
Famous singer Hang Tianqi: Dare to love and dare to hate After remarrying, at the age of 43, she took the risk of giving birth to a child for her husband and had a complete life

author:Yunyun Reading Club
Famous singer Hang Tianqi: Dare to love and dare to hate After remarrying, at the age of 43, she took the risk of giving birth to a child for her husband and had a complete life
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Famous singer Hang Tianqi: Dare to love and dare to hate After remarrying, at the age of 43, she took the risk of giving birth to a child for her husband and had a complete life

Among the star-studded Chinese pop music, Hang Tianqi was once a bright star. With her strong and powerful voice, she brought the audience popular classic songs such as "Loess High Slope".

However, Hang's life story goes far beyond her brilliant achievements on stage. Her emotional experience is like a legendary novel with ups and downs, witnessing her legendary journey from the peak of her career to the trough of her life, and then to finally regain happiness.

Hang Tianqi's three marriages seem to be a test carefully arranged for her by fate. In her first marriage, she married Zhang Zemin, a musician who was more than ten years older than herself, despite the opposition of her parents.

However, this seemingly vigorous love ended in the end because of various contradictions and betrayals. The second relationship almost made her doomed, a man who claimed to be a successful businessman cheated her out of her savings of 30 million yuan and disappeared without a trace.

Famous singer Hang Tianqi: Dare to love and dare to hate After remarrying, at the age of 43, she took the risk of giving birth to a child for her husband and had a complete life

Just when Hang Tianqi was disheartened by love, fate gave her an unexpected turn. She meets a young man who is 13 years younger than herself, and the two overcome obstacles to form a happy family.

At the age of 43, Hang Tianqi also gave birth to a healthy boy for her little husband, fulfilling one of their family dreams.

Hang Tianqi's emotional journey not only shows her character characteristics of daring to love and hate, but also interprets her tenacity and courage in the face of setbacks in life. She used her own experience to tell us that no matter how many failures and betrayals we encounter, as long as we don't give up hope, we will one day find our own door in the labyrinth of love.

Let's walk into Hang Tianqi's emotional world and witness how she grows up in the test of love and finally reaps happiness. Her story may give some inspiration and strength to those who are lost on the road of feelings.

Famous singer Hang Tianqi: Dare to love and dare to hate After remarrying, at the age of 43, she took the risk of giving birth to a child for her husband and had a complete life

However, such an environment did not crush the young Hang Tianqi. Instead, it cultivated her strong, courageous character. Whenever his brother was bullied, Hang Tianqi always stood up to seek justice for his brother.

She often fights with a group of young boys and never flinchs even when she is scarred. This spirit of daring to face challenges has laid a solid foundation for her future music career.

Hang Tianqi's musical talent has been revealed since childhood. Under the influence of her parents, she learned many pop songs from an early age. At the age of seven, she won the championship in the Chaoyang District Primary and Secondary School Students' Singing Competition.

At the age of nine, she was successfully admitted to the China Broadcasting Youth Choir. At the age of 17, her talent was further recognized and she was admitted to the music department of Beijing Normal University.

Famous singer Hang Tianqi: Dare to love and dare to hate After remarrying, at the age of 43, she took the risk of giving birth to a child for her husband and had a complete life

During college, Hang Tianqi majored in bel canto singing, but she developed a strong interest in pop music. She began experimenting with solo albums, and although they failed to make a splash, they already showed a unique talent.

In 1988, Hang Tianqi ushered in a turning point in his career. With the two songs "Loess High Slope" and "My Hometown of Love", she won the runner-up in the pop singing competition of the amateur group of the Youth Song Competition.

This success made her favored by major literary and artistic groups, and finally she chose to join the Kongzheng Song and Dance Troupe and officially became a professional singer.

Since then, Hang Tianqi's music career has been booming. She became one of the most popular singers in China at that time, and the remuneration for each commercial performance was as high as tens of thousands of yuan, which was a staggering figure at the time.

