
It's a pity for 62-year-old Jacky Cheung! "Customs Front" 4 was hardly injured, and Nicholas Tse mistook himself for a dragon

author:Buchanan Balls


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It's a pity for 62-year-old Jacky Cheung! "Customs Front" 4 was hardly injured, and Nicholas Tse mistook himself for a dragon

Text: Buchanan Balls

Edited by Buchanan Balls

Jacky Cheung, a Hong Kong music superstar known as the "God of Songs", has finally returned after an 8-year absence from the big screen. His comeback "Customs Front" was supposed to be a much-anticipated feast, but who would have thought that this high-profile film would turn out to be a huge disappointment?

Let's take a look at how this big-budget Hong Kong film, which claims to have an investment of more than 200 million, wasted Jacky Cheung's talent and why it disappointed the audience so much.

It's a pity for 62-year-old Jacky Cheung! "Customs Front" 4 was hardly injured, and Nicholas Tse mistook himself for a dragon

The plot is old-fashioned and full of loopholes

Oh my god, the plot of this "Customs Front" is simply testing the audience's IQ!

As soon as he came up, the villains were all kinds of brave and beat the positive characters to the ground. But it didn't take long for the protagonists to suddenly hang up, and in turn beat the villains all over the place.

This kind of plot setting really makes people laugh and cry. Do screenwriters think that the current audience is still a three-year-old child?

It's a pity for 62-year-old Jacky Cheung! "Customs Front" 4 was hardly injured, and Nicholas Tse mistook himself for a dragon

This kind of old-fashioned story structure is really unbearable to look at.

There are more plot holes than a sieve, and people scratch their heads when they see it. is obviously a serious action movie, but it is unreasonable and absurd everywhere.

It's a pity for 62-year-old Jacky Cheung! "Customs Front" 4 was hardly injured, and Nicholas Tse mistook himself for a dragon

For example, why did the villain start out so powerful, and then suddenly turned into a paper tiger? Why do the protagonists go from rookie to superman in a short period of time? These questions, the screenwriters don't seem to have thought of explaining at all.

So far, the film's score on Douban is only 5.1 points, far lower than expected. This score speaks volumes about the audience's dissatisfaction with this old-fashioned plot.

It's a pity for 62-year-old Jacky Cheung! "Customs Front" 4 was hardly injured, and Nicholas Tse mistook himself for a dragon

Seriously, it's 2024, and the audience's vision is not as good as it was back then. If you still want to use this kind of plot to coax children to pass the audience, it is really underestimating the IQ of modern audiences.

The blasting scene is excessive and unrealistic

It's a pity for 62-year-old Jacky Cheung! "Customs Front" 4 was hardly injured, and Nicholas Tse mistook himself for a dragon

Speaking of the action scenes of this movie, I have to complain about director Qiu Litao. This benevolent brother's dedication to the explosion scene is almost to the point of going crazy.

In my previous works, I liked to engage in all kinds of car crashes, bridge collisions, and tunnel bombing airports. This time, it's a lot bigger – let the giant ship crash into the Star Ferry and Victoria Harbour Pier!

It's a pity for 62-year-old Jacky Cheung! "Customs Front" 4 was hardly injured, and Nicholas Tse mistook himself for a dragon
A veteran film critic commented: "Director Qiu Litao seems to have fallen into a misunderstanding of 'bigger is better'. But he forgot that what really moved people was not the scale of the explosion, but the plausibility of the plot and the portrayal of the characters. "

That's really to the point!

It's a pity for 62-year-old Jacky Cheung! "Customs Front" 4 was hardly injured, and Nicholas Tse mistook himself for a dragon

Relying too much on visual effects and ignoring the plausibility of the plot is probably one of the biggest failures of "Customs Front".

Think about it, in real life, who would allow a giant ship to ram in Victoria Harbour? This kind of scene is shocking, but it is also too detached from reality.

