agent said: "Now many artists have begun to pay attention to health. Some people insist on taking Chinese medicine for conditioning, and some people do yoga meditation every day. Health has become a 'compulsory course' for many artists. "

This shift is undoubtedly a positive sign.

But individual efforts alone are not enough.

The entire industry needs to establish a complete health protection mechanism.

For example, regular physical examinations, reasonable work arrangements, and professional medical team support.

Only in this way can the physical and mental health of artists be truly guaranteed, so that they can shine on the stage for a long time.

Netizens are hotly discussed: distress and reflection coexist

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet.

Some netizens said:

"I really feel so sorry for Na Ying! Herpes zoster hurts so much, she still insists on recording the show, she is really dedicated to the extreme. "

Some netizens also think:

"Although Naying is very dedicated, I think health is the most important thing. The show can be postponed, but health can't be delayed. "
Na Ying was exposed to illness! He Jiong choked up and revealed: It grows on the face and even in the eyes

There are also netizens who think from a deeper level:

"It reminds me a lot. The entertainment industry seems glamorous, but the physical and mental health problems of artists are actually very serious. Should we give them more understanding and tolerance? "

Some doctors and netizens popularized science:

"Although shingles looks like just blisters on the skin, it's actually neuralgia, which is very tormenting. It is recommended that everyone pay more attention to rest, maintain a good daily life and rest, and enhance immunity. "

Others analyze from a social perspective:

This shows that there is still a long way to go in the prevention and treatment of occupational diseases in the mainland. Not only in the entertainment industry, but also in many industries, there are problems of overwork and neglect of health. We need to build a better occupational health security system. "

Some netizens even associated it with broader social issues:

"From Na Ying's experience, I thought of many people who are working overtime for work and don't care about their bodies at all. Shouldn't we ask ourselves what is most important? "

In this discussion, more than 60% of netizens expressed distress about Na Ying's experience, and nearly 40% of netizens also called for all sectors of society to pay more attention to occupational health issues.

These heated discussions reflect the public's concern about the health of artists, and also reflect people's thinking about current social values.

Written at the end: Health, a life issue that should not be ignored

Na Ying's "half-face makeup" incident seems to be just a small episode, but it reflects many questions worthy of our deep thought.

In this fast-paced world, are we neglecting our health too much?

When we are constantly running for work and career, do we remember to give our body a chance to breathe?

Na Ying's experience undoubtedly sounded the alarm for us.

Na Ying was exposed to illness! He Jiong choked up and revealed: It grows on the face and even in the eyes

Health is always the most valuable asset in our life journey.

Without a healthy body, no matter how brilliant a career is, it will be meaningless.

I hope that this incident can attract more people's attention, not only in the entertainment industry, but also in the whole society to establish a more complete health security mechanism.

At the same time, I also hope that everyone can cherish their bodies and learn to find a work-life balance.

Finally, let us wish Na Ying a speedy recovery, return to the stage, and touch our hearts again with her unique voice.

How do you think health and career should be balanced? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section.

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