Famous singer Hang Tianqi: Dare to love and dare to hate After remarrying, at the age of 43, she took the risk of giving birth to a child for her husband and had a complete life

However, Hang Tianqi was not carried away by success. She devotes more energy to the Beijing Tianqi Art School she founded, and is committed to cultivating a new generation of musical talents.

In addition to his music career, Hang Tianqi has also ventured into the commercial field, opening a number of KTVs and restaurants. In the relatively relaxed market environment at that time, her business was booming, bringing her a considerable income.

Hang Tianqi's success is not only due to her outstanding musical talent, but also the embodiment of her perseverance. From the high slope of the loess to the pinnacle of the music world, she used her efforts and talents to compose a moving song of struggle.

Her story tells us that no matter what your background is, as long as you have dreams and perseverance, you can shine on the stage of life.

Famous singer Hang Tianqi: Dare to love and dare to hate After remarrying, at the age of 43, she took the risk of giving birth to a child for her husband and had a complete life

While Hang Tianqi's music career is in full swing, her love life has experienced a major turning point. While studying at Beijing Normal University, Hang Tianqi met musician Zhang Zemin.

Although Zhang Zemin was more than ten years older than her, the two fell in love at first sight and quickly fell in love. However, the relationship faced many obstacles from the beginning.

When Hang Tianqi took Zhang Zemin home to meet his parents, his father sternly objected and even threatened to cut ties with her. In the face of her parents' opposition, Hang Tianqi showed her usual bravery and determination.

She fearlessly insisted on her choice and vowed to marry Zhang Zemin. In the end, Hang's father and Hang's mother realized their daughter's determination, and although they were still unwilling in their hearts, they reluctantly agreed to the marriage.

Famous singer Hang Tianqi: Dare to love and dare to hate After remarrying, at the age of 43, she took the risk of giving birth to a child for her husband and had a complete life

In 1994, Hang Tianqi, who was at the peak of his career, resolutely married Zhang Zemin. At the wedding, Hang Tianqi smiled brightly, while his parents were sad, which seemed to indicate that the future of this marriage would not be smooth sailing.

What's worse is that as time goes on, the career gap between Hang Tianqi and Zhang Zemin grows wider. Hang Tianqi's career is thriving, while Zhang Zemin's career is stagnant.

This gap made Zhang Zemin extremely uncomfortable, and the quarrels between husband and wife became more and more frequent.

Zhang Zemin operated a number of KTVs at that time, and was often patronized by many beauties. Under the double pressure of career and family, he gradually got closer and closer to these women.

Famous singer Hang Tianqi: Dare to love and dare to hate After remarrying, at the age of 43, she took the risk of giving birth to a child for her husband and had a complete life

In the end, Zhang Zemin cheated, and the object of the cheating was actually a woman in the building where they were located.

When Hang Tianqi found out about her husband's betrayal, her heart was tormented. Although Zhang Zemin tried his best to keep him and was unwilling to divorce, Hang Tianqi still made a decisive decision.

She chose to divorce, took her daughter overseas, and started a new life.

The failure of this marriage has brought deep harm to Hang Tianqi. She once thought that she would never touch her feelings again in this life. However, fate is always full of drama, and Hang Tianqi's emotional journey is far from over.

Famous singer Hang Tianqi: Dare to love and dare to hate After remarrying, at the age of 43, she took the risk of giving birth to a child for her husband and had a complete life

This experience, although painful, also made Hang Tianqi stronger and prepared her for future life challenges.

After the divorce, Hang Tianqi took her daughter away from her hometown and set foot on a foreign land. During this period, her heart was full of loneliness and pain, and the once glorious stage seemed to have left her.

However, the gods of fate seem to favor her again. At a social event, Hang Tianqi meets a personable successful overseas businessman.

This man showed extraordinary care for Hang Tianqi. He frequently appeared in Hang Tianqi's life, helping her solve various problems and giving her emotional support.

