
Paul signed the Spurs and Wemban, Harden signed a 2-year 70 million contract extension with the Clippers, and George made the final decision

author:Sister Xia is entertaining

Today is the first day of the NBA's free market, and the big fish that are regarded as free markets have been signed by interested teams, Paul chose to join the Spurs after being cut by the Warriors, and coached the Spurs newcomers under the old man Bobo. Harden has finally made his decision, staying with the Clippers on a two-year contract, and the Clippers have officially announced their relationship with Paul George.

Paul signed the Spurs and Wemban, Harden signed a 2-year 70 million contract extension with the Clippers, and George made the final decision

Paul joins Spurs

Many people wishfully hope that Paul will join the Lakers and Lao Zhan to impact the championship, it turns out that Paul does not care about honor, only cares about money, to be honest, honor is really a passing moment, only holding the money firmly in his hands is the most secure.

Paul signed the Spurs and Wemban, Harden signed a 2-year 70 million contract extension with the Clippers, and George made the final decision

Paul, who is 38 years old this year, played 58 regular season games in the Warriors last season, and in a little more than two quarters of playing time, he could also contribute 9.2 points, 3.9 rebounds and 6.8 assists.

Paul signed the Spurs and Wemban, Harden signed a 2-year 70 million contract extension with the Clippers, and George made the final decision

If it weren't for the Warriors in order to get rid of Poole, a hot potato, Paul might not have given up fighting against the Warriors throughout his career, and as the league's highest-paid Warriors, they didn't even make the playoffs, and it was time to not break or stand.

Paul signed the Spurs and Wemban, Harden signed a 2-year 70 million contract extension with the Clippers, and George made the final decision

Paul's team option of more than 30 million next season has obviously become the key for the Warriors to get rid of the high luxury tax, even if he still has the strength to fight, it is obvious that giving up him is the best solution for the Warriors.

Paul signed the Spurs and Wemban, Harden signed a 2-year 70 million contract extension with the Clippers, and George made the final decision

After Paul was cut by the Warriors, he did not go to Los Angeles to join any team of the Los Angeles Giants as reported on the Internet, but chose to follow his senior Tim Duncan and accept the guidance of Mr. Bobo.

Paul signed the Spurs and Wemban, Harden signed a 2-year 70 million contract extension with the Clippers, and George made the final decision

Helping the Spurs' rookies grow and preparing himself for the future of coaching the NBA, every decision Paul makes is to choose the best interests. This is really enough for many NBA players who give up money for honor to study hard.

Paul signed the Spurs and Wemban, Harden signed a 2-year 70 million contract extension with the Clippers, and George made the final decision

Harden stayed with the Clippers

There have been many rumors before that Paul George's decision to stay with the Clippers has affected Harden's stay, and now it seems that this is indeed the case, when Paul George announced that he would jump out of the final year of the player option, Harden decided to stay with the Clippers.

Paul signed the Spurs and Wemban, Harden signed a 2-year 70 million contract extension with the Clippers, and George made the final decision

Not for anything else, just to prove what Paul George said on the podcast before, that Harden's arrival has put him and Leonard under pressure that they didn't have to endure before. The defensive pressure on him and Leonard increased dramatically, which also indirectly caused Leonard to be injured at critical moments. Harden is holding his breath when he stays with the Clippers, and without you Paul George, he and Leonard can still play the Clippers.

Paul signed the Spurs and Wemban, Harden signed a 2-year 70 million contract extension with the Clippers, and George made the final decision

It is reported that Harden signed a two-year contract with the Clippers worth a total of $70 million, with a player option for the second year, which also means that next season Leonard will refuse to exercise the player option and leave the Clippers if he does not play at a critical moment again.

Paul signed the Spurs and Wemban, Harden signed a 2-year 70 million contract extension with the Clippers, and George made the final decision

Although Harden is no longer in his prime, he is less troubled by injuries, and he only rested ten regular season games last season, and he still averaged 16.6 points, 5.1 rebounds and 8.5 assists per game, which is obtained as the team's third scoring point.

Paul signed the Spurs and Wemban, Harden signed a 2-year 70 million contract extension with the Clippers, and George made the final decision

With Leonard's injury in the playoffs, Harden's 6 playoff games have also come to 21.2 points, 4.5 rebounds and 8 assists, although he lost to the Mavericks in the first round, his performance is worth the Clippers' expectations.

Paul signed the Spurs and Wemban, Harden signed a 2-year 70 million contract extension with the Clippers, and George made the final decision

Paul George

After George announced that he was waiving the player option, the Clippers issued an official statement, saying that management had received notice from Paul George's team that he would be joining a team that was willing to give him a maximum salary. The Clippers also officially thanked George for his dedication over the years, praising Paul George as a top player on both offensive and defensive ends, who brought the Clippers to unprecedented heights for the team, and his dedication to the team is remembered by the team.

Paul signed the Spurs and Wemban, Harden signed a 2-year 70 million contract extension with the Clippers, and George made the final decision

The team originally hoped that the Cayenne combination could help the team win the first championship of the Clippers, and the team also built the roster in this direction, although it did not win the championship in the end, but the team did its best.

Paul signed the Spurs and Wemban, Harden signed a 2-year 70 million contract extension with the Clippers, and George made the final decision

To be honest, the core team of the Clippers Leonard, Paul George and Harden are all past the peak of their careers, and all three want to have a maximum salary, according to the collective bargaining agreement, the top salary players account for 30% to 35% of the team's salary space, if all three pay the maximum salary, the team will have no salary space to strengthen other positions, so one of the three may be the best solution for the Clippers to leave.

Paul signed the Spurs and Wemban, Harden signed a 2-year 70 million contract extension with the Clippers, and George made the final decision

Leonard had already renewed his contract with the team's second salary in the middle of last season, and he had made a good start, but George insisted on the top salary, the team boss was the second top salary, and you want the top salary? In addition, the Kajiao combination has tried several failed seasons, proving that the two are not capable of winning championships, which is why Ballmer gave up on George.

Paul signed the Spurs and Wemban, Harden signed a 2-year 70 million contract extension with the Clippers, and George made the final decision

In fact, the labor and management sides have been discussing the issue of contract renewal for several months, George has never let go of the contract renewal with the maximum salary, which is still a big gap with the expectations of the Clippers, after the two sides broke up, Paul George even made the decision to play chicken and egg, jumping out of the player option in the last year, so that the Clippers want to sign first and then change the plan to come to naught, if you don't give me the top salary, then I will let you get nothing.

Paul signed the Spurs and Wemban, Harden signed a 2-year 70 million contract extension with the Clippers, and George made the final decision

Although George did a great job, the Clippers officials still gave George a blessing and hoped that he would have a better future with the next team.

Paul signed the Spurs and Wemban, Harden signed a 2-year 70 million contract extension with the Clippers, and George made the final decision

Do you think the Clippers can be a strong contender for a championship next season without Paul George? Brothers who know the ball are welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss.

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