
Kou Shixun has two wives, and his 39-year-old son gave birth to a daughter out of wedlock but did not get married, and he was pitiful for the child's mother who waited for two years

author:Yunyun Reading Club
Kou Shixun has two wives, and his 39-year-old son gave birth to a daughter out of wedlock but did not get married, and he was pitiful for the child's mother who waited for two years
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Kou Shixun has two wives, and his 39-year-old son gave birth to a daughter out of wedlock but did not get married, and he was pitiful for the child's mother who waited for two years

In the Chinese entertainment industry, 39-year-old Kou Jiarui has caused widespread controversy because of his unique emotional outlook. This well-known actor has been in love with his girlfriend for seven years and has conceived a daughter who is now two years old.

However, what is puzzling is that Kou Jiarui has always been reluctant to step into the palace of marriage.

As time passed, his girlfriend waited from 32 to 39 years old, and the years of youth passed quietly. Is it worth the effort and wait in this relationship? Let's demystify this modern family conundrum and explore the delicate balance between love, marriage and responsibility.

To understand Kou Jiarui's view of marriage, we must go back to 1996, which was a pivotal moment that changed his life. Thirteen-year-old Kou Jiarui witnessed a shocking scene: his father, Kou Shixun, walked into the house with another woman's child.

Kou Shixun has two wives, and his 39-year-old son gave birth to a daughter out of wedlock but did not get married, and he was pitiful for the child's mother who waited for two years

This scene completely broke the original harmonious and warm family impression in Kou Jiarui's heart, and replaced it with a complex and chaotic family relationship.

When Kou Shixun faced his wife Cui Yaoqi, he put forward an unacceptable choice: either agree to divorce and fulfill his new relationship with Xu Lidan; Either accept Xu Lidan and let the two women live together under this roof.

Under tremendous pressure, Cui Yaoqi chose to compromise, but this decision did not bring peace, but pushed the whole family into deeper chaos.

The young Kou Jiarui witnessed his father struggling between two families. Kou had to go upstairs and downstairs in an attempt to calm the two wives and maintain a semblance of harmony.

Kou Shixun has two wives, and his 39-year-old son gave birth to a daughter out of wedlock but did not get married, and he was pitiful for the child's mother who waited for two years

This seemingly perfect balance actually puts unbearable pressure on every family member.

Kou Shixun's choice deeply influenced Kou Jiarui's values. He saw that his father had to give up his retirement plan in order to maintain two families, and he continued to work hard in the entertainment industry.

As time passed, the father figure in Kou Jiarui's eyes gradually became exhausted. He witnessed how his father struggled between two women, and how he did not dare to retire in order to support his four children and two wives.

The impact of this family model on Kou Jiarui was profound, and he began to develop an unusual view of marriage.

Kou Shixun has two wives, and his 39-year-old son gave birth to a daughter out of wedlock but did not get married, and he was pitiful for the child's mother who waited for two years

Kou Shixun's experience has become a mirror for Kou Jiarui, making him constantly reflect: can marriage really bring happiness? How do you balance responsibility and freedom? These questions took root in his mind and eventually shaped his attitude towards marriage.

The shadow of his father seems to be forever shrouded in Kou Jiarui's life choices, becoming a psychological burden that he can't get rid of.

Despite his doubts about marriage, Kou Jiarui has not completely given up on the pursuit of love. In the course of his life's journey, he met a special woman, and the two met and fell in love, and walked hand in hand for seven years.

However, whenever the topic touches on marriage, Kou Jiarui always shows obvious hesitation and resistance.

Kou Shixun has two wives, and his 39-year-old son gave birth to a daughter out of wedlock but did not get married, and he was pitiful for the child's mother who waited for two years

In public, Kou Jiarui made no secret of his position and admitted that he was a staunch unmarried. He believes that single life can also be colorful, so why should we be bound by the responsibilities of marriage? This idea was undoubtedly deeply influenced by his father's complicated married life, and the seeds of questioning the institution of marriage were planted in his heart.

However, the magic of love is incredible. Even if he is reluctant to enter the marriage hall, the relationship between Kou Jiarui and his girlfriend still bears sweet fruit - a lovely daughter, who is now two years old.

Facing the media, he even generously shared a photo of his daughter and frankly admitted his identity as a father. But he has always remained silent about the identity of the child's mother, as if he was deliberately protecting the privacy of this relationship.

At the same time, Kou Jiarui's girlfriend waited silently, from the age of 32 to the age of 39, and the years of youth passed quietly like sand between her fingers.