Famous singer Hang Tianqi: Dare to love and dare to hate After remarrying, at the age of 43, she took the risk of giving birth to a child for her husband and had a complete life

In that fragile period, Hang Tianqi gradually became dependent on this man, and his inner defense line also collapsed unconsciously. She fell into the whirlpool of love again, and the relationship between the two quickly heated up, and even prepared for a wedding for a time.

However, just when Hang Tianqi thought that he was about to usher in a new life, things took an unexpected turn. The man began to borrow money from Hang Tianqi frequently.

At first, it was only a small loan, and the amount of tens of thousands of yuan did not arouse Hang Tianqi's vigilance. But over time, the amount borrowed increased and soon rose to millions of dollars.

Hang Tianqi is full of trust in this relationship and has never doubted the other party's motives. She didn't even ask the other party to write down any IOUs, and lent them a huge sum of money with just a verbal promise.

Famous singer Hang Tianqi: Dare to love and dare to hate After remarrying, at the age of 43, she took the risk of giving birth to a child for her husband and had a complete life

When the borrowing accumulated to a staggering 30 million yuan, this "successful businessman" suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Hang Tianqi was struck by lightning, and she tried her best to find the man's whereabouts, but she never found anything. This huge sum of up to 30 million yuan has been sunk into the sea, which has become a huge economic loss and emotional trauma in Hang Tianqi's life.

Although the money didn't put Hang in financial trouble, it almost drained her savings over the years. What's more, this experience brought a huge psychological blow to Hang Tianqi.

Not only did she lose a lot of money, but she was once again betrayed emotionally. This made her more afraid of feelings, and she built a higher line of defense in her heart.

Famous singer Hang Tianqi: Dare to love and dare to hate After remarrying, at the age of 43, she took the risk of giving birth to a child for her husband and had a complete life

In order to make ends meet, Hang Tianqi had to return to his homeland and rededicate himself to the music career. However, at this time, the domestic music market has changed dramatically, and a new generation of singers has sprung up.

Hang Tianqi's popularity is not as good as it used to be, and he can only choose to perform commercial performances in third- and fourth-tier cities to maintain his income.

Although this experience caused Hang Tianqi to suffer a huge blow, it also made her stronger and more cautious. She threw all her energy into her career, trying to reinvent her music career.

Despite the difficult road, Hang Tianqi did not give up, she believes that as long as she works hard, she will eventually find her own stage again. This painful lesson also made her more vigilant on the road of life in the future, laying the foundation for her future happiness.

Famous singer Hang Tianqi: Dare to love and dare to hate After remarrying, at the age of 43, she took the risk of giving birth to a child for her husband and had a complete life

After experiencing two emotional setbacks, Hang Tianqi devoted all his energy to rebuilding his career and seemed to have lost hope in love. However, fate always likes to joke.

Just as she was fully engaged in her career, a chance social event completely changed the course of her life.

At this event, Hang Tianqi met a young boy who was only 25 or 6 years old, a full 13 years younger than her. This boy is a big fan of Hang Tianqi and has admired her for a long time.

In the face of the young boy's enthusiastic pursuit, Hang Tianqi was very cautious at first. She turned down the boy's kindness many times, knowing full well that the huge age gap between the two could cause many problems.

Famous singer Hang Tianqi: Dare to love and dare to hate After remarrying, at the age of 43, she took the risk of giving birth to a child for her husband and had a complete life

At the same time, the emotional trauma of the past also made her afraid to step into the new emotional world easily.

However, the young boy didn't give up. He showed maturity and thoughtfulness beyond his years, not only caring for Hang Tianqi, but also skillfully establishing a good relationship with Hang Tianqi's daughter, gradually disintegrating Hang Tianqi's psychological defense.

Surprisingly, Hang Tianqi's daughter was so attracted to the boy that she even hoped that he could become her stepfather.

With the support of her daughter and the sincere pursuit of the boy, Hang Tianqi's once wounded heart was warmed again. She decides to give herself and Love a chance and try to build a deeper relationship with this young partner.