It's a pity for 62-year-old Jacky Cheung! "Customs Front" 4 was hardly injured, and Nicholas Tse mistook himself for a dragon

The audience watched the movie, not the fireworks. Overly exaggerated special effects will make people feel absurd, which will affect the overall viewing experience.

Nicholas Tse's action scenes are overdone

It's a pity for 62-year-old Jacky Cheung! "Customs Front" 4 was hardly injured, and Nicholas Tse mistook himself for a dragon

Speaking of Nicholas Tse, I have to say that this guy is really hardworking. From the beginning to the end, from the car to the ship, from the ship to the submarine, and finally to the sea.

I can see that I am tired for him.

It's a pity for 62-year-old Jacky Cheung! "Customs Front" 4 was hardly injured, and Nicholas Tse mistook himself for a dragon

But isn't this kind of personal heroism a bit exaggerated? If you fight a group of bandits alone, you can't beat them to death, it's not scientific!

Nicholas Tse seems to regard himself as Jackie Chan's big brother, but he forgot that the current audience is not so easy to fool.

It's a pity for 62-year-old Jacky Cheung! "Customs Front" 4 was hardly injured, and Nicholas Tse mistook himself for a dragon
A netizen joked: "Does Nicholas Tse think of himself as Superman? It's almost like wearing a red panties and falling from the sky. "

Although this is a bit mean, I have to say that it does speak to the hearts of many audiences.

It's a pity for 62-year-old Jacky Cheung! "Customs Front" 4 was hardly injured, and Nicholas Tse mistook himself for a dragon

According to statistics, Nicholas Tse's action scenes in the film account for more than 70% of the total duration. That's a bit too high.

Relying too much on action scenes and ignoring the portrayal of characters and the development of the plot is undoubtedly another major flaw of this film.

It's a pity for 62-year-old Jacky Cheung! "Customs Front" 4 was hardly injured, and Nicholas Tse mistook himself for a dragon

In the end, I didn't forget to show off my muscles, which really made people laugh and cry. Nicholas Tse, Nicholas Tse, you are a powerful actor, why do you have to portray yourself as an action superstar?

Jacky Cheung's character setting is stiff

It's a pity for 62-year-old Jacky Cheung! "Customs Front" 4 was hardly injured, and Nicholas Tse mistook himself for a dragon

To be honest, as Jacky Cheung's comeback after 8 years from the big screen, "Customs Front" really disappointed too many people's expectations.

The most unacceptable thing is the setting of Jacky Cheung's role. "High-functioning bipolar disorder"? What the hell is this?

It's a pity for 62-year-old Jacky Cheung! "Customs Front" 4 was hardly injured, and Nicholas Tse mistook himself for a dragon

This far-fetched setting is simply labeling the character, rather than creating a plump character image.

The sudden change of roles was all pushed to this inexplicable illness. This approach, not only does not increase the depth of the character, but makes the whole character unreasonable.

It's a pity for 62-year-old Jacky Cheung! "Customs Front" 4 was hardly injured, and Nicholas Tse mistook himself for a dragon
A senior film critic commented: "Jacky Cheung's role setting is the biggest failure of this film. Instead of adding layers to the story, it became a stumbling block to the advancement of the plot. "

These words hit the nail on the head.

It's a pity for 62-year-old Jacky Cheung! "Customs Front" 4 was hardly injured, and Nicholas Tse mistook himself for a dragon

According to statistics, the audience's recognition of Jacky Cheung's role is only 30%, far lower than expected. This data speaks volumes about the failure of this character setting.

Jacky Cheung, Jacky Cheung, you are a god-level existence, why did you take on such a role? It's really distressing for fans!

It's a pity for 62-year-old Jacky Cheung! "Customs Front" 4 was hardly injured, and Nicholas Tse mistook himself for a dragon

Netizens are hotly discussed: disappointment and helplessness coexist

As soon as the film was released, it immediately caused a heated discussion online. The comments from netizens can be described as varied, but overall, the voices of disappointment dominate.