Kou Shixun has two wives, and his 39-year-old son gave birth to a daughter out of wedlock but did not get married, and he was pitiful for the child's mother who waited for two years

In the face of these criticisms, Kou Jiarui seems to have remained silent, which deepens the outside world's incomprehension of him.

Kou Jiarui's story reflects the emotional dilemma faced by many people in modern society. How do you find a balance between personal freedom and family responsibilities? How do you choose between pursuing your ideals and facing reality? These problems are not only what Kou Jiarui needs to face, but also life topics that every modern person needs to think about.

Kou Jiarui's choice of love life has sparked widespread discussion in society and has become a controversial topic. Many people find it difficult to understand why a man who has already become a father should put his partner and children in such an embarrassing situation.

This non-traditional family model has aroused many questions and criticisms from the public.

Kou Shixun has two wives, and his 39-year-old son gave birth to a daughter out of wedlock but did not get married, and he was pitiful for the child's mother who waited for two years

Some voices accuse Kou Jiarui of lacking a sense of responsibility, thinking that he has failed his girlfriend's years of waiting and dedication. They believe that since they already have a child, they should have the courage to take on the responsibilities of the family and give their partner and children a legitimate identity.

According to this view, Kou Jiarui's actions are a challenge to traditional family values and may even have a negative impact on society.

However, should we judge every relationship through the eyes of convention? In modern society, the form of the family is becoming more and more diverse. Kou Jiarui's choice, while inconsistent with mainstream values, may reflect his unique understanding of freedom and responsibility.

At the same time, we cannot ignore the pressure caused by public opinion on this family. Kou Jiarui's girlfriend not only has to face the strange eyes of having a child out of wedlock, but also has to bear the disappointment of waiting for many years but not achieving a positive result.

Kou Shixun has two wives, and his 39-year-old son gave birth to a daughter out of wedlock but did not get married, and he was pitiful for the child's mother who waited for two years

This kind of pressure from society has undoubtedly added more variables to this already complicated relationship.

Kou Jiarui's silence deepened the incomprehension of the outside world. Does his choice not to respond to criticism mean an inner struggle? Can't find a balance between love and freedom? This silence has instead sparked more speculation and discussion.

This case also provokes people to think about the modern form of family. How do you find a balance between personal freedom and family responsibilities? How do you choose between pursuing your ideals and facing reality? These problems are not only what Kou Jiarui needs to face, but also life topics that every modern person needs to think about.

In addition to Kou Jiarui's complicated love life, his career development has also become an important factor in delaying marriage. As the son of Kou Shixun, he chose to follow in his father's footsteps and stepped into the highly competitive industry of the entertainment industry.

Kou Shixun has two wives, and his 39-year-old son gave birth to a daughter out of wedlock but did not get married, and he was pitiful for the child's mother who waited for two years

However, years of hard work have not brought about the glory of the career.

In addition to some outstanding performances in the two works "Soul Ferry" and "Little Nyonya", Kou Jiarui's development in the entertainment industry seems to have been on the edge.

This unsatisfactory career may well have exacerbated his sense of uncertainty about the future.

Kou Jiarui has said many times that he hopes to achieve something in his career before thinking about starting a family. His desire to give his daughter a happy family may seem responsible, but it can also be an excuse to escape.

Kou Shixun has two wives, and his 39-year-old son gave birth to a daughter out of wedlock but did not get married, and he was pitiful for the child's mother who waited for two years

Faced with the dual pressure of career and family, Kou Jiarui's hesitation and entanglement may reflect the common dilemma of many modern people. In a fast-paced society, balancing career development and personal life has become a difficult question to answer.

Kou Jiarui's experience tells us that life choices are often not black and white. Between career and family, everyone needs to find their own balance.

But no matter how you choose, you should be responsible for your decision, and you should not let the people around you suffer unnecessary waiting and pain.

Today, Kou Jiarui stands at the crossroads of his life and faces a major choice. His decisions are not only about himself, but also directly affect the people around him. His girlfriend has been waiting for years, from youth to adulthood; Their daughter is also growing up and needs a complete family environment.

Kou Shixun has two wives, and his 39-year-old son gave birth to a daughter out of wedlock but did not get married, and he was pitiful for the child's mother who waited for two years

These problems are not only what Kou Jiarui needs to face, but also what every modern person needs to think about. In this pluralistic society, there may be no standard answer.

But no matter what choice you make, it's essential to take responsibility and respect others.

Kou Jiarui's story provides us with a window to think about love, marriage and responsibility. It reminds us to take into account the feelings and needs of others while pursuing our own ideals.

Ultimately, finding balance may be the essence of life.

Kou Shixun has two wives, and his 39-year-old son gave birth to a daughter out of wedlock but did not get married, and he was pitiful for the child's mother who waited for two years

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