Famous singer Hang Tianqi: Dare to love and dare to hate After remarrying, at the age of 43, she took the risk of giving birth to a child for her husband and had a complete life

In 2006, after 8 months of love, Hang Tianqi and this young boyfriend entered the palace of marriage.

However, the marriage was not all smooth sailing. The man's parents resolutely opposed their son marrying a wife who was 13 years older than him, and Hang Tianqi failed to get the respect he deserved in the man's family.

In the face of this predicament, Hang Tianqi showed her usual strength and wisdom.

In order to win the approval of her in-laws, and in order to satisfy the desire of three generations of her husband's family, Hang Tianqi made a surprising decision: she wanted to try to have children again.

Famous singer Hang Tianqi: Dare to love and dare to hate After remarrying, at the age of 43, she took the risk of giving birth to a child for her husband and had a complete life

Although she is no longer young, she still hopes to add more imports to her husband's family. The decision was undoubtedly challenging, but Hang's determination was unwavering.

After years of hard work and multiple IVF surgeries, a miracle finally happened. In 2013, at the age of 47, Hang Tianqi successfully gave birth to a healthy baby boy.

This hard-won child not only brought infinite joy to Hang Tianqi's family, but also made her in-laws completely accept her. Seeing the sacrifice made by Hang Tianqi for the family, her in-laws were deeply moved and full of gratitude to her.

Today, Hang Tianqi's family of four lives a happy life. Her eldest daughter is an adult and studying abroad; The youngest son grew up healthily and brought endless joy to the family.

Famous singer Hang Tianqi: Dare to love and dare to hate After remarrying, at the age of 43, she took the risk of giving birth to a child for her husband and had a complete life

This marriage allowed Hang Tianqi to find true happiness, and it also proved that love has no age boundaries.

Hang Tianqi's story tells us that no matter what setbacks we have experienced, as long as we keep an open and courageous mind, happiness will come one day. She used her own experience to interpret the true meaning of "dare to love and dare to hate", and also showed the wisdom and courage of a mature woman in the face of love.

After laying a solid family foundation, Hang Tianqi did not fade out of public view. On the contrary, she returned to the stage with a new attitude, showing a more mature charm.

This former singer diva used her return to prove that age is not an obstacle, but a kind of wealth.

Famous singer Hang Tianqi: Dare to love and dare to hate After remarrying, at the age of 43, she took the risk of giving birth to a child for her husband and had a complete life

Since 2015, Hang Tianqi has frequently appeared in major ceremonies and popular variety shows. Her appearance has always aroused enthusiastic responses from the audience, and people are pleasantly surprised to find that her singing voice is still powerful, and the stage charm has not diminished in the slightest.

In 2021, Hang Tianqi and her 26-year-old daughter participated in the variety show "Mom, You Are So Good-Looking". In the show, the interaction between the mother and daughter was warm and touching, showing the deep mother-daughter friendship, and also allowing the audience to see the tender side of Hang Tianqi as a mother.

In May 2022, Hang Tianqi once again showed her ability to keep pace with the times. She put on a stunning performance through the webcast platform, proving that she is fully capable of navigating the emerging forms of communication.

In the face of some netizens' doubts about her lip-syncing, Hang Tianqi did not hesitate to fight back, showing her character of always daring to face challenges.

Famous singer Hang Tianqi: Dare to love and dare to hate After remarrying, at the age of 43, she took the risk of giving birth to a child for her husband and had a complete life

In addition to stage performances, Hang Tianqi also actively participates in social welfare activities. She starred in the promotional music video "Together for the Future" for the Winter Olympics and Paralympics, demonstrating her continued love for art and her sense of social responsibility.

These activities not only enriched her life, but also allowed her to find a balance between art and social responsibility.

Today's Hang Tianqi, while regaining a new life in his career, has also gained sincere love in his family. Her story tells us that there is no fixed script in life, as long as you have the courage to pursue and face it, you can find your own happiness in the ups and downs of life.

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