It's a pity for 62-year-old Jacky Cheung! "Customs Front" 4 was hardly injured, and Nicholas Tse mistook himself for a dragon

Some netizens think: "This is simply insulting the audience's IQ!" The plot is full of loopholes, the action scenes are exaggerated to the point of outrageousness, I really don't know where the more than 200 million investments have been spent. "

Some netizens also said: "Although I am very disappointed, I have to say that the actors still work hard." Especially Jacky Cheung and Nicholas Tse, although there are problems with the character setting, their professionalism is still worthy of recognition. "

It's a pity for 62-year-old Jacky Cheung! "Customs Front" 4 was hardly injured, and Nicholas Tse mistook himself for a dragon

Some netizens put forward deeper thoughts: "Does the failure of this movie reflect the overall decline of the Hong Kong film industry?" Should we reflect on why it is becoming more and more difficult for Hong Kong films to impress the audience? "

Interestingly, some netizens also expressed their appreciation for the special effects of the movie: "Although the plot is very bad, I have to say that the special effects are still quite shocking." Especially the scene of the giant ship hitting the dock, although it is unrealistic, it is still quite cool to watch. "

It's a pity for 62-year-old Jacky Cheung! "Customs Front" 4 was hardly injured, and Nicholas Tse mistook himself for a dragon

Of course, there are also some die-hard fans who expressed their support: "Although there are many problems with the movie, I am still very happy to see Jacky Cheung and Nicholas Tse playing on the same stage." Hopefully they will receive a better script in the future. "

Some netizens questioned the entire film and television industry: "Why do current movies always rely too much on special effects and action scenes, while ignoring the most basic storytelling and character building?" Isn't this something that the entire industry should reflect on? "

It's a pity for 62-year-old Jacky Cheung! "Customs Front" 4 was hardly injured, and Nicholas Tse mistook himself for a dragon

Overall, the comments of netizens reflect the general disappointment with the film, but at the same time, they also show their concern and expectations for the future of Hong Kong films. This is perhaps a question that the entire industry needs to think about seriously.

Written at the end: Looking forward to the rebirth of Hong Kong films

It's a pity for 62-year-old Jacky Cheung! "Customs Front" 4 was hardly injured, and Nicholas Tse mistook himself for a dragon

Looking back on the whole "Customs Front", we have to sigh: this is really a suffocating waste of opportunity.

Jacky Cheung's comeback after 8 years from the big screen was supposed to be an audio-visual feast, but it turned into a disappointing work full of hard injuries. From the cliché plot to the excessive special effects, from the exaggerated personal heroism to the far-fetched character setting, every link exposes the short-sightedness and unprofessionalism of the filmmaking team.

It's a pity for 62-year-old Jacky Cheung! "Customs Front" 4 was hardly injured, and Nicholas Tse mistook himself for a dragon

The failure of this film may be a wake-up call for the entire Hong Kong film industry.

In this era of information explosion and increasingly critical vision, it is no longer possible to impress the audience by relying only on star effects and visual bombardment. What we need is more delicate character portrayal, more reasonable plot settings, and more profound theme discussions.

It's a pity for 62-year-old Jacky Cheung! "Customs Front" 4 was hardly injured, and Nicholas Tse mistook himself for a dragon

At the same time, we can't deny the efforts of the actors. Whether it is Jacky Cheung, Nicholas Tse, or other supporting roles, they are all trying to interpret their roles. It's a pity that no matter how good an actor is, it is difficult to save a bad script.

So, where is the future of Hong Kong films? Is it possible to regain its former glory? I am afraid that this problem requires the joint thinking and efforts of the entire industry.

It's a pity for 62-year-old Jacky Cheung! "Customs Front" 4 was hardly injured, and Nicholas Tse mistook himself for a dragon

Finally, I would like to ask everyone: how do you think Hong Kong films should change in order to win the hearts of the audience again? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, let's discuss the future of Hong Kong films.

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