
Game of Thrones S7E5! Dragon Blaze reigns, demons see brothers, Sam peeps secrets, and ghosts catch operations

author:Roast a pig
Game of Thrones S7E5! Dragon Blaze reigns, demons see brothers, Sam peeps secrets, and ghosts catch operations

Polon pulled up Jaime and came to the shore. Far from the battlefield. Jaime said that it was just to end the war, and Bronn taunted that he didn't see the dragon?

Game of Thrones S7E5! Dragon Blaze reigns, demons see brothers, Sam peeps secrets, and ghosts catch operations

The battlefield was in ashes, and the Dragon Mother gathered the prisoners of war together. She knew what the queen had told the warriors that the dragon mother would destroy the city and burn down the home! This is the style of the queen of color, not the dragon mother's. She didn't come here to kill people, the only thing she wanted to destroy was the social system that could exploit all the poor and rich for her own selfish interests! The Dragon Mother gives the POWs a chance to choose, join the dragon army, create a new world together, and move towards a better tomorrow! If you refuse, you will be put to death!

Sam's father and brother did not surrender, the barbarian stepped forward to take him away, Sam's brother followed, his father motioned for him to surrender, the younger brother refused, and was sentenced to death by the dragon mother, and burned to death by dragon fire. The rest surrender!

Game of Thrones S7E5! Dragon Blaze reigns, demons see brothers, Sam peeps secrets, and ghosts catch operations

Jaime returns to the Red Keep and tells the Barbarians that they can defeat any army, and that killing people is not a war for the Barbarians, but a pastime. Cobain's arrows couldn't stop the dragon, not to mention that she had three. This war cannot be won! What if you refute it? Summation? The queen sits on her father's throne, and Jaime assassinates her father!

Jaime also told the Queen of Color that the little devil was innocent in the matter of Emperor Joe, and that the Queen of Thorns confessed before her death. The queen confessed that she should let the Queen of Thorns die in pain! Now that she will either die in battle or be executed after surrendering, she has made her choice.

Game of Thrones S7E5! Dragon Blaze reigns, demons see brothers, Sam peeps secrets, and ghosts catch operations

The dragon roared and landed on Dragonstone, and the barbarians came with Jorah. Jorah pays homage to the queen and comes back to continue her service! Long Ma did not refuse this time.

Game of Thrones S7E5! Dragon Blaze reigns, demons see brothers, Sam peeps secrets, and ghosts catch operations

Bran saw the advance of the Night King's army through the ravens and sent a message through the ravens. Gakujo received the letter, but didn't believe it. Sam happened to hear it and persuaded it to be true, he had seen it with his own eyes! The Bachelor is to write to the current Fellow of Winterfell for further confirmation.

Nuo received the letter and learned that Erya and Bran were still alive. But the bad news is that Bran sees the Night King and his army heading towards the East Sea. I want to go back!

She didn't believe in the legion of the dead, she thought it was just a story made up by nurses to scare children. The little devil suggested bringing the dead man over for her to see. The only obedient person is James, and the little devil can contact Jaime.

Game of Thrones S7E5! Dragon Blaze reigns, demons see brothers, Sam peeps secrets, and ghosts catch operations

The news came to the north, and there were people who objected. Erya came to Sansil's room, which was the room of her parents. Erya said that she always wanted a lot of things, and was angry that someone insulted Nuo, but the third fool just sat there. The three fools retorted that they couldn't unite everyone by cutting off their heads. Erya saw the intentions of the three fools, and if Yu Nuo couldn't come back, she would need the support of these people.

The little devil and the onion knight arrive in King's Landing, and Bronn takes Jaime underground, where Jaime sees the little devil. Jaime said that he had told Bronn that if he saw the imp again, he would split it in half. The little devil retorted that the lion lord knew that the little devil was innocent, and he hated the little devil, not because of what the little devil did, but just because of his appearance.

Jaime interrupted the little devil directly, asking him what he wanted. The little devil brought conditions: the dragon mother would definitely win the war in the end, but she even agreed to a truce, as long as the queen agreed to some conditions.

Game of Thrones S7E5! Dragon Blaze reigns, demons see brothers, Sam peeps secrets, and ghosts catch operations

The Onion Knight found the little blacksmith in the blacksmith shop, and the little blacksmith asked the Onion Knight if he had come to take him away. After confirming it, he directly picked up a hammer and went out, he worked in the family that killed his father, and he didn't feel very good. When the little devil returned, he came across two golden robes. The little blacksmith was hammered to death.

Jaime directly tells the queen that he has seen the little devils, and the dragon mother wants to meet with them in order to discuss a truce. Because an army of death is coming towards the Seven Kingdoms. The queen said that the reconciliation with the dragon mother may be beneficial to them at the moment. Outnumbered, and if they want to defeat the Dragon Mother, they need smart countermeasures. Whatever the enemy, you can defeat them. For themselves, for the sake of the family, and for the sake of their children. The father of the child is Jaime and is a newly conceived child.

Game of Thrones S7E5! Dragon Blaze reigns, demons see brothers, Sam peeps secrets, and ghosts catch operations

The little blacksmith was taken to Dragonstone, where he could use a hammer, and he wanted to go with him. Jorah and Awkward Nuo, the little blacksmith left by boat, and the dragon mother saw them off.

Game of Thrones S7E5! Dragon Blaze reigns, demons see brothers, Sam peeps secrets, and ghosts catch operations

Gilly was flipping through a book with an archbishop's note. Prince Rhaegar is recorded repudiating his wife and having him remarry someone else at the same time. A secret wedding was held for them in Dorne. Sam was angry that the bachelor only kept track of these boring things, went to the forbidden book section to get a few books, pulled Gilly and the kids, and left the school city. He was tired of learning about the achievements of the great men.

Game of Thrones S7E5! Dragon Blaze reigns, demons see brothers, Sam peeps secrets, and ghosts catch operations

Erya saw the subordinate whispering to Little Finger and handed him a note. And when he saw Littlefinger talking to the people of the valley, he followed him to Littlefinger's room. The new scholar brought a letter with him, and the file of the previous bachelor who had been killed by the iron was very comprehensive.

Erya easily entered the room, and after a while, found the letter. At the beginning, the three fools were forced by the queen to write a letter to the wolf to make him surrender. After reading the letter, Erya returned to the original state and exited the room. In the dark, Little Finger was watching quietly.

The group came to the East China Sea, and the savages were now guarding the castle. Tormond tells Nick to give up the whole idea! The onion knight stays in the castle, and the wildlings will follow! Confirm with Nick if you really want to go again! He nodded. Tormund took them to meet the Brotherhood, where they were imprisoned in the castle's cell by the wildlings. The Lightning King said they had to get out of the Wall, and their god told them that a great war was coming.

The Hound interrupted the Lord of Light and asked directly if he wanted to take them with him.

Game of Thrones S7E5! Dragon Blaze reigns, demons see brothers, Sam peeps secrets, and ghosts catch operations

Confession is that they are all grasshoppers on a rope, and they are all alive! The prison door was opened, and together they walked out of the gate of the Great Wall. Someone in the back was pulling something and walking towards the wind and snow.

More exciting, welcome to pay attention! Click on the home page to watch the video clip!


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